The Works of Shakespeare, Edició 16Printed at Edinburgh for Grant Richards, 1901 |
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ACT I Sc Alack arms BAGOT banish'd banishment Barkley BISHOP OF CARLISLE blood BOLING Bolingbroke bosom breath BUSHY Castle Cousin Crown dar'st dear depos'd doth DUCH Duke of Hereford Duke of Norfolk Duke of York Earl of Wiltshire Earth Enter KING RICHARD exeunt EXTON eyes face fair farewell fear FITZWATER flatter foul friends gage gentle give Gloucester's death God's Grace gracious GREEN grief hand happy Harry hate hath head heart Heaven hither honour JOHN OF GAUNT knee LADY Lancaster land Liege live look Lord Aumerle Lords of Ross Madam Majesty Mowbray's ne'er noble NORTH pardon peace PERCY Prince proud QUEEN Ravenspurgh RICH Ross royal SCENE SCROOP shame shew sorrow soul Sovereign speak stand sweet tears thee thine Thomas Mowbray thou art thou hast thoughts tongue traitor treason true Uncle Villain weeping Whilst WILLO word