Imatges de pàgina

made by later editors. The title of the edition used in this work is: "Sacrasancta Concilia ad Regiam Editionem exacta. Studio Philip. Labbei et Gabr. Cossartii, Soc. Jesu Presbyterorum. Lutetiæ Parisiorum. MDCLXXI. Cum Privilegio Regis Christianissimi.'

Anything more perfect than these precious volumes it would be hard to conceive of, and while of course they contain the errors of chronology et cetera of their age, yet their general accuracy and marvellous completeness leave them even to-day as the greatest of the great, although the later edition of Hardouin is more often used by English and American scholars, and is the one quoted by Pope Benedict XIV. in his famous work De Synodo Diocesana. Hardouin's edition did certainly correct many of the faults of Labbe and Cossart, yet had itself many faults and defects which are pointed out by Salmon in a long list, although he fully acknowledges the value of Hardouin's improvements and additions. Perhaps, not unnaturally, as a Professor at the Sorbonne, he preferred Labbe and Cossart. It inay not be amiss to add that Hardouin was very anti-Gallican and ultramontane.


The Dominican Archbishop of Lucca, Mansi, in 1759, put out his "Concilia" in thirty-one volumes folio at Florence, styled on the title-page "the most ample" edition. ever printed, and claiming to contain all the old and much new matter. It was never finished, only reaching to the XVth century, has no indices, and (says Hefele) "is very inferior to Hardouin in accuracy. The order of the subjects in the later volumes is sometimes not sufficiently methodical, and is at variance with the chronology." "

I shall now present the reader with some bibliographical notes which I extract verbatim from Hefele (Hefele, History of the Councils, Vol. I., p. 74).

Among the numerous works on the history of the councils, the most useful to consult are:

1. John Cabassutius, Notitia ecclesiastica historiarum conciliorum et canonum. Lyons 1680, folio. Very often reprinted.

2. Hermant, Histoire des Conciles, Rouen 1730, four volumes, 8vo.

3. Labbe, Synopsis historica Conciliorum, in vol. i. of his Collection of Councils. 4. Edm. Richer, Historia conciliorum generalium (Paris, 1680), three volumes, 4to. Reprinted in 8vo. at Cologne.

5. Charles Ludovic Richard, Analysis conciliorum generalium et particularium. Translated from French into Latin by Dalmasus. Four volumes, 8vo, Augsburg,


6. Christ. Wilh. Franz Walch, Entwurf einer vollständigen Historie der Kirchenversammlungen, Leipzig, 1759.

7. Fabricius, Bibliotheca Græca, edit. Harless. t. xii., p. 422 sqq., in which is contained an alphabetical table of all the councils, and an estimate of the value of the principal collections.

8. Alletz, Concilien-Lexikon, translated from French into German by Father Maurus Disch, a Benedictine and professor at Augsburg, 1843.

9. Dictionnaire universel et complet des Conciles, tant généraux que particuliers, etc., rédigé par M. l'abbé P——, prêtre du Diocese de Paris, published by the Abbé Migue (Paris, 1846), two volumes, 4to.

In the great works on ecclesiastical history-for example, in the Nouvelle Bibliothèque des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques, by El. Dupin, and the Historia Literaria of Cave, and particularly in the excellent Histoire des Auteurs Sacrés, by Remi Ceillier-we find matter relating to the history of the councils. Salmon, 1. c., p. 387, and Walch in his Historie der Kirchenversammlungen, pp. 48-67, have pointed out a large number of works on the history of the councils. There are also very valuable dissertations on the same subject in

1. Christian Lupus, Synodorum generalium ac provincialium decreta et canones, scholiis, notis ac historica actorum dissertatione illustrata, Louv., 1665; Brussels, 1673; five volumes, 4to.

[blocks in formation]

2. Lud. Thomassin, Dissertationum in Concilia generalia et particularia, t. i., Paris, 1667; reprinted in Rocaberti, Bibl. pontificia, tr. XV.

3. Van Espen, Tractatus Historicus exhibens scholia in omnes canones conciliorum, etc., in his complete works.

4. Barth. Caranza has written a very complete and useful abstract of the acts of the councils in his Summa Conciliorum, which has often been re-edited.

5. George Daniel Fuchs, deacon of Stuttgart, has, in his Bibliothek der Kirchenversammlungen, four volumes, Leipsic, 1780-1784, given German translations and abstracts of the acts of the councils in the fourth and fifth centuries.

6. Francis Salmon, Doctor and Librarian of the Sorbonne, has published an Introduction to the Study of the Councils, in his Traité de l'Étude des Conciles et de leurs collections, Paris, 1724, in 4to, which has often been reprinted.

To these I would add the following:

1. Fleury, Histoire Ecclesiastique. This work in many volumes, part of which has been translated into English, is most useful and accurate, and contains a resumé of the separate canons and definitions as well as the history of the proceedings.

2. Denziger, Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum que de rebus fidei et morum a Conciliis Ecumenicis et Summis Pontificibus emanarunt. A most useful handbook in the original.

3. Hefele, Conciliengeschicte. This, the most recent work upon the subject, is also in some respects the most satisfactory, and it is a matter of real regret that only the first part of the work, down to the end of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, has been translated into English. The last volume of the author's revised edition appeared in 1890. The first volume of the first edition was published in 1855, and the seventh and last in 1874. The entire book was translated into French some years ago (with full indices) by M. l'abbé Goschlerand and M. l'abbé Delarc (Paris, Adrien le Clere et Cie). It should in fairness, however, be remarked that Bishop Hefele was one of the minority who opposed the opportuneness of the definition of Papal infallibility at the Vatican Council, and while indeed afterwards he submitted to the final decree, yet he has been a somewhat suspected person since to those who held extreme views on this doctrine.

So far as I am aware no serious work has been done upon the councils by any writer using the English tongue in recent times, with the exception of the useful Notes on the Canons of the First Four General Councils, by Canon Wm. Bright.

The following is a list of the English translations which I have consulted or followed:

John Johnson, The Clergyman's Vade-mecum (London, 2d Ed., 1714).

Wm. A. Hammond, The Definitions of Faith and Canons of Discipline of the Six Ecumenical Councils, etc.

William Lambert, The Canons of the First Four General Councils of the Church and those of the Early Greek Synods (London, s. d. Preface dated 1868).

John Fulton, Index Canonum. [This work ends with the Council of Chalcedon.] (New York, 1872. 3d Ed., 1892.)

John Mendham, The Seventh General Council, the Second of Nice (London, s. d.). H. R. Percival, The Decrees of the Seven Ecumenical Synods. Appendix I. to A Digest of Theology (London, Masters, 1893).

It only remains that I mention two other works.

Dr. Pusey's book, The Councils of the Church from the Council of Jerusalem A.D. 51 to the Council of Constantinople, 381 (1857) should not be omitted, and certainly the reader's attention should be called to that most accurate and valuable volume by Herm. Theod. Bruns, Canones Apostolorum et Conciliorum Veterum Selecti (Berolini, 1839), which has been constantly referred to in preparing this work.


FROM the presses of the East, especially those at Athens, a number of editions more or less complete of the Greek text of the Canons of the Ecumenical and of the Local Councils have been issued, and the notes of Balsamon, Zonaras, and Aristenus have been added in some cases. Professor Bolotoff writes however that so far as Greek literature on the subject is concerned, with the exception of purely topographical researches in the environs of Constantinople, it is simply putting into Greek what was originally in German.

The Russian Church has done somewhat more and as will be seen from the following table, some attempts have been made at providing scholia, but when the scheme of this present work was shewn him, Professor Bolotoff said: "We have nothing analogous to this undertaking in Russia." The learned professor remarks that all the best Russian literature upon the subject is contained in magazine articles, especially those of Professor Zaozersky of the Moscow Theological Academy, and of Professor A. S. Pavloff, of the University of Moscow; he mentions also the latter's article in the Orthodox Review, and adds that "An Essay on a Course of Church Legislation," by Joann Smolensk (St. Petersburg, 1851) should be referred to.


V pravoslavnoj Russkoj Cerkvi izdanija sobornyh pravil i opredělěnij soveršalis' tol'ko po neposredstvennomu rasporjaženiju i soizvoleniju vysšej cerknovnoj vlasti i faktičeski izjaty iz kompetencii častnoj učenoj predpriimčivosti. Poetomu podrobnyja izdanija vypuskalis' v Rossii liš' po měrě praktičeskoj potrebnosti.

(1) Pervoe po vremeni pečatnoe izdanie nazvannyh pravil bylo v slavjanskoj "Kormčej Knigě" (=greč. IIndáλov), kotoraja načata pečataniem pri Moskovskom patriarhě Iosifě v Moskvě 7go oktjabrja 1649 g. i okončena 1go ijulja 1650 g., no patr. Nikon podverg ego sobornomu peresmotru, pri čem něskol'ko listov bylo perepečatano i vneseno vnov'.1 Po semu ekzempljary etoj "Kormčej" byli razoslany po cerkvam dlja cerkovnago upotreblenija i postupili v obrasčěnie ne raněe 1653 g. Vtoroe izdanie "Kormčej" bylo v 1787 g. posle peresmotra eja mitropolitom Novgorodskim i S. Peterburgskim Gavriilom,2 a zatěm i drugija (napr., v 1804 g., 1816 g. i 1823 g.) bez osobyh pereměn. Pozdnějšija izdanija otličajutsja ot Nikonovskago v častnostjah, no eto ne kasaetsja cerkovnyh pravil, kotoryja poměščajutsja v pervoj časti “Kormčej” i soderžat 85 apostol'skih pravil, postanovlenija 16-i soborov (Nikejskago, Ankirskago, Neokesarijskago, Gangrskago, Antiohijskago, Laodikijskago, II-go, III-go, IV-go vselenskih, Sardikskago, Karfagenskago, Konstantinopol'skago, pri Nekopargě, Trull'skago 692 g., VII-go vselenskago, Dvukratnago i v cerkvi sv. Sofii) i pravila 13-ti sv. otcov.

(2) V pečatnoj "Kormčej" kanony izloženy ne v polnom tekstě, a v sokraščennom, inogda dajuščem liš' ves'ma nedostatočnoe predstavlenie o soderžanii podlinnika. Poetomu izdavna dělalis' popytki cělostnyh perevodov,3 no poslědnie ne pojavljalis' v pečati. Toľko uže v 1839 g. sv. Sinodom vypuščeno bylo v S. Peterburgě takoe izdanie: "Kniga pravil

1 Poetomu někotorye bibliografy spravedlivo sčitajut zděš dva izdanija, iz koih 1653 g. in folio 60+1+16+679 listov i bylo perepečatano staroobrjadeami (raskol’nikami) v 1785 g. v Varšavě.

sostoit iz 37 +1+

2 Eto izdanie in folio v Moskvě v dvuh častjah i knigah — v 1-j 2 nenum. +38 +5 +60 + 300 +39 numerovannyh listov, - vo 2-j1+2+235 +16+37 listov.

Vo vtoroj polovině XVII v. perevodil kanony Epifanij Slavineckij, a v pervoj polovině XVIII v. pravila apostol'skija i sobornyja byli perevedeny Vasiliem Kozlovskim i Grigoriem Poletikoju po greċeskomu tekstu "Synodicon" a Beveregii, s kakovago izdanija sdělan byl novyj perevod v 1782 g.


sv. apostol, sv. soborov vselenskih i poměstnyh i sv. otec", napečatannaja v bol❜šoj list v
"carstvujuščem gradě sv. Petra pervym tisneniem, v leto ot sozdanija mira 7347, ot
Roždestva že po ploti Boga Slova 1839, indikta 12"; v nem 4 nenumerovannye lista i
455 numerovannyh strannic. Na každoj strannicě dvě kolonny dlja podlinnika i novago
slavjanskago perevoda po polnomu tekstu, no bez tolkovanij vizantijskih kanonistov;
rědko na osnovanii Zonary ili Val'samona dajutsja priměčanija, ne vsegda točnyja isto-
ričeski (napr. k 10 pravilu Ankirsk., 3 Sard., 4 Karfag. i o dvukratnom soborě 861 g.),
a po městam i samyj tekst ne ispraven (napr., v 13-m prav. I-go vsel. sobora). Eta
“Kniga” iměla potom slědujuščija izdanija: (2) v Moskvě v Sinodal'noj tipografii v 1862,
in folio 8 11.+672 +74 numer. strn., s tekstom grečeskim i slavjanskim (3) ibid. v 1866 g.
in quarto, 311.+373 strn.+1 1.+59 strn., s odnim slavjanskim tekstom; (4) ibid. v 1874 g.,
in octavo, 411.+455 strn.+ 2 11.+ 104 +4 strn., tože s odnim slavjanskim tekstom;
(5) ibid. v 1886 g., in folio, 3 ll.+395+42 strn. +11., opjat' v odnom slavjanskom tekstě.
(3) "Kniga pravil" ničuť' ne predstavljaet avtorizovannago textus receptus, i poslě eja
izdanija sam Sv. Sinod ne rědko privodil v svoih ukazah pravila po slavjanskoj redakcii
Kormčej knigi," a potom rekomendoval Afinskoe izdanie "Sintagmy" dlja vsěh duhovno-
učebnyh zavedenij. Eto otkryvalo město dlja novoj obrabotki, kotoraja s razrěšenija
vyššej duhovnoj vlasti i byla predprinjata Moskovskim "Obščestvom ljubitelej duhov-
nago prosvěščenija". Objavlenie ob etom bylo sdělano v N-rě 3 "Moskovskih Eparhialnyh
Cerkovnyh Vědomostej" za 1875 g., a v janvarskoj knižkě togože goda Moskovskago
žurnala “Čtenija v Obščestvě ljubitelej duhovnago prosvěščenija" byla napečatana i samaja
"programma" izdanija (strn. 79-90 v otdělě bibliografii. Po povodu eja professor kanoni-
českago prava v Novororossijskom Universitetě (skončavšijsja 16go avgusta 1898 g. pro-
fessorom Moskovskago Universiteta) Aleksej Stepanovič Pavlov sdělal "Zaměčanija na
programmu izdanija, v russkom perevodě, cerkovnyh pravil s tolkovanijami" v "Zapiskah
Imperatorskago Novorossijskago Universiteta", t. XVI (Odessa 1875 g.) strn. 1-17
priloženij (i v otděl'noj brošurě), a poslě perepečatal ih-s někotorymi dopolnenijami-
v Moskovskom žurnalě "Pravoslavnoe Obozrenie" za aprel' 1876 g. (strn. 730-746) pod
zaglaviem "O novom perevodě tolkovanij na cerkovnyja pravila". Na eti vozraženija
otvěcal professor cerkovna go prava v Moskovskoj Duhovnoj Akademii Aleksandr Feo-
dorovič Lavrov v žurnalě "Čtenija v Obščestvě ljubitelej duhovnago prosvěščenija” (č. II,
strn. 158-194 za 1877 g.) "Pečatnym pis'mom k Alekseju Stepanoviču Pavlovu". Tak
postepenno opredělilsja plan izdanija, kotoroe pečatalos' snačala v priloženijah k žurnalu
Čtenija v Obščestvě i pr.", a potom javilos' i otděl'no in octavo v slědujuščih vypuskah:
(a) I-j "Pravila svjatih Apostol s tolkovanijami" v dvuh izdanijah-Moskva 1876 g.
iz "Čtenij 1875 g., strn. 1-163) 4+12+175 strn., i ibid. 1887 g., 5+12+163 strn.; II-j
"Pravila svjatyh vselennyh soborov s tolkovanijami" (iz "Čtenij" 1875 g., strn. 165-328;
1876 g., strn. 329-680; 1877 g., strn. 681-900) v dvuh častjah: 1-ja "pravila soborov
1-4" Moskva 1877 g., 260 strn., 2-ja "pravila soborov 5-7" ibid., 736 strn.; b) “Pravila
svjatyh poměstnyh soborov s tolkovanijami" tože v dvuh vypuskah (iz “Čtenij" 1877 g.,
strn. 900-1066; 1878 g., strn. 1067-1306; 1879 g., strn. 1307-1410: 1-j (pravila soborov
Ankirskago, Neokesarijskago, Gangrskago, Antiohijskago, Laodikijskago i Sardikijskago)
Moskva 1880, strn. 359; 2-j (pravila soborov Karfagenskago [s poslanijami k papě
Vonifatiju i papě Kelestinu], Konstantinopol'skago, Dvukratnago i vo hramě premudrosti
slova Božija) ibid. 1881, strn. 876; c) "Pravila svjatyh otec s tolkovanijami" ibid. 1884,
strn. 626. Pri nih imĕetsja otděl'nyj "Ukazatel' predmetov, soderžaščihsja v izdanii
pravil apostol'skih, sobornyh i svjatyh otcev s tolkovanijami", Moskva 1888, 58 strn. in
octavo. Grečeskij tekst pravil privoditsja po izdaniju Σύνταγμα τῶν Θείων καὶ ἱερῶν
κανόνων . . . ὑπὸ Γ. Α. Ράλλη και Μ. Πόλη, ̓Αθήνησιν 1852-1854, rjadom s nim po-
měščajetsja doslovnyj slavjanskij perevod tolkovanij vizantijskih kommentatorov (Zonary,
Aristina, Val'samona), tekst i tolkovanija slavjanskoj Kormčej; vse eto soprovoždaetsja
vydanijami i vsjakago roda pojasnenijami (istoričeskimi, filologičeskimi i t. p.). Izdanie


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