With bitter fafts, with penitential groans ; O gentle Protheus, love's a mighty lord; There by which I exalted myself above human passions or frail, ties, have brought upon me fasts and groans." J. Ovid fays in the epiftle of Phedra to Hippolitus, Quicquid amor jussit, non eft contemnere tutum : And the old shepherd, in Pastor Fido, obferves, Vuol una volta amer amor ne' cuori noftri -Love will be fure before We die, to make us all once feel his pow'r. Otway Fanshaw.. In the Antigone of Sophocles, the chorus fings thus to the honour of love; Έρως ανίκατε μαχαν, &c. God of love, whose boundless sway All created things obey: 1 You in the yielding fair ones eye Or on her foft and damask cheek, Or o'er the wild waves lightly fly, Thy vengeance, on such as contemn thee, to wreak. Bird-like, you cut your pathless way : Ev'n hope that he shall not obey? There is no woe (11) to his correction: Upon the very naked name of love. Love fed by Praise.. -Call her divine. Pro. I will not flatter her. Val. O flatter me; for love delights in praise. Lover's Wealth... Not for the world; why, man, she is mine own;: And I as rich in having such a jewel, True Love jealous. For love, thou know'st, is full of jealoufy.. Love compared to a waxen Image... Now (12) my love is thaw'd, SCENE (11) No woe to bis, &c.] " No misery which can be compared to the punishment inflicted by love." Herbert called for the prayers of the liturgy a little before his death, faying, None to them, none to them. J. (12) Νου, &c.] Almost the same simile is applied to life departing, in King John; Retaining but a quantity of life, Ovid, : SCENE VI. Unheedful Vows to be broken... Unheedful vows may heedfully be broken; SCENE VII. Opposition to Love increases it.. Jul A true devoted pilgrim is not weary Luc. Better forbear, till Protheus make return. food? Pity the dearth that I have pined in, Luc. I do not seek to quench your love's hot fire, Ovid, in his Metamorphofes, uses the same simile; Igne levi cera, matutinæve pruine, &c. As wax against the fire dissolves away- So Spencer, But Addison. Yet still he wasted as the snow congeal'd, B. 3. C. 4. S.49. which poffibly he borrowed from Tasso, Gieru. Lib. 6. 20. S. 136. - As against the warmth of Titan's fire Snow-drifts confume on tops of mountains tall. See Act 3. Sc. 5. But qualify the fire's extremest rage, Jul. The more thou damm'st it up the more it burns: A faithful and constant Lover. His words are bonds, his oaths are oracles; ACT (13) The current, &c.] So, in Pastor Fido, Ergafto tells Mirtillo, nothing augments love more than fuppreffing and confining it, Mirtillo amor, &c. Act 1. Sc. 2. Sir R. Fanshaw. And in a fragment of Euripides, it is observed, : ACT III. SCENΕΙ. Gifts prevalent with Woman. Win (14) her with gifts, if she respect not words; Dumb jewels, often, in their filent kind, More than quick words, do move a woman's mind. Flattery prevalent with Woman. Flatter and praise, commend, extol their graces; Tho' ne'er so black, swear they have angels' faces : That man who hath a tongue, I say, is no man, If with his tongue, he cannot win a woman. A Lover's Banishment. (15) And why not death, rather than living tor ment? To die, is to be banished from myself, And (14) Win, &c.] We are told, and that very beautifully, gifts are of no avail, and by no means regarded in true love. Winter's Tale, Act 4. (15) See Romeo and Juliet, Act 3. In the 2d Act, and 3d Scene of The Two Noble Kinsmen, Arcite speaks thus; Banish'd the kingdom? 'Tis a benefit, I know |