Imatges de pàgina


The Christian Church.-Letter of Edward Lhwyd.

The face of Europe was in a more especial manner changed by this great event.-(Mosheim, IV. 5.)

Since nothing is more inconsistent with that subordination and concord which are among the great ends of civil government, than imperium in imperio, i. e. two independent sovereignties in the same body politicthe genius of Government, as well as the spirit of genuine Christianity, proclaims the equity of that Constitution that makes the supreme Head of the State the supreme visible Ruler of the Church also. (Mosh. IV. 286, note, 16th cent.)

The very essence of civil government seems manifestly to point out the necessity of investing the Sovereign with this spiritual supremacy. (Ibid.) And agreeably to this principle, the wisdom of our ancestors has observed this caution in the venerable establishment of the English Constitution, whereby the just allegiance due to the Sovereign in his temporal capacity is not divided by any unconcurrent duty to the spiritual head, the union of their sway gives the Monarch an undistinguished power which secures the obedience of all sects and parties on the one hand, and diffuses the blessings of authority and mercy on the other.

Sufficient has been noted to trace the progress of the establishment of churches, and particularly of that in which we are most interested, and whose venerable history has been delineated by Warner and other ecclesiastical writers, who have written with the dutiful affection of filial piety.

A Church which has been justly celebrated for having produced men of the most profound learning, of the sincerest piety, of the most unshaken perseverance, and of the most truly Christian charity, of any church in Christendom; -men who have borne the heat of controversy with liberal forbearance,-have eminently filled the chairs of instruction without rigidity, -and have maintained unsullied in its purity the Church, whose dogmas they were called to defend.

We who belong to this Protestant Church cannot but unite with our Christian brethren in the most unfeigned praise, that this blessing has been established in our land also; and that it has taught us to tolerate and to embrace all our fellow Christians, who


even differ from ourselves in modes and forms, knowing that we all acknowledge one Master in Heaven, who has fixed his divine Signet upon our profession, by which all men shall know that we are his disciples, namely, Christian love.


A. H.

April 2.

THE Letter herewith sent was

written by that eminent Welsh Antiquary and Naturalist Edward Lhwyd, to one of his learned friends, and has never, I believe, been published. CARADOC. "FOR THE HONd Dr. MARTIN LISTER, AT THE OLD PALACE-YARD, WEST



Hon. Sir, Oxford, April 18, 1693. HAVE been all this while expecting the return of our Lithoscopist; but have not yet heard any thing of him. My only hopes are, that, being a shoemaker, he has met with some employment in his trade, which has thus long detained him. Should he be lost in the late great snow, or otherwise, his wife and chil dren must (I doubt) go a begging.

"I have just now received your present to the Museum: had we but a dozen such benefactors, we should in a few years have a choice collection of books. You take care to send us nothing but what is valuable and pertinent. But I could heartily wish Mr. Ashmole had also done the same in his legacy of books; and instead of many MS volumes of Mr. Napier's Astrological Practice in Physic, and above five hundred other astrological books, I wish he had given us 50 of his best books relating to coyns and other antiquities, and to natural philosophy: tho' his donation be in its kind also very useful and considerable; especially his MSS. relating to Heraldry, and his collection of pamphlets and English poems. I have not been so communicative of my discoveries in form'd stones as I guess you imagin: for tho' I have kept acquaintance and corre spondence with some that are criticks in that kind, I have notwithstanding reserved the greatest part of my observations to myself. "Tis true some notions and hints they have had; but indeed they are not much obliged to me for them; for John Fitz-Roberts, to whom (relying too much upon his ignorance that way) I had given some



London Theatres-Haymarket Theatre.

petrified bones, as the siliquastra,
&c. brought them to Wordward, to
whom afterwards (making a virtue of
necessity) I presented some better pat-
terns; and also received some good re-
turns from him. As to what I com-
municated to Mr. Ray, I reckon it
very well disposed of. But as to the
siliquastra, I shall, about a fortnight
hence, send you an account of them,
with specimens to be engraved: for
Mr. Waller. I am, Sir,

"Your most obliged and
humble servant,

No. XI.

(Continued from puge 204.)

1733. the revolters from Drury N September of this year, Lane Company, consisting principally of Griffin, Harper, Joe Miller, Johnson, and the elder Mills, headed by Theophilus Cibber, agreed to rent the Theatre, being then unoccupied; and after making some hasty and necessary embellishments and alterations, opened it with the comedy of "Love for Love," and continued several months.

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1734. "Chrononhotonthologos was first produced here, and had a favourable run, performed " by the Company of Comedians of his Majesty's Revels," according to the description given by the author before

his benefit advertisement.

In the Session of Parliament of 1735, there was introduced into the House of Commons the skeleton of "a Bill for restraining the number of houses for playing of interludes, and for the better regulating common players of interludes." This fact has entirely escaped the research of our theatrical historians. It was proposed to limit the number of Playhouses; and for that purpose recited the letters patent granted to Thomas Killigrew, his heirs, &c.; to Sir Wm. Davenant, his heirs, &c.; to Robert Wilkes, Colley Cibber, and Barton Booth, for 21 years; then vested in Charles Fleetwood and Henry Giffard: and the charter for 21 years held by the Royal Academy of Music. Various memorials were presented to the Members of the House of Commons against the Bill, as well on the behalf of the Co


medians belonging to the Theatres Royal of Drury Lane and Covent Garden, as of the Comedians belonging to the Theatre in Goodman's Fields, also of Henry Giffard, the proprietor of that house, and of the subscribers *. But we have not seen any memorial for either Proprietor or Comedians of the Little Theatre in the Haymarket. The strong representation of facts made by the several cases, must have deferred the injudicious measures then proposed, which, however, became established as law, in a manner more galling to the feelings of the actor in 1737, by an Act passed as to explain the old unsavoury Vagrant Act.

1735-6-7. Henry Fielding collected together a company of Performers, under the title of "The Great Mogul's Company of Comedians." This commolieved to have been with good sucpany continued acting there rather

than two seasons. At first it is

cess, but afterwards to diminished auwhich, as the bills announced, "dropdiences; and probably the Company, ped from the clouds," finally melted into thin air. Some of the pieces performed were the production of Fielding, who, for popularity, was most unsparing of the prime Minister, Sir R. and his friends. Which cir Walpole, cumstance, it is believed, confirmed the opinion of the Minister of the necessity for restraining theatrical productions and performances, and hastened the passing the obnoxious Licensing Act of 1737; the effect of which was immediately to close the Theatres in Goodman's Fields and the Haymarket.

The restrictions of the Act commenced the 24th of June, 1737, and passing the same was not speedily forgot. A large portion of society has ever been found ready to indulge in rational and unfevered amusements,

and unceasingly jealous of any encroachment upon their esteemed public rights. The lapse of fifteen months,

The Case, &c. states: "In the year 1731, a subscription being opened to build a new Theatre in Goodman's Fields, twentythree persons became subscribers at one Theatre was built, and was by indentures hundred pounds each, with which the said assigned in twenty-three undivided shares to the subscribers, to secure to each of them one shilling and sixpence for every acting day, &c."


London Theatres-Haymarket.

if it partially appeased, could not extinguish resentment, as appeared by the event arising from the following public announcement of the 9th Oct. 1738:

"Hay-Market. By authority. By the French Company of Comedians at the new Theatre in the Hay-Market, this day, Oct. 9, will be presented a Comedy called L'embaras des Richesses: the character of Harlequin by Mons. Moylin Francisque. To which will be added, Arlequin Poli par L'Amour; with several entertainments of dancing, by Mons. Pagnorel, Mademoiselle Chateauneuf, Mons. Le Fevre, Madm. Le Fevre, and others. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gall. 2s. Places, &c."

The intended performance, as might be expected, called forth all that true English feeling for which John Bull is so renowned, and the expression of public discontent upon the rising of the curtain swelled into a riot, and the actors were dismissed with contempt. The history of that evening is well known; but not so the attempt af

terwards made to awake the commiseration of the public in favour of this exotic company, in dispersing the following case:

"The case of the French Comedians.Whereas we, Moylin Francisque and John Baptist Le Sage, were in England in the month of February last, and having then obtained leave to bring over a French Company of Comedians, for to represent the same in the Little Theatre in the Hay-Market, this season; we, for that purpose, returned into France, and collected together the best company that were to be had; being wholly ignorant of any affairs transacted in England relating to the regulation of the Stage, and not in the least doubting but that the Company would meet with the same encourage ment as heretofore, made us engage with several performers abroad at very great expences, to come into England; and the night the said Company were to have acted, they met with such an obstruction from the audience, that a stop was put to the performance, and the said Company discontinued, and laid aside all thoughts of making the least attempt, since the same was not agreeable to the public. Notwithstanding, we the said undertakers, by the contracts we made, have been obliged to pay to each performer the same monies hitherto, and liable to the same obligations for the remainder of this whole season, as if the Company had performed the whole time; and

+ Victor's History of Theatres, vol. I. p. 53-Gentleman's Magazine, vol. VIII.

p. 532.


have besides expended large sums of money, and contracted several debts here, which we are not in circumstances to pay. So that we are obliged to lay our case before the public, in hopes that they will permit us to perform three nights only in one of the pa

tent Theatres, so as to enable us to discharge those debts we have contracted here, and we will then humbly take our leave, and return to France, with grateful acknowledgment for the favour done to us.



Suffolk Street, Nov. 6, 1738."

On the 13th of November, Mr. Rich, then proprietor of Covent Garden and Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatres, advertised at the bottom of the play-bills, "Whereas it has been industriously reported that the French the Theatres belonging to Mr. Rich, Comedians are to perform in one of this is to certify to the publick, that nothing of that kind was ever intended, or would have been permitted by him, unless the same had been with

the general consent of the town."

In April 1741, English Operas were performed here. The opera of "The Happy Captive" had attached a spice of the old leven, as " an interlude, in two comic scenes, between Signor Capoccio, a director from the Canary islands, and Signora Dorinna, a vir


Here in the Spring of 1744, Macklin, who had seceded from Drury Lane Theatre, attempted to permanently raise an anarchical standard, and, as usual, expected to support fame by the aid of popular favouritism. He commenced with what the biographer of that veteran terms an unfledged Company," but which company re mains still of importance in the theatrical nomenclature, as a callow member of it was (the afterwards truly witty comedian) Samuel Foote. Little or no profit was derived by Macklin by taking wing in the gale of discontent, and as early as the 19th of December following, he recommenced at Drury Lane with a supplicating prologue, saying,

"I pray that all domestic feuds may cease, And, beggar'd by the war, solicit peace."

In November of the same year, Theophilus Cibber, with a company, revived, as not performed for an hundred years, Romeo and Juliet, himself playing Romeo, and Juliet by Miss Jenny Cibber. The announcement



London Theatres-Haymarket.

was "At Cibber's Academy in the Haymarket will be a Concert; after which will be exhibited (gratis) a Rehearsal in form of a play, called Romeo and Juliet, &c."

1747. The comic powers of Samuel Foote wanted little practical ripening. In this season he commenced, on his own account, a new species of amusement, called "The Diversions of a Morning," framed to avoid the penalties of the Act. As the exhibition was a strong personal satire, and one of the characters Mr. Lacy, the patentee, an attempt was made on the part of that gentleman to check the performance, but without further effect, than occasioning the title to be altered to "Foote's giving Tea." A similar entertainment in the following year was called "An Auction of Pictures." These pieces, fraught with "living manners," proved extremely popular, and obtained crowded audiences.


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The company is said to have per-' formed twice afterwards, with such indifferent prospect of success, as to be obliged to disband, and some of them became so much distressed as to ask public charity.

1755. Opened in August by Theo. Cibber and his actors, styled "Baye's Company." In 1758, the same manager obtained the Lord Chamberlain's license.

1760. In the Summer of this year, "Mr. Foote, upon some urgent occasion, having hastily collected a company to perform the "Minor," found the plau so well received, as first to suggest to him an attempt to establish the house as a Summer Theatre, during the vacation, then regularly kept by the patent

1749 was memorable by two distinct riots at this Theatre, each provoked by exhibitions from which no other result could be expected. The first occurred on the 16th Jan. after the memorable hoax of the "Bottle Bubble," or "Bottle Conjuror," the event of which has been already detailed in your pages, vol. XIX. p. 42.

The second riot was on the 14th of November, arising from another, and we believe the last, attempt to establish the French performers, or, as more commonly called, "the Italian Strollers." Still strongly supported by the nobility, the opposition rested with the crowd in the gallery; and a ludicrous prologue, published at that period, describes the missile ammunition, as potatoes, turnips, eggs, and medlars. The following record is from the Penny Post, or Morning Ad


"On Tuesday night the campaign opened at the Little Theatre in the Hay-market, from whence we hear the victorious troops of the Grand Monarque, headed by the Right Honourable Lady P-, the celebrated Miss A-, with their auxiliaries, his Gthe D- of H-, Lord H-, Lord &c. M. G. &c. and several others of as great honour and rank, attacked the gallery sword in hand (occasioned by a few unpolite English attempting to interrupt them in their performance) with such great success, that be it spoken to their immortal fame, they entirely defeated ten gentlemen, some of whom were run thro' the arms, face, eyes, and body. GENT. MAG. April, 1822.


This plan there was time to mature, as Foote could not obtain the house the following season, it being previously engaged by the more important manager of a company of learned or dancing dogs.

1762. Foote regained possession, gave his popular Lectures on Oratory, and continued to act during the summer seasons without interruption, magisterial or otherwise, until his unfortunate accident on Feb. 7, 1766, when, by a fall from his horse at the seat of Lord Mexborough, he broke his leg. That event gave him so much interest with the Duke of York, who happened to be present, as to occasion his obtaining a Royal License for acting plays at the Haymarket Theatre dur

his life, in each year from the 15th ing of May to the 15th of September. (To be continued.)

[blocks in formation]


Account of the Island of St. Michael's, and its Springs.

thens. The communication with Portugal is the means of exporting to Lisbon, and the other ports of that kingdom, fruit, poultry, &c. &c. Various articles are received in exchange; the principal of which, as the religion is Catholic, consist of holy relics, dispensations, and images of saints. Much of their fruit, and some wine, are exported to England; whence they receive in return woollens, hard and earthenwares, and many other necessaries. America also supplies them with pitch, tar, iron, boards, staves, lumber, and some Indian goods, which they pay for in wine and fruit. The island has also much intercourse with Madeira and the Canary islands for cattle.

St. Michael's is the only city of the island, but there are five towns, and upwards of fifty parishes. The inhabitants are affable, courteous, and hospitable to strangers. They are computed at more than 28,000 souls, and have regular establishments of infantry, artillery, militia, &c. with a proportionate number of officers to each. The dress of the principal inhabitants bears a strong resemblance to the English. The hat worn by the male peasantry is of a curious form, and gives them an appearance somewhat singular. Its crown is convex, not unlike some of the English hats, from which a front projects, bearing some resemblance to a shovel, and is turned up on each side like a horn. In breadth it is about twenty inches, and has a flap hanging from the crown, which passing over the shoulders buttons close under the chin, and shelters them from the weather.

Numerous mountains, hills, and vallies abound throughout the island; and from the singular appearance of the former, with distinguishable cavities at their summits, an accumulation of scoria, and other volcanic appearances, it is evident that they have been produced by some violent convulsion of nature.

Among the natural productions of the island, the hot and cold springs or fountains are the foremost, and arrest the attention of all who behold them. They present themselves in many directions, and from the phenomena they exhibit, confirm the existence of subterraneous volcanos; while their uses in eruptions, and other disorders


of the human frame, attest their utility to mankind.

The valley in which they are situated lies about twenty-five miles N.E. of Ponto del Gado, having upon its S. E. side a small village called Carcuis, or Furnace; from whence the valley takes its name. On an elevation about a quarter of a mile square, are several hillocks, in which are every where met with varieties of strata, pyrites, lava, pumice, clay of different colours, iron-ore, ochre, and calcareous earth, mixed with alum and sulphur. A number of hot fountains are here, and, singular as it may appear, there are several cold springs also. Many streams are formed by the hot springs, which, in their several courses, emit a sulphureous steam, the vapour from which, in a calm day, may be seen rising to a considerable height. The largest of these fountains, called the Caldeira, is nearly thirty feet in diameter, while its depth, notwithstanding several attempts, has not been ascertained. The water is scalding hot, and constantly agitated; it emits a vapour highly sulphureons, smelling not unlike burnt gunpowder, and depositing a clayey sediment of a light blue colour. A short distance, another of these wonderful productions is met with behind a ridge of lava, at the bottom of a projecting rock. It is not so large as the former, and is therefore denominated the second fountain, and called the Forgu, or Forge. The surface is seldom visible, from the dense sulphureous vapour that arises, which boils with considerable violence, and is accompanied by a noise, at the same time throwing up and scattering about a fine blue clay, incrusting the rock and surrounding objects. These fountains are the principal ones, but there are several others; and vapour is distinctly seen to issue in many places from the crevices of the rock. On placing the ear to some of the fissures, a noise similar to that produced by boiling water is distinctly heard; and from others water is occasionally thrown out, which actually scalds those who unwarily get within its reach.

The temperature of these springs is not uniformly the same. In some it is as high as boiling heat; in others more moderate, and in some very cold. The appearance of the water varies.

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