Imatges de pàgina


The fourth Year before the common account called, the Year of our


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WOW when Jefus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the Days of Herod the King, behold there came wife men from the Eaft to Jerufalem, 2. Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have feen his Star in the Eaft, and are come to worship him. 3. When Herod the King had heard thefe things, he was troubled, and all Jerufalem with him. 4. And when he had gathered all the chief Priefts and Scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Chrift fhould be born. And they faid unto him, in Bethlehem of Judea for hus it is written by the Prophet; 6. And thou Bethle


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fhall fmite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the Children of Sheth.

**Luk. 2. 6, 7. And fo it was, hat while they were there, the Days were accomplished that the et 2 Chron. 36. 14. Moreover, hould be delivered. And the all the chief Priefts and the People rought forth her first born Son,and 5 tranfgreffed very much rapped him in fwaddling clothes, ft 2 Chron. 34. 13. Of the nd laid him in a Manger, because Levites there were Scribes, and here was no room for them in the Officers, and Porters. † Mac.5.42. Now when Judas came near the b. Gen. 10. 30. And their obrook, he caused the Scribes of the welling was from Mefha, [viz. the People to remain by the brook ms of Joktan, the Son of Eber,] as † Mac. 7. 12. Then did affemble ou goeft unto Sephar a Mount of unto Alcimus and Bacchides a Com le Eaft Gen. 25. 6. Unto the pany of Scribes, to require juftice. ons of the Concubines which A-151 Chron. 24. 6. Shemaiah the Son aham had, Abraham gave Gifts, of Nathanael the Scribe, one of the d fent them away from Ifaac his Levites, wrote them before the King. in (while he yet lived) eastward, Mal. 2. 7. The Priests Lips to the Eaft-Country. King 4. fhould keep knowledge, and they And Solomon's Wifdom excel-20fhould seek the Law at his Mouth. d the Wisdom of all the Children the Eaft-Country, and all the Wifom of Egypt.

Mic. 5. 2. But thou Bethle hem Ephrata, though thou be little among the Thousands of Judah, Luk.2. 11. Unto you is born yet out of thee fhall he come forth is Day, in the City of David,25unto me, that is to be Ruler in Saviour, which is Chrift the Lord. Ifrael: whofe goings forth have ai. 60. 3. The Gentiles fhall come been from of old, from everlasting thy light, and Kings to the Joh. 7. 42. Hath not the Scri ightness of thy rifing. pture faid, that Chrift cometh out Numb. 24.17.There fhall300f the Seed of David, and out of me a Star out of Jacob, and a the Town of Bethlehem, where David eptre fhall rife out of Ifrael, and was?


hem (1) in the Land of Juda, art not the leaft among the princes of Juda: for out of thee fhall come a Governour that fhall rule [Or, feed] my People Ifrael. 7. Then Herod when he had privily called the wife men, enquired of them diligently what time, the Star appeared. 8 And he fent them to Bethlehem, and faid, Go, and fearch diligently for the young child, and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him alfo. 9. When they had heard the King, they departed, and lo, the ftar which they faw in the eaft, went before them, till it came and ftood over where the young child was. 10. When they faw the ftar, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. 11. And when they were come into the Houfe, they faw the young child with Mary his Mother, and fell down and worshipped him : when they had opened their treasures, they prefented [Or, offered] unto him gifts, gold, and frankincenfe, and myrche.


Rev. 2. 27. And he fhall rule vowed unto the Lord in Hebron. them with a Rod of Iron: as 1 King. 21.9. She wrote in Let the Veffels of a Potter fhall they ters, faying, proclaim a faft, and fet be broken to fhivers Col. 1. 18. Naboth on high among the People He is the Head of the Budy the 5 Church: who is the beginning, the first-born from the Dead, that in all things he might have the Preeminence

mt Pfal. 72. 10. The Kings of Tarfhifh and of the Ifles fhall bring Prefents: The Kings of She ba and Seba fhall offer Gifts. † Ifai. 60. 6. The multitude of Camels ofhall cover thee: The Dromedaries of Midian and Ephah: all they from Sheba fhall come: they fhall bring Gold and Incenfe, and they 12 Sam. 15. 7. Abfalom faid fhall fhew forth the Praifes of the unto the King, I pray thee let15Lord. me go, and pay my Vow which I have

* Job 5. 12. He difappointeth the devices of the crafty, fo that their Hands cannot perform their enterprize.

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(1) The Bethlehem fpoken of here, was called Bethlehem Ephrata, and Bethlehem in the Land of Judah, fo that here is no inconfiftency betwixt what the Prophet Micah fays, and what is here recorded. As to the feeming Contradiction about the extent of the Place, it is thus reconci led. The Prophet fpeaks of the Place it felf, which was but little in comparison of many others in the holy Land; but here it is faid not to be little, because it was the Place where our Lord, the Redeemer of Mankind, was born; or if, according to others, the Hebrew Word, which is rendered little, be taken adverbially, the feeming Oppofition is quite re moved. For then the fenfe of the Place will be, And thou Bethlehem Ephrata, it is but little, or, it is a small matter, that thou art among the thousands of Judah; for out, &c.

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myrrhe. 12. And being warned of God in a that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own Country another way. 13. And when they were departed, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeareth to Jofeph in a dream, faying, Arife, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word for Herod will feek the young child to deftroy him. 14. When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and (1) departed into Egypt: 15. And was there until the Death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet, faying, Out of Egypt have (I called my Son. 16. Then Herod, when he faw that he was mocked of the wife men, was exceeding wroth, and fent forth, and flew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coafts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wife men. 17. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the Prophet, faying, 18. In Rama was there a Voice heard, lamentation and weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not. 19. But (2) when Herod was dead, behold, an Angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Jofeph in Egypt, 20. Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the B 4

n Matt. 1. 20. Hof. 11. 1. When Ifrael was a Child then I loved him, and called my Son out of Egypt.


* Jer. 31. 15. Thus faith the Lord, a voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation, and bitter Weeping: Rachel weeping for There is no her Children, refused to be com Wisdom, nor Understanding, nor 5 forted for her Children, becaufe Counsel against the Lord. they were not.

P Prov. 21. 30.

(1) Mr. Eachard, Eccl. Hift. p. 36. has the following remarkable Paffage. At our Lord's first arrival in Egypt, as may be collected from Eufebius and Athanafius, he was by defign, or providence, carried into a Temple at Hermopolis, in the Province of Thebais, at whofe Presence the Idol Gods fell down, like Dagon before the Ark, and fuffered their timely and juft diffolution, which remarkably verified a prophecy of aiah, Chap. 19. 1.that the Lord fhould come into Egypt, and the Idols of Egypt fhould be moved at his prefence.

(2) The third Year before the Account called the Year of our Lord.


Land of Ifrael for they are dead which fought th young child's life. 21. And he ärofe, and took the your child and his mother, and came into the Land of Ifrae 22. But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in J dea, in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid t go thither: notwithstanding, being warned of God in dream; he turned afide f into the Parts of Galilee 23. And he came and dwelt in a City called Nazareth that it might be fulfilled which was fpoken by the pro phets, "He fhall be called a Nazarene.



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Year of our Lord 26.


N thofe days came John the Baptift, preaching i the Wildernefs of Judea, 2. And faying, Repen ye: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. 3. Fo this is he that was fpoken of by the prophet Efaias faying, The Voice of one crying in the Wilderness, Pre pare ye the way of the Lord, make his Paths ftraight 4. And the fame John had his Raiment f of camels hair and a leathern girdle about his loyns, and his Meat wa Locuft

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r Exod. 4. 19. And the Lord faid unto Mofes in Midian, Go, return into Egypt; for all the Men are dead which fought thy Life. 5

taketh it, to him will I give Ach fah my Daughter to Wife.

Dan. 2. 44. In the Days o thefe Kings fhall the God of Hea ven fet up a Kingdom, which fhal never be destroyed: and the Kingdom fhall not be left to o ther People, but it fhall break ir pieces and confume all thefe King

Matt. 3. 13. St Judg. 13. 5. For lo, thou fhalt conceive and bear a Son, and no Razer fhall come on his Head: for the Child thall be a Nazarite10doms, and it fhall ftand for ever. unto God from the Womb.

u Hai. II. I. And there fhall come forth a Rod out of the Stem of Jeffe, and a branch fhall grow out of his roots.

Mar. 1. 4. John did Baptize in the Wildernefs, and Preach the Baptifm of Repentance, for the remiffion of Sins: * Luk. 3. 2. -The Word of God came unto John the Son of Zacharias in the Wilderness.

Joh. 15. 16. Caleb faid, he that imiteth Kirjath-fepher, and

dIf. 40.3. Luk. 3.4. tJoh 1. 23. See on Mar. 1. 3.


t Mar. 1. 6. John was clo thed with Camels hair, and with a 15girdle of a Skin about his Loyns: and he did eat Locusts and wild Honey.

2 King. 1. 8. He [Elijah,] was an hairy Man, and girt with a 20Girdle of Leather about his Loyns,—

Zech. 13. 4. Neither fhall they [the Prophets] wear a rough Garmeşi to deceive.


III, Year of our Lord 26. Locufts and wild honey. h 5. Then went out to him Jerufalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan, 6. And were baptized of him in Jordan, confeffing their Sins. 7. But when he faw many of the Pharifees and Sadducees come to his Baptifm, he said unto them, O generation of Vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the Wrath to come. 8. Bring forth therefore fruits meet m for Repentance [Or, answerable to amendment of Life]. 9. And think not to fay within your felves, we have a Abraham to our Father: for I fay unto you, that God is able of these Stones to raise up children unto Abraham. 10. And now alfo the Ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewen down, and caft into the fire." II. I indeed P


Lev. 11. 22. Even thefe of them ye may eat the Locuft after his kind.

A Mar. 1. 5. There went out unto him all the Land of 5 Judea, and they of Jerufalem, and were all Baptized of him in the River Jordan, confeffing their Sins.

baptize you

vered us from the Wrath to come.

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in A&t. 26. 20. Shewed that they fhould repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. Luk. 3. 8. Bring forth fruits therefore worthy of Repentance.Joh. 8. 33, 39. They anfwered him, we be Abraham's feed, i: A&t. 19. 4, 18. Then and were never in bondage to any faid Paul, John verily baptizedroMan: how fayeft thou, ye fhall be with the Baptifm of Repentance, fay- made free? Abraham is our Fa ing unto the People, that they ther. Matt. 8. II. Many fhall fhould believe on him that should come from the east and weft, and come after him, that is, on Chrift fhall fit down with Abraham, and Jefus. Many that believed came,15Ifaac, and Jacob in the Kingdom and confeffed, and fhewed their Deeds.

k Matt. 12. 34. O generation of Vipers, how can ye being evil, fpeak good things? for out of the abundance of the Heart the Mouth fpeaketh Matt. 23. 33. Ye Serpents, ye generation of Vipers, how can ye efcape the Damnation of Hell! + Luk. 3. 7.

1 Rom. 5. 9. Much more then being juftified by his Blood, we fhall be faved from wrath to come. Thef. 1. 10. And to wait for his Son from Heaven,3 whom he raised from the Dead, even Chrift Jefus, which hath deli

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of Heaven. † Act. 13. 25. Men and Brethren, Children of the Stock of Abraham, and whofoever among you feareth God, to you is the 20word of this Salvation fent.

* See on Matt. 7. 19. P* Mar. 1. 8. I indeed have Baptized you with water: but he fhall baptize you with the holy 25Ghoft. *Luk.3.16. John anfwered,faying to them all, I indeed baptize you with Water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whofe Shoes I am not worthy to unloose : he fhall baptize you with the holy Ghof, and with Fire. Joh, 1. 15,


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