Imatges de pàgina

times merely gives intensity to the action; as, af, "to abandon altogether." pra, "before," "forward" (cf. πpo, pro, pra); as, ч, qq, “to proceed"; "to set before," "present"; ", "to begin "; 4, ,"to run forward "; e,"to set out," "advance"; m, "to be superior," "prevail"; "to foresee." With ਨਮ



, "to bend before," "salute."

'to deceive." In combination with the causal of 4, it drops its final a; as, fa, "I send." The r influences a following nasal by r. 21.; fa* prati, "against," "towards," "back again"; as, fg, "to fight against "; ut, "to go towards" (pres. f); ufana, “to प्रतिगम्, return"; faq, "to counteract"; f, "to beat back," "repel"; fa, "to answer"; "to recover"; fact, "to lead back"; "to re-salute." With," to promise ";

with पद्


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fa vi, "apart," implying "separation,” “distinction," distribution," dispersion" (Latin dis, se); as, fa," to wander about "; faac, "to vacillate"; fa, "to roam for pleasure"; faq, "to dissipate"; faq, "to tear asunder"; fa, "to divide "; fafara, "to distinguish." Sometimes it gives a privative signification; as, far, "to disunite"; fer, "to forget"; fa, "to sell." With, "to change for the worse." Sometimes it has no apparent influence on the root; as, fa, "to perish." sam, “with," "together with" (ovv, con); as, afa, age, "to collect"; "to join together"; "to meet together "; ,"to happen "; af, "to contract." With it signifies "to perfect," and is inserted, . It is often prefixed


without altering the sense; as, , "to be produced." 166. Two prepositions are often combined with a root; as, et, "to open" (fa, );, "to assemble" (,, with root ); fч, "to prostrate one's self" (, fa, r. 21.); m, "to raise up" (,, with root ₹).



Occasionally three prepositions are combined; as, predict” (प्र, वि, आ ) ; प्रत्युदाहृ, to answer" (प्रति, उत्,

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* The final i of the prepositions, ufa, qft, fa, is optionally lengthened in

forming certain nouns; as, प्रतीकार, परीहास, नीकार.

167. In conjugating compound verbs formed with prepositions, the augment and reduplication do not change their position, but are inserted between the preposition and the root;* as, पर्यणयं, 1st pret. of नी, with परि; उपाविशं, 1st pret of विश्, with उप; अन्वतिष्ठं, Ist pret. of स्था, with अनु; प्रतिजघान, 2d pret of हन्, with प्रति; प्रोज्जहार, 2d pret. of, with and

168. Grammarians restrict certain roots to particular voices, when in combination with particular prepositions; as, for example, the root f, "to conquer," with f, and the root fat, "to enter," with f, are restricted to the atmanepada; but no certain rules can be propounded on this subject: and in the two epic poems especially, the choice of voice seems so entirely arbitrary and subservient to the purposes of metre, that many atmanepada primitive, and even passive verbs, are occasionally permitted to take a parasmaipada inflection.†

Compound Verbs formed by combining Adverbs with the Roots &

कृ and ч:

169. These are of two kinds; 1st, those formed by combining adverbs with and ; 2dly, those formed by combining nouns used adverbially with these roots. Examples of the first kind are, चलक, "to adorn"; f, "to make manifest" (cf. note, p. 15.);

afe, “to eject"; to deprive";

"to place in front

"to place in front" "follow"; famią,

"to entertain as a guest";, "to revere "; TH, "to become manifest," &c.

170. In forming the second kind, the final of a crude word being a or ā, is changed to ; as, from, iq, “to make ready;" from कृष्ण, कृष्णीकृ, “ to blacken "; or, in a few cases, to ā, as प्रियाकृ from प्रिय. A final i or u are lengthened; as, from f, g, "to become pure"; from oy, oy¶, "to lighten." A final ri is

* There are a few exceptions to this rule in the Mahābhārata; as in we (Prof. Johnson's Ed. p. 33.).

+ Thus, यत्, “to strive," and, "to beg for,” which are properly ātmanepada verbs, are found in the paras. Instances of passive verbs have been given at p. 89. note†. On the other hand,, "to rejoice," which is properly a parasmaipada verb, is found in the atm.


changed to ✈ rī; as, from 7, "to become a mother." final as becomes either 7, as, from सुमनस्, सुमनीभू, “ to be of good mind "; or asē, as, from far, far, "to place on the head."

a. But the greater number of compounds of this kind are formed from crude nouns in a. The following are other examples: तृणीकृ, “ to esteem as a straw "; स्तभीकृ, " to stiffen "; एकचित्तीभू, “ to fix the mind on one object."


b. Sometimes, placed after a crude noun, is used to form a compound verb of this kind; as, from, "water," water,” जलसात्कृ, “ to reduce to liquid "; from भस्मन्, “ ashes," भस्मसात्कृ, “ to reduce to ashes."



171. Compound adverbs are formed by combining adverbs, prepositions, or adverbial prefixes with nouns in the singular number neuter gender.



a. The greater number are formed with the adverbial preposition सह saha, contracted into स sa ; as, from कोप, "anger, " सकोपं, "angrily"; from respect,” सादरं, respectfully"; from अष्टाङ्गपात, साष्टाङ्गपातं, ,"prostration of the limbs," "reverentially." As, however, the neuter of all adjectives may be used adverbially, these compound adverbs may be regarded as the neuter of the fifth form of relative compounds (r. 161.).

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b. The following may be taken as examples of compound adverbs formed with other prefixes: ., “according to seniority"; प्रत्युङ्कं, over every limb"; fa, "every month "; fafu, “according to rule"; qugfa, or as, "according to one's power "; यथासुखं, “ happily "; समृक्षं, “ before the eyes" (अक्ष being substituted for fa, cf. p. 165. b.); d, “undoubtedly"; fafiri, "without distinction."


c. Some of the adverbs at r. 139. may be placed after crude nouns ; thus, बालक समीपं, “ near the child "; रक्षार्थं, “for the sake of protection."

d. A kind of compound adverb is formed by doubling a noun, lengthening the final of the first word, and changing the final of the last to i; as, from, "a stick," f, “mutual striking."


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e. Complex compound adverbs, involving other compounds, are sometimes found; as, ff, "not differently from one's own house"; स्तनभर विनमन्मध्यभङ्गानपेक्षं, " regardlessly of the curving of her waist bending under the weight of her bosom."

f. The indec. part. 4, "having begun," is joined with wa, "to day" (r), in the sense of "from this time forward." प्रभृति is placed adverbially after words, in the same sense; as, , “from birth upwards."



STRIVE as we may, it is impossible to free the orthographical and etymological part of Sanscrit Grammar from a certain degree of intricacy and complexity. But admitting, as we do, this complexity in the early part of the subject to be greater than is ordinarily found, we at the same time affirm, that, in the aggregate calculation, the preponderance of difficulty is on the side of the classical languages. When the student has once thoroughly mastered the rules relating to the combination of letters and the inflection of nouns and verbs, the path, in Sanscrit, becomes easy to him, and he passes with the utmost certainty to a complete acquaintance with the subject in all its bearings. Not so in Greek or Latin. At the point in Sanscrit where our labours end, at that point in the others do our real labours begin; and the young scholar, however versed in the declension of nouns and conjugation of verbs, finds, when he enters upon the syntax of these two lanIt guages, that he has hardly passed the threshold of his studies. is in the syntax of Greek and Latin that the true test of scholarship lies. It is here that an almost interminable field of inquiry opens before the grammarian, and difficulties assail the student, demanding, for their complete mastery, a more than ordinary degree of mental application and capacity. In Sanscrit, on the other hand, the subject of syntax is reducible to a few plain rules, and

might almost be merged in that of compound words. The almost entire absence of prepositions in government with nouns removes one fertile source of difficulty; and such is the extraordinary prevalence of compounds, that the student who has acquired a thorough insight into their formation has little else to learn, and the writer who has properly expounded this portion of the grammar has already more than half completed his investigation into the laws which regulate syntactical combinations. We shall endeavour, in the present chapter, to collect together all the most useful rules for the connection and collocation of uncompounded words, presupposing, as we have done throughout, that the student is acquainted with the general principles of the subject before us. Much vagueness and uncertainty, however, may be expected to attach to the rules propounded, when it is remembered that Sanscrit literature consists almost entirely of poetry, and that the laws of syntax are ever prone to yield to the necessities of metrical composition.

Observe, in the present chapter on Syntax, that the subject may be made as clear as possible, each word will be separated from the next, and vowels will not be allowed to coalesce, although such coalition be required by the laws of combination. Whenever compounds are introduced into the examples, a dot, placed underneath, will mark the division of the words. The examples have been, in general, selected from the Hitopadesha, or the Mahābhārata, with the view of serving as an easy delectus, in which the beginner may exercise himself before passing to continuous translation.


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172. The verb must agree with the nominative case in number and person, as in the following examples: wenfu, "I must perform;" ♬ auf, “do thou attend";f, “he gives "; आर्वा ब्रूवः, “ we two say "; कपोता ऊचु:, "the pigeons said "; राजा मन्त्री च जग्मतुः, “ the king and minister went ": यावच् चन्द्रार्कौ तिष्ठतः, as long as the moon and sun remain"; y fama, “do you two reflect"; यूयम् आयात, “ do ye come"; सज्जनाः पूज्यन्ते, "good men are honoured"; "the wind blows"; fa, “the moon rises";

वाति पवनः,

f qui, "the flower blossoms."

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