Imatges de pàgina

2. The righteous fhall abound in | 4. For why? the Lord our God i

Until the moon her motion ends;
His large dominions thall increase,
As far as fea or land extends :
In him the wilderness shall truft,
And all his foes fhall lick the duft.
3. The needy he not only loves,
But fhews to them his faving Light;
From fraud and force he them removes


His mercy is for ever fure :
His truth at all times firmly flood,
And shall from age to age endure.


Pf. ciii.

Their blood is precious in his fight.MY foul, give laud unto the

To him, who fhall for ever live,
Their gold fhall the Sabaans give.

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My spirit do the fame,
And all the fecrets of my heart,
Praise ye his holy name.

2. Praise thou the Lord, my foul,who

To thee been very kind,
And fuffer not his benefits

To flip out of thy mind:
3. That gave thee pardon for thy

And thee refor'd again
From all thy weak and frail disease,
And heal'd thee of thy pain :
That did redeem thy life from


From which thou couldst not flee
His mercy and compassion then
He did extend to thee.

5. The Lord is kind and merciful,
When finners do him grieve;
The floweft to conceive a wrath,

And readieft to forgive.
6. According to our fin's defert
He doth us not regard;
And after our Iniquities

He doth us not reward.

7. But as the space is wondrous grea
"Twixt earth and heaven above;
So is his goodnefs much more larg
To them that do him love.
8. He doth remove our fins from us
And our offences all;
As far as the fun's rifing is

Moft diftant from his fall.

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9. And look what pity parents do
Unto their children bear;
'Like pity beareth God to fuch

As worship him with care.

10. The Lord that made us, knows

our shape,

Our mold and fashion just; How weak and frail our nature is,

And that we are but duft.

11. But yet the goodnefs of the Lord

With his fhall ever stand:

Their children's children ftill receive

His righteousness at hand.

12. I mean, who keep his covenant With all their whole Defire ; And not forget to do the thing

That he doth them require.

13. Ye angels, that are great in pow'r,
Praife ye and bless the Lord,
Who to obey and do his Will
Immediately accord.

14. Yea: all his works in ev'ry place,
Praife ye his holy name!
My thankful heart, my mind and foul,
Ye alfo praise the fame.

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And all that's in me blefs his name; Make known his wondrous works abroad,

And oh, my heart, retain the fame: He pardons all thy trefpaffes,

Thy frailties he repairs ; Preferves thy life from great diftrefs,

With Mercy crowns thy years: eHe fatisfies thy mouth with good, Renews thine age with ftrength: The Lord hath judgments for the proud,

And faves th' opprefs'd at length. 2.He has reveal'd his wondrous ways, By Mofes was his juftice known:

He fent the world his truth and grace,

By th' Incarnation of his Son. His anger does abate betimes; And when his Rod is felt, His ftrokes are fewer than our crimes, And lighter than our Guilt: His Grace fhall be for ever bleft

By thofe that love his name; Far, as the east is from the west,

He cafts our fin and shame. 3. Thus thy compaffions, Lord, endure Now and to all eternity;

And all shall find thy Promise sure,

That keep thy ftatutes faithfully. The Lord, our great and glorious King,

Has fix'd his throne on high: Ye Angels, to his glory fing, And Men beneath the sky. Join hearts and lips with one accord, And praise his holy name; My foul, according to his word. Do thou repeat the fame.

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When cloath'd in his celeftial
He in full Majesty appears,
And like a robe his glory wears.

2. The Skies are for his curtains
Th' unfathom'd Deep he makes his
The clouds are his triumphant car,
The winds his fleeting courfers are.
3. Angels, whom his own breath

His Ministers, are flaming fires. The Earth's foundations by his hand Are poiz'd, and shall for ever stand, 4. Cloath'd and invested with the flood,

Which once above the mountains flood;


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7. Lo! Man to his day-labour goes, And in the ev'ning takes repofe. How ftrange thy works! how great thy skill!

Which doth the earth with riches fill. 8. Likewife the vaft unfathom'd deep, Numberless things there fwim and creep,

Still wand'ring in the paths below, Whilft fhips the fwelling furface plow. 9. All these with expectation ftand, Attending thy most lib'ral Hand; From which they all receive fuch food As both to thee and them feems good. 10. But when thy face is hid, they


And dying, to their duft return: Thy Spirit the difpeopled earth Fills with a new-created birth. 11. God's glory fhall for ever laft; With his own joy his works are grac'd.

Thy praises fhall my breath employ, Till it depart to endless joy.


Out of Pf. cxix.

BE gracious to thy fervant, Lord,

Do thou my life defend,

That I according to thy Word
My future time may fpend.

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To fuch as fear thy holy name Myfelf I closely join, To all who their obedient wills To thy commands refign. 6. Before affliction flopt my course, My foot-steps went aftray; But I have fince been disciplin'd Thy precepts to obey.

7. To me who am the workmanship

Of thy almighty Hands,
The heav'nly Understanding give
To learn thy just commands.

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12. Thy word is to my feet a lamp,

The way of truth to shew; A watch-light to point out the path Wherein I ought to go.

13. Deceitful thoughts and practices I utterly detéft ;

But to thy Word affection bear
Too great to be exprest.

14. My hiding-place,my refuge tow'r,
And fhield art thou, O Lord!
I firmly anchor all my hopes

On thy unerring word.

15. The very entrance to thy word Celeftial light difplays, And knowledge of true Happiness To fimpleft minds conveys. 16. My eyes to weeping fountains


Whence briny rivers flow, To fee mankind against thy laws In bold defiance go. 17. Yet each neglected word of thine (Howe'er by them defpis'd) Is pure, and for eternal truth

By me thy fervant priz'd. 18. Thy righteoufnefs fhall then' endure,

When Time itself is past; Thy Word is Truth itself, that truth Which fhall for ever laft. 19. Eternal and unerring rules Thy teftimonies give : Teach me the Wisdom that will make My foul for ever live.



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I. 1.TS God withdrawing? all the cost And pains that built the house are loft:

If God the City doth not keep, The watchful guards as well may sleep.

2. What if you rife before the fun, And work and toil, when day is done, Care


Careful and fparing eat your bread, | 8. Ev'n he it is, that Ifrael fhall,

To fhun that poverty you dread ?
3. "Tis all in vain, till God has bleft,
He can make rich, yet give you rest;
Children and Friends are bleffings


If God our Sov'reign makes them fo.
4. Happy the man to whom he fends
Obedient Children, faithful friends!
How fweet our daily comforts prove
When they are feafon'd with hisLove.

132. Pf. cxxx.

Thro' his abundant grace,
Redeem from his Offences all,
And wholly them deface.



Pf. cxxxiii:

What a happy thing it is,
And joyful for to fee,

Brethren to dwell together in
Friendship and Unity!

2. 'Tis like the precious ointment,


Was pour'd on Aaron's head,

1.LORD, unto thee I make my Which from his beard down to the


When dangers me oppress:
I call, I figh, complain and groan,
Trufting to find release.

2. Hearken, O Lord, to my request,
Unto my fuit incline;
And let thine ears, O Lord be prest

To hear this pray'r of mine.

3. O Lord our God, if thou furvey

Our Sins, and them perufe,
Who fhall efcape? or who dare fay,
I can myself excuse?

4. But thou art merciful and free,
And boundless in thy grace:
That we may always careful be
To fear before thy face.

5. In God the Lord I put my truft,
My foul waits on his will:
His Promife is for ever just,

And I hope therein still.

6. My foul to God hath great regard,
Wishing for him alway,
Much more than they that watch and

To fee the dawning day. 7. O Ifrael, truft in the Lord,

With him there Mercy is, And he doth plenteously afford Redemption unto his.


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