Imatges de pàgina
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Then are they glad because they are at reft and fo he bringeth them to their defired haven.

O that men would praise the Lord for his goodnefs and for his won derful works to the children of men;

That they would exalt him in the congregation of the people and praife him in the affembly of the elders.

He fetteth them, that they may build them a city to dwell in: that they may fow their land, and plant vineyards.

He bleffeth them alfo: fo that they are multiplied greatly.

Again, when they are minifhed and brought low thro' oppreffion, affliction and forrow: tho' he poureth contempt upon princes, and caufeth them to wander in the wildernefs where there is no way;

Yet helpeth he the poor out of mifery: and maketh him houfholds like a flock of sheep.

The righteous fhall fee it, and rejoice: and the mouth of all wickednefs fhall be stopped.

Whofo is wife will ponder these things: and they shall understand the loving-kindness of the Lord.

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The Lord hath fworn, and will righteous fhall be had in everlasting remembrance.

not repent: thou art a prieft for ever, after the order of Melchizedeck.


Will praise Jehovah with

He fhall not be afraid of evil ti dings for his heart ftandeth faft, and believeth in the Lord.

His heart is ftablifhed, and will not be afraid: until he fee his de

(111) I my whole heart. fecretly fire upon his enemies.

among the faithful, and in the congregation.

The works of the Lord are great: fought out by all them, that have pleasure therein.

His work is honourable and glorious and his righteousness endureth for ever.

The merciful and gracious Lord hath fo done his marvellous works: that they ought to be had in remembrance.

He hath given meat unto them that fear him: he will ever be mindful of his covenant.

He hath fhewed his people the power of his works: that he may give them the heritage of the hea


The works of his hands are verity and judgment, all his commandments are fure: they stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and equity.

He fent redemption unto his people, he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name.


Nto the godly there ari

He hath difperfed abroad, and given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever, his horn shall be exalted with honour.

The ungodly fhall fee it, and it fhall grieve him: he fhall gnash with his teeth, and confume away; the defire of the ungodly shall perish.



the Lord.


Raife, O ye fervants of the
Lord: praise the name of

Bleffed be the name of the Lord : from this time forth for evermore.

From the rifing of the fun unto the going down of the fame: the Lord's name is to be praised.

The Lord is high above all nations: and his glory above the heavens.

Who is like unto the LORD our God that hath his dwelling fo high, and yet humbleth himself to i behold the things that are in heaven and earth?

He taketh up the fimple out of the dust, and lifteth up the poor out of the dunghill: that he may fet him with princes, even with the

(112) Neth up light in the dark- princes of his people.

nefs he is merciful, loving and righteous.

A good man is merciful, and lendeth and will guide his affairs with difcretion.

Ile fhall never be moved: the

He maketh the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children. Hallelujah.

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Gracious is the Lord, and righteous: yea, our God is merciful."

walk before the Lord in the land of the living!

I believed, and therefore will I fpeak: but I was fore troubled.

I faid in my hafte: all men are liars.

What fhall I render unto the the Lord: for all his benefits towards me?

I will receive the cup of falvation, and call upon the name of the Lord: I will pay my vows unto the Lord in the prefence of all his people.

Precious in the fight of the Lord: is the death of his faints.

O Lord, truly I am thy fervant; I am thy fervant, and the fon of thine handmaid: thou haft loofed my bonds.

I will offer to thee the facrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the name of the Lord.

I will pay my vows unto the Lord the courts of the Lord's houfe, in the in the prefence of all his people: in midst of thee, O Jerufalem, Hallelujah.

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give thanks unto the

The Lord preferveth the fimple: (118) Lord: for he is gra

I was brought low, and he helped


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cious, and his mercy endureth for ever.


Let Ifrael now fay that his mercy endureth for ever.

Let the houfe of Aaron now fay : that his mercy endureth for ever. Let them now that fear the Lord, Ç 2



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It is better to truft in the Lord, than to put confidence in man: It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in princes.

All nations compaffed me about: but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them.

They kept me in on every fide : but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them.

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NTO thee lift I up mine

They compaffed me about like (123) eyes: Othou that dwell

bees they are quenched as the fire


of thorns, for in the name of the
Lord I will deftroy them.

Thou haft thrust fore at me, that
I might fall, but the Lord was my
help the Lord is my ftrength, and
my fong, and is become my falvation.
The voice of joy and health is in
the dwellings of the righteous: the
right hand of the Lord doth valiant-

The right hand of the Lord hath the pre-eminence: the right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pafs.

I fhall not die: but live, and declare the works of the I ord.

eft in the heavens.

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HEY that truft in the

The Lord hath chaftened and cor- (125) Lord, thall be as mount

rected me but he hath not given
me over unto death.

Open to me the gates of righteouf-
nefs, I will go into them and will
praife the Lord: This is the gate


which cannot be removed,

but abideth for ever.

As the mountains ftand round about Jerufalem: so standeth the Lord


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(132) LORD, remember David: David to bud: I have ordained a

and all his afflictions.

How he sware unto the Lord, and , vowed unto the mighty God of Jaecob: furely I will not come into the tabernacle of my houfe, nor go up into my bed;

I will not give fleep to mine eyes,

His enemies will I cloath with fhame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish.


Ehold now, praise ye Je

or flumber to mine eye lids: until I (134) Bhovah, ye fervants of his

find out a place for the Lord, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.

Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: Iwe found it in the fields of the wood. We will go into his tabernacles: we will fall low on our knees before his footstool.

ye that by night stand in the house of the Lord.

Lift up your hands in the fanctuary and praise the Lord

Jehovah that made heaven and earth: give thee bleffing out of Zion. C 3


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