HISTORICAL TYPES CONTAINED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. TWENTY DISCOURSES PREACHED BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE IN THE YEAR 1826. AT THE LECTURE Founded by the Rev. JOHN HULSE. BY THE REV. TEMPLE CHEVALLIER, M.A. LATE FELLOW AND TUTOR OF CATHARINE HALL. CAMBRIDGE: Printed by J. Smith, Printer to the University; FOR J. & J. J. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE: AND C. & J. RIVINGTON, LONDON. TO THE REVEREND JOSEPH PROCTER, D. D. MASTER OF CATHARINE HALL, AND LATE VICE-CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY: TO THE REVEREND CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH, D.D. MASTER OF TRINITY COLLEGE; AND VICE-CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY; AND TO THE VERY REVEREND JAMES WOOD, D.D. MASTER OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE; AND DEAN OF ELY; SURVIVING TRUSTEES OF THE LECTURE FOUNDED BY THE REV. JOHN HULSE, THE FOLLOWING LECTURES, PREACHED BY THEIR AΡΡΟΙΝΤΜENT, ARE MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. Substance of certain CLAUSES in the WILL of the REV. J. HULSE, M.A. dated July 21, 1777. He founds a LectureSHIP in the University of Cambridge. The Lecturer is to be a "Clergyman in the University of Cambridge, of the degree of Master of Arts, and under the age of forty years." He is to be elected annually, on Christmas-day, or within seven days after, by the Vice-Chancellor for the time being, and by the Master of Trinity College, and the Master of Saint John's College, or any two of them." In case the Master of Trinity, or the Master of Saint John's be the Vice-Chancellor, the Greek Professor is to be the third Trustee. The duty of the said Lecturer is "to preach twenty Sermons in the whole year, that is to say, ten Sermons during the months of April, and May, and the two first weeks in June; and likewise ten Sermons during the months of September, and October, and during the two first weeks of November." The place of preaching, is to be "Saint Mary's Great Church in Cambridge:" and the time, "either on the Friday morning, or else on Sunday afternoon." The subject of the said Discourses is to be, "the Evidence for Revealed Religion; the truth and excellence of Christianity; Prophecies and Miracles; direct or collateral proofs of the Christian religion, especially the collateral arguments; the more difficult texts or obscure parts of the Holy Scriptures;" or any one or more of these topics, at the discretion of the Preacher. The subject of the said Discourses is not to be " any particular sects or controversies amongst Christians themselves; except some |