Imatges de pàgina
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ABERCROMBIE,General, 412.
Aldenslaben, Count, 283.
Alexander, Emperor, invests Sir
Robert Wilson with the Order
- of St. Anne, 422.
Alice of Lorraine, 26.

Anne, Queen, wife of Richard II.

Anne, wife of Richard III. 33.
Argument, substance of that em-
ployed by the Queen's legal
advisers, to be crowned, 21, et

Arvísa, Queen, 27.
Augustus, Duke of Brunswick,
death of, 84.
Austin, Mr. 208, 267.
Arrowsmith, Mr. prosecuted for a
libel on Lady Wrottesley, 435;
tried for a libel on Lady Jersey,

Attorney-General's, the, reply to
Mr. Brougham's speech on the
Queen's claim to be crowned,
59, et seq.
BAKER, Sir Robert, his conduct
at her Majesty's funeral, 218;
his treatment by the ministerial
press, 366; dismissed from his
office as chief magistrate of
Bow-street, 367.

Bayley, Justice, on the sentence

passed by, on Blacow, 441.
Bayley, Mr. appointed to con-
duct her Majesty's funeral, 207;
his conduct at, 210, et seq.
Bellegarde, General, 412.
Bennet, Mr. respecting


Queen's funeral, 482-502.
Berenguella, Queen, 27.
Bergami, Baron, account of an
interview between, and the
Baroness Boisouvray, 446, 447.
Bergen, striking anecdote relative
to the Queen, 283.
Best, Mr. Justice, 439.
Birnie, Sir Richard, conversation
between and Sir Robert Wil-
son, 431.

Blacow, Rev. Mr. indictment

against for a libel on the Queen,
101-107; irreverend parson

of Liverpool, on the trial and
conviction of,313-316. et seq.;
further account of his trial, 434;
sentence of, 441, 442.
Blakie, Mr. 378.

Boisouvray, Baroness de, her ac-
count of Bergami, 446; by an
unknown person accosted on his
conduct, 451.
Boleyn, Anne, 35, 66.
Bow, reception of the Queen's
funeral at, 243.

Booths, Coronation, almost de-
serted, 135; prices of seats in,

Brandenburgh House, its appear-
ance after the Queen's death,
196, 197.
Brougham, Mr. his address of
thanks on receiving the free-
dom of the city, 110-112; his
speech at the trial of Blacow,
315; his address on Blacow's
case, 439.

Brunswickers, their reception of
the remains of her Majesty,
285; their request acceded to,
287; her interment at, 294-
297; their grateful conduct to
the personages that attended
her Majesty from London, 304;
on the opinion of, respecting
the indignities offered to the
deceased, 309.

Butterworth, Mr. insults the
Queen by his remarks in the
House of Commons, 16; is re-
proved for it, 17.
CALVERT, Mr. J., M. P. his state-
ment respecting the Queen's
funeral, 502.
CAROLINE, Queen, on the par-
liamentary grant to, of 50,000l.
2; sketch of her life prior to
coronation, 3-6; particulars of
the refusal of the last privilege
she claimed, 7; memorializes
the King, 19; enters into an
agreement for a town residence,
80; visits the theatres, 89, 95;
monies expended at her "trial,”
90; her courier arrested in

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France, 91; her birth-day, 101 protests against, the decisions of the Privy Council, 120-122; goes to Westminster Hall and Abbey, 124, 125; her rude reception at the Abbey door, 127-120 had no wish to encourage riots, 132 134; is taken suddenly ill, 140; bulletins of her health, 141, et. seq.; makes, her will, 142; her great calmness and fortitude, 144; government, though apprized of her dangerous illness, send no official message of inquiry, ib.; great anxiety of the public, 146, 150; favourable symptoms, 147-151; relapses, 152; dies, 154; dreadful distress of the people on this occasion, 155, et sen,; official announcement of her death, 157, messengers sent to the King in Ireland with to intelligence, of the Queen's death, 159; her body not em balmed, 160; detailed account of her dying behaviour, 161 169; remarks on her death, &c. 169-172; copy of her will, 172-174; remarks, &c. in the ministerial prints on her death, 175-183; her funeral undertaken by government, 185; funeral sermons for, 195, et seq.; official order for the ceremonial of the procession, 198; official Inscription for her coffin, 199; order of government that her corpse should not pass through the city, 206; her funeral procession, 208, ct seq.; removal of the plate from her coffin,258; disgraceful scene at Colchester, church, respecting the, ibid.; indignities offered to her remains at Harwich, 265; embarkation of her body, 266; reflections by the author respecting, 274; ceremony performed in honour of, at Stade, 278; singular circumstance at Bergen relative to, 283, arrival of her remains at Brunswick, 286; no burial service allowed to be performed for, 292; prayer of the minister respecting, 294; affecting account of the interment of, in

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the tomb of ber ancestors, 296; funeral sermon refused to be preached for, 299; character of, by the Rev. Mr. Fox, 343% lines respecting, soon after her arrival, 352 extract from a poem respecting, 353; lines to, 358; on the strong attachment() of the people to, 357; ber character,546, et seq.; important do cuments respecting, 452, et seq. Cavalry, Brunswick, remarks on their conduct, 290. Charles I. 36, 69, 77. II. 42, 69. Children of Hammersmith, account of, 234. Chittenden, Mr. 266. Cinque Ports, Barons of, their claims at a coronation, 49. City Chamberlain's speech on presenting the freedom of the city to the Queen's counsel, 109. Claims, sundry, at the coronation of Kings and Queens, 49, et seq. Clarke, Dr. 413.

Clayton, Rev. J, extract from his sermon on the death of the Queen, 349.

Cleves, Anne of, 36. Colchester, reception of the fitneral at, 256, 258.

Common Council of London, petition Parliament for a restoration of the Queen to her rights, 80, 81; vote the freedom of the city, to three of the Queen's counsel, 107, 117. Consecration of the King and

Queen, ceremony of, 24. Corbould, Mr. lines written by, on the death of the Queen, 297; his exertions at the funeral of the Queen, 357 Corporation of London, resolution of, respecting the Queen's funeral, 497, 498. Coronation of Queens not dependant on accident or the King's caprice, 50, et seq.; preparations for the, 7, 8, et seq. Correspondence between Lord Hood and the Earl Marshal respecting the Queen's attendance at the coronation, 118, 119; between Lady Anne Hamilton, Lady Hood, Mr. Secretary Hob

house, and Lord Liverpool, re-Friendly societies which accom

specting the funeral of the Queen, 187, 192; of Sir Robert Wilson relative to his dismissal, 477; between Mr. Sheriff Waithman and Lord Liverpool, 207

Council for hearing the Arguments for and against the Queen's claim to be crowned, 19; decide against the claim, 79. → Common, for considering the best means of showing respect to the Queen's memory, 200-205.

"Courier," Evening paper, on the death of the Queen, 181183.


Court of Claims, 7. Cumberland-gate, dreadful scene on the arrival of the funeral at, 223, 242.

DENMAN, Mr. his address of thanks on receiving the freedom of the city, 112-115; in the case of Blacow, 437; speech in Parliament on Mr. Bennet's motion, 540-544. Documents brought to light by Mr. Wilks, &c. respecting, 452, et.seq; from Pesaro, 453; Como, 454; Rome, 456: Doyle, Captain, 269. Dupin, Mr. extract from his speech respecting Sir Robert Wilson, 416.5299 EDELEBURGA, wife of Brichtrich, king of the West Saxons, 23. Edward I...29.

IL. 30.

→AV, 32. ¿ Eleanor of Provence, Queen, 29. , wife of Edward I. ibid. Queen of Henry II. 26. English: gentlemen in Brunswick, put into half-mourning, 310. Fox, the Rev. J. W. extract from his sermon on the death of the Queen, 340.

Farmers, on their distresses, 434. Francis, George, killed by the .military, 225; inquest on his bo

dy, and verdict of the jury, 362, 363 funeral of, 381-384. Freemason's Tavern, meeting respecting the Queen's funeral, 193, let seq.UG

panied the funeral, 231, 237.) Funeral of the Queen, particulars relating to the, 184, et seq.; official orders for the procession; funeral procession of her Majesty Queen Caroline, 208, et seq.; intended route of, 213, 216; order of the, 214; dreadful scene at Cumberland-gate, 223, 225; interesting sight at the Broadway, Hammersmith, 232; its arrival at Kensington, 238; reception at Bow, 243; Stratford, 244; Ilford, 245; Romford, 246; an interesting spectacle after leav ing Romford, 249; reception at Chelmsford, 251; Kelvedon, 254; Colchester, 256; disgraceful scene at Colchester church, 257; letter to the editor of the Times respecting, 259; arrival at Mistley Thorne, 260; indig. nities offered to, at Harwich, 262; embarkation in the Glasgow Frigate, 272; arrival at Cuxhaven, and removed to the Wye, 270; honours paid to, at Stade, 279; at Buxtehude, 281; at Bergen, ibid; at Brunswick, 283-297. GARGULIO, Vicentio, affidavit respecting him, 81–84.

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George I. why his wife was not crowned, 43.

George IV. his conduct on the

death of his Queen; visit to Ireland, 360; visists his Hanoverian dominions, 433. Glasgow frigate, 266. Grant to the Queen of 50,000, remarks on the, 2, 86, 87, et

seq. Greig, Mr. W. his letter concerning the funeral of her Majesty,


Gossett, Colonel, on the funeral of the Queen, 502. HAMMERSMITH, meeting respecting the funeral of the Queen, 193; description of, at the funeral of the Queen, 232; children of, affecting account of, at the, 234; church, account of the funerals of Francis and Honey, at, 392. Hamilton, Lady A. 215, 266, 286;'

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. VII. 33, 65, 77. →→→→ VIII. 35, 66, 69, 77. Hobhouse, Mr. 208, 266; on the funeral of the Queen, 535-539. Holland, Dr. 210. Honey, Richard, shot by the military, 225; inquest on his body, 367; Coroner's address to the jury, 368-378; verdict of the jury, 380; funeral of, 381389. T

Hood, Lord and Lady, 208-215,

266286; address of the Brunswickers to, 306; reply to, ibid.

Lord, Steward and Comptroller of her Majesty's Household, 86; his official vote by command of the Queen to have the "Argument" for her right to be crowned, printed, 58. Howard, Katherine, never crowned, and why, 36. Hume's, Mr. motion for an Address to the King, suddenly interrupted by the prorogation of Parliament, 18; on the funeral of the Queen, 505. Hurcombe, Mr. 218. ILFORD, arrival of the Queen's funeral at, 245. Inscription on her Majesty's coffin by her own wish, 257; removal of by the Government, 258. Ireland, on the King's visit to, 1360 Isabella of Angouleme, Queen, 3127, 76.04


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Queen of Edward II.,

second Wife of Richard II., 30. 10 JACKSON, John, his affidavit, re

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81-84. James I. 36. - II. 42. Joanna, wife of Henry IV. 31. John, King, 27, 76. "John Bull," Sunday paper, set

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up to insult the Queen, 97-1017 Judith, wife of Ethelwolf, 23.Jury, list of, on Blacow's trial, 339. KATHERINE of Arragon, Queen, 35.

of France, Queen, 31. of Portugal, why not

crowned, 42. Kensington, arrival of the Funeral at, 240.

Kidderminster, address and present to the Queen, 93, 94; the Queen's answer to this address, 94, 95.

King, the," shows himself to his people," 88.

King's speech, manner in which the Queen is there mentioned, 86.

Kings, of eighteen married ones, from the Conquest to Henry VII. had all their Consorts crowned, 35.

Knightsbridge, account of the affray at, 357, 400, et seq. LAMB, Mr. W. on the Queen's funeral, 539.

Leopold, Prince, visits the Queen,

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Liber Regalis, the, 20, 21, 70. Life Guards, on their conduct at

the Queen's funeral, 364; their conduct at Knightsbridge, 395, 399.9

Lines on the arrival of the Queen,

352; on her death, 352, 358.Y London, occupied by the Military at the Coronation, 122, 123, 124. Londonderry, Marquis of, on the funeral of Queen Caroline, 539. Lord Mayor, proclamation issued by, on the death of the Queen, 207; meets the funerals at Temple-bar, 230 Costa Loyal Addresses," 89. ad ani Lushington De 247, 253 ; his address of thanks en receiving

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