Imatges de pàgina

nearly 500 miles. Rangoon is accessible to ships of even 1,200 tons burden; the navigation, although somewhat intricate, being safe and practicable with the assistance of the ordinary native pilots.

The town has many advantages for ship building. At neaps the tide rises and falls about 18 feet; and at springs from 25 to 30 feet. The principal teak forests are, at the same time, at a comparatively short distance, and there is a water conveyance for the timber nearly the whole way. Ship-building has, ir fact, been carried on at Rangoon since 1786, and in the 38 years which preceded our capture of it, there had been built 111 square-rigged vessels of European construction, the total burden of which amounted to above 35,000 tons. Several of these were of from 800 to 1,000 tons. Under the direction of European masters, the Burmese were found to make dexterous and laborious artisans; in this respect, greatly surpassing the natives of our Indian provinces.

There are 2 considerable markets, where the ordinary necessaries of life, according to Burmese usage, are cheap and abundant: these are rice, excellent fish, and poultry.

Money-The Burmese currency consists, for small payments, of lead; for larger ones, of gold and silver, but chiefly of the latter. There are no coins. At every payment, the metal must be weighed, and very generally assayed, — a rude and very inconvenient state of things. The weights used in the weighing of money are the same as those used on ordinary occasions; the kyat or tical, and the paiktha or vis, being by far the most frequent. Silver may be considered as the standard. Gold is generally held to be about 17 times more valuable than silver. The weighing and assaying of the metals, used as currency, gives employment to a class of persons as brokers, money changers, and assayers. Every new assay costs the owner, if the metal be silver, 24 per cent.; 14 per cent, being the established commission of the assayers, while 1 per cent. is lost, or supposed to be lost, in the operation. If it be repeated 40 times, it follows that the original amount is wholly absorbed —a fact which shows the enormous waste of metal arising out of this rude substitute for coin. Weights. The weights in use at Rangoon, and throughout the Burman dominions, are as follow:2 Small Rwés (red beans) = 1 Large Rwé.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

2 Mus - = 1 Math. 4 Maths = 1 Kyat, vulgo Tical 100 Kyats - 1 Paiktha, vulgo Vis, = 365 lbs. avoir.

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This last measure is what is usually called by us" a basket," and ought to weigh 16 vis of clean rice, or 58.4 lbs. avoirdupois: it has commonly been reckoned at a cwt. All grains, pulses, certain fruits, Batron, salt, and lime are bought and sold by measure: other commodities by weight.

Commercial Regulations. The following commercial treaty, entered into between the government of England and the Court of Ava, in 1826, regulates the intercourse between the two countries: -

Art. 1. Peace being made, &c. &c. - when merchants with an English certified pass from the country of the English ruler, and merchants from the kingdom of Burma pass from one country to the other, selling and buying merchandise, the sentinels at the passes and entrances, the established gate-keepers of the country, shall make inquiry as usual, but without demanding any money; and all merchants coming truly for the purpose of trade, with merchandise, shall be suffered to pass without hindrance or molestation. The governments of both countries, also, shall permit ships with cargoes to enter ports and carry on trade, giving them the utmost protection and security. And in regard to duties, there shall none be taken beside the customary duties at the landing places of trade.

Art. 2. Ships whose breadth of beam on the inside (opening of the hold) is 8 royal Burman cubits, of 19-1 English inches each, and all ships of smaller size, whether merchants from the Burmese country entering an English port under the Burmese flag, or merchants from the English country, with an English stamped pass, entering a Burmese port under the English flag, shall be subject to no other demands beside the payinent of duties and 10 ticals, 25 per cent. (10 sicca rupees), for a passport on leaving. Nor shall pilotage be demanded, unless the captain voluntarily requires a pilot. However, when ships arrive, information shall be given to the officer stationed at the entrance of the sea. In regard to vessels whose breadth of beam exceeds 8 royal cubits, they shall remain, according to the 9th article of the treaty of Yandabo, without unshipping their rudders or landing their guns, and be free from trouble and molestation as Burmese vessels in British ports. Besides the royal duties, no more duties shall be given or taken than such as are customary.

Art. 3. Merchants belonging to one country, who go to the other country and remain there, shall, when they desire to return, go to whatever country and by whatever vessel they may desire, without hindrance. Property owned by merchants they shall be allowed to sell. And property not sold, and household furniture, they shall be allowed to take away, without hindrance, or incurring any expense. Art. 4.- English and Burmese vessels meeting with contrary winds, or sustaining damage in masts, rigging, &c., or suffering shipwrecks on the shore, shall, according to the laws of charity, receive assistance from the inhabitants of the towns and villages that may be near, the master of the wrecked ship paying to those that assist suitable salvage, according to the circumstances of the case; and whatever property may remain, in case of shipwreck, shall be restored to the owner.

Commerce. A considerable intercourse is carried on between the Burmese and Chinese dominions by an annual caravan, of which the merchants are all Chinese. The imports from China consist of manufactured articles, the chief export from Burma being cotton wool. The trade with foreign countries seaward is carried on with the ports of Chittagong, Dacca, and Calcutta, in Bengal; Madras and Masulipatam, on the Coromandel coast; the Nicobar Islands, in the Bay of Bengal; Penang, in the Straits of Malacca; and occasionally with the Persian and Arabian Gulphs. The largest trade is with Calcutta, owing to the great consumption of teak timber in the latter, and the facility with which she supplies the demand of the Burmese for Indian and British cotton goods. The articles exported to foreign countries from Rangoon are the following: - Teak wood, terra Japonica, or catechu, stick lac, bees wax, elephants' teeth, raw cotton, orpimeut, commonly called in India hurtal, gold, silver, rubies, sapphires, and horses, or rather the small, hardy pony of the country, which is much esteemed, particularly at Madras. By far the most important of these commodities is teak timber; the quantity of this wood annually exported is said to be equal to 7,500 full-sized trees, which, for the most part, consist of what India ship-builders call shinbin, which are planks hewn out of the log with the adze at an immense waste. The teak forests of Pegu are by far the most abundant in India. The teak is nowhere to be found in the low alluvial lands to which the tide reaches, but abounds in the high lands beyond its influence. It seems to be very generally disseminated throughout the Burmese dominions. In the territory ceded to the British in Martaban, there are some fine forests, the timber of which is cut down for exportation, and where it is believed that saw-mills have very recently been established by some European settlers. The most accessible and extensive forests of Teak in the Burmese dominions are in the province of Sarawadi, about 150 miles to the north of Rangoon, with which there is a water communication. The principal imports into Burma are cotton piece goods from India and Britain, British woollens, ron steel, quicksilver, copper, cordage, borax, sulphur, gunpowder, saltpetre, fire-arms, coarse por celain, English glass ware, opium, tobacco, cocoa and areca nuts, sugar, and spirits. Of these, by far the most important is cotton piece goods. The Burmese have few cotton manufactures of their own, and appear, from very early times, to have been furnished with the principal part of their supply from the Coromandel coast. To these were afterwards added the cheaper fabrics of Bengal; and both are now, in a great measure, superseded by British manufactures, the use of which has spread very rapidly since the opening of the trade in 1814. In 1826-27, the exports and imports of the port of Rangoon

were estimated each at the rate of 300,000. (We are indebted for this valuable article to our esteemed friend, John Crawfurd, Esq., who ascertained the particulars on the spot.)

RAPE, a biennial plant of the turnip kind (Brassica napus Lin.), but with a woody fusiform root scarcely fit to be eaten. It is indigenous, flowers in May, and ripens its seeds in July. It is cultivated in many parts of England, particularly in Lincoln and Cambridge; partly on account of its seed, which is crushed for oil, and partly for its leaves as food for sheep. The culture of rape for seed has been much objected to by some, on account of its supposed great exhaustion of the land; but Mr. Loudon says that, where the soil and preparation are suitable, the after-culture properly attended to, and the straw and offal, instead of being burnt, as is the common practice, converted to the puposes of feeding and littering cattle, it may, in many instances, be the most proper and advantageous crop that can be employed by the farmer. The produce, when the plant succeeds well, and the season is favourable for securing the seed, amounts to from 40 to 50 bushels an acre. The seed is sold by the last of 10 quarters; and is crushed in mills constructed for that purpose. - (Loudon's Ency. of Agriculture.) We subjoin an

Account of the Quantities of Rape Seed imported into the U. Kingdom during each of the 7 Years ending with 1841, specifying the Countries from which they were imported, and the Quantities brought from each.

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The duty ou rapeseed was reduced in 1842 from Is. to ld. per quarter.

Rape-seed, the produce of Europe, may not be imported for home consumption, except in British ships, or in ships of the country of which it is the produce, or from which it is imported. — (3 & 4 Will. 4. c. 54. $12.22.)

RAPE CAKE, is the adhering masses of the husks of rape-seed, after the oil has been expressed. They are reduced to powder by a malt-mill or other machine; and are used either as a top-dressing for crops of different kinds, or are drilled along with turnip seed. Rapeseed oil pays a duty of 6. a ton on importation.

RATTANS, OR CANES, the long slender shoots of a prickly bush (Calamus rotang Lin.), one of the most useful plants of the Malay peninsula, and the Eastern islands. They are exported to Bengal, to Europe, and above all to China, where they are consumed in immense quantities. For cane work they should be chosen long, of a bright pale yellow colour, well glazed, and of a small size, not brittle, or subject to break. They are purchased by the bundle, which ought to contain 100 rattans, having their ends bent together, and tied in the middle. In China they are sold by the picul, which contains from 9 to 12 bundles. Such as are black or dark coloured, snap short, or from which the glazing flies off on their being bent, should be rejected. When stowed as dunnage, they are generally allowed to pass free of freight. —(Milburn's Orient. Com. &c.) The imports into this country are very considerable.

"The rattan," says Mr. Crawfurd," is the spontaneous product of all the forests of the Archipelago; but exists in great perfection in those of the islands of Borneo, Sumatra, and of the Malayan peninsula. The finest are produced in the country of the Bataks of Sumatra. The wood-cutter, who is inclined to deal in this article, proceeds into the forest without any other instrument than his parang or cleaver, and cuts as much as he is able to carry away. The mode of performing the operation is this: - he makes a notch in the tree at the root of which the rattan is growing, and cutting the latter, strips off a small portion of the outer bark, and inserts the part that is peeled into the notch. The rattan now being pulled through as long as it continues of an equal size, is by this operation neatly and readily freed from its epidermis. When the wood-cutter has obtained by this means from 300 to 400 rattans, being as many as an individual can conveniently carry in their moist and undried state, he sits down, and ties them up in bundles of 100, each rattan being doubled before being thus tied up. After drying, they are fit for the market without further preparation. From this account of the small labour expended in bringing them to market, they can be sold at a very cheap rate. The Chinese junks obtain them in Borneo at the low rate of 5 Spanish dollars per 100 bundles, or 5 cents for each 100 rattans, or 27 for 1d. The natives always vend them by tale; but the European residents and the Chinese sell them by weight, counting by piculs. According to their quantity, and the relative state of supply and demand, the European merchants dispose of them at froin 14 to 24 dollars the picul. In China, the price is usually about 34 dollars per picul, or 75 per cent, above the average prime cost. In Bengal they are sold by tale, each bundle of about 100 rattans bringing about 20fd.” — (Indian Archipelago, vol. iii. p. 423.)

REAL, in the Spanish monetary system, is of two sorts; viz. a real of plate, and a real vellon. The former is a silver coin, varying in value from about 6d. to 5d. (See Coins.) A real vellon is a money of account, worth about 21d.

REAM, a quantity of paper. The ream of writing paper consists of 20 quires, each of 24 sheets: but the ream of printing paper, or, as it is sometimes called, the printer's ream, extends to 21 quires, or 516 sheets. Two reams of paper make a bundle.

RECEIPT, is an acknowledgment in writing of having received a sum of money, or other valuable consideration. It is a voucher either of an obligation or debt discharged, or of one incurred.

The 35 Geo. 3. c. 55. enacts, that every note, memorandum, or writing whatever, given to any person on the payment of money, acknowledging such payment, on whatever account it be, and whether signed or not, shall be considered a receipt, and liable to a stamp duty.

And every person who shall write, or cause to be written, any receipt for money on unstamped paper, (except in certain excepted cases hereafter enumerated,) or on a lower stamp than the proper one, shall forfeit 10%. if for a sum under 1007.; if above, 201.

Giving receipts for less than actually paid, writing off sums, or other fraudulent contrivances, penalty 50; but receipts may be stamped if brought within fourteen days after date, on payroent of a penalty of 5. over and above the duty; and if brought within one calendar month, on payment of a penalty of 10. and the duty

Any person refusing to give a receipt upon demand, or to pay the amount of the stamp, is liable to a penalty of 104. Scale of Stamp Duties per 55 Geo. 3. c. 184. Receipt or discharge, given for or upon the payment of money, amounting to 34. and under 10.

10. and under 201

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£ . d.

0 0 3 006 01 0 016 -026 04 0 050


And where any sum shall be therein expressed to be received in full of all demands

0 10 0

0 10 0 And any note, memorandum, or writing whatsoever, given to any person for or upon the payment of money, whereby any sum of money, debt, or demand, or any part of any debt or demand, therein specified, and amounting to 51. or upwards, shall be

expressed to have been pald, settled, balanced, or otherwise discharged or satisfied, or which shall import or signify any such acknowledgment, and whether the same shall cr shall not be signed with the name of any person, shall be deemed to be a receipt for a sum of money of equal amount with the sum so expressed to have been paid, settled, balanced, or otherwise discharged or satisfied, and shall be charged with a duty ac cordingly.

Previously to 1833 all receipts for sums of 21. and under 51. were charged with a stamp duty of 2d.; but the act 3 & 4 Will. 4. c. 23. exempts all receipts for sums under 51. from the duty.

Exemptions-Receipts exempted from stamp duty by any act relating to the assessed tax. Receipts given by the Treasurer of the Navy. Receipts on account of the pay of the army or ordnance. Receipts by any officer, seaman, marine, or soldier, or their representatives. Receipts for the consideration money for the purchase of any parliamentary stocks or funds, and for any dividend paid on any share of the said stocks or funds. Re ceipts on exchequer bills. Receipts given for money deposited in the Bank of England, or in the hands of any banker, to be accounted for on demand; provided the same be not expressed to be received of, or by the hands of, any other than the person to whom the same is to be accounted for. Receipts written upon promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts, or orders for the payment of money. Receipts given upon bills or notes of the Bank of England. Letters by the general post acknowledging the safe arrival of any bills of exchange, promissory notes, or other securities. Receipts indorsed upon any bond, mortgage, or other security, or any conveyance whatever. Releases or discharges for money by deeds duly stamped. Receipts or discharges for drawbacks or bounties. Receipts or discharges for the return of duties of customs. Receipts indorsed upon navy bills. Receipts upon victualling and transport bills. Receipts given solely for the duty on insurance against fire.

In 1842, the nett produce of the receipt duty was as follows: -Great Britain, 158,5591. 148. 224; Ireland, 21,500l. 98, 9d.

REGISTRY, in commercial navigation, the registration or enrolment of ships at the Custom-house, so as to entitle them to be classed among, and to enjoy the privileges of, British-built ships.

The registry of ships appears to have been first introduced into this country by the Navigation Act (12 Car. 2. c. 18. anno 1660). Several provisions were made with respect to it by the 7 & 8 Will. 3. c. 22. ; and the whole was reduced into a system by the 27 Geo. 3. c. 19.

It may be laid down in general, that a vessel, in order to be admitted to registry, and consequently to enjoy the privileges and advantages that exclusively belong to a British ship, must be the property of her Majesty's subjects in the U. Kingdom or some of its dependencies; and that it must have been built in the said U, Kingdom, &c., or been a prize vessel legally condemned, or a vessel legally condemned for a breach of the revenue laws,

The great, and, perhaps, the only original object of the registration of ships, was to facilitate the exclusion of foreign ships from those departments in which they were prohibited from engaging by the navigation laws, by affording a ready means of distinguishing such as were really British. It has also been considered advantageous to individuals, by preventing the fraudulent assignment of property in ships; but Lord Tenterden has observed, in reference to this supposed advantage, that "the instances in which fair and honest transactions are rendered unavailable through a negligent want of compliance with the forms directed by these and other statutes requiring a public register of conveyances, make the expediency of all such regulations, considered with reference to private benefit only, a matter of question and controversy."-(Law of Shipping, part i. c. 2.)

The existing regulations as to the registry of ships are embodied in the act 8 & 9 Vict. c. 89., which, on account of its importance, is subjoined nearly entire.


Commencement of Act. From the 4th of August, 1845. — § 1.

No Vessel to enjoy Privileges until registered. No ship or vessel shall be entitled to any of the privileges or advantages of a British-registered ship unless the person or persons claiming property therein shall have caused the same to have been registered in virtue of the act 3 & 4 Will. 4. c. 55, or of the act 6 G. 4. c. 110. intituled an act for registering British vessels, or of the act 4 G. 4. c. 41. intituled an act for the registering of British vessels, or until such person or persons shall have caused the same to be registered in manner herein-after mentioned, and shall have obtained a certificate of such registry from the person or persons authorized to make such registry and grant such certificate as herein-after directed, the form of which certificate shall be as follows; viz.

from the inner part of the main stem to the fore part of the stern-post aloft is [ feet tenths], her breadth in midships is [ feet tenths], her depth in hold at midships is [

"This is to certify, that in pursuance of an act passed in the session of parliament holden in the 8th and 9th years of the reign of Queen Victoria, intituled An Act [here insert the title of this art, the names, occupations, and residence of the subscrib-feet tenths, that she is [how rigged] rigged, with a (standing ing owners], having made and subscribed the declaration required by the said act, and having declared that [he or they] together with names, occupations, and residence of non-subscribing owners] is [or are] sole owner (or owners) in the proportions specified on the back hereof of the ship or vessel called the ship's name] of [place to which the vessel belongs], which is of the burden of (number of tons], and whereof (master's name] is master, and that the said ship or vessel was [when and where built, or condemned as prize, referring to builder's certificate, judge's certificate, or certificate of last registry, then delivered up to be cancelled], and [name and employment of surveying officer) having certified to us that the said ship or ressel has [number] decks and [number] masts, that her length

or running) bowsprit, is [description of stern) sterned, [carrel or clincher built, has [whether any or not gallery, and (kind of head, if any] head; and the said subscribing owners having consented and agreed to the above description, and having caused sufficient security to be given as required by the said act, the said ship or vessel called the [name] has been duly registered at the port of [name of port). Certified under our hands at the custom house in the said port of [name of port], this [date] day of [name of month, in the year [mords at length).




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Persons authorized to make Registry, &c.— The persons authorized and required to make such registry and grant such certificates shall be the several persons herein-after mentioned and described; (that is to say,)

The collector and comptroller of customs in any port in the
U. K. of Great Britain and Ireland and in the Isle of Man
respectively, in respect of ships or vessels to be there regis-

The principal officers of customs in the islands of Guernsey or
Jersey, together with the governor, lieutenant governor,
or commander-in-chief of those islands respectively, in
respect of ships or vessels to be there registered:
The collector and comptroller of customs of any port in the
British possessions in Asia, Africa, and America, or the
collector of any such port at which no appointment of a
comptroller has been made, in respect of ships or vessels to
be there registered:

charter of the said company, or any other person of the rank in the said company's service of senior merchant, or of 6 years' standing in the said service, being respectively appointed to act in the execution of this act by any of the governments of the said company, in respect of ships or vessels to be there registered:

The collector of duties at any British possession within the said limits, and not under the government of the said company, and at which a custom house is not established, together with the governor, lieutenant governor, or commander-inchief of such possession, in respect of ships or vessels to be there registered:

The governor, lieutenant-governor, or commander-in-chief of Malta, Gibraltar, and Heligoland respectively, in respect of vessels or ships to be there registered:

The collector of duties at any port in the territories under the government of the E. 1. Company, within the limits of the Provided always, that no ship or vessel shall be registered at Heligoland, except such as is wholly of the build of that place, and that ships or vessels registered at Malta, Gibraltar, or Heligoland shall not be registered elsewhere; and that ships or vessels registered at Malta, Gibraltar, or Heligoland shall not be entitled to the privileges and advantages of British ships in any trade between the said U. K. and any of the British possessions in America: provided also, that wherever in and by this act it is directed or provided that any act, matter, or thing shall and may be done or performed by, to, or with any collector and comptroller of customs, the same shall or may be done or performed by, to, or with the several persons respectively herein-before authorized and required to make registry and to grant certificates of registry as aforesaid, and according as the same act, matter, or thing is to be done or performed at the said several and respective places, and within the jurisdiction, of the said several persons respectively: provided also, that wherever in and by this act it is directed or provided that any act, matter, or thing shall or may be done or performed by, to, or with the commissioners of customs, the same shall or may be done or performed by, to, or with the governor, lieutenant-governor, or commander-in-chief of any place where any ship or vessel may be registered under the authority of this act, so far as such act, matter, or thing can be applicable to the registering of any ship or vessel at such place. - § 3.

Ships exercising Privileges before Registry to be forfeited. In case any ship or vessel not being duly registered, and not having obtained such certificate of registry as aforesaid, shall exercise any of the privileges of a British ship, the same shall be subject to forfeiture, and also all the guns, furniture, ammunition, tackle, and apparel to the same ship or vessel belonging, and shall and may be seized by any officer or officers of H. M.'s customs: provided always, that nothing in this act shall extend or be construed to extend to affect the privileges of any ship or vessel duly registered prior to the commencement thereof. § 4.

What Ships are entitled to be registered. — No ship or vessel shall be registered, or having been registered shall be deemed to be duly registered by virtue of this act, except such as are wholly of the build of the said U. K., or of the Isle of Man, or of the islands of Guernsey or Jersey, or of some of the colonies, plantations, islands, or territories in Asia, Africa, or America, or of Malta, Gibraltar, or Heligoland, which belonged to H. M., her heirs or successors, at the time of the building of such ships or vessels, or such ships or vessels as shall have been condemned in any court of admiralty as prize of war, or such ships or vessels as shall have been condemned in any competent court as forfeited for the breach of the laws made for the prevention of the slave trade, and which shall wholly belong and continue wholly to belong to H. M.'s subjects duly entitled to be owners of ships or vessels registered by virtue of this act. § 5.

Mediterranean Pass may be issued at Malta or Gibraltar.- No Mediterranean pass shall be issued for the use of any ship as being a ship belonging to Malta or Gibraltar, except such as be duly registered at those places respectively, or such as, not being entitled to be so registered, shall have wholly belonged, before the 10th of October 1827, and shall have continued wholly to belong, to persons actually residing at those places respectively as inhabitants thereof, and entitled to be owners of British ships there regis tered, or who, not being so entitled, shall have so resided upwards of 15 years prior to the said 10th of October 1827. — § 6.

Ships disqualified if Foreign Repairs exceed 20s. per Ton. No ship or vessel shall continue to enjoy the privileges of a British ship after the same shall have been repaired in a foreign country, if such repairs shall exceed the sum of 20s, for every ton of the burden of the said ship or vessel, unless such repairs shall have been necessary by reason of extraordinary damage sustained by such ship or vessel during her absence from H. M.'s dominions, to enable her to perform the voyage in which she shall have been engaged, and to return to some port or place in the said dominions; and whenever any ship or vessel which has been so repaired in a foreign country shall arrive at any port in H. M.'s dominious as a British-registered ship or vessel, the master or other person having the charge or command of the same shall, upon the first entry thereof, report to the collector or comptroller of customs at such port that such ship or vessel has been so repaired, under penalty of 20s. for every ton of the burden of such ship or vessel according to the admeasurement thereof; and if it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the commissioners of customs that such ship or vessel was seaworthy at the time when she last departed from any port or place in H. M.'s dominions, and that no greater quantity of such repairs have been done to the said vessel than was necessary as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners, upon a full consideration of all the circumstances, to direct the collector and comptroller of the port where such ship or vessel shall have arrived, or where she shall then be, to certify on the certificate of the registry of such ship or vessel that it has been proved to the satisfaction of the commissioners of customs that the privileges of the said ship or vessel have not been forfeited, notwithstanding the repairs which have been done to the same in a foreign country. - § 7.

Ships declared unseaworthy to be deemed Ships lost or broken up.-If any ship or vessel registered under the authority of this or any other act shall be deemed or declared to be stranded or unseaworthy, and incapable of being recovered or repaired to the advantage of the owners thereof, and shall for such reasons be sold by order or decree of any competent court for the benefit of the owners of such ship or vessel or other persons interested therein, the same shall be taken and deemed to be a ship or vessel lost or broken up to all intents and purposes within the meaning of this act, and shall never again be entitled to the privileges of a British-built ship for any purposes of trade or navigation. - § 8.

British Ships captured not to be again entitled to Registry. - No British ship or vessel which has been or shall hereafter be captured by and become prize to an enemy, or sold to foreigners, shall again be entitled to the privileges of a British ship: provided always, that nothing contained in this act shall

extend to prevent the registering of any ship or vessel whatever which shall afterwards be condemned in any court of admiralty as prize of war, or in any competent court, for breach of laws made for the prevention of the slave trade. - § 9.

Ships shall be registered at the Port to which they belong. No such registry shall hereafter be made, or certificate thereof granted, by any person or persons herein-before authorized to make such registry and grant such certificate, in any other port or place than the port or place to which such ship or vessel shall properly belong, except so far as relates to such ships or vessels as shall be condemned as prizes in any of the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, or Man, which ships or vessels shall be registered in manner herein-after directed; but all and every registry and certificate made and granted in any port or place to which any ship or vessel does not properly belong shall be utterly null and void to all intents and purposes, unless the officers aforesaid shall be specially authorized and empowered to make such registry and grant such certificate in any other port by an order in writing under the hands of the commissioners of customs, which order the said commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to issue if they shall see fit; and at every port where registry shall be made in pursuance of this act a book shall be kept by the collector and comptroller, in which all the particulars contained in the form of the certificate of the registry herein-before directed to be used shall be duly entered; and every registry shall be numbered in progression, beginning such progressive numeration at the commencement of each and every year; and such collector and comptroller shall forthwith, or within one month at the furthest, transmit to the commissioners of customs a true and exact copy, together with the number of every certificate which shall be by them so granted. § 10.

Port to which Vessels shall be deemed to belong. Every ship or vessel shall be deemed to belong to some port at or near to which some or one of the owners, who shall make and subscribe the declaration required by this act before registry be made, shall reside; and whenever such owner or owners shall have transferred all his or their share or shares in such ship or vessel, the same shall be registered de non before such ship or vessel shall sail or depart from the port to which she shall then belong, or from any other port which shall be in the same part of the U. K., or the same colony, plantation, island, or territory, as the said port shall be in: provided always, that if the owner or owners of such ship or vessel cannot in sufficient time comply with the requisites of this act, so that registry may be made before it shall be necessary for such ship or vessel to sail or depart upon another voyage, it shall be lawful for the collector and comptroller of the port where such ship or vessel may then be to certify upon the back of the existing certificate of registry of such ship or vessel that the same is to remain in force for the voyage upon which the said ship or vessel is then about to sail or depart: provided also, that if any ship or vessel shall be built in any of the colonies, plantations, islands, or territories in Asia, Africa, or America, to H. M. belonging, for owners residing in the U. K., and the master of such ship or vessel, or the agent for the owner or owners thereof, shall have produced to the collector and comptroller of the port at or near to which such ship or vessel was built the certificate of the builder required by this act, and shall have made and subscribed a declaration before such collector and comptroller of the names and descriptions of the principal owners of such ship or vessel, and that she is the identical ship or vessel mentioned in such certificate of the builder, and that no foreigner, to the best of his knowledge and belief, has any interest therein, the collector and comptroller of such port shall cause such ship or vessel to be surveyed and measured in like manner as is directed for the purpose of registering any ship or vessel, and shall give the master of such ship or vessel a certificate under their hands and seals, purporting to be under the authority of this act, and stating when and where and by whom such ship or vessel was built, the description, tonnage, and other particulars required on registry of any ship or vessel, and such certificate shall have all the force and virtue of a certificate of registry under this act, during the term of 2 years, unless such ship shall sooner arrive at some place in the U. K.; and such collector and comptroller shall transmit a copy of such certificate to the commissioners of customs.—{11. Foreigners and Persons residing in Foreign Countries may not be Owners. No person who has taken the oath of allegiance to any foreign state, except under the terms of some capitulation, unless he shall afterwards become a denizen or naturalized subject of the U. K. by H. M.'s letters patent or by act of parliament, nor any person usually residing in any country not under the dominion of H. M., her heirs and successors, unless he be a member of some British factory, or agent for or partner in any house or copartnership actually carrying on trade in Great Britain or Ireland, shall be entitled to be the owner in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, of any ship or vessel required and authorized to be registered by virtue of this act. § 12.

Declaration to be made by subscribing Owners previous to Registry. No registry shall henceforth be made or certificate granted until the following declaration be made and subscribed, before the person or persons herein-before authorized to make such registry and grant such certificate respectively, by the owner of such ship or vessel if such ship or vessel is owned by or belongs to one person only, or in case there shall be 2 joint owners, then by both of such joint owners if both shall be resident within 20 miles of the port or place where such registry is required, or by one of such owners if one or both of them shall be resident at a greater distance from such port or place, or, if the number of such owners or proprietors shall exceed 2, then by the greater part of the number of such owners or proprietors, if the greater number of them shall be resident within 20 miles of such port or place as aforesaid, not in any case exceeding 3 of such owners or proprietors, unless a greater number shall be desirous to join in making and subscribing the said declaration, or by one of such owners if all or all except one, shall be resident at a greater distance:

"IA. D. of place of residence and occupation] do truly de. clare, that the ship or vessel [name] of [port or place], whereof [water's name] is at present master, being kind of build, burden, et cætera, as described in the certificate of the surveying

icer], was [rchen and where built, or, if prise or forfeited, capture and condemnation as such), and that I the said A. B. [and the other owners' names and occupations, if any, and n here they respectively reside, viz. town, place, or parish, and county, or if member of or resident in any factory in foreign parts, or in any foreign forn or city, being an agent for or partner in any koose or copartnership actually carrying on trade in Great Bri tein or Ireland, the name of such factory, foreign town, or city, and the names of such house or copartnership] am [or are] sole owner [or owners] of the said vessel, and that no other person or persons whatever hath or have any right, title, interest, shore, or property therein or thereto; and that I the said A. B. [and the said other owners, if any, am [or are] truly and bonâ

fide a subject [or subjects] of Great Britain, and that I the said A. B. have not (ner have any of the other owners, to the best of my knowledge and belief,] taken the oath of allegiance to any foreign state whatever except under the terms of some capitulation, describing the particulars thereof], or that since my taking for his or their taking] the oath of allegiance to [naming the foreign states respectively to which he or any of the said owners shall have taken the same) I have for he or they hath or have] become a denizen (or denizens, or naturalized subject or subjects, as the case may be], of the U. K. of Great Britain and Ireland by H. M.'s letters patent, or by an act of parliament [naming the times when ruch letters of denization have been granted respectively, or the year or years in which such act or acts for naturalization have passed respectively), and that no foreigner, directly or indirectly, hath any share or part interest in the said ship or vessel :"

Provided always, that if it shall become necessary to register any ship or vessel belonging to any corporate body in the U. K., the following declaration in lieu of the declaration herein-before directed shall be taken and subscribed by the secretary or other proper officer of such corporate body; (that is to say,)

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surveying officer], was [when and where built, or, if prize or forfeited, capture and condemnation as such, and that the same doth wholly and truly belong to [name of company or corporation]."-13.,

"I 4. B., secretary [er officer] of [name of company or cor poration], do truly declare, that the ship or vessel [name] of whereof [master's name] is at present master, being of build, burden, &c., as described in the certificate of the Addition to Declaration in case the required Number of Owners do not attend. In case the required number of joint owners or proprietors of any ship or vessel shall not personally attend to make and subscribe the declaration herein-before directed to be made and subscribed, then and in such case such owner or owners, proprietor or proprietors, as shall personally attend and make and subscribe the

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