Imatges de pàgina

loved; and Mr. Clifton has put very appropriate symphonies to it. Lorenzo to Jessica (the title it bears) is a paraphrase of some passages in the scene of the Merchant of Venice, to the tune of "Light o' Love," "which goes, without a burden." It is an excessively simple and touching melody. The same hands have been employed in the restoration of the old English air, The Dusty Miller, to its place of natural beauty. This metamorphosis affords a strong proof that much of pathos may be given to melody by a mere change of time. Again we find these gentlemen's names in connexion, to produce an original composition With love fraught eyes" which is, perhaps, more singular, and not less elegantly expressive, than either of the others.

The Maid of Valdarno, the words by Mr. Collard, and the music by Mr. Field, is set both as a single song and

a duet. This also is very pretty; and the duet seems especially fitted to be sung without accompaniment.

Our catalogue closes with a ballad by Mr. Barnett, and a song by M. Cianchettini. " Lady! the silver moon shines bright," by the former, is not without rays of the author's talent. We must, however, blame him for faulty accentuation, in making the bar commence with the beginning of the line "Her beams," instead of concluding it with the first syllable. This is an error throughout. M. Cianchettini's is the Ode to Solitude, freely translated by Pope from Horace's "Beatus ille." It is a curious subject for a ballad, and contains some such very awkward and unmusical words as "unconcernedly;" but M. Cianchettini has displayed a chaste fancy, and strong feeling, in setting it. The song is quaint and curious— yet elegant and melodious.

LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE, &c. Canova. This artist has just completed a work that is said to be superior to any of the former productions of his chisel. It is a colossal groupe, representing Theseus slaying a Centaur. The hero has seized hold of the neck of his enemy, whose human portion of his figure appears to be still making some impotent efforts against his vanquisher, who is wielding in his other hand the massy club of Periphatus. This composition is intended for the Imperial Court at Vienna.

silky material. The specimen which M. Lainé has sent to the Editors of the Annales de Physique et de Chimie, appears to bear some analogy to the silky filaments which are occasionally to be seen in the environs of Paris, where they are borne through the air in every direction.

Rogers's Human Life.-Among the recent translations from our own language into that of Italy, is a version of Mr. Rogers's last poem, by Signor Vittorio Pacciotti, who has added some annotations.

Rain of Silk.-M. Lainé, the French Consul at Pernambuco, says, in a letter, dated Nov. 1, 1820, that at the beginning of the preceding month there was a shower from the sky, consisting of a substance resembling silk, of which many persons preserved specimens. This phenomenon extended to the distance of 30 leagues inland, and nearly as many off to sea. He adds, that a French vessel was covered with the


Monument of Copernicus.-The colossal bronze statue of Nicolaus Copernicus, about to be erected at Warsaw, will be placed in front of the magnificent edifice (belonging to the Society of the Friends of Science), in the Cracow suburb, not far from the site of the church of the Dominicans, which has been taken down. This illustrious man will be represented as seated upon an antique chair, finely dressed in an academical toga, and holding in one hand a celestial sphere, marked with astronomical circles. The expense of this monument will be defrayed by voluntary contributions.

Scientific Travels in Egypt.--M. Frederic Caillaud has set out from Syene for Dongolah. Ismael Pacha, son of the celebrated Mohammed Ali Viceroy of Egypt, has obtained a signal victory over the Mamelukes, whom he has expelled from the latter

place, where Abdi Kachef, who is a great friend to the Europeans, has been placed as governor. The journey from Syene to Dongolah, along the left bank of the Nile, occupies about a month. It is the intention of M. Caillaud to make astronomical observations during his route, and to collect whatever information he can respecting the antiquities of the country, which are at present almost unvisited and unknown.

Mechanical Inventions.-M. Kuhaiewsky of Warsaw, a very excellent mechanist, has produced the following inventions, viz. 1. A Threshing Machine, which has the advantage of being very simple in its construction, durable, economic, and not expensive; and is likewise superior to every contrivance hitherto formed for this purpose, being the only one that injures neither the stalk nor the grain in separating the former from the latter. The machine consists of several wheels, two of which (one at either end) are furnished with 48 flails: these are put in motion by one man as he walks to and fro within the machine, and thus a single labourer is enabled to perform the work of a great number. The most complete success has attended the experiments that have been made, and there can be no doubt of the efficiency of the invention. 2. A Sawing Mill, which is also worked by a single person, without any assistance from water. 3. An Astronomical Watch, which indicates the difference of time in the principal places in different parts of the globe: this has been accepted as a present by the Emperor Alexander, who has sent M. Kuhaiewsky, in return, a magnificent snuffbox, and has assigned him a sum to enable him to continue his important labours.

Prophecies. Counsellor Lillienstern, of Frankfort on the Mayne, has published a very singular work, in which he attempts to prove argumentatively and methodically, that the predictions respecting Antichrist are now on the eve of being accomplished. Antichrist, he asserts, will appear in 1823; his arrival will be succeeded by ten years of religious wars; after which the millenium, as he assures us, is to commence in


Zoology.-M. Diard, a young' French naturalist, found at Sumatra, in 1819, a tapir, an animal which, until then, had never been met with, except in the New World. It does not differ from the American tapir, except in colour; the extremity of the ears, the rump, the back, the belly, and the sides, being white; while every other part is of a deep black. This fact is the more worthy of notice, as it overturns the reasonings of Buffon, respecting the difference between the animals of Asia, and those of America.

Switzerland.-Literary and Scientific Pursuits.-The want of an academy of sciences, an institution of which an assemblage of small republican states does not admit, is judiciously supplied by a general annual meeting of all those who cultivate such pursuits. These meetings, which commenced in 1815, are held alternately at the principal towns, and are numerously attended, there being now upwards of 300 members. This year, Geneva is the place of rendezvous, as Berne will be next. Switzerland possesses many literary societies. At Zurich is one, instituted for the purpose of promoting the study of natural history: it possesses collections in zoology, entomology, ornithology, botany, and mineralogy-and has, moreover, an observatory. Dr. Horner, of this city, has lately published his observations, made during the expedition of Capt. Krusenstern round the world. M. Schintz is publishing an ornithological work, containing descriptions of the birds of Switzerland and Germany, and a series of coloured plates which represent the nests, and the eggs of each species.

Berlin-Fine Arts.-The last exhibition of paintings contained many by the students and pupils of the Academy of the Fine Arts, most of whom, after passing several years, either in France or Italy, are now returned to this capital, which they will embellish by their productions. Those who have most distinguished themselves are, M. Schadow (son of the celebrated sculptor of that name), and M. Wach, who exhibited an exquisite portrait of an Italian peasant girl. This picture was universally admired for its delightful colouring,

and its delicate finishing. The excellence of Zimmerman's pictures was such, that it adds to the regret of the public for the untimely end of this young artist who drowned himself last summer. M. Rauch, an eminent sculptor (the same that is now employed in executing marble statues of the Generals Bulow and Scharnhorst), exhibited a very fine bust of the King, and another of the Grand Duchess of Prussia. His model for a statue of the hero Blucher, has been greatly admired; it is intended as a decoration for one of the public squares at Berlin.

Institute. The prize proposed this year, by the Academie Royale des Sciences,' in the class of Physics, isto determine, by means of accurate experiments, what are the causes of animal warmth,-whether chemical or physical? The academy expressly requires that the quantity of caloric emitted in a given time, by a healthy animal, and the quantity of caloric produced by its respiration, be ascertained with the utmost exactitude; also that this caloric be compared with that produced by the combustion of carbon, in forming the same quantity of carbonic acid. The prize will be a gold medal, of the value of 3,000 francs, to be adjudged at the sitting of 1823.

Belzoni. The city of Padua, of which this celebrated traveller is a native, has struck a medal in commemoration of his discoveries, and in testimony of their gratitude for the valuable gift he made to this place, he having presented to it two curious pieces of antiquity,-two lion-headed statues of granite, now deposited in the hall of the Palazzo della Ragione.

The Austrian Society of Musical Amateurs.-This admirable institution possesses a very fine library of about 900 volumes; all of which are on subjects belonging to the literature of music. Many of the books are exceedingly rare and costly; among the more valuable articles are many inedited MSS. particularly one containing materials for a continuation of Gerber's Kunstler-Lexicon. All these works are classed and described in a catalogue raisonnè. In addition to the literary publications and MSS. there is a collection of about

7000 pieces of music, by upwards of 700 different composers; and these also are catalogued both in alphabetical order, and according to their Themes. The same society has likewise a museum of Turkish and other singular musical instruments, and curiosities; with a collection of more than 500 portraits of composers, singers, &c. For the most of what has been done, the public are indebted to the zeal and the ability of Baron von Knorr. He it was who accomplished, in so admirable a manner, the extremely difficult task of systematizing and arranging the various compositions. The catalogue, containing very valuable critical and biographical notices of each composer, is alone sufficient to attest the industry, information, and enthusiasm, with which he labours to promote the excellent views of this institution to render it of real service, to advance the art, and to animate its professors.

Fine Arts.-The Cavalier Tambroni is editing at Rome, a work, entitled, Istrazioni Pittoriche. It will throw considerable light on the practice of painting in Italy at the revival of the art, and supply much information relative to its history, being an authentic production of Cennino Cennini, a pupil of Giotto. Among other intelligence to be gained from this valuable document, we here find recorded, that oil colours were employed in that country before the period usually assigned for their invention.

Lisbon.-Abolition of the Punishment of Death. The Portuguese Cortes have, by the application of a longviolated principle of justice and humanity, abolished this dreadful punishment, so opposite in its effects to the interests of society, and so degrading to civilization;-one which has been so deservedly reprobated by Beccaria, and a number of other eminent philosophers and writers on the criminal and penal system. Public morality would be much better consulted by the adoption of solitary confinement as a punishment for crimes, than it is at present by the spectacle of death.

Aquatic Pedestrianism.--Three years ago, kaleidoscopes were the universal hobby-but these were soon laid

aside; next succeeded something more hobby-horsical - but equally short-lived, viz. velocipedes, of which such great expectations were at one time formed, that they threatened to supersede the services of the equine race. Another hobby has now appeared, of a somewhat portentous description. It is said that a person at Glasgow, of the name of Kent, has invented a machine, by means of which he can walk on water with perfect safety. On the twentythird of April, Mr. Kent exhibited on the Monkhead Canal, in the presence of about 200 spectators, who appeared satisfied as to the feasibility of the scheme. Not having heard any thing respecting the nature of the machine, or its construction, it is impossible to judge how far it is likely to prove of real service; but it must be owned, that the term machine, sounds as if it were something rather complicated, and therefore does not promise much with regard to simplicity and practicability: neither is much to be said at present in favour of its expedition,the rate at which Mr. Kent proceeded being not more than three miles an hour; this, however, might be owing more to want of practice than to any defect in the method employed. Mr. Kent has since exhibited with success in Edinburgh.

Portable Houses. -The Swedish journals speak very highly of certain portable houses, that have been invented by Major Blom, who is celebrated at Stockholm for his knowledge of mechanics. These edifices, which are constructed of wood, may be elevated in a single day, and contain, if not every comfort, at least all that is necessary for a small family. In cold weather they are warmed by a stove.

Spanish Literature.-Don Torribio Nunnez, Professor of the University of Salamanca, has collected the various statistical writings of Bentham, and formed them into a regular system of politics; such a one as he conceives to be particularly adapted to the wants of his countrymen at the present juncture. The title of this work, which has already met

with great commendation, is Sistema de la Ciencia Social Ideado por el Jurisconsulto Ingles Jeremias Bentham, y puesto en egecucion conforme á los principios del autor original, por el Dr. D. Torribio Nunnez, &c.-Marshal De Haro's Account of the Defence of Gerona, Relacion Historica de la Defensa de Gerona, is a publication that may be consulted with advantage both by the historian and the military tactictioner, and is particularly rich in materials for a narrative of the important events of the late war. Several works have been translated from the English and French: even the Memoirs of Bergami, and the Queen's Trial, have found both translators and publishers. But books of more permanent interest are not overlooked, as is proved by an anouncement of a Spanish version of Robertson's Charles V. and of the Principes de la Legislation Universel.-The Thirteenth Volume of the translation of Mrs. Bennet's Novels has appeared, containing Rosa ó la nina Mendiga (the Beggar Girl); and a female writer, named Donna Juana Barrera, has translated another English Novel, under the title of Cæcilia ó el Padre y al Hija.-D. Vincente Fernandez Villares has produced a good translation from a French novel of DucrayDumenil, called Dias en el Campo ó Pintura Historica de una piquena Familia.-Little original poetry has appeared; nothing indeed worthy of mention, except some political and patriotic Odes, and a performance of D. Rafael de Caceres, which deserves notice merely from the extravagance of the subject, it being a system of myology in verse. title of this curious poem is, Exposicion Metrica Succinta y Exacta di todos los Musculos del Cuerpo Humano ó sea la Miologia puesta en Castellano!



Public Library at Lemberg.-Count Ossolinsky has, with equal patriotism and munificence, founded a Polish National Library at Lemberg; and Kopstynsky, a wealthy landed proprietor, has presented to the same the sum of 500 ducats.



We have of course very little in the way of foreign intelligence to communicate to our readers since our last, except with respect to the affairs of Turkey, where the insurrection of the Greeks, under Ypsilanti, begins daily to assume a more formidable character. It is now said that a corps, under the Greek leader, had crossed the Danube at Sistow, commanded by Colonel Colcotsony, and were immediately joined by a body of Bulgarians and Servians, to the amount of 10,000. The Greek army of Epines has advanced towards Thessaly; and 30,000 men, who had been sent against it by the Sultan, have been almost annihilated. The Peloponnesus also is almost wholly delivered from the power of the Turks; and all the fortresses of the Morea, with the exception of Mothone and Corone, have been taken by storm. In addition to all this, the feast of the Rhamadan, during which war is prohibited, by their religion, to the Mahometans, is fast approaching; and the month of September terminates the period of service of the present Ottoman army. If this news wanted any confirmation, it would be found in the conduct of the Turks themselves, in the city of Constantinople, where the scenes which daily occur are a disgrace to human nature, and baffle all credibility. The furious infidels have turned the contest into a war of extermination; and, that nothing might he wanting to heighten the ferocity of its nature, they have given it a religious complexion. Every Greek found in the city has been, without exception, massacred; and even the venerable archbishop, the patriarch of the Greek church, has been, at the age of eighty, barbarously murdered, and his mangled body dragged with every indignity through the crowded streets of the barbarians. His successor, appointed by the Porte, is reported to have died of fright at his promotion: surely never did Bishop say "Nolo Episcopari with more sincerity than this man. All the Christian embassies have been obliged

to fortify their hotels against the infuriated mobs; and, indeed, the whole Christian population of Constantinople may be said literally to stand on the brink of the grave. These outrages have not been confined to the capital; whole streets have been set fire to in Pesa, and men, women, and children, either murdered, or devoured by the consuming element. The Greeks have been instigated, by the murder of their patriarch, and the cruelties practised on their priesthood, to the most terrible reprisals; and, in short, there is nothing,either savage or sanguinary, which may not be anticipated from a conflict, in which those who cannot claim the laurel of victory, are sure of at least obtaining the crown of martyrdom.

The affairs of Spain present nothing new; every thing appears to remain unsettled in that unfortunate country; and, in order to render its own intestine divisions still more critical, the South American patriots have put an end to the armistice concluded with the revolted colonies, and are represented as proceeding in an uninterrupted career of success. A commission of the Spanish Cortes has reported, that there should be three sections of that body in South America-one for the northern provinces, and two for the south; and that a member of the royal family should be eligible to the office of Viceroy in each of these secondary monarchies: this, however, is, we fear, an expedient not very likely to arrest the progress of successful insurrection; particularly where the revolt has commenced in a republican principle.

Intelligence has been received from Mogador, of a late date, which states the termination of the Moorish rebellion, and the complete restoration of the old Emperor, Muley Soliman, to all his original power and sovereignty.

With respect to our domestic news, every thing almost is absorbed in the expectation of the grand ceremony of the coronation, which, it is supposed,

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