Imatges de pàgina

Story of the Chinese and the map-Difficulties in all subjects-Astronomical
difficulties-Difficulties in religion to be expected-First difficulty-At-
tempt to avoid it-Conversation continued-Second difficulty-Extent of
the creation-Difficulty - The existence of suffering inexplicable-The
pirate condemned to die-Accountability-Foreknowledge-Story of father
and son-Imaginary conversation with an infidel-Answering prayer-
Case supposed-The sick son-Miraculous interference in answering prayer
-Sources of difficulty-Algebra- The surd Difficulty theoretical-None
in practice.

Objects of this chapter-1. Inquiries-Disobedient school-boy-2. Perplexi-
ties of Christians-Way to avoid them-Plausible reasoning sometimes
unsafe-Scholars in geometry-Drawing inferences-Story of the knights
and the statue-The shield of brass and iron-One kind of controversy-
3. Difficulties of children-Children's questions-4. Difficulties of parents
and teachers-The school-boy's question-A humble, docile spirit,




The doubting clerk-The unexpected letter-The sick child-Possible mis.
takes-Men act from reasonable evidence-Evidences of Christianity, His-
torical, Internal, and Experimental-Illustration-The phosphorus.

1. Historical Evidence-Seal - Miracles - Examining witnesses-The court
-The court-room-The prisoner-His accusation and trial Testimony of
the owner; of the watchman-The lawyer's question-The watchman's
story-The prisoner convicted-Points secured on trials-Three points to
be attended to-Irruption of the barbarians-Old manuscripts-Genuine-
ness of the Scriptures-Quotations Illustration-Use made of quotations
-Paley's Evidences - Necessity for proving the genuineness of the Scrip-
tures-The original records not remaining-The second point-Opportuni-
ties of knowing-The housebreaker's trial-Sacred writers could not have
been mistaken-They were eye-witnesses-Third point Their style of
writing-Impartiality-Elevated views They were disinterested-Our
Saviour's farewell address-Interested witnesses Battle of Lexington-
Parliament and Congress-Points proved-Argument from prophecy-
Prophecies-False prophecies-Subject difficult Were the Christian wit-
nesses believed? - Contest with paganism-Power of truth.

2. Internal Evidence-Unity of the Scriptures-The Bible a number of
books-Its single object The Bible a history of Christ-Sacrifices-
Meaning of sacrifices-Their moral influence Conclusion of the book-
Appropriate language-The advent of the Saviour-Its time and place-
The Mediterranean sea-Interesting associations-Character of God-Lan-
guage of nature; of the Bible-The sufferer in the hospital-Jehovah just,
as well as merciful-Butler's Analogy.

3. Experimental Evidence-Case of sickness supposed-Medicine-Proof
of it The mother-The mother and her sick son- The unbeliever-Power
of Christianity-Particular case-Prisons-Old and new system of dis-
cipline-Stories of the convicts-The disobedient son-Conversation-
Struggles with sin-Second story-Nature of ardent spirit-W.'s crime-
Learning to read in prison-First lesson-Effect of the Bible upon W.-
Sins against God-W.'s mental sufferings His prayer-His way of find-
ing the 51st Psalm - His relief-Close of the convicts' stories-Charlestown
state-prison-Old building-Crowded night rooms - Arms - Prison yard-
Chapel-Prisoners going to Sabbath-school-Aspect of the school-Pris-



1. Moral Improvement General improvement a Christian duty-Moral
improvement Faults-The vain boy-Way to reform him-Conversation
with his father-Instances of vanity-The boy's list Effect of this con-
fession-Secret confession to be minute-Secret prayer often too general
-Way to make prayer interesting-Formal confession-Excuses-Way
to make secret prayer interesting-Private prayer-Examples of minute
confession-The father's letter-Object of this illustration-Faults to be
corrected-Young and old persons-Other means of correcting faults-
Exposure to temptation-Conversation between the boy and his friend-
Great and small temptations.

Growing in grace-Unavailing efforts The mother-The man of business-
The dejected Christian-Direct efforts-Freedom of feeling and freedom of
action-Way to mould the heart - Metaphysical controversy-Story of the
Duke of Gloucester-Richard's artful plan-The council-Violent meas-
ures-Murder of the boys-Analysis of the story-Richard's wicked char-
acter-Sense in which character is voluntary-Distinction between charae-
ter and conduct Importance of it-Moral obligation-Ways of influencing
the character-Effect of Christian knowledge-The mother-The child-
Gratitude-Christian action-Why Howard became interested for prison-
ers-Paul-Dependence upon the Holy Spirit-An evil heart-Divine
influence necessary.

2. Intellectual Improvement-A finished education - Object of education-
1. To strengthen the powers-Robinson Crusoe's supposed experiment
with Friday-Conic sections-Difficult studies-2. Acquisition of know-
ledge-3. Skill-Three experiments with Friday-Teaching him to count
-Study of mathematics-Imperfect education-Neglect of important
duties-Intellectual progress of a young mother-1. Reading-System
-Variety-Thorough reading-Short works-2. Conversation-Difficulty

of cultivating it-Means of cultivating it-Experiments proposed-Plans

and experiments-Digesting knowledge-3. Writing-Private Journals
-Form and manner-Running titles-Family journal-By brothers and
sisters-Its advantages Subjects-Notes and abstracts-True design of
taking notes-Form of books-Plan-Variety - Specimens -Reynolds-
Humboldt Chronology-Synagogues-History of the Bible-Sir Hum-
phrey Davy-Story of the sea-captain-Hiring children-The Saviour's
thirst on the cross-Deceiving children-Narratives-Ellen, or "Boast not
thyself of to-morrow"-The dying bed-The patient's interest in religion-

Her address to her husband-Her affecting remarks to her children-

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