Imatges de pàgina





North-American Review.


Abbott, Dr. Benjamin, festival in hon-
or of, 107.

Adalbert of Bremen, character of, 27.
Alberoni, intrigues of, 310.

Alden, Lieut., at the Feejee islands,

Alexander II., elected pope, 37.
Alexis Michaelovitz of Russia, 271.
Alexis the Czarowitch, 302-stupidi.
ty and profligacy of, 303-foolish
conduct of, 304 disinherited, 305
-brought to a mock trial, 306
condemnation and death of, 307
idle stories about his death, 308.
Alleghany ridges, Lyell and Rogers
on the, 513.


America, North, C. Lyell's Travels
in, reviewed, 498-manners and
customs of the people of, 500
deference to females in, 501
slavery in, 504.

American Biography, Library of, by
J. Sparks, vol. IV., reviewed, I.

See Williams.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Lord, on Logic, 351 — mis-
take of, 374.

Bahia Blanca, Darwin's visit to, 186.
Bareuth, letters of the Margravine of,

Barrow, John, Life of Peter the

Great by, reviewed, 269. See Peter.
Beauty, Jeffrey on the theory of, 479.
Benedict X., contest of Hildebrand
with, 35.

Big-bone Lick, Lyell on, 511-up-
right position of the skeletons in,

Bilderdijk, poems of, 222.
Black, Dr., Brougham's life of, 410
-genius and modesty of, 411-
great chemical discoveries of, 412.
Blind, Report of the Massachusetts
Asylum for the, 135.


Borden, Simeon, survey and map of
Massachusetts by, 455-difficulty
encountered by, 456- his appara-
tus for the base line described, 457
- atmospheric phenomena observ-
ed by, 461-accounts for them, 462
verification of results obtained
by, 464-instrument for correct-
ing errors invented by, 465-great
credit due to, 466.
Boston, Public and Private Charities
in, 135
reasons for enumerating
them, 136-munificence of, in its
corporate capacity, 137 - provis-
ion for insane paupers in, 138-
objects left to the action of indi-
viduals in, 139, 155-happy con-
dition of, 140-Pres. Quincy's
list of charities in, 141- list of
donations in, since 1830, for reli-
gious purposes, 143 -
for instruction in, 144
table purposes, 145- for miscella-
neous objects, 146- munificence
of, directed to various purposes,
148-sympathy between the dif
ferent classes of people in, 153 -
no factitious distinctions in, 154
rich and poor labor together in, 157
See Charities. Report on the
Schools of, noticed, 523.
Botanical Text-Book, by Asa Gray,
noticed, 254-cited, 255, 257.
Boussingault, J. B., Rural Economy
by, noticed, 248- merits of, 249.
Bowring, Dr., translations by, 221.
Brazil, visit of the exploring squad-
ron to, 56- Darwin's visit to, 182
account of the interior of, 183.
British Critics, 468.



- for chari-

Brougham, Lord, Lives of Men of
Letters and Science by, reviewed,
383-characteristics of, ib.-mod-
erated tone of, 384-life of Vol-
taire by, 385-on punishing infi-
delity and blasphemy, 387-de-
fends Voltaire too much, 392-
life of Rousseau by, 393-censures
his treatment of Madame de Wa-
rens, 396-life of Hume by, 399
- strictures upon Hume's histo-


ry by, 403-confutes a charge
against the clergymen of Edin-
burgh, 404-life of Dr. Robertson
by, 405.
- censures his deference
to worldly greatness, 406- stric-
tures on Queen Elizabeth's charac-
ter by, 407-applies moral princi-
ples to history, 409-life of Black
by, 410-of Cavendish, 413 — of
Watt, 414-of Priestley, 417 - of
Davy, 419-style and sentiments
of, 421.

Bruno chosen pope as Leo IX., 30.
Bryant, version from the Spanish by,


Buenos Ayres, Darwin's visit to, 189
droughts in, 190-
- manners and
customs in, 191.
Burke, H. Walpole's account of, 449
- high character of, 450.
Burnet, Bishop, Peter the Great de-
scribed by, 281.

Bute, Lord, the favorite of George
III., 428-defects of his charac-
ter, 429-appointed to the cabi-
net, 430- drives Pitt out of office,
432-progress of his policy, 434

-made prime minister, 435
storm raised against, ib. -con-
cludes a peace, 438-bribery and
intrigues of, 439 - frightened in-
to resignation, 440- effects of his
policy, 452.


[ocr errors]

Cadmon's paraphrase of Scripture
cited, 208.

Caermarthen, Marquis of, 279.
Calas, Voltaire's defence of, 391.
Calhoun, Mr., improves the lake fron-
tier, 336.

California visited by the exploring
squadron, 95.

Camoens, the epic poet, 230.
Categories, Mill's enumeration of the,

Catharine of Russia, early life of,
288-extricates Peter's army from
the Turks, 298-appearance of,
300-did not poison her husband,

Cavendish, the chemist, Brougham's
life of, 413-discovers the compo-
sition of water, 414-shy and un-
social temper of, 417.

Characters of Shakspeare, by W.
Hazlitt, reviewed, 468.
Charities in Boston, 135

of a public
or corporate character, 137- Pres.
Quincy's list of private, 141-for
religious purposes, since 1830, 143
-for other objects, 144 variety
of the objects of, 148-effects of
multiplying these, 149-impor-
tance of every form of, 150-ought
not to be limited or restricted in
their uses, 151 - illustration of
this evil, 152-how affected by
our institutions, 154- - contribu-
tions of the rich to, 157. refute
the charge of greediness, 158. See


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Charles XII. of Sweden, alliance
against, 286 victorious at Narva,
287- character of, 294 pene-
trates to Smolensko, 296 — defeat-
ed at Pultowa, 297 quarrels with
the Vizier, 299 death of, 310.
Chatham, Earl of. See Pitt.
Christianity, Isaac Taylor's Lectures
on, reviewed, 159 analysis of,
165-moral evidence for, 166-to
be received on testimony, 167 –
religion of facts, 168-ethical
characteristics of, 169- not a for-
mal code, 170-evils and vices
which it combated, 171 - how it
reformed them, 172-effect of on
governments, 173 favorable to
civil freedom, 174 - does not at-
tack existing institutions, 175-
effects of, on the social system, 176







the hope of the world at the
present moment, 177 supports
free institutions, 179 supports
modern civilization, 180. See
Taylor. How viewed by Voltaire,
386 mode of answering assaults
upon, 387- why attacked by
Hume, 400 existence of, a mys-
tery to the infidel, 401.
Church, The, in the 11th century, 25
- great services of, 26-charac-
ter of the prelates of, 27 - Grego
ry's contemplated reform in, 29
Rome declared sole head of, 33
defended by the Normans, 36
movement of reform in, 48.
Churchill, the poet, Walpole's charac-
ter of, 436 vigor of his satire,
437 satirizes Lord Sandwich,



[ocr errors]

Cologne, the archbishop of, 27-ex-
pelled from his city, 46.
Columbia river, wreck of the Pea-
cock in, 95.

Confervæ found at sea, 182.
Connotative, meaning of, 355.
Cordilleras, Darwin crosses the, 195.
Coriolanus, Hazlitt's remarks on,

Costello, Miss, translations by, 223.
Cowper's translation of Homer, 202.
Critics, The British, 468.
Custine, le Marquis de, La Russie en
1839 par, reviewed, 269-fables
told by, 284 - tells lies about Alex-
is, 307
- about Peter's death, 314.



Danish poetry, translations from, 211.
Dante, F. C. Gray's version from,
226 Longfellow on, ib.
Davy, Brougham's life of, 419 - his
safety lamp, 420.

Darwin, Charles, Researches in Ge-
ology and Natural History by, re-
viewed, 181-visits Brazil, 182—
insects found by, 183, 191-pro-
ceeds to Maldonado, 184-de-
scribes the salt lakes, 186— meets
Gen. Rosas, ib. -on South Ameri-
can zoology, 187-on the by-
bernation of animals, 188- goes to
Buenos Ayres, 189-
-on shepherd
dogs, 191 visits Terra del Fue-
go, 192 on fungi and kelp, 193
on the origin of potatoes, 194
-crosses the Cordilleras, 195-
visits Tahiti, 196-and New Zea-
land, 197- on the disappearance of
the aborigines, 198 on the pleas-
ures of a five years' voyage, 199.
Detroit river, different channels in
the, 343.




Dictum de omni et nullo repudiated
by Mill, 359-founded on a false
theory of metaphysics, 361.
D'Israeli, writings of, 233 — speech-
es of, 234.

Dryden as a translator, 205.


Education Society, Quarterly Jour-
nal of the, 135.

Elizabeth, Queen, wickedness of, Flying-Fish, cruise of the, 59 -

[blocks in formation]


Ethics of Christianity, 169- not re-
duced to system, 170.
Ethology, science of, 376.
Europe in the Middle Ages, 21
pestilence of 994 in the South of,
24-God's Truce in, 25-char-
acter of the churchmen in, 27 —
condition of, in 1073, 42.
Evelyn, John, house of, 279.
Excursion, Jeffrey's criticism on
Wordsworth's, 474.
Exploring Expedition, the, Wilkes's
Narrative of, reviewed, 54 - sails
from Norfolk, 55- visits Brazil,
56 first antarctic cruise of, 58–
arrives at Chili, 60-surveys the
Paumotu cluster, 61-visits Tahiti
and the Samoan group, 63-ar-
rives at Sydney, 65. second an-
tarctic cruise of, 66 visits New
Zealand, 73-visits the Friendly
and the Feejee islands, 74-pun-
ishment of Vendovi by, 78
massacre of two officers of, 80-
destroys the Feejee towns, 83-
arrives at the Sandwich islands,
86-sails to the Northwest coast,
91-wreck of the Peacock, 93


- proceeds to California, 95 — re-
turn of, 96-results obtained by,
97- valuable labors of, 98-beau-
tiful execution of the Narrative of,
106. See Wilkes.

Facts of intuition and illation, 353.
Fallacies, Mill's enumeration of, 372.
Feejee islands, the, description of,
75-cannibalism at, 76- manners
and customs at, 77- horrid mas-
sacre at, 81. the natives of, pun-
ished, 83-they sue for mercy, 84.
Felton, Prof., biographical notices
by, 201-translation from Men-
zel by, 203.


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

- sec-

ond cruise of the, 73.
Foulques, Count of Anjou, 22.
Fox, Henry, unscrupulous conduct
of, 439.

Franklin's legacy to Boston mechan-
ics, 152.

Frederick the Great, Voltaire's inti-
macy with, 390.

Freedom, civil, Christianity favora-
ble to, 173.

French poetry seldom translated, 207,
223-Costello's versions of, 223
- of this century, 224.
Friendly islands visited by Wilkes,

Fulgurites, an account of, 186.


Gammell, William, Life of Roger
Williams by, reviewed, 1-mer-
its of, as a biographer, 2-quoted,
17, 19. See Williams.
Geology of America, Lyell on the,
498 of the Falls of Niagara,
510 of Big-bone Lick, 511 - of
the Alleghanies, 513-of Cape
Blomidon, 516.



George III., H. Walpole's Memoirs
of the Reign of, reviewed, 422 –
copious materials for the history
of, 425- his reign compared with
that of his predecessors, 426 –
bright prospects of, at his acces-
sion, 427-ignorant and arbitrary,
428-Bute's plan to make him
independent, 429-party of the
friends of, organized, 431-pre-
vents a war with Spain, 432 –
dissolves Newcastle's ministry, 434
- makes peace with France, 438
- rise of popular power under, ib.

weakened by Bute's measures,
440 Grenville made minister of,
441 persecution of Wilkes un-
der, 443-consequent unpopu-
larity of, 447- ministry of Rock-
ingham under, 448-Duke of
Grafton made minister by, 452.
German poetry, 214- different pe-
riods in, 215-brilliant era of, 216

effect of, on English poetry,
217-Longfellow on, 218-ver-
sions of, cited, 220.
Gifford, William, as a reviewer, 489

[blocks in formation]

Gregory VII., J. Voigt's history of,
reviewed, 20-characteristics of
the age of, 21-illustrations of the
times of, 22-character of the
Church before, 25- prelates who
preceded, 27-early life of, 28-
early meditations and plans of, 29

visited by Leo IX., 30- makes
known his plans to Leo, 31
progress of his scheme, 32
makes Gebhard pope, 33- makes
Spain acknowledge the pope's au-
thority, 34-drives Benedict X.
from the papacy, 35-establishes
rules for the papal elections, 36 -
defeats the anti-pope Honorius,
37-elected as pope, 40-pros-
pect before him, 41- conduct of,
towards Henry, 43- meets his

first council, 47-farther meas-
ures of, 48-insulted by Henry,
49-excommunicates him, 50
triumphs over him, 52-dies in
exile, 53.
Grenville, George, Walpole's char-
acter of, 441 blunders of, 442—
persecutes Wilkes, 443-driven
from office, 448.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
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History, Taylor's Manual of Ancient,
noticed, 245.

Hobbes on the meaning of words,

Holland, poetry of, 221.
Honorius II. defeated by Hilde-
brand, 37.


Hudson, Capt., at Upolu, 65. -re-
ports the bad condition of the Pea-
cock, 66 danger and escape of,
ib. captures Vendovi, 78- dis-
covers Bowditch island, 92-
wrecked in the Peacock, 93 -
gallant conduct of, 94.
Human actions, constant sequence
in, 375-
can be reduced to a sci-




- recom-

ence, 376.
Hume, Brougham's life of, 399-too
cold-hearted to be a Christian,
400 lameness of his arguments
against Christianity, 401 -
mends hypocrisy to a friend, 402
wrote with labor and slowness,
an atheist, but not a scoffer,
404 cold reception of his histo-
ry, 406.
Hunt, Leigh, Imagination and Fan-
cy by, reviewed, 468-follies and
merits of, 496-delicate and fan
ciful, 497.


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