Imatges de pàgina

On this congenial spot he fix'd his choice;

Earl Goodwin trembled for his neighb'ring sand ; Here sea-gulls scream, and cormorants rejoice,

And mariners, though shipwreck'd, dread to land. Here reign the blust'ring North and blighting East, No tree is heard to whisper, bird to sing; Yet Nature could not furnish out the feast,

Art he invokes new horrors still to bring.

Here mould'ring fanes and battlements arise,
Turrets and arches nodding to their fall;
Unpeopled monast'ries delude our eyes,
And mimic desolation covers all.

"Ah!" said the sighing peer, "had B-te been true,
Nor M-'s, R-'s, B's, friendship vain,
Far better scenes than these had blest our view,
And realized the beauties which we feign.
" Purged by the sword, and purified by fire,
Then had we seen proud London's hated walls;
Owls would have hooted in St Peter's choir,
And foxes stunk and litter'd in St Paul's."



WHEN sly Jemmy Twitcher had smugg'd up his face,
With a lick of court white-wash, and pious grimace,
A wooing he went, where three sisters of old
In harmless society guttle and scold.

Lord! sister, says Physic to Law, I declare,
Such a sheep-biting look, such a pick-pocket air!
Not I for the Indies !-You know I'm no prude,-
But his name is a shame, and his eyes are so lewd !
Then he shambles and straddles so oddly-I fear-
No-at our time of life 'twould be silly, my dear.

I don't know, says Law, but methinks for his look
'Tis just like the picture in Rochester's book;

* This jeu d'esprit was written a short time previous to the election of a High Steward of the University of Cambridge, for which office the noble lord alluded to made an active canvass.

Then his character, Phyzzy, --his morals-his life-
When she died, I can't tell, but he once had a wife.
They say he's no Christian, loves drinking and wg,
And all the town rings of his swearing and roaring!
His lying and filching, and Newgate-bird tricks ;-
Not I-for a coronet, chariot and six.

Divinity heard, between waking and dozing,
Her sisters denying, and Jemmy proposing:
From table she rose, and with bumper in hand,
She stroked up her belly, and stroked down her band-
What a pother is here about wenching and roaring !
Why, David loved catches, and Solomon w-g:
Did not Israel filch from th' Egyptians of old
Their jewels of silver and jewels of gold ?
The prophet of Bethel, we read, told a lie ;
He drinks-so did Noah ;-he swears-so do I:
To reject him for such peccadillos, were odd ;
Besides, he repents- for he talks about G**_

[To Jemmy]

Never hang down your head, you poor penitent elf;
Come buss me-I'll be Mrs. Twitcher myself.

[blocks in formation]

Containing a description of a Descent into the Mines.*

THROUGH subterraneous passages they went,
Earth's inmost cells and caves of deep descent ;
Onward they pass, where ripening minerals flow,
And embryo metals undigested glow;

Where gems break through the night with glittering beam,
Or paint the margin of the costly stream :
All stones of lustre shoot their vivid ray,
Or mix attempered in a various day :
There the soft emerald smiles, of verdant hue;
There rubies flame with sapphire's heavenly blue;
The diamond there attracts the wond'rous sight,
Proud of its thousand dies and luxury of light!'

* See Appendix to Otter's Life of Dr. E. D. Clarke.







REPINE not, Gray, that our weak dazzled eyes
Thy daring heights and brightness shun;
How few can trace the eagle to the skies,
Or, like him, gaze upon the sun!

Each gentle reader loves the gentle Muse,
That little dares and little means ;
Who humbly sips her learning from Reviews,
Or flutters in the Magazines.

No longer now from Learning's sacred store
Our minds their health and vigour draw;

Homer and Pindar are revered no more,
No more the Stagyrite is law.

Though nursed by these, in vain thy Muse appears
To breathe her ardours in our souls ;
In vain to sightless eyes and deaden'd ears

The lightning gleams, the thunder rolls :

Yet droop not, Gray, nor quit thy heaven-born art;
Again thy wond'rous powers reveal ;
Wake slumb'ring Virtue in the Briton's heart,
And rouse us to reflect and feel!

With ancient deeds our long-chill'd bosoms fire,
Those deeds that mark Eliza's reign!
Make Britons Greeks again, then strike the lyre,
And Pindar shall not sing in vain.

* From the original MS. in the possession of the late Isaac Reed, Esq.




Me quoque Musarum studium sub nocte silenti
Artibus assuetis solicitare solet. - CLAUDIAN.

ENOUGH Of fabling, and th' unhallowed haunts
Of Dian' and of Delia, names profane,
Since not Diana nor all Delia's train
Are subjects that befit a serious song;

For who the bards among

May but compare with thee, lamented Gray!
Whose pensive solemn lay

Drew all the list'ning shepherds in a ring,
Well pleased to hear thee sing
Thy moving notes, on sunny hill or plain,
And catch new grace from thy immortal strain.
O wood-hung Menaï, and ye sacred groves
Of Delphi, we still venerate your names,
Whose awful shades inspired the Druids' dreams.
Your recess, though imagined, Fancy loves,
And through these long-lost scenes delighted roves :
So füture bards perhaps shall sing of Thames,
And as they sing shall say,

'Twas there of old where mused illustrious Gray!
By Isis' banks his tuneful lays would suit

To Pindar's lofty lyre, or Sappho's Lesbian lute.
Oft would he sing, when the still Eve came on,
Till sable Night resumed her ebon throne,
And taught us, in his melancholic mood,

To scorn the great, and love the wise and good;
Told us, 'twas virtue never dies,

And to what ills frail mankind open lies;

How safe through life's tempestuous sea to steer,
Where dang'rous rocks and shelves and whirlpools oft
The musky gale, in rosy vale,
And gilded clouds on azure hills,
The fragrant bow'rs, and painted flow'rs,


And when fair Morn arose again to view,
A fairer landscape still he drew,
That blooms like Eden in his charming lays,
The hills and dales, and Heaven's cerulean blue,.
Brighten'd o'er all by Sol's resplendent's rays.

And tinklings of the silver rills;

The very insects, that in sunbeams play,
Turn useful monitors in his grave moral lay.

But, ah! sad Melancholy intervenes,

And draws a cloud o'er all these shining scenes.
'Tis her, alas! we often find

The troubler of each great unbounded mind,
And leagued with her associate Fear,

Will tremble lest the turning sphere,
And sinking earth, and reeling planets run
In dire disorder with the falling sun.

But now, great Bard, thy life of pain is o'er;
'Tis we must weep, though thou shalt grieve no more.
Through other scenes thou now dost rove,
And clothed with gladness walk'st the courts above,
And listen'st to the heav'nly choir,

Hymning their God, while seraphs strike the lyre.
Safe with them in those radiant climes of bliss,
Thou now enjoy'st eternal happiness.



By the Right Honourable the Earl of Carlisle.

WHAT spirit's that which mounts on high,
Borne on the arms of every tuneful Muse ?
His white robes flutter to the gale :
They wing their way to yonder opening sky,

In glorious state through yielding clouds they sail, And scents of heavenly flowers on earth diffuse.

What avails the poet's art?

What avails his magic hand?

Can he arrest Death's pointed dart,

Or charm to sleep his murderous band?

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