of the of thefe Subjects fucceffively, that many a Reader runs away Book with a Suppofition of their over-doing on that fide he hapon pen'd firft to take notice of, for want of waiting the Balance. They cherish, as an hereditary Platform from their Ancefthetors, a very high Perfuafion of, and very strict Rules concerning, a New-Teftament Church. To mention but one ea's Peculiarity more, they continually betray a burning Pro T penfity to the Work of propagating the Gofpel of Peace: If Bre any one finds more things uttered in this Spirit, than he can cemake Application of in his Sphere, let him remember that Be these are a People, very many of whofe Members have fuch to a Call; that they, however, exprefs themselves at other times plainly enough about the Obligations of a Christian in n the common Situation of Life, or as a Citizen; not to alledge that most things faid in the former View, muft, in fome all Part or Degree, be transferred to the latter Circumstances too. Their Compofitions were indeed calculated for themfelves; and therefore if any serious Mind, out of their Cirexcle, accidentally reaps Benefit therefrom, it comes to pass in the more artless manner. So much in the general. There having been farther, as may be fuppos'd, fome Gradations or Openings in the Brethren's Conceptions and fpiritual Language, during a Course of so many Years; it was thought proper to point this out, by diftinguifhing their Hymns at leaft into two Sections. We must not forget to acquaint the Reader, that there have been, before this, fome English Collections of Hymns, partly original, and partly Tranflations from the German, printed from time to time for the Ufe of Societies in Union. with the Brethren's Church. Tho' these were never regularly authorized, nor always paffably review'd; yet Thoufands in different Parts of this Above 100 of them have already confumed and laid down their emorial Tabernacle in miniftring the Gofpel to the Heathens. Land ? Land will testify, that they have drawn from them many a holy and seasonable Direction or Confolation for their Heart. And this is the Reason why, as thofe former Materials in general were to be retained as far as was poffible without fwelling this Book too much, the Reader will meet with fome Compofitions* here, (by Hands either unlearned, or when their Acquaintance with the Brethren was young) which he may think do but exprefs the fame Truths more flightly, that have, on the next Pages, fuller Juftice done them over and over. He must confider, that even thefe little Hymns have got their Lovers, who would be forry to lose them all at once. It is but to a certain Degree, that it becomes the Character of any Religious Affociation, to concern itself about Stile and poetical Excellence. Imperfections in this respect, will certainly ftill be found here. Perhaps alfo other Imperfections; for we will not pronounce it a Work abfolutely compleat. And yet we as little doubt, notwithstanding, of its being capable, with the Divine Bleffing, to do fome Good. Tho' this is chiefly meant of fome English Hymns, yet the German Books themfelves then tranflated from, had the fame unequal Mixture. If the Reader would be glad of a Syftem of Ideas, entirely from the Pen of that worthy Perfon himself, who is the prefent Ordinary of the Hierarchy known by the Name of the Unitas Fratrum, he may find it in the following Hymns. Part II. N° 3. 6. 22. 122. 150, 151. 152. 163. 169. 175. 190. 207. 224. 239. 266. 268. 274. 277. 305. 308. 309. 310. 313. 326. 328. 338. 379. 383. 388. 389. 392. 395. 406. 497. 454. Thefe are his principal Hymns in this Book. He is alfo the Author of that English Hymn N° 307. the Tranflator of Luther's Hymn on the Ten Commandments, Part 1. N° 433 and out of Refpect for the Church of England, did himself put her Articles (N° 337) into Metre. 1 HYMNS 3. Hymns of the Primitive Church 4. Hymns of the ancient Brethren German Hymns in the xviith Century 8. English Hymns of the fame Age Contains Hymns of the present Congregation of the |