Imatges de pàgina

8. Describe the controversy between the co-operative stores, and the shopkeepers and other middlemen. Estimate the force of the arguments on each side.

9. Many complaints are made against certain English taxes as unfair or unjust towards those on whom they fall: do you think that there are any such taxes? If so mention them, giving your reasons.

10. How far need the country share the alarm of the farmers lest foreign competition should throw their wheat lands out of cultivation? Even if this were to happen would England suffer financially?

[M. T. 1879.]

Pass School.

Group B.

Political Economy. II.

1. What is Capital?

(1) Is what you learn at Oxford, and how much of it, Capital?

(2) Your skill in writing, boating, and cricket?
(3) A watch and a hunter?

(4) A novel, a Thucydides, and a Shakspeare?

(5) Artillery guns, a field drain, and furniture?

2. Are the following persons productive labourers? Give your reasons:—

(1) A policeman.

(2) A master of fox-hounds.

(3) A violin maker and a violin player.

(4) An actress.

(5) A teacher of medicine and a teacher of chess. Can you give such a definition of productive labour as would include all these persons?

3. Explain the precise benefits which banking confers upon national wealth.

4. Trace the different effects on price and consumption of a great scarcity in the supply of corn, wine, oysters, meat, and silk.

5. When England makes a loan of ten millions sterling to a foreign country, what is it she really lends?

6. Who ultimately pays tithes, poor-rates, and other permanent charges upon land? Prove your answer.

[Turn over.

7. What is the force which induces a man to buy? Show how this force-the incentive both to Production and Exchange-is the mainspring of all economical action. What word in its ordinary sense (as opposed to the sense in which economists have used it) fairly expresses this


8. The public complains of the inconvenience, delay, and danger of railway travelling. How far and upon what grounds are they entitled to demand that Parliament should interfere to redress these grievances?

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9. Property is Theft,' said M. Proudhon. Refute this


10. Saving is described as the great instrument for enriching a country. To save is not to hoard or to increase money. How then do the landowner who saves £3000 a year, and the labourer who saves a shilling a week, increase the riches of England? What are these increased riches?

[M. T. 1879.]

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1. Distinguish between jus and lex, jus gentium and jus civile. What forms did the jus scriptum assume?

2. What various meanings did the Romans attach to the word Familia? In what respects did the Familia differ from the modern Family?

3. Explain-quasi castrense peculium, jus postliminii, consolidatio, res fungibiles, jus calcis coquendae, duplicatio, turpis persona, bona vacantia.

4. What was the law in these cases :

(1) A marries B, his sister-in-law.

(2) C marries D the adopted sister of his mother.

(3) E the son of a madman marries his own niece.

5. How did the Roman Law treat Ferae bestiae ? When does dominium commence and end in the case of a peacock, a swarm of bees, a dog, a hen, and a tiger?


6. Describe the exact nature of Servitudes. Habitatio. Under which class of Servitudes is it placed in the Institutes?

7. What was the Roman Law relating to Treasure Trove, and Derelicts. A fish drops off A's hook, just as he is landing it, and falls into B's net. To whom would

it belong?

8. What were the peculiar features of the Tutela legitima patronorum, Tutela legitima parentum, Tutela ex lege Julia et Titia, and Tutela fiduciaria?

[Turn over.

9. Enumerate each of the chief reforms of Justinian, relating whether you think it was a change for the better, and why?

10. Translate and comment on the following:

(1) In liberis multae differentiae sunt.

(2) Omnes libertos nullo nec aetatis manumissi nec dominii manumissoris nec in manumissionis modo discrimine habito, sicuti antea observabatur, civitate Romana donavimus: multis additis modis, per quos possit libertas servis cum civitate Romana, quae sola est in praesenti, praestari.

(3) Mulier familiae suae caput et finis est.

(4) Accidit aliquando, ut qui dominus sit alienare, non possit, et contra qui dominus non sit, alienandae rei potestatem habeat.

(5) Vix receptum videtur, ut hospitem ei recipere liceat.


(6) Absurdum enim videbatur, hominem in fructu

[M. T. 1879.]

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