Imatges de pàgina


Our picture shows you a saw-mill, that is, a mill for cutting wood into thin pieces, and into planks such as doors and shutters, and other things, are made of. This is a very old saw-mill, the oldest on the river. The water of the river, as it comes down a little stream, turns the great wheel on the outside of the mill, and this moves the saw inside the mill. There are many little streams running out of the river, and many more running into it. The steam-engine now turns more saw-mills than water.

Anecdotes and Selections.

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?-The question which I have put to you must be answered by yourselves, and that individually; for every one of us will have to give account to God at the last day about what we have done and what we have neglected. What have you done for Jesus? is an important question which you ought most seriously to ponder. Yes

"If you cannot speak like angels,
If you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus,
You can say He died for all."

The Temperance question, too, I would say, what have you done towards extending its principles? You know that the Temperance movement is one in which your influence may be usefully exercised. Temperance literature is a vast means of promoting the cause. I hope you will thus consider that there is a work for each, and work for all. You need not look around for something to do in this big world of ours. Let us do something while it is called to-day.


T. H.

GLORIFYING DOUBT.-The man who is perpetually treating his hearers or his readers to a diagnosis of doubt, telling them of its wide diffusion through all ranks of society, raising a thousand grounds of doubt and difficulty which he cannot answer, is only helping to spread the malady of which he speaks. He could not do a more insidious and destructive thing. He is simply scattering arrows, fire-brands, and death. A preacher told the young men at one of the great universities recently, that the essential condition of truth and the first duty in religion is to begin by doubting everything. We greatly fear that this tone of uncertainity and doubtfulness, this compromise and connivance with the prevailing unbelief, is of growing tendency in some of our pulpits. Many of the published sermons, both regular and occasional, now given to the public, through the newspapers and other channels, are of this uncertain sound. They seem to be constructed on the principle of stooping to conquer, or rather they seek to conquer the enemy by going over to his side. It is worthy of notice that the scriptures pass no eulogium on doubt or unbelief.


They everywhere assume that the evidence for all the great truths of religion is ample and satisfactory, and that there is no reason why any of them should be questioned or denied. Their language is: Be not faithless, but believing. O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt. There is no laudation of any doubtful-minded people in all the Bible.

A CURE.-Many a congregation makes it a part of their religion to twist their necks out of joint to witness the entrance of every person who passes up the aisle of the church. Being worried one afternoon by this turning practice in his congregation, Mr. Dean stopped in his sermon, and said: "Now listen to me and I'll tell you who the people are as each one of them comes in." He went on with his discourse until a gentleman entered, when he bawled out like an usher: "Deacon A., who keeps a shop over the way." He again went on with his sermon, when presently another man passed into the aisle, and he gave his name, residence, and occupation. So he continued for some time. At length some one opened the door who was unknown to Mr. Dean, when he cried out: "A little old man, with drab coat and an old white hat. Don't know him; look for yourselves." The congregation was cured.

HOME TEACHING.-Do most parents take care to instruct their children in Holy Scripture? It is very certain they do not. The excuse they give in most cases is that they are not qualified to do so. They ought to be qualified. They take infinite pains to be qualified in some other things. Many a mother will renew her own musical studies in order to superintend her own daughter's practice. Many a father looks after the school and college studies of his boy. Certainly, as regards social demeanour and manners, most parents do not leave the matter to irresponsible teachers, but take pains to learn what may be expected. It seems very strange that parents should hold themselves so cheap as to confess their inability to teach their children in sacred things, and yet to assume that any young person who volunteers to take a class in a Sunday school is competent to do so. If a knowledge of the Bible is given the average parent, why is it assumed to be the gift of young ladies and gentlemen who, in default of doing anything else for the church, at least will venture to teach children their most solemn duties and responsibilities.

GOD BLESS MY MOTHER-Mothers often lean on God's promises in faith that their wayward children will be reached by prayer and led back to Christ. A chaplain in the navy writes:-"Not many nights ago, the whole meeting was moved as the heart of one man by a noblelooking youth of eighteen, who, in the midst of his broken hearted prayer, burst forth in the earnest supplication, O God, bless my dear mother? I thank thee that thou hast heard her many prayers, and that I, so long the object of her love, have at last become the subject of thy grace! And on the last night the feelings of every one present were again moved in like manner by the testimony of a sailor in middle life, given, with sobs and tears, to the blessed influence of a mother's


prayers in restraining a wayward son from sin, and in bringing him at length, by the grace of God, to the hope of salvation."

GROWING OLD.-A philosophical old nonagenarian finds these comforts in growing old. Whiteheaded grumblers should take notice: I have become very deaf. What a blessing! There is such a lot of silly talk I cannot hear, such scandals, etc.-My eyes are failing. How fortunate! I do not see the tithe of the folly and wickedness that is going on around me. I am blind to faults that would provoke me to censure. I have lost my teeth, and my voice is not very audible. Well, I find it no use babling to folks who won't listen, so I save my breath for better purposes. I don't show my teeth where I can't bite. I venture on no tough meat. My taste is not so discriminating as in days of yore, and the good is that I am more easily satisfied, and don't keep finding fault, am contented and thankful. A nice palate is a plague to get rid of.-My joints are rather stiff. Well, if they were ever so supple, I do not want to go and see the sights, hear concerts, make speeches, nor carouse at feasts.—I am not so strong as I was; but for what do I need to be stout? I am not going to wrestle or fight with anybody. My morals are generally improved.

ANECDOTE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON.-When you call on a business man in business hours, do your errand at once; come right to the point. The Duke of Wellington, as is well known, was not given to use too many words. One example of his economy this way will suffice. The Duke wrote to Dr. Hutton for information as to the scientific acquirements of a young officer who had been under his instruction. The doctor thought he could not do less than answer the question verbally, and made an appointment accordingly. As soon as Wellington saw him he said, "I am much obliged to you, doctor, for the trouble you have taken. Is-fit for the post ?" Clearing his throat, Dr. Hutton, began, "No man more so, my lord. I can' "That's quite sufficient," said Wellington. I know how valuable your time is; mine, just now, is equally so. I will not detain you any longer. Good-morning.'

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EXCHANGES.-The fishermen on the coast of Sussex and the opposite coast of France often have occasion to exchange civilities at sea. But how can they do so, not knowing each other's language? Some years ago we were told they got over the difficulty without cost or trouble by an exceedingly simple and satisfactory process. They exchanged children. A Sussex man took the son of a Frenchman to board for a time in his family and let the Frenchman have his son in return. In this accommodating way French fisher boys learned English, and the English fisher boys learned French. It was a beautiful arrangement throughout, for, besides any advantage derived from lingual intercommunication, feelings of good will grew up between the two nations.-Chambers' Journal.

CURRAN'S ANSWER.-Curran was once asked by one of his brother judges, "Do you see anything ridiculous in this wig ?" "Nothing but the head," was the reply.


THE BIBLE. I have read through the entire Bible many times. I now make a practice to go through it once a year. It is the book of all others for lawyers as well as for divines; and I pity the man who cannot find in it a rich supply of thought, and of rules for his conduct; it fits man for life-it prepares him for death.-Daniel Webster.

HOW THE INFIDEL SPENT HIS SUNDAY.-The story is told of an infidel who said to a clergyman: "I always spend Sunday in settling my accounts." To which the good man replied: "And you will probably spend the day of judgment in the same way."


A HINT to grumblers-"What a noisy world this is!" croaked an old frog, as he squatted on the margin of the pond. "Do you hear those geese, how they scream and hiss? What do they do it for?"


O just to amuse themselves!" answered a little field mouse.

"Presently we shall have the owls hooting; what is that for?" "It's the music they like the best," said the mouse.

"And those grasshoppers; they can't go home without grinding and chirping; why do they do that?"

"O, they are so happy they can't help it!" said the mouse.

"You find excuses for all. I believe you don't understand music, so you like the hideous noises."

"Well, friend, to be honest with you," said the mouse, "I don't greatly admire any of them: but they are all sweet in my ears compared with the constant croaking of a frog."

The Fireside.

FLOWERS.-Nothing can equal the beauty and appropriateness of flowers at meal-time, and during the season they should never for once be absent. It is a custom which should become universal among rich and poor. Even grasses and leaves and ferns add cheerfulness to the room, and to the hearts of those assembled around the board. Very pretty ornaments are made by uniting fruits and flowers. Such fruits as have long stems or grow on slender branches are better suited, such as strawberries, cherries, currants, gooseberries, etc. But no matter what the flowers or fruits are, or what may be used to put them in, let them be found upon the tables during floral season. Set the children to preparing the dinner-table bouquet; it will prove

a useful lesson to them; and beget a love for flowers and floral ornaments.

TEST FOR WATERED MILK.—A German paper gives a test for watered milk, which is simplicity itself: "A well-polished knitting-needle is dipped into a deep vessel of milk and immediately withdrawn in an upright position. If the sample is pure, some of the fluid will hang to the needle, but if water has been added to the milk, even in small proportions, the fluid will not adhere to the needle."

Clear boiling water will remove tea stains and many fruit stains. Pour the water through the stain and thus prevent its spreading.

Ripe tomatoes will remove ink and other stains from white cloth; also from the hands.


Notes and Queries.


G. D.-Undoubtedly. You may find plenty of proof, if you will only look for it, of the decay of words, a strange witness to man's depravity. Simple" did not once mean 66 simpleton," as it too often does now. It means, open, sincere, trustful. The crying want of the time is-simplicity.

L. M. M.-It stands to reason that Christ Jesus, to whom the Spirit was given without measure, must know more than any prophet or apostle. We are surprised at the question.

S. S. R.-Peter was certainly in error, and his error was corrected by a special revelation from heaven; but then he confessed his error, and, before the brethren in Jerusalem, showed how he came to discover his error.

C. K. E.-Jesus Christ is the way, because He is the truth and the life.

E. M.-It is startling to find that Christians are called by Christ Himself, "the light of the world;" but, since He also uses the same phrase when speaking of Himself, the true explanation is certainly this, that they are to be the reflectors of their Lord and Master. His light is original; theirs is derived from Him.

G. C. H.-Try the plan we have more than once recommended: that is, reading the whole Epistle through at the same time, and taking no notice of the chapters and verses. You will then get a much clearer idea of what it teaches.

M. B. Yes: many dying saints have used the same words. Among them men so different as Polycarp, Bernard, Huss, Jerome of Prague, Luther, and Melancthon.

Facts, Hints, Gems, and Poetry.


The fibers of a tree are strongest near the centre.

Salt given in excess to animals retards fattening.

Whole farms in Southern France are devoted to the raising of roses. Kansas expects a wheat crop of forty million of bushels.

Five thousand tons of candy is made in Boston annually from 25,000 barrels of sugar.

Eggs are sold in St. Louis, Mo., for eight cents per dozen.

India cultivates sugar cane on about 3,750,000 acres of her lands.

The Newfoundland seal fishery is calculated as a fair average catch. The number of seals taken will reach 500,000, while the proportion of old seals is greater than usual.

The world averages an annual product of 681,000,000 pounds of tea

China producing 600,000,000, Japan, 40,000,000, India, 35,000,000, Java, 6,000,000.


Dost thou love life, then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.-Franklin.

In general, there is no one with whom life drags so disagreeably as with him who tries to make it shorter. -Richter.

Witty sayings are as easily lost as the pearls slipping off a broken string; but a word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain. It is a seed which, even when dropped by chance, springs up a flower.-Fornett.

In morality there are books enough written both by ancient and modern philosophers, but the morality of the gospel doth so exceed them all, that to give a man a full knowledge of true

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