I've gone all night-'faith, I'll lie down and fleep. [Seeing the body. These flow'rs are like the pleasures of the world; ACT V. SCENE II. Routed Army. Good faith, (23) No blame be to you, Sir, for all was lost, But that the heavens fought: the king himself, (22) A drop of pity:] So Othello says, I shou'd have found in fome place of my foul Of Mr. Theobald observes, 'tho' this expreffion is very pathetic in both places of our author, it brings to my mind a very humorous passage in the Arcarnenfes of Ariftophanes. An Athenian ruftic, in time of war, is robbed of a yoke of oxen by the Boeotians: he has almost cry'd his eyes out for the lofs of his cattle, and comes to beg for a drop of peace in a quill, to anoint his eyes with.' -Συδ' αλλα μοι, &c. One drop of peace at least, I pray you, pour (23) No blance. This description is truly classical, and deferves to be placed in competition with the finest in Homer and Virgil, both Of his wings deftitute, the army broken, Death. (24) I, in mine own woe charm'd, Could not find death, where I did hear him groan; Nor both of whom abound with numberless passages of the like nature: the learned reader will want no direction to find them out; however fuch as are not so well acquainted with the ancients, may be agreeably amused by turning to the 12th Iliad, and 122d line, and the latter end of the 11th book of the Aneid. In Lucan too, he will meet with some fine descriptions of routs and flaughters: in the 7th book of his Pharfalia, he has fomething very like Shakespear's -Having work More plentiful than tools to do't. The poet says; The victors murder, and the vanquish'd bleed; Rove But perhaps, no poet, ancient or modern, can equal our blind bard on this subject; his battle of the angels, their rout and headlong expulfion from heaven are too well known and admired to need particular remarking here. (24) I-charm'd, &c.] Alluding to the common fuperftition of charms being powerful enough to keep men unhurt in battle. It was derived from our Saxon ancestors, and fo is common to us with the Germans, who are above all other people given to this fuperftition, which made Erafmus, where, in his Morice Encomium, he gives to each nation his proper characteristic, fay, the Germa is please themselves with the strength of their bodies, and their knowledge of magic.' And Prior, in his Alma; K5 North Nor feel him where he struck. This ugly monster, North-Britons hence have fecond fight, : Warb. Aubrey, in the ist Scene, and 5th Act of the Bloody Brother, speaking of death, fays; Am I afraid of death, of dying nobly? Of dying in mine innocence uprightly? Now on the points of fwords, now pitch'd on lances. General Obfervation. Mr. Pope (fays Steevens) supposed the story of this play to have been borrow'd from a novel of Boccace; but he was mistaken, as an imitation of it is found in an old story-book entitled, Westward for Smelts. This imitation differs in as many particulars from the Italian novelist, as from Shakespear, though they concur in the more confiderable parts of the fable. It was published in a quarto pamphlet 1603. This is the only copy of it which I have hitherto feen. There is a late entry of it in the books of the Stationers' Company, Jan. 1619, where it is faid to have been written by Kitt of Kingston. Hamlet, 00000000 000000080000 245 I IV. Hamlet. ACT I. SCENE I. Prodigies. N the most high and (1) palmy state of Rome, Stars (1) Palmy] ie. Victorious-to gibber, is to chatter or make a gnashing with the teeth. Disaster, (says Skinner, and as its derivation plainly speaks) fignifies malignum fidus, an evil flar; and by the aftrologifts it was used for an evil or unlucky conjunction of ftars; the great repute of that art, and the influence the stars were fuppofed to have on man's life, gave it the fignification we now use it in. Shakespear uses it in its primary sense. The learned reader will eafily recollect the accounts given by the biftorians, of the prodigies preceding the death of Julius Cæfa: our author feems neither to have been unacquainted with that fine digression in Virgil's first Georgic concerning them, nor the account of them in Ovid, which 'tis probable he might have imitated from Virgil: I shall beg leave to fubjoin them both. * He first the fate of Cæfar did foretel, Nature herself stood forth, and seconded the fun : Stars shone with trains of fire, dews of blood fell, Upor Earth, air and feas with prodigies were fign'd, Such peals of thunder never pour'd from high, Red meteors ran across th' ethereal space, Stars difappear'd, and comets took their place. } Garth's Ovid, B. 15. p. 354. Dryden. Among the clouds, were heard the dire alarms Boding and awful founds the ear invade, Ne |