3d pret. अस्मेषि', bened. स्मेषीय, cond. अस्मेष्पे, pass. part. स्मित. a) r. 88. a. b) p. 74. note † and r. 30. c) p. 79. e. d) p. 83.g. e) p. 85. b. OBs. By 2 pr. I sin, is meant the 1st person sing. of the ed preterite; by 2 pr. 1 du., the 1st person dual of the 2d pret; by pass. part., the passive past participle (r. 125.). a) r. 88. a. f) r. 98. 8) b) p. 77.f. p. 75. c. c) p.74. note †. d) p. 79. e. e) r. 106. and 99. c. and 76. a. k) p. 79. e. ') r. 125. c. m) r. 106. °) p. 76. c. and 68.h. i) cf. toranv, and Lat. stem. See the 2d pret. of the root dā, given at full under the 3d conjugation. n) r. 125. i. P) p. 80. and 69. i. १) Cf. the Lat. veho. *) p. 76. d. 8) p. 80. Whenever the final blends with the initial of the termination into, the medial a of the root, instead of being lengthened by r. 91. h., is changed to o. Thus in the 3d pret. par. अवाक्षं, अवाक्षीः, अवाक्षीत्, अवाक्ष, अवोढं, अवोढां, अवाक्ष्म, अवोट, अवाक्षुः ; ātm. अवाक्षि, अवोढा, अवोढ, अवावहि, &c. larly sah, "to bear." With avākshit, cf. the Lat. vexit. See p. 82. f. g. Simi t) r. 106. u) 1. 125. m. а d पिवामि जिघ्रामि धमामि हयामि गायामि वसामि p. 77. f. ⚫) r. 10. t. Other roots in e follow the analogy of those in ā (p. 76. a.); as dhe, dadhau. 8) Roots ending in the diphthongs e and ai change these letters to a before the t and s of a termination. Hence, gai in the 3d pret. is agāsam, &c. Hwe may follow Form III. in the 3d pret. rejecting its final; thus, ahwam, ahwah, &c. Atm. ahwe, ahwathāh, &c., or Form II. ahwāsi, &c. j) r. 125. f. m) r. 125. m. b) r. 125. e. i) r. 8. 1) p. 76. d. 1) p. 80. EXAMPLES OF REGULAR PRIMITIVE VERBS OF THE FOURTH CONJUGATION (r. 89.). See a) Many of these roots of the 4th conjugation follow the 3d Form for the 3d pret. p. 83. k. b) p. 75. f. e) p. 76. c. d) This root may optionally reject i, and insert a nasal in the futures; thus, नंष्टारिम, नंक्ष्यामि . ९) p. 89. note marked *. 1) p. 80. 8) r. 125. j. h) There are seven other useful roots which lengthen the medial a after the manner of sham; viz. kram, bhram (r. 89. a.) dam, klam, ksham, shram, mad. i) r. 125. p. j) r. 125. i. k) Cf. répmopal, Terapmouv. a) There are three other uncommon roots which follow so; viz. sho, chho, do. b) Roots ending in e or o follow the analogy of those in ā and ai in the 2d pret., see p. 76. a. c) Roots ending in o change o to a before the t and s of a termination. d) r. 125. g. e) r. 89. a. f) p. 75. a. and 64. b. 8) p. 78. note *. 1) r. 125. n. 1) p. 75. d. 3) p. 80. *) r. 125. i. 1) p. 75. c. m) Or . EXAMPLES OF REGULAR PRIMITIVE VERBS OF THE SIXTH CONJUGATION (r. 90.). Rootsrij. Infin. ■g srashṭum, "to create," or "let go.” |