| 1793 - 702 pągines
...of bed Sweats ceil times more when in. A GYPSEY BALLAD. By Peter Pindar. A Wandering Gypfey, Sirs, am I, From Nor-wood, where we oft complain, With many a tear and many a figh, Of bluft ring winds and rufhing rain. No room« fo fine, nor gay attire, Amid our humble ihed appear,... | |
| 1793
...God not merry, when his creature's dnlt. A. GIPSY BALLAD. By PETER PINDAK. A Wandering Gipfr, Sirs, am I, From Norwood, where we oft complain, With many...No rooms fo fine, nor gay attire, Amid our humble (bed appear, Nor beds of down, nor blazing fire, At night our fliiv'ring limbs to cheer. Alas ! no... | |
| 1793 - 470 pągines
...the mind Miift guide it to the heart. A GYPSEY BALLAD, BY PETf.lt PINDAR. A Wandering gypfey, iirs, am I, From Norwood, where we oft complain, With many a tear and many a figh, Of clustering winds and rulhing rain. No rooms fo fine, nor gay attire, Amid our humble (bed appear ;... | |
| 1794 - 428 pągines
...fhine, And all that heart is fondly thine ! A GYPSEY BALLAD. BY PETER PINDAR. A WANDERING gypfey, Sirs, am I, From Norwood, where we oft complain, With many...appear, Nor beds of down, nor blazing fire, At night our fhiv'ring limbs to cheer. Alas ! no friends come near our cot, The redbreafts only find the way, Who... | |
| Christian Felix Weisse - 1795 - 394 pągines
...}Ц»ег(1ф!1(ф æanf «erfpi-ефеп : 4 Gypfey BallaH. By Peter Pindar* A wandering gypfey> Sirs, am J, From Norwood, where we oft complain, With many a tear, and many a figh, Of bluitring winds, and ruftring rain. No rooms fo fine, nor gay attire, Amid our humble fheds appear,... | |
| Charles Snart - 1808 - 506 pągines
...mildest lustre fraught, Gild the calm current of domestic hours. from a MS. 02 A. WANDERING Gipsy, sits, am I, From Norwood, where we oft complain, With many a. tear and many a sigh, Of blust'ring winds and rushing rain. No rooms so fine, nor gay attire, Amid our humble shed... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1821 - 754 pągines
...mercv, when his creature's dust. A GIPSY 4 GIPSY BALLAD. By PETER PINDAE. A Wandering Gipsy, Sirs, am I, From Norwood, where .we oft complain, With many a tear and many a sigh, Of blust'ring winds and rushing rain. No rooms so fine, nor gay attire, Amid our humble shed... | |
| England - 1835 - 794 pągines
...well known. Sec Cunningham's Burns, voL 5, p. 48.] THE GYPSY. JOHN WOLCOT. A wandering Gypsy, Sir, am I, From Norwood, where we oft complain, With many a tear, and many a sigh, Of blustering winds, and rushing rain : No rooms so fine, and gay attire, Amid our humble huts... | |
| 1835 - 378 pągines
...well known. See Cunningham's Burns, vol. 5, p. 480 THE GYPSY. JOHN WOLCOT. A wandering Gypsy, Sir, am I, From Norwood, where we oft complain, With many a tear, and many a sigh, Of blustering winds, and rushing rain : No rooms so fine, and gay attire, Amid our humble huts... | |
| Henry Marlen - 1838 - 342 pągines
...reclaim her precious things from thee, Restore the Dead, thou Sea ! THE GIPSY. A wandering gipsy, Sirs, am I, From Norwood, where we oft complain, With many a tear and many a sigh, Of blustering winds and rushing rain, No costly rooms or gay attire Within our humble shed appear... | |
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