"Only to me thy countenance show, I ask no more the Jordan through.'" On Tuesday the 19th July, 1814, she began to complain slightly, but for two days her illness was not alarming. At length she became convinced that her end could not be far distant. Her mind remained calm and collected. Observing Mr. Bethune standing by her bed-side, with a countenance somewhat agitated, she said, 66 6 My dear, dear son, I am going to leave you-I am going to my Saviour.' I know,' he replied, 'that when you do go from us, it will be to the Saviour; but, my dear mother, it may not be the Lord's time now to call you to himself.' 'Yes,' said she, 'now is the time; and, oh! I could weep for sin.' Her words were accompanied with her tears. Have you any doubts, then, my dear friend?' asked Mrs. Christie. Oh no!' replied Mrs. Graham; and looking at Mr. and Mrs. Bethune, as they wept, My dear children, I have no more doubts of going to my Saviour, than if I were already in his arms; my guilt is all transferred; he has cancelled all I owed. Yet I could weep for sins against so good a God; it seems to me as if there must be weeping even in heaven for sin.' After this she entered into conversation with her friends, mentioning portions of Scripture and favourite hymns which had been subjects of much comfortable exercise of mind to her. Some of these she had transcribed into a little book, calling them her provision prepared for crossing over Jordan; she committed them to memory, and often called them to remembrance, as her songs in the night, when sleep had deserted her. She then got Mr. Bethune to read her some of these portions, especially the 82d hymn of the 3d book of Newton's Hymns. Deginning thus: 'Let us love, and sing, and wonder; Let us praise the Saviour's name! He has brought us nigh to God.' "Mrs. Graham then fell asleep, nor did she awaken until the voice of the Rev. Dr. Mason roused her. They had a very affectionate interview, which he has partly described in the excellent sermon he delivered after her decease. She expressed to him her hope, as founded altogether on the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. Were she left to depend on the merits of the best action she had ever performed, that would be only a source of despair. She repeated to him, as her view of salvation, the fourth verse of the hymn already quoted : 'Let us wonder, grace and justice Join, and point at mercy's store: When through grace in Christ our trust is, "Having asked Dr. Mason to pray with her, he inquired if there was any particular request she had to make of God by him; she replied, that God will direct then, as he knelt, she put up her hands, and, raising her eyes towards heaven, breathed this short but expressive petition, Lord, lead thy servant n prayer.' 6 "After Dr. Mason had taken his leave she again fell into a deep sleep. Her physicians still expressed a hope of her recovery, as her pulse was regular, and the violence of her disease had abated. One of them, however, declared his opinion, that his poor drugs would prove of little avail against her own ardent prayers 'to depart and be with Christ, which was far better' for her, than her return to a dying world. "On Monday the Rev. Mr. Rowan prayed with her, and to him she expressed also the tranquillity of her mind, and the stedfastness of her hope, through Christ, of eternal felicity. 6 "Her lethargy increased; at intervals from sleep she would occasionally assure her daughter, Mrs. Bethune, that all was well: and when she could rouse herself only to say one word at a time, that one word, accompanied with a smile, was, Peace.' From her there was a peculiar emphasis in this expression of the state of her mind: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you,' had been a favourite portion of Scripture with her, and a promise the fulfilment of which was her earnest prayer to the God who made it. She also occasionally asked Mr. Bethune to pray with her, even when she could only articulate, as she looked at him, 'Pray.' She was now surrounded by many of her dear Christian friends, who watched her dying bed with affection and solicitude. On Tuesday afternoon she slept with little intermission. This,' said Dr. Mason, 6 may be truly called falling asleep in Jesus.' It was remarked, by those who attended her, that all terror was taken away, and that death seemed here as an entrance into life. 120 MEMOIR OF MRS. ISABELLA GRAHAM. "At a quarter past twelve o'clock, being the morning of the 27th of July, 1814, without a struggle or a groan, her spirit winged its flight from a mansion of clay to the realms of glory!" Thus died a most consistent and devoted follower of the Lord Jesus. Her light had shone with resplendent lustre during her life, and her sun set in serenity and peace. The intelligence of Mrs. Graham's death excited a deep feeling of regret in the minds of her friends both in America and England. The loss was regarded by the Christian world as one of no ordinary kind. Her unwearied exertions to promote the advancement of the cause of Christ, and her benevolence and kindness to the poor, attracted the esteem and respect of all who were capable of appreciating these beautiful traits of character. "The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance." MRS. MARY M. ELLIS. MRS. ELLIS was born in St. Mary's Hill, London, on the 16th of October 1793. Before she was three months old she was deprived of her father, and thus thrown exclusively upon the care of her widowed mother, whose exertions for the promotion of her intellectual improvement, and above all, of her spiritual welfare, were unremitting. As, even in childhood, she exhibited indications of a ready and retentive memory, no pains were spared to store it with passages of Scripture and a judicious selection of hymns. Scarcely, however, had the faculties of the child begun to expand when, in her eighth year, she was subjected to the loss of her truly excellent and affectionate mother. Short, indeed, was the period during which she had enjoyed the high advantage of maternal instruction, but, by the blessing of the Spirit of God, her mind had been early impressed with the importance of religion; and the last words her mother addressed to her were indelibly engraven on her memory: "Mary, don't weep |