Imatges de pàgina

4. Anti, ant, means, against,-as, antipathy, a feeling against, dislike, antarctic, opposite to the arctic or north, southern.

5. Apo, aph, signifies, from or away,—as, apostate, one who stands from, or forsakes his professed principles,-aphelion, away from the sun. 6. Cata, cat, means, down,-as, cataract, a rushing down of water, catarrh, a running cold in the head,-catalogue, an account down, a list.

7. Dia, di, means, through,-as, diameter, a measure through the centre of a circle.

8. En, em, means, in or on,―as, endemic, on the people, peculiar to a country, emphasis, stress laid on a word in speaking.

9. Epi, means, upon or over,-as, epitaph, an inscription upon a tomb. 10. Hyper, means, overmuch,-as, hypercritic, a critic over-exact. 11. Hypo, means, under,--as, hypocrite, one who keeps under or conceals his real sentiments.

12. Meta, met, means, beyond, change,-as, metaphor, a carrying of a word beyond its proper meaning,-metonomy, change of name.

13. Para, par, means, near to, similarity or contrariety,―as, parallel, extending near to, and preserving the same distance,-parable, putting a thing near to another, a similitude,—paradox, a contrary opinion. 14. Peri, means, round about,-as, periosteum, around the bone, a membrane that covers the bone, periphrasis, round-about speech, circumlocution.

15. Syn, Sym, Syl, means, with, together,—as, synonyme, a word having a meaning with or the same as another word,-sympathy, a feeling together, compassion,-syllable, letters pronounced together.


Point out prefix, tell its import, and also meaning of the whole word.

1. abyss, atone, atheist.

2. amphitheatre, amphisbaena.

3. anabaptist, analysis.

4. antipodes, antidote.

5. apostle, apocalypse.

6. catechist, catastrophe.

7. diaphanous, diagonal.

8. enthusiasm, energy.

9. episode, epidemic.

10. hyperbole, hyperborean.

11. hypothesis, hyphen.

12. metathesis, metamorphose.

13. paraphrase, parasol.

14. perimeter, peripatetic.

15. synthesis, symptom, syllogism.



It is impossible in every case to ascertain the exact face, or even general import of an affix or termination. Several seem to have different or even contradictory meanings, and several merely lengthen the word without affecting the meaning. Teachers ought not to require their pupils to assign a meaning to every affix.

1. Acy, denotes, being or state of being,—as, accuracy, a being accurate, celibacy, the state of being unmarried.

2. Age, denotes, state or condition,-as, foliage, the leafy state of plants. This affix has other significations,--as, postage, money paid for conveying letters,-hermitage, the habitation of a hermit,-tillage, act of cultivating the ground, &c.

3. An, denotes, the agent, or one who,—as, guardian, one who guards an orphan.

4. Ance, denotes, being or state of being, like ing of our present participle, as, repentance, state of repenting, sorrow for sin.

5. Ancy, denotes, being or state of being, (or simply ing,)—as, constancy, state of standing firm, lasting affection.

6. Ant, denotes, the one who,-as, tenant, the person who holds property of another.

7. Ar, denotes, the person who,-as, beggar, he who begs.

8. Ard, denotes, he who,-as, dotard, he who dotes or is silly.

9. Ary, denotes, he who,―as, lapidary one who cuts precious stones. 10. Cle, denotes, little or small,-as, corpuscle, a small body,

11. Dom, denotes, state or dominion,-as, kingdom, dominion of a king,—freedom, state of being free.

12. Ee, denotes, the person in a passive state,—as, committee, persons to whom some enquiry is entrusted.

13. Eer, denotes, one who,-as, mountaineer, a dweller among the mountains.

14. Ence, denotes, state or being, or "ing,"-as, adherence, state of adhering or sticking to.

15. Ency, denotes, being or state of being, or "ing,"-as, currency, a running or being current, consistency, the being consistent or standing together.

16. Er, denotes, the person who, as, writer, one who writes.

17. Hood, denotes, state of,-as, boyhood, state of a boy.

18. Ion, denotes, act of,-as, contribution, act of giving together,collision, act of striking together.

19. Ics, denotes, the doctrine, art or science of,-as, ethics, the science of moral philosophy,-economics, art of managing household affairs.

20. Ism, denotes, state of, peculiar to, form or system of,-as, paganism, the being a pagan,-Latinism, a Latin form of expression,-Calvinism, doctrine peculiar to Calvin, syllogism, logical form of reasoning, catechism, a system, or book, of questions and answers.

21. Ist, denotes, one skilled in,—as, botanist, one who studies plants. 22. Ite, denotes, one who,-as, Levite, one who is descended from Levi.

23. Ive, denotes, one who,―as, captive, one who is taken in war. 24. Kin, denotes, diminution,-as, lambkin, a young or little lamb. 25. let, denotes, diminution,-as, streamlet, a little stream. 26. Ling, denotes, diminution,-as, darling, a little dear.

27. Ment, denotes, state of, act of, the thing that,―as, abasement, state of being abased or brought low,-concealment, act of concealing, -refreshment, that which refreshes.

28. Ness, denotes, state of or quality of,-as, barrenness, state of being barren,-goodness, the quality of being good.

29. Or, denotes, one who,-as, intercessor, one who intercedes or goes between parties to reconcile them.

30. Ric, denotes, rule or jurisdiction,-as, bishopric, the diocese of a bishop.

31. Ry, denotes, the state of being, the place where, art or science of, -as, slavery, state of being a slave,-library, the place where books are kept,-husbandry, art of farming.

32. Ship, denotes, office of, state of,-as, stewardship, office of a steward or manager.

33. Th, denotes, being or state of being,-as, warmth, the being moderate heat,-length, the being long, extension.


34. Tude, denotes, being or state of being,-as, multitude, state of being many,-gratitude, the being grateful, thankfulness.

35. Ty, denotes, state of being,-as, brevity, state of being short, or concise.

36. Ule, denotes, diminution,-as, animalcule, a very small animal. 37. Ure, denotes, the thing, power, or art of,-as, scripture, the thing written, the Bible,-legislature, the power that makes laws,— agriculture, the art of tilling fields.

38. Y, denotes, state of being, or art,-as, mastery, the being master, dominion,--masonry, the craft or art of the mason.



(What are the Nouns denoting being or state of being, &c., &c.,

the following words?)

1. curate, supreme, pirate.
2. marry, plume, post,

3. history, grammar, Europe.
4. repeat, hinder, distant.
5. brilliant, vacant, elegant,
6. assist, inhabit, combat.
7. school, lie, family.
8. slug, cow, wise.

9. adverse, antique, secret. 10. part, ice, cant.

11. pope, Christian, sheriff.
12. present, trust, patent.
13. engine, auction, mutiny.

14. benevolent, innocent, obedient.
15. decent, fluent, agent.
16. coal, village, travel.

17. man, false, widow.
18. attend, create, adhere.

19. mechanician, optician.

20. atheist, barbarous, egotist.
21. flower, art, nature, drug.
22. bedlam, Caanan, favour.
23. operate, represent, relate.
24. man, cider, pipe.
25. flower, eagle, leaf.
26. lord, nurse, sap, seed.
27. settle, punish, engage.
28. bad, noble, joyful.
29. create, act, precept.
30. archbishop.

31. brave, bigot, mock.
32. lord, fellow, friend.
33. young, die, long, deep.
34. serve, similar, ample.
35. able, pious, Christian.
36. globe, grain, sphere.
37. furnish, depart, sign.
38. honest, prophet, flatter.




1. Ac, denotes, of or belonging to,-as, elegiac, pertaining to elegy or mournful song.

2. Aceous, denotes, consisting of, resembling,--as, cetaceous, of the whale kind,-herbaceous, belonging to herbs.

3. Al, denotes, of or belonging to, becoming,-as, autumnal, belonging to autumn, the third season of the year,-filial, becoming a son.

4. An, denotes, belonging, relating, or pertaining to,-as, European, belonging to Europe,-hyperborean, belonging to the far north, frigid. 5. Ant, this termination is equivalent in meaning to the English participle of "ing,"―as, abundant, abounding, very plentiful.

6. Ar, denotes, belonging to, or according to,—as, solar, belonging to the sun,-irregular, not according to rule or order.

7. Ary, denotes, belonging to, or pertaining to,—as, epistolary, belonging to a letter or writing sent.

8. Ate, denotes, having, or full of,-as, adequate, having what is equal to, sufficient,-as, passionate, full of or easily moved by passion.

9. Ble, denotes, that, may, or can, or fit to be,-as, portable, that can be carried,—laudable, that ought to be praised,-invisible, that cannot be seen, eligible, fit or worth to be chosen.

10. En, denotes, made of,—as, golden, made of gold,—woollen, made of wool.

11. Ent, denotes, the same as the English "ing,"-as, belligerent, carrying on or waging war,-absent, being away.

12. Escent, denotes, becoming, or growing,-as, quiescent, becoming still.

13. Ful, denotes, full of, abundance,-as, wonderful, full of wonder, astonishing.

14. Ic, denotes, of, belonging, or pertaining to,-as, academic, of or belonging to an academy or place of education,-oceanic, pertaining to the ocean or main.

15. Ical, denotes, pertaining to, likeness,―as, angelical, pertaining to an angel,-apostolical, like an apostle.

16. Id, denotes, of or belonging to, or "ing,”—as, humid, of moisture, damp, torrid, burning.

17. Ile, denotes, having the nature of, or pertaining to,—as, infantile, pertaining to an infant, childish.

18. Ine, denotes, of or belonging to,-as, feminine, of or belonging to the female.

19. Ish, denotes, belonging to, or having somewhat of,—as, British, belonging to Britain,—darkish, having somewhat of darkness.

20. Ive, denotes, having power to do, or "ing,"—as, persuasive, that can persuade or convince,-progressive, progressing, going forward. 21. Less, denotes, not having, or wanting,-as, fatherless, deprived of a father, careless, wanting care, heedless.

22. Like, denotes, like to, or resembling,—as, warlike, resembling war, martial.

23. Ly, denotes, like to, or resembling,—as, homely, like home, plain. 24. Ory, denotes, of or belonging to, or ing,"-as, prefatory, of or

belonging to a preface or to a book.

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25. Ose, denotes, full of, abounding in,-as, verbose, abounding in words.

26. Ous, denotes, full of, abounding, "ing,"-as, populous, full of people,-contiguous, touching together, bordering upon.

27. Some, denotes, full of, or having,-as, gladsome, full of gladness, -quarrelsome, having disposition to quarrel.

28. Ward, denotes, in the direction of,-as, downward, looking down. 29. Y, denotes, full of,-as, stony, full of stones.


(What are the adjectives denoting of, or belonging to, &c., &c., from the following words?)

1. demon, prosody.

2. bulb, crust, membrane. 8. nature, autumn, voice. 4. Rome, Greece, metropolis. 5. abound, dispute, repent. 6. angel, people, circle. 7. moment, number, example. 8. fortune, moderation, temper. 9. command, elect, admit, 10. earth, silk, wheat, oat.

11. excel, revere, provide,
12. putrid. liquify, vanish.
13. awe, beauty, delight.
14. angel, metal, majesty.
15. botany, grammar, tragedy.
16. candour, horror, splendour.
17. fertility, merchant, project.
18. infant, elephant, serpent.
19. blue, green, purple, fever.
20. compare, disjoin, expel.

21. life, spot, cease, end, 22. God, man, saint.

23. world, brother, master.

24. satisfy, explain, introduce. 25. globe, joke, operate.

26. anxiety, zeal, envy, glory.
27. trouble, burden, irk.

28. way, back, out, for.

29. sponge, marsh, shade, bush.



1. Ate, denotes, to make,―as, renovate, to make new again,-animate, to make alive.

2. En, denotes, to make,-as, lengthen, to make long,-quicken, to make quick or alive.

3. Fy, denotes, to make,—as, sanctify, to make holy. 4. Ish, denotes, to make,-as, publish, to make public. 5. Ize, denotes, to make,-as, fertilize, to make fertile.


(What are the verbs signifying to make, from the following?)

[blocks in formation]

The vocabulary is divided into 3 Sections. In Section I. are placed the words that appear in the columns at the head of the lessons after the words of Greek origin. The words in Section I. are chiefly of Saxon origin.


A-bate', v. to lessen; to decrease in strength or violence.

Abbey, n. a monastery; a convent; a house of religious retirement. Ac-cou'tre, v. to equip the body for warfare.

Ac-quit tal, n. deliverance from a charge; setting free.

A-gree'a-ble, adj, suitable to; pleasing.

Aid de-camp, n. a military officer who conveys the general's orders. Aisle, n. (see ALA, Sec. II.)

Al-be'it, adv. although; notwithstanding.

Allure', v. to entice; to hold out temptations.

Almond, n. the nut of the almond tree. The leaves and blossoms of the almond tree resemble those of the peach. The tree blossoms on the bare branches in January, and gives its fruit in April.

Am'bush, n. the place or act of lying in wait.

A-non', adv. quickly; soon.

Ar-rangement, n. the act of putting in order; settled plan.

A-shamed, adj. affected by shame; abashed.

Aught, n. anything.

Aver-age, n. a mean number or quantity.—adj. containing a mean pro


Barrier, n. an intrenchment; a defence; a boundary.

Bea'con, n. a signal fire on an eminence; a lighthouse.

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