Drop on you both! a south-west blow on ye, * I must eat my dinner. This island's mine by Sycorax my mother, give me Water with berries in't, and teach me how Caliban's Exultation after Profpero tells him-He fought to violate the Honour of his Child, has Something in it very strikingly in Character. Oh ho, oh ho, -I wou'd it had been done, Thou did'st prevent me, I had peopled elfe This ifle with Calibans. Prof. Abhorred ilave; Which any print of goodness will not take, Being capable of all ill! I pity'd thee, Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each hour One thing or other: when thou could'st not, savage, Show thine own meaning; but would'st gabble like A thing most brutish, I endow'd thy purposes With words that made them known: but thy vile race Though the malignity of his purposes; but let any other being entertain the fame thoughts, and he will find them easily if fue in the fame expreffions." Though thou didst learn, had that in't which good nature Could not abide to be with; therefore wast thou Who hadst deserv'd more than a prison. Cal. You taught me language; and my profit on't Is, I know how to curse; the red plague rid you Music. Where should this music be? in air or earth? Ariel's Song. Full fathom five (12) thy father lies, Into fomething rich and strange. Amiable (12) Full fathom five, &c.] Gildon, who has pretended to criticise our author, would give this up as an infufferable and fenfeless piece of trifling. And I believe this is the general opinion concerning it. But a very unjust one. Let us confider the business Ariel is here upon, and his manner of executing it. The commiffion Prospero had entrusted to him, in a whisper, was plainly this; to conduct Ferdinand to the fight of Miranda, and to dispose him to Amiable Simplicity of Miranda on first View of Ferdinand. Prof. This gallant which thou feeft Was in the wreck: and, but he's something ftain'd With to the quick fentiments of love, while he, on the other hand, prepared his daughter for the fame impressions. Ariel fets about his business by acquainting Ferdinand, ins an extraordinary manner, with the afflictive news of his father's death. A very odd apparatns, one would think, for a love fit. And yet as it appears, the poet has fhewE in it the finest conduct for carrying on his plot. Prospero had faid, I find my zenith doth depend upon In consequence of this his prefcience, he takes advantage of every favourable circumstance that the occasion offers. The principal affair is the marriage of his daughter with young Ferdinand. But to secure this point it was neceffary they should be contracted before the affair came to Alonzo, the father's knowledge. For Prospero was ignorant how this storm and shipwreck, caused by him, would work upon Alonzo's temper. It might either soften him, or increase his aversion for Profpero as the author. On the other hand, to engage Ferdinand, without the confent of his father, was difficult. For, not to speak of his quality, where such engagements are not made without the confent of the sovereign, Ferdinand is represented (to shew it a match worth seeking) of a most pious temper and difpofition, which would prevent him contracting himself without his father's knowledge. The poet therefore, with the utmost address, has made Ariel perfuade him of his father's death, to remove this remora. Thus far W. J. adds, "The reason for which Ariel is introduced thus trifling is, that he and his companions are evidently of the fairy kind, an order of beings to which tradition has always afcribed a fort of diminutive agency, powerful but ludicrous, a humourous and frolick controlment of nature, well expressed by the fongs of Ariel." With grief, that beauty's canker, thou mightst call him A goodly perfon. Mir. I might call him A thing divine: for nothing natural Fer. Most sure the goddess On whom these airs attend. Mir. There's nothing ill can dwell in such a tem ple: If the ill fpirit love so fair a house, Good things will strive to dwell with 't. A Lover's Speech. My (13) spirits, as in a dream, are all bound up; My father's lofs, the weakness which I feel, The (13) My, &c.] The following fine fimile from Virgil, will be a good comment on S. Æn. 12. v. 908. Ac velut, &c. And as, when heavy fleep has clos'd the fight, And on the tongue the falt'ring accents die. } Dryden. Taffo, in his Gierufalemme Liberata, has finely imitated this fimile, C. 20. S. 105, Come vede talor torbidi, &c. As when the fick or frantic men oft dream In their unquiet sleep, and slumber short, 2 Yet 4 The wreck of all my friends, or this man's threats, Yet feel their limbs far flower than the stream ACT Of their vain thoughts, that bears them in this sport, And oft wou'd speak, wou'd cry, wou'd call or shout, Yet neither found, nor voice, nor word fent out. Fairfax. The following part of the speech is greatly exceeded by another of the same fort in the Second Part of King Henry VI. Act 3. which fee and n. There is too in the MidSummer Night's Dream, a thought of the fame kind, though rather too quaint. Nor doth this wood lack worlds of company: Act 2. Sc 3. Sir J. Suckling, in his Goblins, Act 4. has a fimilar paf fage. Witness all that can punish falfhood, We may obferve the character of Reginella, in that play, is an imperfect copy of Miranda in this. Masinger, in his Guardian, Act 5. Sc. 1. has an expression like S's. These woods, Severino, Shall more than feem to me a populous city, |