25 How amiable thy Habitations are 13. How bleft are they, whom Grace makes wife 33 How fhall I once this Tafk effect 7 How uneafy does it feem 49 86 How wrapt am I, how full of Blifs 10 Hufband of thy Congregation 8 How bleft is he who ne'er confents 84 How bright appeareth the Wounds Star How bright appears the Morning Star 84 8 How can a Sinner hear thefe Words 30 How Chrift his Souls does blefs How could I bear my fickly Nature 84 How happy, that my Heart can view 54a How fhall I meet my Saviour 54c How fhall the young Men cleanfe their Ways 16 How vain th' Attempt to want to overthrow 13 How very beauteous are the Feet How well am I, thou my Soul's Lover How well, O Lord, art thou thy People leading 57 Jefu, thou art my Defire 12 Jefu, teach thefe Children higher 138 Jefu, that gentle Touch of thine ii. 198 46a Jefu, thou my Heart's pleafing Feast i. 370 15 Jefu, to thee my Heart I bow 20a Jefus, all Praise is due to thee Jefus, Author of Salvation 5 Jefus Chrift, God's dearest Lamb 5 Jefus Chrift look upon thee Jefus is my Light most fair 556 Jefus knowing all God's Will i. 79 76 Jefus, Source of Gladness 21 Jefus the Child uncommon Joy does find ii. 318 4 Jefus, thy Love exceeds i. 336 13c Jefus, we blefs thy Father's Name 4 Jefus who died, is now 45 Jefu's Blood come over me 263 52 Jefu's Crofs and Sufferings fore 55b Jefu's Sufferings, Pains and Death ji. 82 138 If Father, Mother, Children, Wife If Heavens and Earths there were innumerable i. 368 16 If Men think meanly, O my Soul, of thee i. 299 546 If you would find the Saviour 4a Immortal Praise be giv'n 87 Important Words I have to tell ii. 98 18* In Faith, O teach us i. 160 28 In God the Lord molt juft In Jefu's Name I am commencing In thee alone, Lord Jefus Christ 8b In thee I live, and move, and am 8 In thee, O Chrift, is all my Hope 6 In this Senfe we're a Body 36 In way of Nourishment and Strength Infant, bleffed and careffed Innocent Lamb, thou knew't thy En'mies Plot Join all the Hearts of those who have the Care 546 Is God for me? what is it i. 226 ii. 225 68 138 L. AMB and Blood, thou chiefeft Good 75 Lamb, Lamb, O Lamb, with Eyes of Flame 21t Lamb of God my Saviour, explain before me Lamb, thou Source of Good 7 Lamb, what Wonders haft thou wrought 49 Lamb, who'rt fo beloved 10 66+ Learn, my Son, by Adam's Falling 75 Lodg'd in an Inn, what Gueft divine 36 Long have I view'd, long have I thought 30 Look hither ye, whose Tafte 84 Look on me, Lamb, a Child of thine ii. 344 50 Look on me thy Servant fall'n 13 d * Lord Chrift reveal thy holy Face i. 193 54a Lord Jefus Chrift our Saviour 35 Lord, thine Image thou haft lent me 13 Lord, what is Man? why fhould he coft Thee 96 Lord, watch each hour o'er us, our Pow'r I Love God with all thy Heart and Soul, and Mind 13f Love, who each Ev'ning makes my Bed 13 My Friend's to me, and I to him 1 My Jefus bears far greater Love to me 112 44 |