As You Like It: Third SeriesBloomsbury Academic, 25 de jul. 2006 - 472 pàgines With its explorations of sexual ambivalence, As You Like It speaks directly to the twenty-first century. Juliet Dusinberre demonstrates that Rosalind's authority in the play grows from new ideas about women and reveals that Shakespeare's heroine reinvents herself for every age. But the play is also deeply rooted in Elizabethan culture and through it Shakespeare addresses some of the hotly debated issues of the period."This will be the definitive edition of As You Like It for many years to come" - Phyllis Rackin, University of Pennsylvania |
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Adam Aliena Amiens Appendix audience Audrey Beau Ben Jonson boy actor brother Cam² Cambridge Capell Charles clown comedy Corin court courtiers Cynthia's Revels deer Douai Duke Frederick Duke Senior Duke's Dusinberre Earl edition Elizabeth Elizabethan English epilogue Essex Exeunt Exit father Folio fool Forest of Arden Ganymede Ganymede's gender Geneva Bible gentle Hanmer Harington hath Henry hunting Jaques Jaques's John Jonson Kathman Kemp ladies List of Roles Lodge Lodge's Lord loue lover Malone Morley Oliver's Orlando Ovid pastoral performance Phoebe Phoebe's played Rosalind players poetry Pope prose queen Ralegh Ralph Crane reading Richmond Palace Robert Robert Armin Robin Hood Rosader Rosalind Rosalind and Celia Rowe satire scene Shakespeare shepherd Silvius sing song stage subst suggests theatre thee Theobald Thomas Thomas Lodge Thomas Morley thou tion Touchstone Touchstone's verse vols William woman women word
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Changing the Body: Psychological Effects of Plastic Surgery John M. Goin,Marcia Kraft Goin Visualització de fragments - 1981 |