Imatges de pàgina

The Lord,whom all the finner's friend | 19. But when a poor awaken'd Heart Ev'n turns and winds with inward.


But the fworn foe of felf-wrought


14. The word portray'd on Crofs's wood

Beams forth love's fiery rays in blood; That is: "Here hangs Immanuel, "The counter-part of Hazazel*. Nature ftarts back, condemns the fancy odd;


Sin's horrid nature well perceives, That he can nothing do, believes, Longs to be fav'd, defprirs of Selfrelief;

Such hardly turns, but Chrift demands his grief:

20. How are you? "O! I'm far from well,

Confirms it with an Oath th' im- All in my blood, deferving Hell."

mortal God:

* Hebrew for the Scape-Goat.

15. Sure as I live! proclaims the Lord; (A fix'd Amen, whofe ev'ry Word, Whose word and work together ftand, By fpeaking, working his command, Who ne'er repents him of his firm Decree)

Thou shalt, my Son, a Prieft for ever be.
16. He comes, the only Son of God,
And tells wherein his Priesthood ftood;
Saith he, The Father loves the Son,
Because his Life he layeth down,
To fave, as was decreed, the human

And bring in everlafting Righteousnefs.

17. The words rife glaring to our view,

And each Believer feels them true; Feels that for him the Lamb of God Shed on the cross his precious Blood: Of little ufe all proofs, all means befide,

The Chriftian he, who feels that Chrift

has dy'd.

18. When any, thro' a beam of light, Can fee and own they are not right, But enter on a Legal Strife,

Amend their former course of life, And work, and toil, and fweat from

day to day;

Such to their Saviour quite mistake

the way.

Then fpeaks the Friend of men: "Poor foul,

There take thy Abfolution full! "Believe and ftand upright, my Robe put on,

Keep thy eye fix'd on me, rejoice and run.

21. The Soul receives a fpirit new, To him fhe ftedfaft looks, believes, And does as Jefus bids her do: And feels the mighty Life he gives; She Aands upright, accepts the robe divine,

Cries, "I am thine, my Love, and

thou art mine.".

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24. But, fhould unfeemly joy take | 29. The Lord himself gives forth the



place, When the reviews her works of grace; We preach moft gladly Chrift the Immediately comes holy Shame, Prefents fo many Faults by name, Blushing fhe turns to Jefu's Blood and sweat,

Thanks God whene'er she can herself

23. And now in ev'ry time and place,
The faithful foul ev'n gafps for Grace;
Confiders ev'ry Night and Day,
How the may true Obedience pay
To him who made her free from
Death and Hell,

O thou our glorious Head and Chief!
Give each who hears us, true Belief;
May our call pierce thro' ev'ry heart
and ear,

And when we point thee out, do Thou

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Thou our Shibboleth fhalt prove.

And deftin'd her in blifsful realms to Man's own Strength (abhor'd at length)


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But whisper, and not thunder loud,
The reafon would more plain appear,
Why many still nor fee, nor hear;
But Wonder cease! fince each at
home may find,

That Men, by nature, are both deaf
and blind.

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Would fome fine harangue now

Tho' it curious feem, profound,
It is but an empty Sound,
Which could life and strength impart.
And brings nought into the Heart,
2. Truly fo 'twill always go;

Our Ears it just rushes by!
But befide, the Heart feels void,

While our minds to grasp it try,
Whene'er there is fomewhat taught,
Which but ferves t' enlarge the

Knowledge and nought elfe affords,
And is full of pompous Words.
3. We're not rich perhaps in fpeech,

And have but two Words to tell;
Which include all what is good,

What alone can make us well:
We moft gladly ne'ertheless
In that Kernel acquiefce,
And thro' all eternities
With no Teaching else than this.
4. For we'll be right willingly

In what men call knowledge, blind;
Since our heart feels nought but fmart
In what leads not to one Point:

If not ev'ry Matter is

Tinctur'd thro' and thro' with this;



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6. This to us appeareth thus,

As tho' one a doubt should move

10. Who Him feels, gets juft ideas;
He knows on whom he believes ;
We've by it no wav'ring Light,
Which uncertain fplendor gives:
And the Blood-theology*
Is indeed no phantasy ;
For his Mouth,† who could not err,
Spoke it, as 'tis written there,

* Acts xx. 28. Mat. xxvi. 28.
11. Thanks to thee, Lamb, ever be
For this happy Ignorance;
Where one fees with open Eyes,

Tho' to th' wife it hid remains. This I always wish'd and pray'd,

To a Man, who lives, walks, ftands," That the Heart convert the Head;"

How, that he's alive he'll prove?

It would fure the Man amaze, That one questions what one fees; Yea he might well argue hence, Has the Afker his right fenfe!


Each muft fee, what Blessings we Hold, fince Jefus and his Blood The Church dear embrac'd more near, And fince 'tis our only Good. For, thro' that rich fap we live, It for all things Pow'r doth give: Gladly we'd speak on this theme, Of what ftrength is Grace's stream! 8. Rather feem in men's esteem

Fools, than hereof filent be. Ah! 'tis found, this can lose ground, (And it happens frequently) Yea can foon degenerate, When on Words is laid the weight, For, while one fo looks at these, The Pow'r faileth by degrees.

9. Should it be propos'd to me, Which of two things I would choose; (And 'twas fo, that of the two

I must needs one part efpouse :) To feel, ev'n with phantafy, I'd choose 'fore Philofophy: Controul God!* that's Labour loft; Feeling, well-try'd, will grow juft. + Acts xvii. 27.

* 1 Cor. i. 29.

And what further'd not this point,
Did with me no welcome find.
12. Were it fo, (and it may too)

That in fomething one's not clear;
Yet he's then to the right plan

Led by th' Heart more and more


And 'tis purely in men's Breafts,
There its Seal it manifefts,

When they with us will difpute,
And our Ground work would refute.
13. One can't own what he has

Precious, and give thanks and praise,

Till he first it have; his thirst

Ends not then, but does increase: Our heart, head, and ev'ry pow'r, Will therewith be fill'd each Hour,, And no moment flips, but what Lamb and Blood are in our thought. 14. So it goes; the Tongue it fhews,

Th' heart believes and lives in this: Lamb! by thee be kept the key,

And ne'er let ought elfe arife! Thou shalt 'bide my Aim and view; If I ever fo much knew, And it not from hence fprung forth, I would think it nothing worth.

15. Bleed.

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15. Bleeding Lamb! thy Crofs's ftem, | And a finner's body on thyfelf tookeft,
Thy Nail-holes and open'd Side, Of Flesh and Blood, like other Chil-
Thy blood fhed, pain, anguifh, death, dren weakest,
These thy church's Theme abide :
Partaker waft!
Thy dear Countenance's sweat
Thro' our hearts diffuse its heat;
And to us thofe Wounds of thine,
Be a Source of strength divine.

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6. Thou by Efaias once long ago
Waft ftil'd th' Eternal Sire, title true:
But th' Affairs of Mankind, ruin'd all

Thou cam'ft as Man fully to recover;
This helps indeed.

7. In Earth or Heaven no means there

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He knew it not. 8. Thou muft die alfo, elfe was no

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Not as yet maim'd, and the fairest Image

Among God's works. 15. Now this in fuch a mean Form

appear'd, "Twas judg'd by fatan a tafk not hard; And fo in the Defart rafhly he try'd it, Jefus being thither by th'spirit guided:

But what came on't? 16. The Lamb in his Lamb's form drew in fight,

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That old arch-fophift, how unadvised Did he a&t there!

19. So far the World-Prince's skill could go;

Tho' what is he with his clan below, But fools overweening, each a poor potsherd?

They remain Creatures, this can't be alter'd;

What do they think? 20. Belial at Chrift was angry and mad,

And thenceforth oft Struggles with him had;

Till at laft his Agents to the Cross nail'd him,

Where Death and Hell were vanquifh'd, and yield him

Triumphal Shows. 21. Therefore the Lamb's congregation rings

With Hallelujah, and Thrice-holy fings:

This the cries moft chiefly, "A Child is lent us,


Empty'd and ftripp'd of all Godlike Who fhall our Life be, a Son is


fent us,

"Who's God with us. 22. Dear

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