The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volum 9

Houghton Mifflin, 1883

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Pàgina 223 - Indeed, we are but shadows; we are not endowed with real life, and all that seems most real about us is but the thinnest substance of a dream — till the heart be touched. That touch creates us — then we begin to be — thereby we are beings of reality and inheritors of eternity.
Pàgina 222 - Here I sit in my old accustomed chamber, where I used to sit in days gone by. . . . Here I have written many tales, — many that have been burned to ashes, many that doubtless deserved the same fate. This claims to be called a haunted chamber, for thousands upon thousands of visions have appeared to me in it; and some few of them have become visible to the world. If ever I should have a biographer, he ought to make great mention of this chamber in my memoirs, because so much of my lonely youth was...
Pàgina 235 - God, we anticipate getting rid of its treasures in the course of two or three days ! Of all hateful places that is the worst, and I shall never comfort myself for having spent so many days of blessed sunshine there. It is my opinion that a man's soul may be buried and perish under a dung-heap, or in a furrow of the field, just as well as under a pile of money.
Pàgina 34 - A snake, taken into a man's stomach and nourished there from fifteen years to thirty-five, tormenting him most horribly. A type of envy or some other evil passion.
Pàgina 307 - August the grass is still verdant on the hills and in the valleys; the foliage of the trees is as dense as ever and as green; the flowers gleam forth in richer abundance along the margin of the river and by the...
Pàgina 223 - If ever I should have a biographer, he ought to make great mention of this chamber in my memoirs, because so much of my lonely youth was wasted here, and here my mind and character were formed; and here I have been glad and hopeful, and here I have been despondent; and here I sat a long, long time, waiting patiently for the world to know me, and sometimes wondering why it did not know me sooner, or whether it would ever know me at all — at least, till I were in my grave.
Pàgina 38 - To picture a virtuous family, the different members examples of virtuous dispositions in their way ; then introduce a vicious person, and trace out the relations that arise between him and them, and the manner in which all are affected. A man to flatter himself with the idea that he would not be guilty of some certain wickedness, — as, for instance, to yield to the personal temptations of the Devil, — yet to find, ultimately, that he was at that very time committing that same wickedness. What...
Pàgina 274 - A man to swallow a small snake, — and it to be a symbol of a cherished sin. Questions as to unsettled points of history, and mysteries of nature, to be asked of a mesmerized person. Gordier, a young man of the Island of Jersey, was paying his addresses to a young lady of Guernsey. He visited the latter island, intending to be married.
Pàgina 36 - He must have been taken for a pedlar travelling with his pack. To think, as the sun goes down, what events have happened in the course of the day — events of ordinary occurrence: as, the clocks have struck, the dead have been buried. Curious to imagine what murmurings and discontent would be excited, if any of the great so-called calamities of human beings were to be abolished — as, for instance, death.
Pàgina 232 - ... invariably, when a story has passed through the mind of a third person, it becomes, so far as regards the impression that it makes in further repetitions, little better than a falsehood, and this, too, though the narrator be the most truth-seeking person in existence. How marvellous the tendency is ! .... Is truth a fantasy which we are to pursue forever and never grasp ? My cold has almost entirely departed.

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