Imatges de pàgina

the same by his royal proclamation, then, from and after the issuing of such proclamation, this act, with respect to such colony or province, colonies or provinces, county, town, port, district, or place, shall cease, determine, and be utterly void; and if any captures shall be made, after the date and issuing of such proclamations, of any ships or vessels, and their cargoes, belonging to the inhabitants of any such colony or province, colonies or provinces, county, town, port, district, or place, or of any ships trading to or from such colony or province, colonies or provinces respectively, the same shall be restored to the owners of such ships or vessels, upon claim being entered, and due proof made of their property therein, and the captors shall not be liable to any action for seizing or detaining the said ships or vessels, or their cargoes, without proof being made that they had actual notice of such proclamation having been issued.

XLV. Provided always, That such proclamation or proclamations shall not discharge or suspend any proceeding upon any capture of any such ship or vessel made before the date and issuing thereof.



Acadia, ceded to England, 231.
Acadians, deported, 261.

Act establishing customs commissioners,
321, 322.

Act of settlement (Pennsylvania), 200.
Act of union (Pennsylvania and Dela-
ware), 200.

Act prohibiting trade and intercourse
with America, 391–396.

Act suspending the New York assembly,

Breda, treaty of, 136.

Byllynge, Edward, claim in New Jersey,


Calvert, George, first Lord Baltimore, 53.
Calvert, Cecil, second Lord Baltimore,
53 seq.

Carolina, first charter of, 120-125; sec-
ond charter, 148, 149; Fundamental
Constitutions, 149-168; divided, 148.
Carr, Dabney, 336.

Adams, Samuel, drafts Massachusetts Carteret, Berkeley and, grant of New

circular letter, 331.

Administration of justice act, 351-355.
Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of, 251-253.
Albany plan of union, 253-257.
Andros, Edmund, 116, 205.
Assistance, writ of, 258-261.

Association, The, 362-367.

Atherton company, 126.

Auchmuty, Robert, 258.

Augsburg, league of, 222.

Austrian succession, war of, 251, 252.
Avalon, 53.

Bacon, Sir Francis, II.

Barrier fortresses, seized, 229.

Jersey to, 139, 140; grant of New Jer-
sey (Carteret alone), 171.

Charter of Carolina, first, 120-125; sec-
ond, 148, 149; of Connecticut, 116-119;
of Georgia, 235-248; of Maryland, 53-
59; of Massachusetts, first, 37–42; sec-
ond, 205-212; explanatory, 233-235;
of Pennsylvania, 183–190; of privileges
to patroons, 43-50; of privileges, Penn-
sylvania, 224-229; of Rhode Island and
Providence Plantations, 125-133; of
Virginia, first, 1-11; second, 11-16;
third, 17-23.

Clarke, John, petition for Rhode Island
charter, 125.

Berkeley and Carteret, grant of New Jer- Coke, Sir Edward, 1.

sey to, 139, 140.

Berkeley, conveyance to Fenwick, 171.
Bermudas, 17.

Board of nineteen, 43.

Body of Liberties, Massachusetts, 72-91.
Bollan, William, petition of, 337.
Boston port act, 337-343.

Boston tea party, 337.
Braddock, defeat of, 261.

Bradford, William, on Mayflower com-
pact, 33.

Committees of correspondence, 336, 366.
Concessions and Agreements, of Carolina,
149; of New Jersey, 141-148; of West
Jersey, 174-183.


Conciliatory resolution, Lord North's, 367,

Connecticut, charter of, 116-119; Funda-
mental Orders of, 60-65; opposition to
Rhode Island charter, 126; state con-
stitutions, 116.

Continental congress, declaration and re-

[blocks in formation]

solves of, 356-361; Massachusetts' call | First navigation act, 110-115.

for, 356.

Conway, circular letter to governors, 316.
Cooke, Elisha, 233.

Cotton, John, draft of Massachusetts
code, 73.

Council for New England, patent of, 23-


Council of Virginia, 5.

Coxe, Daniel, and Heath patent, 120.
Cremer, Thomas, interest in East New
Jersey, 190.

Cromwell, Oliver, 92.

Fishing, monopoly of, in New England
patent, 23.

Fletcher, governor of New York, 217.
Florida, ceded to England, 266.
Frame of government of Pennsylvania,

Franklin, Benjamin, and Albany plan of
union, 254; examination before House
of Commons, 316.

Frederick II., of Prussia, 252.
French and Indian war, 261.
Frontenac's war, 222.

Customs commissioners, act establishing, Fundamental articles of New Haven,

321, 322.

Davenport, John, 67 seq.

Fundamental constitutions of Carolina,

149-168; of East New Jersey, 190.

De Berdt, Dennis, letter of Massachu- Fundamental orders of Connecticut, 60-65.
setts to, 330.

Declarations and resolves of first conti- Gaspee inquiry, 336.

nental congress, 356–361.

Declaration of the causes and necessity of

taking up arms, 374-381.
Declaratory act, 316, 317.

General warrants, condemned in Eng-
land, 258.

Georgia, charter of, 235-248; boundaries
enlarged, 268.

Delaware and Pennsylvania frame, 199- Gorges, Ferdinando, claim to Maine, 65.


Delaware, dispute with Pennsylvania,
224; state constitution, 224.
Dickinson, John, in stamp act congress,
313; drafts declaration of causes, 374;
drafts petition to the king, 381.
Dorchester adventurers, 37.
Duke of York's laws, 137.

Dutch West India company, govern-
ment of, 43.

[blocks in formation]

Gorges and Mason, grant of Maine to,
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 23, 24, 26, 65.

Government of New Haven, 101–104.
36, 37.
Grand alliance, of 1689, 222; of 1701,


Grant of East New Jersey, 190-192; of
Maine, to Gorges and Mason, 36, 37;
of New Hampshire, 50, 51; of New
Jersey, to Berkeley and Carteret, 139,
140; of New Hampshire and Massonia,
59, 60; of New Jersey, to Carteret,
171; of province of Maine, 65-67; to
Duke of York, 136-139.
Great law, 192.

Grenada, government of, 268.

Gridley, Jeremiah, 258.
Grenville, favors Townshend's plans, 273.

Hatch, Nathaniel, 261.

Havana, taken by English, 261; restored
Heath, Sir Robert, Carolina grant, 120,
to Spain, 265.
Henry, Patrick, 316.
Hillsborough, Lord, on Massachusetts
circular letter, 331.

Hudson's Bay, in treaty of Ryswick, 223;
in treaty of Utrecht, 229, 230.
Hutchinsonian controversy, 67.

Impressment of Americans, legalized,
391, 394.

Jefferson, Thomas, and Virginia resolu-
tions of 1773, 336; draft of declaration
of causes, 374; drafts report on North's
resolution, 385.

Jesuits in Maryland, 104.

Keith, George, and Quaker schism, 217.
King, petition to the, 381-385; reception,

King George's war, 251, 252.

King William's war, 222.

Laconia company, 36.

La Hogue, battle of, 222.

Land tax, English, reduced, 320.

League of Augsburg, 222.

Lechmere, Thomas, 258.

Lee, Richard Henry, 336.

Lloyd, David, 224.

and Massonia, 59, 60; opinion of attor-
ney-general on validity of grants, 59.
Massachusetts, first charter of, 37-42;
province of Maine, 65, 66; Body of
Liberties, 72-91; second charter of
205-212; explanatory charter of, 233-
235; call for stamp act congress, 313;
circular letter, 330-334; Massachu-
setts government act, 343-350; admin-
istration of justice act, 351-355; call
for continental congress, 356.
Massonia, New Hampshire and, grant of,
59, 60.

Mather, Increase, and second Massachu-
setts charter, 205.

Mayflower compact, 33, 34.

Merchant adventurers of London, 51.
Milford, Conn., controversy with New

Haven, 101.

Miquelon, ⚫eded to France, 263.

Molasses act, 248-251; made perpetual,
with reduced duties, 273.

Monopolies, opposition to, and New
England patent, 23.

Montreal, surrendered to English, 261.
Moore, governor of New York, 317, 318.

Locke, John, Fundamental constitutions Mutiny act (1765), 306.

of Carolina, 149–168.

London company, grant to, 3; separated
from Plymouth company, II,
Lord North's conciliatory resolution, 367,

Lottery in aid of Virginia, 21, 22.
Louis XIV., of France, claim to Palati-
nate, 222.

Louisburg, taken by English, 252; re-
stored to France, 252; retaken by
English, 261.

Louisiana, ceded to Spain, 261.

Maine, grant of, to Gorges and Mason,
36, 37; grant of province of, 65-67.
Manila, taken by English, 261.
Manors, in Maryland, 57.
Maria Theresa, 251, 252.
Markham, governor of Pennsylvania, 217.
Marlborough, Duke of, 229.

Maryland, charter of, 53-59; toleration
act, 104-106.

Mason, John, grant of Maine to, and

Namur, battle of, 222.

Navigation act, of 1651, 106–110; first,
110-115; explanatory, 119, 120; second,
133-136; third, 168–170; of 1696, 212–


Navigation ordinance, of 1645, 106; of
1646, 106; of 1649, 106.

New England, patent of council for, 23-
33; territory divided, 23; confedera-
tion, 94-101; restraining act, 368–374.
Newfoundland, ceded to England, 231.
New Hampshire, grant of, 50, 51; and
Massonia, grant of, 59, 60; writs of
assistance in, 258; recommended to
form a government, 390.

New Haven, fundamental articles of
67-72; government of, 101-104; incor-
porated with Connecticut, 101; oppo-
sition to Connecticut charter, 116.
New Jersey, grant of, to Berkeley and
Carteret, 139, 140; Concession and
Agreement, 141-148; grant of, to
Carteret, 171.

Gorges, 36, 37; grant of New Hamp-
shire, 51; grant of New Hampshire | Newman, Robert, 68, 71, 72.

New Netherland, trade and settlement | Pocock, Thomas, interest in East New

of, 43; surrendered to English, 136.
New Plymouth, 51.

New Somersetshire, 65.

New York assembly, act suspending, 317–

Non-consumption agreement, 364.
Non-importation agreement, 363.
North, Lord, brings in Boston port bill,
337; bill for administration of justice
in Massachusetts, 351; conciliatory
resolution, 367, 368; bill to restrain
New England trade, 368; report of
continental congress on conciliatory
resolution, 385-389.

Jersey, 190.
Popham colony, 23.

Port Royal, taken by English, 222;
retaken by French, 223; retaken by
English, 229; ceded to England, 231.
Privy council, decides to use force in
America, 389.

Proclamation, royal, concerning America,
267-272; of rebellion, 389-391; report
of congress on, 390.

Providence Plantations, patent of, 91–93.
Province of Maine, 23.
Puritans, in Maryland, 104.

Nova Scotia, ceded to England, 231, Quakers, in Maryland, 105; schism in
262; government of, 268.

Oglethorpe, James Edward, 235.

Olive branch petition, 389.

Ordinance for Virginia, 34-36.
Otis, James, 258.

Palatinate, war of the, 222.
Paris, treaty of, 261-266.
Partition treaty, 229.

Patent of council for New England, 23-

33; of Providence Plantations, 91–93.
Patroons, charter of privileges to, 43-50;
charter of 1640, 43.

Paxton, Charles, 258.

Penn, William, interest in West New
Jersey, 174; in East New Jersey, 190.
Pennsylvania, charter of, 183-190; frame
of government of (1682), 192-199;
Pennsylvania and Delaware frame,
199-204; frame of government of
(1696), 217-222; charter of privileges,
224-229; state constitution, 224.
Pepperell, Sir William, 252.
Petition to the King, 381-385.
Phipps, Sir William, 222.

Pierce, John, and Plymouth patent, 51.
Pitt, William, 261.

Plantation covenant, New Haven, 67.
Plymouth, delay in joining New England
confederation, 94, 100.
Plymouth company, grant to, 4; sepa-
rated from London company, II; col-
ony at Popham, 23.

Pennsylvania, 217.

Quartering act, of 1765, 306–313; of 1774,

355, 356; violated by New York as-
sembly, 317, 318.

Quebec, taken by English, 261; govern-
ment of, 267.

Quintipartite deed, 171-174.

Quo warranto, against third Virginia
charter, 17; first Massachusetts charter,
37: Connecticut charter, 116.

Rebellion, proclamation of, 389–391.
Report on Lord North's conciliatory reso-
lution, 385-389.

Resolutions of the stamp act congress,

Revenue act, 322-326.

Rhode Island, excluded from New Eng-
land confederation, 94; and Provi-
dence Plantations, charter of, 125-133;
state constitution, 126.

Royal proclamation concerning America,

Ruggles, Timothy, 313, 314.

Salem, settlement at, 37.

Sandwich, Earl of, interest in East New
Jersey, 190.

Sandys, Sir Edwin, 11.

Second charter of Carolina, 148, 149; of
Massachusetts, 205-212; of Virginia,

Second navigation act, 133-136.
Seven years' war, 261.

Plymouth patent, of 1619, 51; of 1621, 51; Shelburne, Earl of, 318.

of 1629-30, 51-53.

Shute, Samuel, governor of Massachų-

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