Imatges de pàgina

GORDON (rises).

The Rhinegrave's still far off. Give but the orders,
This citadel shall close its gates upon him.
If then he will besiege us, let him try it.
But this I say; he'll find his own destruction
With his whole force before these ramparts, sooner
Than weary down the valor of our spirit.
He shall experience what a band of heroes,
Inspirited by an heroic leader,

this, this

Is able to perform. And if indeed
It be thy serious wish to make amend
For that which thou hast done amiss,
Will touch and reconcile the Emperor
Who gladly turns his heart to thoughts of mercy,
And Friedland, who returns repentant to him,
Will stand yet higher in his Emperor's favor,
Than e'er he stood when he had never fallen.

WALLENSTEIN (contemplates him with surprise, remains

silent awhile, betraying strong emotion).
Gordon-your zeal and fervor lead you far.
Well, well-an old friend has a privilege.
Blood, Gordon, has been flowing. Never, never
Can the Emperor pardon me: and if he could,
Yet I-I ne'er could let myself be pardon'd.
Had I foreknown what now has taken place,
That he, my dearest friend, would fall for me,
My first death-offering; and had the heart
Spoken to me, as now it has done-Gordon,
It may be, I might have bethought myself.
It may be too, I might not. Might or might not,
Is now an idle question. All too seriously
Has it begun, to end in nothing, Gordon!
Let it then have its course.

[blocks in formation]


GORDON, BUTLER (at first behind the Scenes).
BUTLER (not yet come into view of the stage).

Here stand in silence till I give the signal.
GORDON (starts up).

"Tis he, he has already brought the murderers.


The lights are out. All lies in profound sleep.


What shall I do? Shall I attempt to save him?
Shall I call up the house? Alarm the guards?

BUTLER (appears, but scarcely on the stage).

A light gleams hither from the corridor.
It leads directly to the Duke's bed-chamber.


But then I break my oath to the Emperor;
If he escape and strengthen the enemy,
Do I not hereby call down upon my head
All the dread consequences?

BUTLER (stepping forward).

Hark! Who speaks there?


"Tis better, I resign it to the hands
Of Providence. For what am I, that I
Should take upon myself so great a deed?
I have not murder'd him, if he be murder'd;
But all his rescue were my act and deed;
Mine and whatever be the consequences,
I must sustain them.

BUTLER (advances).


"Tis Gordon.

[The GROOM OF THE CHAMBER, who had entered
during the last dialogue, and had been stand-
ing at a distance and listening to it with Was it so late then,
visible expressions of the deepest interest, ad-

I should know that voice.



What do you want here! when the Duke dismiss'd you !


vances in extreme agitation, and throws him Your hand bound up and in a scarf?
self at the DUKE'S feet.

And thou too! But I know why thou dost wish
My reconcilement with the Emperor.
Poor man! he hath a small estate in Cernthen,
And fears it will be forfeited because

[blocks in formation]

Of this last day or two was great. May't please you! Refuses your arm.

See 'tis wounded!

Take care that they awake me not too early.


[Exit WALLENSTEIN, the GROOM OF THE CHAMBER There is no need

of my arm.

lighting him. SENI follows, GORDON remains


on the darkened stage, following the DUKE

The most guilty

end of the gallery: then by his gestures the old

stands leaning against a pillar.

with his eye, till he disappears at the farther Have perish'd, and enough is given to justice.

man expresses the depth of his anguish, and

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His heart still cleaves

To earthly things: he's not prepared to step
Into the presence of his God!

BUTLER (going).

God's merciful!

GORDON (holds him).


COUNTESS TERTSKY (with a light).

Her bed-chamber is empty; she herself
Is nowhere to be found! The Neubrunn too,
Who watch'd by her, is missing. If she should
Be flown-But whither flown? We must call up
Every soul in the house. How will the Duke
Bear up against these worst bad tidings? O
The next moment If that my husband now were but return'd

Grant him but this night's respite.
BUTLER (hurrying off).

May ruin all.

GORDON (holds him still).
One hour!


Unhold me! What

Can that short respite profit him?



Works miracles. In one hour many thousands
Of grains of sand run out; and quick as they,
Thought follows thought within the human soul.

Only one hour! Your heart may change its purpose,

Home from the banquet! Hark! I wonder whether
The Duke is still awake! I thought I heard
Voices and tread of feet here! I will go
And listen at the door. Hark! what is that?
"Tis hastening up the steps!



GORDON (rushes in out of breath).
"Tis a mistake!

His heart may change its purpose-some new tidings 'Tis not the Swedes-Ye must proceed no further

May come; some fortunate event, decisive,

May fall from Heaven and rescue him. O what

May not one hour achieve!

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[blocks in formation]

Does the world hang. For God's sake! to the Duke.
While we are speaking-

[Calling loudly. Butler! Butler! God! Why, he is at the castle with my husband.


[BUTLER comes from the Gallery.


"T was a mistake-'Tis not the Swedes it is
The Imperialist's Lieutenant-General
Has sent me hither-will be here himself
Instantly. You must not proceed.

Too late.


He comes

[GORDON dashes himself against the wall.


O God of mercy!


What too late?

Who will be here himself? Octavio
In Egra? Treason! Treason! - Where's the Duke?

[She rushes to the Gallery.


(Servants run across the Stage full of terror. The whole

Scene must be spoken entirely without pauses).

SENI (from the Gallery).

Voices deadened by the distance Clash of

profound silence. O bloody frightful deed!

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Fly! fly! they murder us all!

Heaven forbid!

SECOND SERVANT (carrying silver plate).

Passages are block'd up.

That way! the lower

VOICE (from behind the Scene).

Make room for the Lieutenant-General!

[blocks in formation]

Rail you against me? What is my offence?
The Empire from a fearful enemy
Have I deliver'd, and expect reward.
The single difference betwixt you and me
Is this: you placed the arrow in the bow;
I pull'd the string. You sow'd blood, and yet stand

[At these words the COUNTESS starts from her stupor, Astonish'd that blood is come up. I always
collects herself, and retires suddenly.

VOICE (from behind the Scene).

Keep back the people! Guard the door!


To these enters OCTAVIO PICCOLOMINI with all his

Train. At the same time DEVEREUX and MACDONALD enter from the Corridor with the Halberdiers. -WALLENSTEIN'S dead body is carried over the back part of the Stage, wrapped in a piece of crimson tapestry.

OCTAVIO (entering abruptly).

It must not be! It is not possible!
Butler! Gordon!

I'll not believe it. Say, No!

[GORDON, without answering, points with his hand to the Body of WALLENSTEIN as it is carried over the back of the Stage. OCTAVIO looks that way, and stands overpowered with horror.

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Knew what I did, and therefore no result
Hath power to frighten or surprise my spirit.
Have you aught else to order? for this instant
I make my best speed to Vienna; place
My bleeding sword before my Emperor's Throne,
And hope to gain the applause which undelaying
And punctual obedience may demand
From a just judge,



To these enter the COUNTESS TERTSKY, pale and dis ordered. Her utterance is slow and feeble, and unimpassioned.

OCTAVIO (meeting her).

O Countess Tertsky! These are the results
Of luckless unblest deeds.


They are the fruits

Of your contrivances. The duke is dead,
My husband too is dead, the Duchess struggles
In the pangs of death, my niece has disappear'd.
This house of splendor, and of princely glory,
Doth now stand desolated: the affrighted servant
Rush forth through all its doors. I am the last
Therein; I shut it up, and here deliver
The keys.

OCTAVIO (with a deep anguish).

O Countess! my house too is desolate.


Who next is to be murder'd? Who is next
To be maltreated? Lo! the Duke is dead.
The Emperor's vengeance may be pacified!
Spare the old servants; let not their fidelity
Be imputed to the faithful as a crime-

The evil destiny surprised my brother

Too suddenly: he could not think on them.


Speak not of vengeance! Speak not of maltreatment!
The Emperor is appeased; the heavy fault

Hath heavily been expiated-nothing
Descended from the father to the daughter,
Except his glory and his services.
The Empress honors your adversity,
Takes part in your afflictions, opens to you
Her motherly arms! Therefore no farther fears;
Yield yourself up in hope and confidence
To the Imperial Grace!

COUNTESS (with her eye raised to heaven)
To the grace and mercy of a greater Master
Do I yield up myself. Where shall the body
Of the Duke have its place of final rest?
In the Chartreuse, which he himself did found
At Gitschin, rest the Countess Wallenstein;
And by her side, to whom he was indebted
For his first fortunes, gratefully he wish'd

He might sometime repose in death! O let him
Be buried there. And likewise, for my husband's
Remains, I ask the like grace. The Emperor
Is now proprietor of all our Castles.

This sure may well be granted us-one sepulchre
Beside the sepulchres of our forefathers!

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[blocks in formation]

[He reads the address, and delivers the letter to OCTAVIO with a look of reproach, and with an emphasis on the word.

To the Prince Piccolomini.

[OCTAVIO, with his whole frame expressive of sud. den anguish, raises his eyes to heaven.

(The Curtain drops.)

The Fall of Robespierre;





ACCEPT, as a small testimony of my grateful attachment, the following Dramatic Poem, in which I have endeavored to detail, in an interesting form, the fall of a man, whose great bad actions have cast a disastrous lustre on his name. In the execution of the work, as intricacy of plot could not have been attempted without a gross violation of recent facts, it has been my sole aim to imitate the impassioned and highly figurative language of the French Orators, and to develop the characters of the chief actors on

a vast stage of horrors.

Yours fraternally,


JESUS COLLEGE, September 22, 1794.



SCENE, The Tuilleries.


The tempest gathers-be it mine to seek
A friendly shelter, ere it bursts upon him.
But where? and how? I fear the Tyrant's soul-
Sudden in action, fertile in resource,
And rising awful 'mid impending ruins;
In splendor gloomy, as the midnight meteor,
That fearless thwarts the elemental war.
When last in secret conference we met,
He scowl'd upon me with suspicious rage,
Making his eye the inmate of my bosom.
I know he scorns me and I feel, I hate him-
Yet there is in him that which makes me tremble!


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