tlemen are the best natured, facetious, witty creatures that ever you knew. Enter LAMORCE, R. Lam. (c.) Is the wine come, sir? Mir. O, yes, madam, the wine is come-see there! [Pointing to the Soldiers.] Your ladyship has got a very fine ring upon your finger. Lam. Sir, 'tis at your service. Mir. O, ho! is it so? Thou dear seven hundred pounds, thou'rt welcome home again with all my heart. Ad's my life, madam, you have got the finest built watch there! Tompion's, I presume? Lam. Sir, you may wear it. Mir. O, madam, by no means; 'tis too much-Rob you of all! [Takes it from her.] Good, dear time, thou'rt a precious thing; I'm glad I have retrieved thee. [Puts it up.] What, my friends neglected all this while? [Bravos stand conversing in a cluster, R. C.] Gentlemen, you'll pardon my complaisance to the lady? How now? Is it civil to be so out of humour at my entertainment, and I so pleased with yours? Captain, you're surprised at all this; but we're in our frolics, you must know. -Some wine here, Enter SERVANT, with winc. Come, captain, this worthy gentleman's health. [Tweaks the first Bravo by the nose ; he roars. But now, where -where's my dear deliverer, my boy, my charming boy? 1 Bra. I hope some of our crew below stairs have dispatched him. Mir. Villain, what say'st thou? Dispatched! I'll have ye all tortured, racked, torn to pieces alive, if you have touched my boy. Here, page! page! page! [Runs out, L. Dur. Here, gentlemen, be sure you secure those fellows. 1 Bra. Yes, sir, we know you and your guard will be very civil to us. Dur. Now for you, madam.-He, he, he! I'm so pleased to think that I shall be revenged of one woman before I die. Dug. Take 'em to justice. [Guards carry off Bravos, R. Enter OLD MIRABEL, DUGARD, and BISARRE, L. O. Mir. (L.C.) Robin, Robin, where's Bob? where's my boy?-What, is this the lady? a pretty vixen, faith! Harkye, child, because my son was so civil as to oblige you with a coach, I'll treat you with a cart, indeed I will. Dug. (c.) Ay, madam, and you shall have a swinging equipage, three or four thousand footmen at your heels, at least. Dur. No less becomes her quality. Bis. (L. C.) Faugh! the monster! Dur. Monster! ay, you're all a little monstrous, let me tell you. Re-enter MIRABEL, L. O. Mir. Ah, my dear Bob, art thou safe, man? Mir. No, no, sir, I'm ruined! the saver of my life is lost! O. Mir. No, he came and brought us the news. Re-enter ORIANA, L. Ha! [Runs and embraces her.] My dear preserver, what shall I do to recompense your trust? Father, friends, gentlemen, behold the youth that has relieved me from the most ignominious death. Command me, child; before you all, before my late so kind indulgent stars, I swear to grant whate'er you ask. Ori. To the same stars, indulgent now to me, I will appeal as to the justice of my claim; I shall demand but what was mine before the just performance of your contract to Oriana. [Discovers herself. Omnes. Oriana! Ori. (L. c.) In this disguise I resolved to follow you abroad, counterfeited the letter that got me into your service; and so, by this strange turn of fate, I became the instrument of your preservation. Dur. (R. C.) Mirabel, you're caught. Mir. Caught! I scorn the thought of imposition! Caught! No, 'tis my voluntary act; this was no human stratagem; but by my providential stars, designed to shew the dangers wandering youth incurs by the pursuit of an unlawful love, to plunge me headlong in the snares of vice, and then to free me by the hands of virtue: here on my knees I humbly beg my fair preserver's pardon; my thanks are needless, for myself I owe. And now for ever do protest me yours. O. Mir. Tall, all, di, dall. [Sings.] Kiss me, daughter-you shall kiss me first, [To ORIANA] for you're the cause on't. Well, Bisarre, what say you to the captain? Bis. I like the beast well enough; but I don't understand his paces so well as to venture him in a strange road. O. Mir. But marriage is so beaten a path that you can't go wrong. Bis. Ay, 'tis so beaten, that the way is spoiled. Dur. There is but one thing should make me thy husband-I could marry thee to-day for the privilege of beating thee to-morrow. O. Mir. Come, come, you may agree for all this. Mr. Dugard, are not you pleased with this? Dug. So pleased, that if I thought it might secure your son's affection to my sister, I would double her fortune. Mir. Fortune! has she not given me mine? my life, my estate, my all, and, what is more, her virtuous self. Behold the foil [Pointing to LAMORCE] that sets this brightness off! [To ORIANA] Here, view the pride [TO ORIANA] and scandal of the sex. [TO LAMORCE. What liberty can be so tempting there, [TO LAM. As a soft, virtuous, am'rous, bondage here? [TO ORIANA. THE END. |