make Men infolent and contemptuous; and learn to do Good for God's fake, and your own Soul's fake; and this will make you better and happier, than a few empty glittering Notions of the Bravery of Virtue, which the Philofophers of old, for lack of Revelation, were forced to content themselves with. Phil. I am forry we cannot make an end of our Conference this Morning, for Dinner-time comes on; and I muft befpeak your Company, good Sir, to take a Difh of Meat with me to Day, and after Dinner we may dispatch that Part of our Dispute which remains behind. FINI S. THE Such Change of the Deity not voluntary. Nor neceffary. P. 23 ib. Such a Changeableness contrary to the Attributes of God. No Conftat of the Sphericalness of the Universe. That no Argument of a perpetual Motion. Sphericalnefs does not infer Infinity of Duration. Arguments against the Eternity of the World. Arg. 1. From the Nature of Putrification. Arg. 2. From the finking of Hills. No new Hills raised which are confiderable. Phyfico-Theol. Difcourfes on the Chaos, &c. Arg. 3. From the Increase of Mankind. The World never depopulated by Plagues. Remarks upon the most remarkable Pefilences. The probable Number of Men in the World. 25 ib. infinite. 28 Arg. 4. From History and the late Invention of Arts. No confiderable Arts loft, and revived again. Mankind could not, as the Theifts pretend, have been ib. Light before the Sun is the clearing up of the Chaos. p. 60 How the Planets are faid to be made the fourth Day. 68 This Relation agrees with the forefaid Hypothefis God acted by other Methods in the Creation than now. He then took an immediate Care of the Species. No Abfurdity that Eve should be made of a Rib. The Arguments for the Præadamites answered. No confufed Huddle in the Relation of the fixth Day's Work. 99 The Lapfe of Man, not the first Day of his Creation. The Ridiculoufnefs of other Nations Account of the Creation, God not obliged to keep Man from finning by an irresistible This Mifcarriage was repaired by God's Mercy afterwards. The Prohibition of an Apple more proper than any thing elfe. ib. The Tranfgreffion of our first Parents no trifling Offence. 122 No Abfurdity in the Relation of the Fig-leaves and the Skins. 131 Of the Barrenness of the Earth, ib. |