In Jesus we're able to conquer the foe, In Chrift our Petitions burn fresh, and still go For good of the Church, and of Slaves of fin too. 3. When one thee Jehovah, the mar tyr'd Lamb names, With love all within us immediately flames; We there can fee Life condefcend to the dead, And weak human Nature Omnipotence wed; Pure Holiness bears for condemn'd ones their load, The Shepherd brings erring sheep to the fafe road, 7. Now you, dearest Brethren united in him! Does Jefu's pure Blood thro' your members fo ftream, As were your heart therewith fresh fprinkled and wet, As if on the Crofs you could fee him hang yet? Do all Church-Affairs lie quite near to your heart? And feel you for this a most fenfible fmart, That mankind fo lightly in Blifs lofe their part? 8. Then forward proceed with re- The wonders of God's Grace and Go, ftir your Lord's Heart, while treat. So even on earth fhall you bleft Will, 290. Dft wird uns aufgelegt, et. THE Mother of the Fold & T Moves oft, and makes us bold (Who all things does uphold, S 291. 2 Cor. i. 20. Ince our thoughts and wishes my ferve his He Rejoice him who after fouls is thirfting still; And he will to you his fure Promife fulfil. 9. We now give each other the hand, as fuch Friends, Mediator I being poor, He works the more :) 292. Who're under Engagement, until our Rein einige Zachr und Thraenelein, &c. life ends, To him to remain with the tendereft O drop of tears fhall the 2. fweat, But think that Jesus dy'd, To whom his Travel's due reward 2. To be a Man, and to be bought, Are Terms of equal meaning; (Tho' fome, of ferious frame, in Thought To the contrary are leaning.) Unfathom'd Mercy this! and yet Makes Jefu's free Election, To chofen hearts, more great and fweet With him the close Connexion. 3. This is the Reason, why we may Rejoice that we are finners, That we are Men! and found the ': Way To life, tho' we're Beginners. The painful Primogeniture Of Chrift, and his whole Manhood Shall to our Manhood us inure, And make our human plan good. 4. We'll live in Grace, fwim on in blood Thro' our Life's future Stages, Supported by our Lamb and God, Who freed us from Sin's wages. Mark then the footsteps of his grace: The Days of birth or wedding, Cause you to come before his Face With joy for his Blood-fhedding. * Rom, vi. 23. Ehold! I bring you good tidings of great joy, which fhall be to all people: For unto you is born a Saviour, which is Chrift the Lord. (Luke ii. 10, 11.) CHORUS. Ye Chriftian Congregations dear, &c. Rejoice my heart, and raise thy mirth, Rejoice at thy dear Saviour's Birth! + Cantiones feriales: We have loft much, when Adam fell The Lamb, the everlafting Son of Of ev'ry thing the Maker, Has (by his holy Flesh and the in- And thro' the bitter Smart, And by his Manhood is the Mystery Which from the world's foundation was conceal'd. |