Imatges de pàgina


Historical Sketch of various Opinions concerning the Lord's Supper-Rev. Mr. Duncan's Sermon-Dr. Channing's Sermon at the Ordination of a Colleague-Spirit of Orthodoxy-Lines by Francisco de Velasco-Obituary of the Rev. John Campbell-Dedication and Ordination at Hallowell--Ordination at Barnstable-Dedication at Boston.


P. 185

Heavenly-mindedness-Liberality of Milton-Sacred Books of the Hindoos-A Letter from Mr. Jefferson to a Quaker, in Answer to a Letter expressing a great, Concern for his Soul--To keep a true Lent-A Christian's Consolations-Concluding Remarks on the Lord's Supper-Christianity in India-Ordination at Lynn.


p. 225

Arianism and Humanitarianism-Carpenter's Summary of Scripture Evidence respecting the Person of Jesus Christ-Professor Stuart's Discourses on the Atonement--Forgiveness of Sins for Christ's Sake-Infidelity among the European Clergy-Dr. Miller's Lecture on Creeds-Milton's Opinion of Subscription-True Liberality-Introductory Chapters of Matthew's Gospel-Certainty-Home--Editor's Farewell Address,

p. 287

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The Christian's Shorter Catechism.

Question. WHAT do you believe?

Answer. All truth.

Q. What is truth?

A. Whatever is, has been, or will be.

Q. But are you acquainted with all reality?

A. I do not pretend to be. I know but little. But whatever I am persuaded is real, is reality to me; and I must believe it, because it is, and because it will not change to please my fancy, and because it cannot be that which it is not.

Q. What is the supreme object of your belief?

A. He who is the first cause of all that is, has been, or will be; the infinite being whom we call GOD; infinite in duration, infinite in power, infinite in wisdom, and infinite in goodness.

Q. Why do you believe that he is the first-cause of all things?

A. All things must have had a cause, for they could not cause themselves; and as all things manifest design and skill, that cause must be intelligent; and that intelligent cause is God.

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Q. Why do you believe that he is infinite in duration?

A. The first cause must be uncaused, and consequently without a beginning; it must be superior to all other causes, and independent of them, and consequently will have no end.

Q. Why do you believe that he is infinite in power? A. The universe is boundless, and he created, he fills and he controls it; and as all created power must be inferior to his, he must be infinite in power.

Q. Why do you believe that he is infinite in wisdom? A. Universal order denotes unlimited knowledge. Q. Why do you believe that he is infinite in goodness?

A. I perceive much happiness in the world; and in so many sorrowful events do I perceive a beneficial tendency, that I have every reason to believe that the great system of things will result in the greatest possible good; and I therefore believe in the infinite goodness of God.

Q. Has God revealed himself to man?

A. I have spoken of his revelations in the material world; "day unto day uttereth speech, night unto night showeth wisdom;"-we have also a revelation in our minds, and in the recorded instructions of inspired


Q. What is the revelation in our minds?

A. The light of reason.

Q. Where do you find the recorded revelations of God?

A. In the writings of the Old Testament, which were addressed particularly to the Jews; and in the doctrines and instructions of Jesus Christ and his

apostles, which are contained in the books of the New Testament, and which, with some local exceptions, were intended for all mankind.

Q. Do the recorded revelations of God contradict the revelations of nature and reason?

A. They do not, and they cannot; for they all come from God, and God is perfect truth, and perfect truth cannot contradict itself.

Q. Which is the most complete of the two recorded revelations you have mentioned?

A. The latter, which is the revelation by Jesus Christ.

Q. Who was Jesus Christ?

A. A man who proved that he was sent from God, by speaking as never man spake before; and by performing miracles, which he could not have done unless assisted by Almighty Power.

Q. On what grounds do you believe that he thus taught and worked?


A. His instructions speak for themselves. miracles were seen and attested by thousands; they were recorded while they were fresh in the recollection of many; they were never contradicted; the writings which contain both them and the instructions, have come down to us in the most unexceptionable manner, and bear every mark of having been composed by honest and intelligent men. This evidence, internal and external, convinces me.

Q. What is the sum of Christ's instructions?

A. To love God supremely, and our neighbour as


Q. Did Christ live as he taught?

A. His example was in strict conformity with his precepts, and was one of perfect virtue.

Q. What motive have we to induce us to obey the precepts of Jesus, and follow his example?

A. The prospect of the greatest happiness in this life, and in the eternal life which will follow it.

Q. Why do you believe that there will be any life beside the present?

A. My hopes tell me so; the wants of my nature tell me so; my conceptions of God's mercy tell me so; Jesus Christ has declared it; and his resurrection from the dead has proved it.

Q. If happiness in the future world is a motive to virtue in this, you must believe that they who are wicked here, will not hereafter share the happiness of those who are virtuous here.

A. I do. I believe that our condition in the next life will correspond with the degree of our virtue in the present; a proper regard being had to our opportunities. Of that degree, and its corresponding allotment, God is to be the judge, and not I, nor any other mortal; for which God be praised! He is supremely just.

Q. Has Christianity any rites?

A. It has two-Baptism and the Lord's Supper; the first is a significant ceremony of initiation; and the last, by calling to our remembrance the sufferings of Christ and the purposes of his mission and death, confirms us from time to time in our faith and duty.

Q. Do all christians agree in this representation of christianity?

A. They do not. There are many different ways of interpreting the Scriptures; and the majority of

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