Imatges de pàgina
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nying or diffembling true principles.

THE avowal of the principles, which


I have already endeavoured to establih, induces the mortifying neceffity of arguing upon the revolution, in a manner dif-" ferent from that great perfonage, whose talents and virtues are the ornament and glory of the prefent age: #cc They threw a politic well wrought veil over every circumstance tending to weaken the rights, which, in the meliorated order of fucceffion, they meant to perpetuate, or which might furnish a precedent for any future departure from what they had then fettled for ever." No wonder that the malcontents of the prefent day, when not permitted to attribute effects to their real caufes, fhould fly into any extravagancy, which can be propofed to them. Unlimited is the mischief of not avowing, or of denying or diffembling true principles. I neither fee the policy, nor admit of the ne

p. 25.

Mr. Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France,


ceffity of putting extreme cafes to elucidate the truth of our conftitutional doctrine; but, though I make the largest allowances for the indelicacy, the indifcretion, the imprudence, the infolence, or the malice of this practice, ftill do I fee lefs evil in the confequences, than in one attempt to deny or diffemble the truth of the first principles of civil government.

Since this nation or community has de

pofed its fovereign power with parliamentary deputies or reprefentatives, there can be no act of parliament, which is not the act of the people of England; nor can there be an act of the people of England, which is not an act of the parliament of England; whatever, therefore, may be faid of the one, may alfo with ftrictnefs be faid of the other. If therefore this fenfe and meaning be properly attended to, little offence, or even difpleasure, can be taken at most of the propositions, that have been lately hazarded by the different leaders or fomenters of the difcontented minority. Thus, if we come truly and impartially to confider the three rights, which Dr. Price reminded his audience, at the Old Jewry, were gained by the revolution, we shall find nothing false in his politicotheologic affertion, but that we gained


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gave no new rights to the community.

The revolution them by the revolution; for the revolution gave no rights to the community, which the community did not before poffefs; but, by affording an opportunity of calling thefe rights into action, like all other practical examples, it threw light upon the principles, from which the rights themselves originated.

How Dr.

tions are to be underitood.

The first of these is, the right to liberty of confcience in religious matters. I have before faid, and, I hope, to the conviction of my readers, that this is a right poffeffed by every individual in fuch a tranfcendent and inPrice's propofi- defeasible manner, that he effentially holds it independently of the community. The fecond is the right of refifting power when abufed. Having before fhewn, I hope alfo to the conviction of my readers, that all political power given or delegated by the community, is a truft, and confequently limited within certain bounds, it is evident and clear, that the community cannot be bound to fubmit to any excefs of power, which they themselves have not affented to. This affent is formally given by every one, who continues to remain a member of that community, which delegated the power to the -liament; and it is this affent, that conftitutes the original compact between the governors and governed. The actual limitation of any



political power, is a metaphyfical demonstration that it originated from, and depends upon a fuperior, who formed the limits. The tranfgreffion of thefe limits is a violation of the truft, it is either ufurpation or tyranny, and confequently a direct breach of the original compact on the part of the governors; the governed ceafe to be bound to a power not affented to by them; there arifes then a difsolution of the government, and the people have a right to refift the exactions of this affumed or ufurped authority.

The third of thefe rights, which Dr. Price reprefents as gained or obtained by the revolution is,* The right to chufe our own governors, to cashier them for misconduct, and to frame a government for ourselves. The general fubftance of these propofitions is certainly true; but the method, which this zealous apostle of liberty has adopted to convey the truth to his


Dr. Price, in the fame fermon, p. 35. "I would further direct you to remember, that though the revolution was a great work, it was by no means a perfec work; and that all was not then gained, which was neceffary to put the kingdom in the fecure and complete poffeffion of the bleffings of liberty. In particular, you should recollect, that the toleration then obtained was im perfect; it included only thofe, who could declare their faith in the doctrinal articles of the church of England.” congrega


Deference and homage due to civil magif


congregation, I must own, is rather of an infidious nature, and without judging very rafhly, we may be allowed to think it calculated to infpire his auditors with a difcontented contempt for their governors, and excite them to an attempt to alter or fubvert the present system and form of government. Whereas, fince, as Milton fays, the inftitution of magiftracy is jure divino, I think I need not ufe argument to prove, that it is emphatically the duty of the ministers of God, to enforce from his facred tribunal, the obligation of submitting to their authority. And, indeed, it muft in justice be allowed, that this political evangelist does not leave his pulpit, without fhewing to his congregation, that he is fully aware of this firft duty of his ftation.

"There is undoubtedly a particular deference and homage due to civil magiftrates, on account of their ftations and offices; nor can that man be either truly wife, or truly virtuous, who despises governments, and wantonly Speaks evil of his rulers; or who does not, by all the means in his power, endeavour to ftrengthen their hands, and to give weight to their exertions in the difcharge of their duty. Fear God, fays St. Peter. Love the brotherhood. Honour all men. Honour the

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