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Chelmsford, Guy.

Cheltenham. Lovesy.
Chertsey, Wetton.

Chester, Seacome; Harding;
Poole & Boult.
Chichester, Glover.
Clitheroe, Whalley.
Cockermouth, Baily.
Colchester, Swinborne & Co.
Colne, Earnshaw.
Coventry, Merridew.
Derby, Wilkins & Son.
Devizes, Randle.
Devonport, Byers.
Doncaster, Brooke & Co.
Dover, Batchellor.

Dublin, Curry, Jun. & Co.
Dundee, Shaw.
Durham, Andrews.
Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd.
Ereter, Gain.
Falmouth, Philp.
Faversham, Thiselton.
Glasgow, M'Phun.

Gloucester, Jew.

Greenock, Neill & Frazer.
Guernsey, Moss.

Guildford, Russells.

Halifax, Whitley & Booth.

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Amsterdam, Nayler & Co.-Berlin, A. Asher.-Hamburg, Perthes & Besser.-Leipsic, Black, Young, and Young (of London).
Paris, Bennis.-Rotterdam, T. Marshall.-St. Petersburg, A. Asher,





Alceste, Shipwreck of the, 218

Alexandria, the Pestilence at, 95

Alison, extract from, 248

All Fools' Day, Notice of, 111

Almanack, lines presented with one,

on New Year's Day, 32

American Chief and Scotch Highlander,
affecting anecdote of, 132

American Steam-vessel, 231

Amsterdam, some account of, 34-

Public Buildings, 35-Births,

Marriages, and Burials in, 38-

Charitable Institutions, 39-Dress

of Inhabitants, 39-Government,

39-Dykes, 40

Amusement, Diversion, Recreation, and

Relaxation, definition of, by Jones

of Nayland, 107

Anchovy Fishery, 226

Angelo, Michael, Anecdote of, 173
Animals, on the Structure of, 32
Aphorisms, 115, 132, 157, 159, 179, 230,

Appointments by Will, 227

Arab, ludicrous mistake of one respect-

ing the telescope, 149

Arabian Proverbs, 27, 56

Arabs, on the abundance of metaphors
in their language, 181
Assaye, Battle of, its cause and con-
sequences, 100

Atmosphere, its changes illustrated, 11
Avalanches in Switzerland, 118
Augustine, St., 237

Augustus, the Roman Emperor, anec-
dote of, 179

Bad Example, effects of, 150

Bacon, extract from, 237

Badajoz, Assault and Capture of, 188

Barometer, on the Use of, 63

Barrow, selections from, 232, 238

Basire, Isaac, aphorism of, 107

Bath, the Serpents', a Legend of Nas-

san, 64

Bees, Superstitions relating to, 203

Bells, their origin and use, 147

Berkeley, Bishop, remarks by, 91, 159

Birds, maternal care and intelligence

of, 224

Birds' Nests, Pensile, notice of, 116

Birmingham, some account of, 10

Blair, extracts from, 55, 200
Blind, power of the Senses of Hearing
and Feeling in the, 206
Blood, on the quantity of, in Animals, 23
Boat and Ass, a strange case, 91
Bootan, Rajah of, his mode of tea-
drinking, 171

Bowles, Rev. W. L., Verses by, 27

British India, its importance to the

Merchants and Manufacturers of

Great Britain, 242

British Officer, his wife, and baggage-

ass, 19

Britons, ancient, and Saxons, their

Ships described, 73

Brock, village of, 39

Bruce and the Spider, 158

Budgell, selection from, 237

Burial, Mode of, in different ages and

countries, 21

Burke, extracts from, 23, 32, 243

Burleigh, Lord, remark by, 16

Carisbrooke Castle, description of, 191

Lines on, 192

Carlyle, Mr., lines by, 207
Carrier Pigeons, 200
Cellini's, Benvenuto, amusing history
of his cast of Perseus, 179

Ceylon Leeches, 159

Chaetodon Rostratus, 56

Charade, by W. M. Praed. Esq., 48

Chatham, His Majesty's Dock-yard at,

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Cow-tree of South America, 131

Creator, works of, Remarks on their

immensity, 140

Croker, Mr., anecdote by, 231

Curiosity, right employment of, 232

Date-tree and the Arabs, 102

Dead, treatment of, in Thibet, 46

Death, Lines on, by Sir Walter Scott,


De la Bruyère, remark by, 20
Dew, Illustration of, 117
Dick, extract from, 23

Difficulty of making a Will, 181
Dijon, the Church of Notre Dame at, 42
Discontent, remark on, by Izaak Wal-
ton, 23


remarks on its absurdity,

Dispensaries, Self-supporting, their bo-
neficial effects, 87

Domestic Peace, remark on, 132
Dorado (or Dolphin) and Flying-fish,
a description of, 103

Douro, Passage of, by the British, 150

Dwight, extracts from, 88, 150

Eccentricity of Genius, 191
Edinburgh, Trade and Manners of,

seventy years ago, 250
Edward the Confessor's Chapel, 212
Egglestone Priory, its Ruins described,


Egyptian Antiquities, I. 154;-II. 185.

Electrical Eels, curions mode of fishing

for, with horses, 144

Elmo, St., Castle of, at Naples, 106
Eminence from humble life, 5
Emulation, its effect, 91
Enfield, extract from, 8
Epictetus, quotation from, 69
Epitaph, old, 207

Etawah, East India Station, described,

Evening Thought, 47

Experimental Science, Familiar Illus
trations of, 246

Fame, Remark on, by Fuller, 58

Female Virtues, Remarks on, by Mrs.

King, 55, 135, 159

Ferguson the Astronomer, account of, 5

Fidelity and Sagacity of a Dog, 199

Filial Respect, 159

Finding a Guinea, 159

Floods, great, in the North of Scot-

land, 59

Florence, Ducal Palace of, 2

Flowers, remarks on the love of, 102;
-on their Cultivation, 132
Flying-fish and Dolphin, 103
Foreigners encouraged by Henry the
Eighth, 202

Forest Scenery of South America, 173

Freshwater Bay and Cavern, 160

Freya, or Friga, the Saxon Idol, de

scribed, 135

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remarkable instance of, 114
Inscription to the Memory of ship.
wrecked Seamen, 93

on a Bell, 131
Irish Medical Manuscripts, 143
Islands of Ireland, notice of, 133

Jesse, extracts from, 5, 180, 203
Jews, modern, description of their
Funeral Ceremonies, 22

Jeb, Book of, Remarks on, by Town-

son, 142

Johnson, Dr., Anecdotes of, 46, 136

Selections from, 26, 54, 62,

64, 67, 94, 107, 135, 148, 153, 159,

207, 230, 231, 238, 243, 247

Johnston, Sir Alexander, his Evidence

relative to Colonel Mackenzie's

Oriental collections, 242

Jones of Nayland, selections from, 56,

69, 95

Sir William, lines by, 207

Jonson, Ben, extract from, 248

Juvenile Vagrancy, Success of Experi-

ments for its Prevention, 7

Kente, lines on Westminster Abbey,

by, 216

Keith, remark on Religion, by, 230
King, Mrs. on the blessing of Family
Affection, 110

on Female Tenderness, 135, 159
remark by, 173

Kioum, Birmese, or Royal Convent, 58
Knaresborough Castle, 25

Knots, various kinds of, remarks on,

Knowledge, remark on, by Dwight, 88
thirst of the Irish for, 149

Koordistan and its inhabitants, 68

Labour, its division, 14

Lady Jane Grey, anecdote of, 191

La Méduse (French frigate), account
of the wreck of, 138

Larch, Cultivation of, in Scotland, 251

Leeds, 196

Light, illustrations of, 148

Lightning, illustration of, 198

Lime Kiln, accident at a, 143

Lines to a Friend on his Birth-day, 207

Llanthony Abbey, 228

Loan-funds, Remarks on, 98

Locke, Remarks by, 173

London, the Port of, some account of,

161;-its Docks, 166;-its Steam

Navigation, 167

Lotus-tree, description of, 157

Luther, Martin, 194

Mackenzie, Colonel, his Oriental col-

lections, 242

Madagascar, the Island of, 203

Madrid, Charitable Institutions in, 173

Malayan Forests, grandeur of their

vegetation, 118

Manners, their influence on Society, 23

Mason, extract from, 54

Maternal Affection, remarks on, 150

Maternal Courage, 46

May Day, verses on, by Bishop He-

ber, 158

Maxims, 190

Meerschaum Pipes, Manufacture of, 47

Metal, the Art of casting Figures in


Mines of Great Britain, 43

Mirage of the East, optical illusions

produced by, 143

Misery and Happiness, 191

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Poet's Corner, 215

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Scott, Sir Walter, aphorism of, 182
Screen, new, at Westminster Abbey, 98
Sculpture, Egyptian, remarks on, 155
Sea, Signs of the, verses on, 107

Seater, the Saxon Idol, described, 239
Secrecy, remark on, 200

Setting Sun, lines on, 51

Shea, or Butter Tree, of Africa, 156
Ship-launch, description of, 51
Shipwreck of the Medusa, 138
Alceste, 218

Shipwreck, Preservation from, by the
Cliff Waggon, 92

Shrew Mouse, the, 247

Silent Monitors, 246

Sin, Bishop Wilson on its first Begin
nings, 58

Skelton, selections from, 143, 171, 182,
191, 192, 195, 247
Snake, South American, 96
Snow-storms on the Andes, 96
Society IV., on the various states of, 14
V., Origin of Money; Effect of
Emulation, 91

VI., Desire of Gain; Employ.
ment of Gain; Capital, 187
South, remark by, 207

Southey, Selections from, 32, 55, 62, 94,
102, 191, 207

South-sea Islanders, their mode of se-
pulture, 21

Spider, remarks on, 56

St. Bernard's, a Night at, 183
Steam-vessel, American, 231
Strawberries, the mode by which
London is supplied with, 222
Sumatra, Superstition of the natives
of, 118

Sun, the Idol of, 8

Sunday Thought, 47
Superstitions relating to Bees, 203

Talbot, Miss, extract from, 243
Tale, Arabian, 143

Taylor, Jeremy, selections from, 27, 102,
136, 159, 246

Temple, Sir W., remark by, 64
Tertullian, selection from, 174
Thales of Miletus, Sentences of, 12
Thebes, ancient, aud its Temples, 154
Theories, Cuvier's opinion of, 51
Thibet, treatment of the Dead in, 46
Thor, the Saxon Idol, 72
Thoughts on a well-spent Life, 30
Tiberias, Sea of, description of, 171
Tiger, providential escape from, 13
Time, Remarks on, 1421

Titus, memorable exclamation of, 247
Tivoli, Town and Cascade of, 18
Toobow, king of, anecdote of, 118
Torres Vedras, the Lines of, 174
Tourists, Scottish, 252

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of Mr. Symington's plans, and of an unauthorized inspection of the
models of his apparatus, in constructing the boats upon which his
unfair claims to the invention were founded.

Mr. JOHN KAY, of Rochdale, has also written, under the impres
sion that Mr. Bell was present when he, Mr. Kay, suggested the idea
of working small boats by hand-machinery, and larger vessels by
steam-engines. Mr. Kay is, however, evidently mistaken, as he states
the conversation to which he alludes to have taken place at Liverpool,
in 1796 or 1797, and Mr. Symington had actually worked a boat by
steam-machinery in 1788,

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