female Macintoshes, snow-boots, writing-desks, and other such matters, required much time and skill in stowing away; but her ladyship never travelled without them-something might happen-her whole object was obtaining information herself and imparting it to others; it might snow in June in England, for it has before; and the Derby of 1840 was run in a snow-storm-therefore her boots-She might see something that struck her in her drive; hence her camera-lucida. "I know I am very odd," said she, as she was taking her leave," and very fussy; but then you see that's my way, as poor dear Prince Roustemout used to say in his beautiful broken English, My lady, your ladyship is like Noah, you carry all de vorld in your ark.' Poor dear man, Seraphine has a great deal to answer for, about him-he might have been alive now, only she is so insensible, and has no ambition." "My dear Ma," said Seraphine, "the poor dear old man died of gout in his stomach !" "Ah, my love," said her ladyship," they told you so; that was considerate-it was heart, not stomach; however, never mind, the dearest friends must part, and so, my sweet Mrs. Amersham, we have only to say adieu, and to thank you for two or three most delightful days. I shall tell the archbishop what a charming place you have got hereby the way, do you think your fair friend would like the archbishop to perform the ceremony ?-because if she would, I have only to say, dear Kit-his name is Christopher, but I always call his grace Kit-will you do so and so, and he'll do it in an instant." Why," said Mrs. Amersham, "I am not sure that she would like to be spoken to on the subject-everybody has his fancy, and she has hers; and although it is to be " "Ah! ah !" said Lady Cramly, "I see-I see what you mean exactly what the Empress once told me in confidence about one of her cousins, a marriage de convenance; but-ah, well, then of course don't say a word about it; only I know dear Kit would have been too happy, his grace is such a duck of a prelate." "Now, Ma," said Seraphine, who, although she had been talking to Jane, had overheard all the points of her mother's speech," the carriage is all ready." "But I am never ready to leave such a kind host and hostess," said Lady Cramly; and then, in order to be particularly civil to poor Jenny, who almost cowered at her approach, she walked up to her with a face radiant in smiles, and taking her by the hand, said, "Good bye, dear Miss Bruff; I wish you all the happiness and comfort, and everything you can possibly desire in the world. I hope we shall often have the pleasure of seeing you in town, Seraphine will be delighted; and while we are in London, we can give you some capital music and some very nice people. Good bye, dear." Saying which, she took a most affectionate farewell of the unhappy girl, and then cuddling herself up in a shawl mightily resembling a blanket, she considered it necessary to salute Mrs. Amersham on the cheek, having done which, she slipped her arm through that of Amersham, who conducted her to the carriage, into which he handed her, an operation not so difficult to effect as might be supposed, considering her ladyship's size and gravity, for the moment she put her foot on the steps, the carriage, as if conscious of her empire, bent over her so as to receive her with little or no difficulty. "I hope," said her ladyship, as she threw herself backwards in the "ark," "I hope you like my rug-worked for me by the young Countess Flapsky. It's quite a love, isn't it?" "Beautiful!" said Amersham, which he had scarcely time to say, before Seraphine vaulted into the vehicle with an elasticity which greatly startled the nerves of her courtly dame. However, she was full of sensibility and consciousness of her mother's absurdities, which kept her in a state of constant excitement during the whole period of the parental exhibition, and the happiest moment of her life was whenat least for the day-the curtain had fallen on the performance. Well! away they went, and of course formed the subject of conversation after their departure. It might seem like a breach of confidence to disclose the particulars of what passed in detail; but as far as the general feeling went, it seemed to be one of something not very unlike satisfaction that her ladyship had taken her departure. The next step which Jane proceeded to take, was to write to her father, informing him of the projected visit, and expected arrival of George Grindle. This she knew would please and soothe him. She felt, moreover, confident that the intelligence would unquestionably reach Smylar; and although she could not satisfy herself as to the probability of any benefit arising to her from that circumstance, still if Smylar as well remembered what she had said on the subject of the marriage as Jane did, it would at least give her information of the progress of the affair; but as Jane was now temporizing, it might be almost called trifling, she was apprehensive that Smylar might suppose that she had really become reconciled to the match, and so withhold her exertions to frustrate it—but that mattered little, inasmuch as Jane would be in town for at least a week before the ceremony, and then would come the opportunity for opening her heart-to her bitterest enemy. As for George, the arrival of Amersham's letter startled-yet, as matters were going on, pleased him. It was warm, friendly, and genuine, and of course could be answered but in one way. He accepted the invitation, and would be with them the next day. To be sure, it might have come to him with less alloy, had not the same post brought him this: "Versailles. "Dearest George, "Our poor dear Tiney is very, very ill. The French doctors think it an attack of scarlatina. Mr. Havard hopes better. The poor child is dreadfully feverish, and occasionally delirious. He calls for papa sometimes for half an hour together, and when papa does not come, bursts into violent floods of tears. Can you, my dearest love, contrive to come over-even for one or two days? Much as I desire to see you, and be happy again in your dear society, it is not selfishness that prompts this letter-I would not, on my own account, either bring you from scenes and pursuits which I know you delight in, or endanger the tranquillity which I hope and trust you are now enjoying with Sir George; but for our poor dear child's sake, I do implore you, if you possibly can, come and see him, and come soon, or perhaps, dear George, the poor boy may never see you again. Don't write, dear love, but "Yours always unalterably, come. "ELLEN." "There's a pretty go!" said George, tossing the letter down upon the table. "I can't go, and if I could, what good could I do?-catch the scarlet fever perhaps. I should be sorry if Tiney was to trot, because Nelly is so fond of him-and yet what have I to do with Nelly? I'll send her over some stumpy-fee the doctors-keep her mind easy, and all that-but-" And here he took up Amersham's letter, and re-read that, and then, to do him as much justice as he deserves, he did feel, and bitterly too, about poor Nelly and her child-her child-HIS child. But of what avail now were these compunctious visitings? It was all too late, even if the transient gleam of natural affection which warmed his heart for a moment, could have been, as it were, daguerrotyped there; but alas! five minutes dissipated it, and the old consolatory "Well, I can't help it; it's all no use talking now," came to his aid, and he decided the business by writing the three following letters: "My dear Jane, "Brighton. "I have just received your uncommon nice little note, which came in neck and neck, as it were, with your friend Mr. Amersham's exceedingly kind letter. My talent for writing is not remarkable, as you know; so as I have accepted his invitation for to-morrow, and we shall meet so soon, I need only say how sincerely and truly I am, my dear Jane, “Yours, "GEORGE Grindle. "I have not heard from the governor since his arrival on the other side of the water-suppose I shall to-morrow before I start in the morning, as he is uncommon particular in that line." This was number one. Now for number two. "Dear Sir, "Brighton. "I feel exceedingly obliged by your kind attention, and shall very gladly accept your invitation to-morrow. I have often heard Jane speak with great affection of Mrs. Amersham and yourself; and Colonel Bruff I know has the highest esteem for you both. "My uncle Leeson's slip-out was particular awkward just at the minute, inasmuch as it has upset all the preparations which had been nearly finished, and cast me and the governor into the shade, just as we were coming out shiningly. I don't think you know my governor-he is a right good one, and will go any pace, and I am about to take a great liberty with you upon so short an acquaintance, and that only by letter-I mean that if he should come back in a day or two from France, I should feel obliged if you would let me leave word as to where I am to be at peck and perch, so that if you have room for him, he might join our little family party, which I consider it, under your hospitable roof. However, as I shall hope to be with you before the next post, perhaps it will be better for me to make my petition in this case in person. "As I have not the honour of Mrs. Amersham's acquaintance, I must not beg you to present my best compliments to her, but I hope by this time to-morrow to tell her how much I am her humble servant, and begging you to accept my best thanks, to believe me, "Dear Sir, "GEORGE GRINDLE." There is something, as we know, in the trine-number which is strange, curious, ominous. It is useless here to enter into a discussion of the various attributes, considerations, combinations, and concatenations therewith connected-let the facts speak for themselves-let letter number three be read. "Dearest Nelly, "Brighton. "Your melancholy note followed me here. I am deucedly sorry about poor Tiney-it shows uncommon kind his crying after me, and there is nothing in the world I wouldn't do to get over; but the governor, although in a better humour, is still as sly as a fox; his notion of our parting, you know, was, that we really meant to part altogether, so that I am obliged to mind my P's and Q's, as they say; as for getting away at present, it is out of the question. "The poor pup must have been taken very suddenly-don't forget yourself--tell your Ma to cherish you, and have good advice. I don't half relish the French doctors-stick to Havard. I inclose you an order on La Fleur for five-and-twenty pounds, and I hope that will be enough to make Tiney well. I hope, moreover, that he has not lost his stick, eh ?-Fox. "Write to me, and direct to Crocky's as usual, the letter will be sure to find me. Send me word that the boy is well, and that will do; and when some of the pheasants are dead, we shall meet. "Adieu, my Nelly. Kiss the pup from me, if it won't endanger yourself. Remember me to your Ma, and believe me, dear girl, "Yours always, "G. G." There are certain events occurring daily, which require no comment -and surely, after a perusal of these letters, a word of observation would be superfluous. Suffice it to say, they were folded, sealed, directed, and despatched; and horses were ordered for Mr. George Grindle's carriage by twelve the next noon to take him to the Amershams. July.-VOL. LXII. NO. CCXLVII. Y THE CENSUS AND THE NON-SENSUS FOR 1841. "Ce bas monde est remplis de sots et des pervers." "In all the realms of nonsense absolute." DRYDEN. CHENIER. Ir is not our present intention in any respect to discredit or decry the recent measure for making a fresh census of the people. This periodical taking of stock-that is, of the live-stock of the nation-is a laudable and useful practice; and we are quite prepared to assume the cudgels for it against all and sundry its opponents, though Exeter Hall itself should be among the number. We say this with a full knowledge of all that a crotchety misreader of Scripture might infer from the story of King David, and not forgetting the disfavour with which statistics in general are viewed, by all who for some selfish purpose are desirous of cutting a figure, by sticking to abstractions. Just at the present moment, more especially, when certain persons are so pestered with tariffs, when returns meet them at every turn to stop them in the career of their humour, and when the custom-house officers find their own tables flung in their faces, statistics are at a pretty considerable discount; still, as far as the statistics of population are concerned, we shall uphold that the knowledge which these diffuse is susceptible of many praiseworthy and highly serviceable applications. Not to insist upon the usual advantages contemplated by the ordinary advocates of such returns, we cannot doubt that an accurate acquaintance with the movement of the population may be the means of preventing many other popular movements, with which the wise and the peaceable would gladly dispense. It is by a frequent recurrence to the census, that statesmen may best ascertain the number of those who sit below the salt at nature's table,-a perverse and impracticable race; and thereupon may graduate the scale of high-pressure legislation, necessary for keeping them in a good working condition. It is not indeed to be denied that so noisy and clamorous a set have that within them well calculated to make their presence and effective strength sufficiently plain to all whom it may concern, without the direct intervention of a numerical table; but this spontaneous species of announcement has the manifest disadvantage of coming a day after the fair, and of not arousing public attention until the danger is actually present. It is not when the supernumeraries are there, in propria persona, "with clubs, sticks, staves, and other unlawful weapons," playing the very devil with that exceedingly brittle metaphysical entity, the Queen's peace. (It is wonderful how the royal lady ever gets a single hour's rest, between fireeating O's and Macs, knocker-wrenching peers, the swell and chartist mobs, &c. &c.),—it is not at the moment when the evil requires to be instantly dealt with, that an adequate remedy can be always applied. A posse of constables, or, if need be, a troop of dragoons, is the ready resource for such contingencies; but experience has amply proved that however sufficient for the specific occasion, they only leave more work for a future day. The census, on the contrary, deals with the offenders in their nascent state; and leaves the philanthropist due time to determine how they may be disposed of, with the least possible inconvenience to themselves and the public at large; whether it shall be by emigra |