And flourish'd after, I'd not do't: but fince The Effects of Jealousy. This jealousy Is for a precious creature: as she's rare : ACT II. SCENE I. Knowledge sometimes hurtful. There may be in the cup A spider steep'd, and one may drink, depart Calumny. Praise her but for this her without-door form, (Which, on my faith, deserves high speech) and straight The (8) Gorge.] i. e. Throat; from the French. Hefts, is the fame as beavings. The reader will find a passage fimilar to this in Othello, where that unhappy, deluded man, laments his knowledge of his wife's stolen hours of luft; and observes, He had been happy, if the gen'ral camp, The shrug, the hum, or ha! these petty brands, Fortitude and Innocence.. Her. Do, not weep, good fools; There is no cause: when you shall know your mil trefs Has deserv'd prison, then abound in tears, Is for my better grace. SCENE II. Honesty and Honour.. Here's a do, To lock up honesty and honour from The access of gentle visitors! : The Silence of Innocence eloquent. The filence often of pure innocence Perfuades, when speaking fails. SCENE III, Affectionate Child... To fee his nobleness! Conceiving the dishonour of his mother, Child Child resembling its Father. Behold, my lords, i Altho' the print be little, the whole matter The ordering of the mind too, 'mongst all colours An Infant to be exposed. Come on, poor babe!" Some powerful spirits instruct the kites and ravens Like offices of pity. ACT III. SCENE II. L Hermione pleading her Innocence. If powers divine 1. Behold our human actions (as they do) To prate and talk for life and honour, 'fore And only that I stand for. I appeal To your own confcience, Sir, before Polixenes Have strain'd, (10) to appear thus? if one jot beyond The bound of honour, or in act, or will, Cry, fie, upon my grave! A Wife's Loss of all Things dear, and Contempt of Death. Leo. Look for no less than death. Her. Sir, spare your threats; The bug which you would fright me with, I seek. The crown and comfort of my life, your favour, The (9) Life, I prize it, &c.] Life is to me only grief, and as fuch is confidered by me; I would therefore willingly Spare, that is, let it go, or quit the poffeffion of it. J. (10) Have train'd.] Mrs. Ford talks of some ftrain, in her character; and in B. and Fletcher's Custom of the Country, the same expreffion occurs. Strain your loves With any base or hir'd perfuafions. St. (11) Star'd most unluckily.] i. e, born under an inau fpicious planet. St. The innocent milk in its most innocent mouth, Despair of Pardon. But, O thou tyrant! Do not repent these things; for they are heavier SCENE III. An Account of a Ghosts appearing in a Dream. (13) I've heard, but not believ'd, the spirits of the dead May (12) Strength of limit.] I know not well how ftrength of limit can mean " strength to pass the limits of the childbed chamber," which yet it must mean in this place, unless we read in a more easy phrase, Strength of limb. 7. (13) See Paftor Fido, Act 1. Sc. 4. In the third Book of Lucan's Pharfalia, there is an elegant description of Pompey's |