Imatges de pàgina








"of the American army have a very soldier-like and becoming demeanour. All those officers whom their "duty puts forward in respect to strangers, combine a great deal of politeness with a great deal of ability. "Nor do their head-quarters betoken either inexperience or penury. When one sees the battalion of Guards of "the Commander-in-Chief encamped within the precincts "of his house; nine waggons, allotted for his equipage, ranged within his court; grooms in great numbers, "holding ready the very fine horses that belong to the "Generals, or to their Aides-de-camp; when one observes the perfect order maintained within these precincts, where the guards are regularly placed, and "where the drums beat both an especial Reveille and an especial Retreat- -one feels tempted to apply to the "Americans what Pyrrhus said, on reconnoitering the "Roman camp: Truly, these so-called barbarians "have nothing barbarous in their discipline.'”*




This picture, it will be seen, is of entire regularity and subordination, such as the longest established Government could not surpass. Indeed, some critics may doubt whether, instead of slighting forms and titles, as Revolutionary chiefs are wont to do, the founders of the American Union might not indulge in them too much. Such, at least, was the opinion of an English Colonel, who had taken service with them, and whom they had raised to their highest rank General Charles Lee. "For my own part," he cries, "I would as lief they put "ratsbane into my mouth as the Excellency' with "which I am daily crammed!"†

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It is not to be supposed, however, that the American people at large were then well versed in the pageantries of war. The contrary may be justly presumed, from the description which an eye-witness-a chaplain in Rochambeau's army-gives us of a great review at Phila


Voyages du Marquis de Chastellux, vol. i. p. 121. ed. 1786. It is remarkable, that the same application of Pyrrhus's saying occurred to Burke at nearly the same time. (Speech on Economical Reform, Feb. 11. 1780.)

†To "His Excellency" Patrick Henry, July 29. 1776, printed in the American Archives, vol. i. p. 631. The whole letter is very curious.

delphia. There the native spectators were so far misled by a large amount of braid and silver lace, as to mistake a courier for a Commander-in-Chief. Whenever this

servant went up to his master, (one of the Colonels,) to receive, it was supposed that he had come to give, an order! *

At this time the important fortress of West Point, the key of the upper province of New York, was held by General Benedict Arnold. No officer on the American side had more highly distinguished himself, in the earlier stages of the war. It was he who led the daring expedition through the wilderness upon Quebec. It was he who bore the brunt of those hard-fought actions which resulted in the surrender of a British force at Saratoga. His wounds in that campaign disabled him, for a time, from active service; but when Philadelphia was relinquished by Sir Henry Clinton, Arnold was appointed to the command in that city. There he married a young and beautiful lady, one of the heroines of the recent MISCHIANZA †, and as that very circumstance implies, of a family well affected to the Royal cause. As the military chief of a great town, Arnold displayed arrogance in his demeanour and ostentation in his style of living. By the former he gave offence to the Philadelphians, by the latter he involved himself in difficulties. Complaints the more readily, no doubt on account of his haughty were brought against him on divers petty points, as that he had used some public waggons, even though he paid for them, to remove some private property. He was brought before a Court-Martial, which subjected him to long and vexatious delays, acquitting him at last of the principal charges, but finding him Guilty of the rest; and their sentence being upon the whole that he should receive a public reprimand from the Commander-in-Chief.


Conscious as was Arnold of the eminent services which he had rendered, and even in his pride overrating

*Voyage dans l'Amerique de M. l'Abbé Robin en 1781, p. 89. ; also as cited in Reed's Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 307. The Abbé candidly adds:. :- "Les bons Pensilvaniens sont bien loin de nous pour l'etiquette, comme nous bien loin d'eux pour la législation.' † See vol. vi. p. 245.


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them, he chafed at such requital. At the same time, and in the midst of his pecuniary distresses, the claims which he had preferred to his Government for money spent in Canada, were in part disallowed. With these personal causes of resentment there mingled perhaps some others of a public kind. He had always disapproved an alliance with France, and viewed its progress with great aversion and jealousy. The strength of these various feelings and motives in his mind may be estimated from the extreme resolution to which they now gave rise. Arnold determined to change sides and to join the Royalists, betraying to them at the same time any secrets, or any post, with which he might be entrusted.

With these views, which, perhaps even in his own mind, were only unfolded by degrees, Arnold had already begun a secret correspondence with Sir Henry Clinton, through Sir Henry's Aide-de-camp, and afterwards Adjutant-General, Major John André. He signed his letters merely "Gustavus," disguising his handwriting, and giving no other clue to his real name; but from time to time he sent intelligence which proved to be authentic and important. Thus the attention of Sir Henry was effectually roused, and he desired his Aide-de-camp to keep up the correspondence with care, André signing his own letters as "John Anderson." Still "Gustavus" did not reveal himself; but on combining and weighing a great variety of slight circumstances, Clinton became convinced that his secret correspondent could be no other than General Arnold; and on this persuasion the exchange of letters was continued.

Even before the close of his long-protracted trial, Arnold had found it necessary to relinquish his command in Philadelphia. But Washington, who never suspected his fidelity, and who knew his talents, was anxious to employ him in the next campaign. Arnold represented himself as still suffering from his wounds, and scarcely equal to active service in the field; but he sought, and obtained, the charge of West Point, and of all the other posts in the Highlands. He arrived at his new station, at the beginning of August, 1780, and had already transmitted to Sir Henry Clinton a direct proposal to surrender himself, "in such a manner as to contribute

"every possible advantage to His Majesty's arms." The vast importance of this overture could not fail to be discerned by the British chief. To gain possession of West Point and its dependent posts, with their garrisons and military stores, and with the command of the Hudson's river which they implied, and by the same blow to strike distrust and terror into the very heart of the American ranks, was an object certainly, at that time, second to no other towards the successful prosecution of the war.

Sir Henry Clinton, therefore, eagerly applied himself to conclude the negotiation with Arnold, assuring him of all the rank and emoluments which he could expect in the British service. A favourable time for the final arrangement seemed to be afforded by the departure of Washington from his army to meet Count Rochambeau at Hartford. First, however, it was necessary that a meeting should be held with Arnold to settle the whole plan. The American General insisted that the officer sent out to confer with him, should be no other than Major André, through whose hands the whole previous correspondence had passed. To this Sir Henry agreed, without any idea of danger to his gallant young friend. For he strictly enjoined him, before his departure, not to enter the American lines; not to assume any disguise of dress; and not to be the bearer of any written communications by which the nature of his business could be traced.

Major John André was, at this time, not yet thirty years of age. His parents, though residing in England, were natives of Geneva, to which town, also, they sent their son for education. Being designed for a merchant, he was next transferred to a counting-house, in London. There, after some years, becoming acquainted with a beautiful young lady, Miss Honora Sneyd, he indulged a romantic and not unrequited passion, which, however, her family successfully opposed. The young lady sighed a while; but her tuneful friend, Miss Seward, saw, as she describes it, these sighs "disperse like April storms." She became the second wife of Mr. Edgeworth, the father, by his first wife, of Maria Edgeworth, the justly celebrated writer of so many admirable tales. André, on the other hand, to seek relief from his sorrows, joined




the British army in Canada, with a Lieutenant's commission, at the outbreak of the war. He shared in the capitulation of St. John's to the insurgent General Montgomery, during the autumn of 1775. Soon afterwards he wrote as follows, to a friend :-"I have been "taken prisoner by the Americans, and stripped of every "thing, except the picture of Honora, which I concealed "in my mouth. Preserving that, I yet think myself for"tunate." The miniature which he mentions, had been painted by himself. His person was handsome, his manners were engaging; and with his skill as a draughtsman, which was considerable, he combined a taste for poetry, and a knowledge of several branches of literature. Nor had he neglected the studies of his own profession; on the contrary, he gave promise in it of considerable future eminence. Being exchanged with other prisoners, after some months' captivity, he was selected, without any other recommendation than his merit, as Aide-decamp, first by General Grey, and next by Sir Henry Clinton. So high was the esteem entertained for his abilities, that in the winter of 1779, Sir Henry used most strenuous and, at last, successful exertions, to obtain for him, from the Ministry in England, the rank of Major together with the post of Adjutant-General.

This accomplished young officer, so well worthy a happier fate, was on board the Vulture sloop of war, which Sir Henry had sent up the Hudson; and went on shore by night in a boat despatched for him by Arnold. He met the American General on the western bank, and on neutral ground; but their conference not being entirely concluded as the dawn was approaching, André was prevailed upon to accompany Arnold to a house within the enemy's lines. There they agreed on the precise means by which the works at West Point were to be made over to an English expedition ascending the Hudson for that purpose. Having terminated this arrangement, the next great object for André was to return on board the Vulture sloop. But the boatmen demurred, and refused to convey him, so that it became necessary to adopt some other plan. He was prevailed upon to lay aside his uniform; to accept a pass from Arnold, under the name of John Anderson; and first

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