Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

Pilled-robbed, pillaged, ii. 20, 457.

Pin, to cleave the-to split the wooden pin
in a target, i. 92, 315

Pin and web-the cataract in the eye, i.
683, ii. 776

Pinched-restrained, nipped, i. 688
Pinfold-a pound, i. 50

Pik eyne-small eyes, iii. 500

Pioners, or pioneers-degraded soldiers, ii.

Pip-a spot on a card, i. 520

Pitch or pith-eminence, iii. 140

Pitch and pay-pay on delivery, ii. 202
Pitikins, ods-God me pity, iii. 312
Place-abiding-place, i. 467

Place-seat f authority, i. 439. iii. 516
Places dignities, honours, i. 689
Placket-a petticoat, i. 312, 715, 723, ii.
776, iii. 211

Plagued punished, ii. 457

Planched-p.arked, made of boards, i.


[blocks in formation]

Polled-cleared, iii. 395

own ad-

Pomander-a ball of perfume, i. 723
Pomewater-a kind of apple, i. 316
Poor John-hake, a fish, ii. 597
Popinjay-a parrot, a trifling fop, ii. 67
Porpentine-porcupine, i. 218, 221, ii. 205
Port-a gate, iii. 478

Port-show, state, appearance, i, 400, 518
Portable-bearable, supportable, ii. 780,

iii. 39
Portage-portholes, ii. 207

Portance-carriage, mien, bearing, ii. 673
Possessed-informed, i. 404

Potch-to push, to thrust, iii. 359

Potents-potentates, i. 753

Poulter a poulterer, ii. 86

Pouncet-box-scent-box, ii. 67

Powder-to salt, ii. 118

Poynt, no-non point, i. 301, 336

Practice-conspiracy, machination, col-
lusion, i. 193, ii. 200, 734, 765, 805

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Presence-presence-chamber, ii. 657
Presently-immediately, ii. 328, 497. ii. 700
Pressed-ready, bound, urged, 1. 400
Presence-design, device, i. 70, 699

Pretend to intend, i. 67, ii. 205. iii. 692
Pretend-to portend, ii. 286
Pretty-petty, little, ii. 705

Prevent-to anticipate, ii. 131, 286, iii. 428,

Prick-song-music pricked,
down, ii. 620

Prig-cheat, a thief, i. 710
Prime-the spring, iii. 749

or noted

Primero-an old game at cards, i. 137, ii.

Principality-a celestial, i. 64

Principals-the strongest rafters in a build-
ing, iii. 626

Princox-a coxcomb, ii. 610

Print, in-precisely, to the letter, i. 59
Prize-to rate, iii. 56

Prize-privilege, ii. 391

Probal-probable, ii. 692

Proceeding advancement, iii. 437
Process-citation, iii. 472

Prodigious-monstrous, portentous, i. 759.
iii. 426

Proface-welcome, ii. 179

Prognostication-almanac, i. 727
Project-to shape, iii. 541

Projection-forecast, preparation, ii. 204

Prolixious-coy, delaying, L. 109
Prompture-suggestion, 1. 169

Prone-ardent, i. 151, iii. 694
Proof-armour, iii. 3

Proper-peculiar, personal, iii. 353. 405
Proper-false-handsome-false, i. 638
Propertied-circumscribed, appropriated,

i. 654

Properties, a theatrical term, i. 135, 358
Proposing-discoursing, i. 201

Prorogue to deaden or benumb, ii. 484
Provand-provender, iii. 360

Provincial-of the ecclesiastical province,
i. 198

Provincial, from Provins-celebrated for
roses, iii. 148

Prune-to plume, ii. 62, iii. 323
Pruning-trimming up, acoring, i. 323
Pugging-prigging, i. 708
Puke-stocking-puce-stocking, ii. Ɛo
Pun-to pound, iii. 205

Punk-a prostitute, i. 110, 195, 581
Purchase-profit, advantage, i, tot
Purchase-booty, plunder, 1. 74, 173
Push-pish! pshaw! i. 281, ii. 196
Push-pin-a game, i. 322

Put ch-to incite, to provoke, ii. 692, iii.


[blocks in formation]

Quart d'écu, or cardecue-a coin, the
fourth part of a French gold crown, i.
611, 616

Quat-a pimple or scab, ii. 624
Queasy-fastidious, squeamish, i. 255
Quell-murder, iii. 12

Quorn-a hand-mill, i. 359

Quest-inquisition, inquest, jury, i. 181,
ii. 464, 663

Questioned-conversed, iii. 682
Question-motives, reason, iii. 447
Queubus, equinoctial of, i. 639.

Quick-alive, quickening, quick-witted, ii.
449, iii. 476, 543

Quick, recreation-lively pastime, i. 296
Quiddit-a subtlety, i. 174
Quietus-discharge, acquittance,


Quilt-a flock bed, ii. ro5

iii. 139,

Quips-sudden, angry gibes, scoffs, i. 80
Quit-to requite, i. 200, iii. 518

Quittance-requital, to make requital, ii.
125, 264, iii. 58
Quiver-smart, nimble, ii. 155.

Quote-to look into, to scan, iii. 125, 578,

RABATO, or rebato-an ornament for the
neck, a kind of ruff, i. 269
"Rabbit-sucker-a sucking rabbit, ii. 86
Race-nature, i. 11.

Rack-to stretch, to extend, i. 276
Rack-dritting vapour, or scud, ii. 392,

iii. 729

Racked-harassed by exactions. ii. 320
Rag-a term of contempt, iii 90

Ragged-rough, rugged, base, i. 470, ii.

[blocks in formation]

Razes-roots, ii..73

Read-to tread, ii. 102, 594
Rearmice-bats, i. 364
Rearward-rearguard, iii. 747
Reason to discourse, i. 419

Reasonable swiftness-speed of thought,
ii. 194

Rebate to blunt, i. 154

Rebato a kind of ruff, an ornament for
the neck, i. 269

Rebeck-a sort of fiddle, ii. 652
Receipt-receptacle, iii. 12

Recheat-a note on the horn, i. 245

Reck-to regard, iii. 115

Record-to chant, i. 90, iii. 631

Recover the wind of me-a hunting ex-
pression, i.i. 149

Recure-to recover, ii. 492
Rede-counsel, advice, iii. 115

Red-lattice-the denotement of an ale-
house, ii. 138

Red-lattice phrases-ale-house phraseology,
i. 109, 586

Reduce to restore, to bring back to a
former state, ii. 524

Reechy-discoloured by smoke, i. 268
Refelled-refuted, i. 193

Regard-reflection, observation, iii. 686,


Regiment-directorship, rule, iii. 509
Reguerdon-recompense, ii. 278, 284
Relume-to relight, ii. 727

Remarkable profoundly striking, iii. 535
Remember thy courtesy-discontinue cere-
mony, i. 329

Remembered-reminded, iii. 756
Remembrance-memorial, ii. 701
Remonstrance-exhibition, manifestation,

i. 199

Remorse-pity, tenderness of feeling, i.
83, 193, 781. ii. 703

Remorseless-relentless, pitiless, iii. 691.
Remotion-removal, ii. 765, iii. 91
Removed-remote, private, i. 152, 735
Removes stages, journeys, i. 620
Render-to describe, to represent, i. 497
Reneges-denies, renounces, ii. 761, iii. 471
Repeal to recall from exile, to bring back,
i. 73, ii. 22, 34, 351, iii. 441
Repetition-recrimination, i. 617
Repine-vexation, discontent, iii. 663
Reproof-refutation, disproof, ii. 94
Repugn-to resist, ii. 287
Reputing-boasting, ii. 337
Reserve preserve, iii. 729, 745
Resolve-be assured. ii. 257.
Respect-self-command, prudence, iii. 207,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Rough-hew-to plan, or fashion in the
rough, iii. 178

Round-plain spoken, i. 210, iii. 65, 141
Round, roundel, roundelay-a dance, i.

Rounded-insinuated, i. 757
Rounder-a circle, i. 751

Rounding-whispering, insinuating, i. 681

Royal-a coin so called, ii. 84

Roynish-scurvy, i. 466

Ruddock-the red-breast, iii. 310
Rudesby-blusterer, swaggerer, i. 536
Rue-herb-grace, iii. 166

Ruff-the top of the boot turned over, i.


Ruffian-roisterer, swash-buckler, ii. 666
Ruin-rubbish, i. 420

Rushes strewed on room floors, and on
the stage, i. 542, ii. 93

SABLES-the wearing of, iii. 144
Sackerson-the name of a bear, i. 99
Sacred-devoted, dedicated, ii. 560
Sacring-bell-the bell rung on the eleva
tion of the host, ii. 569

Sad-grave, serious, i. 54, 247, 260, 717
Safe-sound, ii. 793
Safely-slowly, ii, 161

Saffron-the colour of Judas' hair, the

dissembling colour, i. 613
Sag-to droop, to flag, iii. 45

Sagittary-officers' residence at the arsenal
of Venice, ii. 672

Said-done, i. 471, 703, ii. 154

Sail-pomp, swell, ii. 193, iii. 745
Sallet a helmet, ii. 368

Sallets, or salte-Atticism, piquancy, iii.


Salt-salt-cellar, i. 75

Saltiers-corruption of satyrs, i. 717
Salute to move, to exhilarate, ii. 552, iii.

Samingo-San Domingo, an old burden to
drinking songs, ii. 180
Satire-a satirist, iii. 750
Saucy-prurient, i. 612

'Say-assay, taste, evidence, й. 805

'Sayed-assayed, iii. 604

Scaled-dispersed, iii. 255

Scamble-to seize, to scramble, to rifle,
i. 781, ii. 186

Scamels, or sea-mells-sea-birds, i. 25
Scapes-lapses, slips, i. 705, iii. 695
Scarfed bark-vessel decorated with flags,
i. 415

Scathe to damage, ii. 610

Sconce the head, i. 208, 211, iii. 174. 381
Score-to mark, to brand, i. 208

Scorn it with the heels-a manner of scorn-
ful rejection, i. 270, 408

Scotch-to wound, to notch, iii. 24
Scrimers-fencers, iii. 170
Scroyles-scabby rogues, i. 753
Scrubbed-stunted, i. 451

Sculls-shoals, iii. 255

'Scuse-excuse, i. 444, ii. 711
Scut-a tail, i. 141
Seals on deeds, ii. 51

Sear-to stigmatize, to close up, i. 688, iii.

Season-preservative, iii 29

Secret-separated, devoted, iii. 430
Secure-careless, to make over confident,
i. 108, 112, 118, ii. 53, 264, 784, iii. 207
Secure-to assure, iii. 69

Securely-carelessly, over-confidently, ii.
20, iii. 239

Security-carelessness, over-confidence, ii.
30, iii. 30, 438

See to-to the sight, iii. 732

Seel, in falconry-to sew up the eyes,

25, 518

Seen-versed, practised, skilled, i. 522
Seldom comes the better-a proverbial say-
ing, ii. 473

Sense, to the-to the quick, ii. 724
Septentrion-the north, ii. 390
Sequester a separation, ii. 706

Sere, tickled o' the-easily moved to mirth,
iii. 132

Sergeant anciently one of the king's
guard, iii. 2

[ocr errors]

Serpigo leprosy, i. 170

Sessa, Sesey-be quiet, i. 508, ii. 780
Set a term in music, i. 53.

Set a match-to plan a robbery, ii. 64
Set up his rest-to stake all, ii. 650
Several-private, i. 307, iii. 761
Several-manifold, i. 571
Shale-a case, a shell, ii. 227
Shards-broken fragments, iii. 176

Shards-scaly wings of a beetle, iii. 25, 502
Shaven Hercules, the, i. 268
Sheen-brightness, splendour,

[blocks in formation]

359, iii.

Sheer-pure, unmixed, i. 512, ii. 54
Shent-undone, ruined, reproved, i. 102, iii.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Shrive to bring to confession and absolve,

i. 215

Shriving-time-time of shrift or confession,
iii. 179

Shut-up-finished, concluded, iii. 13
Side-long, i. 269

Siege a seat, place, state, i. 183, iii. 169
Sightless-invisible, iii. 9, 11
Sightless-unsightly, i. 758

Sights-apertures for seeing through in a
helmet, ii. 158

Sign-to give an omen, iii. 523
Silly-simple, rustic, iii. 320
Silly cheat-petty theft, i. 709
Simular-counterfeit, deceitful, ii. 772
Single-simple, feeble, ii. 120, iii. 6
Sink-a-pace-cinque-pace, a dance. i. 250
Sir-a title of certain churchmen, ii. 317
Sir-applied to nobility and royalty, i. 683,

Sir reverence-an apology for any un-
seemly saying, i. 220

Sir, the the gallant, the courtier, ii. 682
Sirs-an old form of addressing women, iii.

[blocks in formation]

i. 295

Sit down, sorrow, i. 299
Sizes-allowances, ii. 767

Skainsmates-reckless fellows, ii. 622
Skill-cunnning, design, reason, i. 690, 714
Skills not-is of no importance, ii. 341
Skimble skamble-jumbled, deranged, ii.

Skinker-drawer of liquor, ii. 79
Skirr-to scour, ii. 235, iii. 46
Slander-to abuse, iii. 16

Slanderous-ignominious, branded, iii 700
Slavish wipe-the brand of slaves, iii.

Sleave-unwrought silk, iii. 15
Sledded-sledged, iii. 106
Sleided-untwisted, iii. 769
Slipper-slippery, ii. 683

Slips-counterfeit pieces of money, ii. 620,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


Speak to-to aspire or lay claim to, iii. 668
Speculation-view, espial, iii. 225
Sped-done, settled, ií. 629
Sped-promised, i. 564
Speed-fortune, i. 701
Sperr-to shut up, iii. 187
Spleen-flash, i, 354, 755
Spot-stain, ii. 745

Sprag-quick, ready, sprightly, i. 129
Spring-shoot, sprig, iii. 667, 681, 198
Spirited-haunted, iii. 282
Squandered-dispersed, i. 404

Square-equitable, iii. 102

Square-a quarrel, to quarrel,

[blocks in formation]

359. iii.

Squash-an immature peascod, i. 371,

Squire a rule, i. 340, ii. 74

Staggers a kind of apoplexy in horses, i.

[blocks in formation]

111. 331

Stain-tinct, mark, eclipse, i. 567, iii. 506
Stale-insipid, out of date, i. 210

Stand on, stands me upon-it is incumbent
on me, ii. 27, 620, iii. 179, 484
Stannyel a kind of hawk, i. 646
Stark-rigid, stiff, ii. 310
Starve-to perish, iii. 269

State-a chair or throne. ii. 85, iii. 26
Statue-picture, image, i. 87

Stay-a check or obstacle, i. 755
Steel-to harden like steel, iii. 661
Stelled-fixed, ii. 709

Stern-rigid, unyielding, i. 604
Sternage steerage, course, ii. 206
Sticking-place-abiding place, iii. 12
Stickler an arbitrator in combats, iii. 258
Stigmatick-branded with deformity, i. 225,
ii. 374, 398

Still-always, ever, i. 243, 400, 611, ii. 100,
219, 226, iii. 442

Still an end-constantly, perpetually, i. 85.
Still music-soft, subdued music, i. 383, 505
Stinted-stopped, ii, 605

Stithe an anvil. iii. 143

Stithy-the smith's workshop, iii. 143
Stoccado, or stoccata-a term of fencing, i.

Stomach-haughtiness, ii. 577

Stood upon-plumed or presumed upon, i.i.

Stops a technical term in muic, iii. 143,
149, 703

Stout-bold, proud, i. 776
Stover-fodder, i. 34

Strain-lineage, i. 255

Strain-turn, tendency, i. 106 122

Strain courtesy, to-to avoid the post of
honour in a perilous undertaking, iii.

Strange-wonderful, incredible, ii. 732
Strange coy, ii. 615
Strange-foreign, iii 273

Strappado-a kind of punishment, ii. 83
Strict-harsh, iii. 77

Strike-to tap, to broach, iii. 500
Stroke-rule, i. 183

Strossers-trousers. ii. 213

Stuck-a sword, a thrust, iii. 171
Stuck in-corruption of stoccata, i. 659
Stuff-luggage, i. 231

Stuffed-furnished, endowed, i. 242, ii.


Subject-people, subjects, i. 676
Subscribes-succumbs, in 240, 752
Success-consequence, succession, i. 576,
685, iii. 11, 467, 505
Sudden-violent, i. 457. iii. 38
Suffer-to punish, to afflict, iii. 516
Suffered-unrestrained, indulged, iii. 661
Suggesting enticing, tempung, seducing,
i. 21, 66, 69, 296. ii. 3
Suitor-pronounced shooter, i. 315
Sullen-melancholy, i. 741

Sumpter-a horse that carries provisions
on a journey, ii. 768
Supposes-imposters, i. 559
Surcease end, iii. 11

Surprise to capture, to seize unawares, .
423. iii. 553

Swarth or swath-the corn cut with one
stroke of a scythe, i. 641. iii. 255
Swasher-swaggerer, ii. 208

Swashing-crushing, smashing, ii. 593
Swear-over-to out-swear, i. 686

Sweet and twenty-a proverbial endear-
ment, i. 639

Sweet mouth-liquorish tooth, i. 75

Sweltered-weltered, ii. 31

Swift-ready, i. 263, 504

Swinge-buckler-a bully, ii. 151

Sword-swearing by the, i. 122, 123, 697

Sworn brothers-men bound to share each
other's fortunes, ii. 48, 195
Sympathy-equality, ii. 41

TABLE-a table-book, i. 67

Table-a picture, board or canvas on
which any object is painted, i. 567, 755
Table, in palmistry-the palm of the hand,

i. 411

Tabourines-drums, iii. 243
Tag-the rabble, iii. 376, 423
Tailor cries, i. 359
Tainture-defilement, ii. 32)

Take to bewitch, to blast, to paralyse, i.
134, ii. 766, 775, iii. 255

Take a truce-to make peace, i. 758
Take in-to conquor, to overcome, iii.

[blocks in formation]

Tame-cheater-a petty rogue, ii. 143
Tame-snake-a poltroon, i. 496
Tang-to twang, i. 23, 847
Tarre-to incite, i. 773. iii. 133, 204
Tartar-Tartarus, ii. 200

Tasked-taxed, challenged, ii. 107, 113
Taste-to try, to test, i. 650, 658
Tawdry-lace a neck ornament, i. 715
Tawny-coated followers, ii. 258
Taxation-sarcasm, satire, i. 457
Teen-grief, sorrow, i. 4, i. 604

Tell-to rate, to number, to account, iii.

Temperance-temperature, i. 15

Tempered-moulded, qualified, ii. 200, iii.


Tender-an offer, a promise, ii. 637
Tender hefted, ii. 767
Tents-hangings, i. 533

Tercel-the male hawk-iii. 220
Tharborough-a constable. i. 297
Theorick-theory, i. 608, ii. 187
Thews, ii. 155. iii. 114
Thick-rapidly. iii. 290
Thick-skin-thick-head, i. 135

Thills, fills the shafts of a waggon, iii.


Though-if, even if, since, ii. 462, iii. 91,

Thought-melancholy, iii. 525
Thrasenical-bragging, boastful, i. 327, 500
Three-man beetle-an implement for
driving piles, ii. 131

Three-men song-men-singers of songs in
three parts, i. 709

Three merry men be we-the burden of a
song, i. 640

Three-pile-three-piled velvet, i. 708
Thronged-oppressed, crushed, shrunk, iii.

[blocks in formation]

ii. 143

Time and the hour, iii. 6

Timely-in proper time, ii. 347.

Time of life-duration of life, iii. 465
'Time's fool. ii. 117

Tire-to peck like a bird, to tear, ii. 384.
iii. 80, 654

Tiring-attiring, i. 213

To-an ellipsis for equal to, i. 63

To, to-ploughmen's words of encourage-
ment, iii. 206

To friend-for friend, propitious, iii. 37, 259,

[blocks in formation]
« AnteriorContinua »