Imatges de pàgina

From fairies and the tempters of the night,
Guard me, I beseech ye.


[Iachimo rifts from the Trunk.

Iach. The crickets fing, and man's o'er-labour'd sense

Repairs itself by rest: our Tarquin thus
Did foftly press the rushes, e'er he waken'd
The chaftity he wounded. Cytherea,
How bravely thou becom'ft thy bed! fresh lilly,
And whiter than the sheets! That I might touch,
But kiss, one kiss-Rubies unparagon'd
How dearly they do't-'Tis her breathing that
Perfumes the chamber thus: the flame o'th' taper
Bows toward her, and would under-peep her lids,
To fee th' inclosed light, now canopy'd
Under the windows, white and azure, lac'd
With blue of heav'ns own tinct-but my defign
To note the chamber-I will write all down:
Such and fuch pictures-there the window-fuch
Th' adornment of her bed-the arras, figures-
Why fuch, and fuch, -and the contents o'th' story-
Ah, but fome natural notes about her body,
Above ten thousand meaner moveables,
Would teftify, t'enrich mine inventory.
(4) O, fleep, thou ape of death, lie dull upon her,
And be her fenfe but as a monument,

Thus in a chapel lying! Come off, come off.

[Taking off her Bracelet.

As flippery as the Gordian knot was hard.
'Tis mine, and this will witness outwardly,
As strongly as the confcience does within,
To th' madding of her lord. On her left breaft
A mole cinque spotted, like the crimfon drops
I'th' bottom of a cowflip. Here's a voucher,

(4) Osleep, &c.] So Ovid says,


Stulte quid eft fomnus, gelidæ nisi mortis imago?
Fool, what is sleep, but th' image of cold death?
See Measure for Measure (the Duke's fine speech to Claudio.)

Stronger than ever law could make: this secret
Will force him think, I have pick'd the lock, and ta'en
The treasure of her honour. No more-to what end?

Why should I write this down, that's rivetted,
Screw'd to my memory. She hath been reading late
The tale of Tereus, here the leaf's turn'd down
Where Philomel gave up-I have enough,
To th' trunk again, and shut the spring of it.
Swift, swift you dragons of the night, that dawning
(5) May bear the raven's eye; I lodge in fear;
Tho' this a heav'nly angel, hell is here.

[He goes into the Trunk, the Scene clofes.


(6) 'Tis gold

Which buys admittance, oft it doth, yea, makes


(5) May bear, &c.] Some copies read, bare, or make bare; others, ope: but the true reading is, bear, a term taken from heraldry, and very fublimely applied. The meaning is, that morning may affume the colour of the raven's eye, which is grey: hence it is so commonly called, the grey-cy'd morning; in Romeo and Juliet,

I'll say yon grey is not the morning's eye.


No term in heraldry is so common as to bear, so that, doubtless, Mr. Warburton's explanation must be allowed: Shakespear uses it in Much ado about Nothing;

"So that if he have wit enough to keep himself warm, let him bear it for a difference between him and his horse."

(6) Tis, &c.] See the 2d part of Henry IV. Act 4. Sc. 11. Virgil says,

[blocks in formation]

Curs'd gold, how high will daring mortals rise
In every guilt to reach the glitt'ring prize?

[blocks in formation]

Diana's rangers false themselves, and yield up
Their deer to th' stand o'th' stealer: and 'tis gold
Which makes the true man kill'd, and saves the thief;
Nay, sometimes hangs both thief and true man.; what
Can it not do, and undo?

SCENE VII. A Satire on Women.

(7) Is there no way for men to be, but women Must be half-workers? We are bastards all;


Horace has an ode expressly on this subject, That gold makes its way thro' all things: 'tis in his 3d book, and the 16th ode. Take part of it in the words of Greech;

A tower of brass, gates strong and barr'd,
And watchful dogs fufpicious guard,
From creeping night-adulterers

That fought imprison'd Danae's bed
Might have fecur'd one maidenhead,
And freed the old Acrifius from his fears.
But Jove and Venus foon betray'd
The jealous guardian of the maid:
They knew the way to take the hold,
They knew the pass must open lie
To ev'ry hand and ev'ry eye,

When Jove himself was bribe, and turn'd to gold.
Gold loves to break thro' gates and bars
It is the thunderbolt of wars:

It flies thro' walls, and breaks away:
By gold the Argive augur fell,
It taught the children to rebel,

And made the wife her fatal lord betray.
When engines, and when arts do fail,
The golden wedge can cleave the wall:
Gold, Philip's rival, kings o'erthrew;
"Rough feaman, stubborn as the flood,
And angry feas that they have plough'd,
Bribes quickly snare and easily fubdue, &.

(7) Is there, &c.] Milton says,

O why did God

Creator wife, that peopled highest heaven
With spirits masculine, create at last


And that most venerable man, which I
Did call my father, was, I know not where

This novelty on earth, this fair defect
Of nature, and not fill the world at once
With men, as angels without feminine,
Or find fome other way to generate


Par. Loft, B. 10. ν. 888.

This thought, as Dr. Neruton has well observed, both in and Milton, "was originally from Euripides, who makes Hippolitus, in like manner, expoftulate with Jupiter, for not creating man without woman." See Hip. 616.

Ο Jupiter, why woman, man's fole woe,
Haft thou created? Wherefore didst thou not,
Minding to people earth, perfom thy purpose
Without this female race, this fair defect?

And Jafon is made to talk in the same strain, in the Meka, 573.

Children by other means should be created,
Without the aid of women, these not born,
Man then had shunn'd variety of ills.

Dr. Newton adds, "Such sentiments as these, we suppose, procured Euripides the name of woman-hater. Ariosto, however, hath ventured upon the fame, in Rodomont's invective against woman. Orlando Furioso, Cant. 27. S. 120.

Why did not nature rather fo provide,
Without your help, that man of man might come,
And one be grafted on another's fide,

As are the apples with the pear and plumb ?

Harrington, St. 97.

It would be endless to quote from authors, passages fimilar to this in Shakespear: those of our own nation have greatly labour'd on the topic: Mr. Warburton himself hath joined the band, and fought against the ladies, as his pithy reflections on the wife of Job, in his Divine Legation, shew: however, we still find them retaining their power in spite of all the malice of their foes, and amidst so many enemies still triumphant.

The manner in which the jealous Posthumus defcribes the ap parent modesty of his wife, deferves to be compared with the following passage from Philafter, who having received a letter to inform him of the falfhood of his mistress, whom he dearly loved and believed perfectly chaste, fays;

O, let

When I was stampt. Some coiner with his tools
Made me a counterfeit; yet my mother seem'd
The Dian of that time; so doth my wife

The nonpareil of this Oh, vengeance, vengeance!

Me of my lawful pleasure she restrain'd,

And pray'd me oft forbearance; did it with

A pudency so rosy, the sweet view on't

Might well have warm'd old Saturn-that I thought her

As chaste as unfunn'd snow.

[blocks in formation]




The woman's part in me;-for there's no motion

O, let all women,


That love black deeds learn to diffemble here!
Here by this paper she doth write to me,
As if her heart were mines of adamant
To all the world befide: but unto me,
A maiden snow that melted with my looks.

See Philafter, Act. 3.

A little further in the fame act, he thus declaims against the sex.

Some far place,

Where never womankind durft set her foot,
For bursting with her poifons, must I seek,

And live to curse you :

There dig a cave and preach to birds and beafts,
What woman is, and help to fave them from you:
How heav'n is in your eyes, but, in your hearts
More hell, than hell has: how your tongues like scor


Both heal and poison; how your thoughts are woven
With thousand changes in on fubtle web,
And worn fo by you. How that foolish man,
That reads the story of a woman's face,
And dies believing it, is loft for ever.
How all the good you have is but a fhadow,
I'th' morning with you, and at night behind you,
Paft and forgotten: how your vows are frosts,
Laft for a night, and with the next fun gone :
How you are, being taken all together,
A mere confufion, and so dead a chaos,
That love cannot diftinguish. These sad texts,
Till my last hour I'm bound to utter of you,
So, farewel all my woe, all my delight.

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