Imatges de pàgina

New York Times, 767.
Norham, award of, 231.
Norman conquerors, distribution
of land among, 103.

Norman Conquest, 90; account
of, by Wace, 95; by Symeon
of Durham, 101; immediate re-
sults of, 102.

Normans, account of, by William
of Malmesbury, 102.
North, Lord, 641; correspondence
of George III with, 634.
North Briton, The, No. 45, 615.
Northumbria, conversion of, 49;
missionaries in, from Scotland,


Northwest passage, 394.
Notitia Dignitatum, 29.

Offa, letter from Charles the Great
to, 56.

Old-age pensions, 769, 777.
Orange, prince of, letter to, from
James II, 538.

Ordeal, trial by, in Assize of
Clarendon, 142.

Ordeal of iron, rules for, 79.
Order of the Garter, 247.
Orderic Vitalis, account of dis-
tribution of lands to Norman
conquerors, 103; account of the
New Forest, 106.

Ordinances of spur makers of

London, 209; of white-leather
dressers of London, 211.
Orleans, siege of, 290; relief of,

Oswald, king of Northumbria, 51.
Oswald, St., Life of, 85.
Overseas interests of Englishmen,
in 1914, 801.

Owen Glendower, revolt of, 283.
Oxford, University of, 194.

Pace, Richard, letter of, to Cardi-

nal Wolsey, 333.
Palmerston, Lord,715,728; speech
of, in 1850, 804.
Papal appointments, law against

Englishmen seeking, 250.
Papendieck, Madame, journal of,

Papists under Anne, 562.
Parker, R., letter of, to Sir J.
Graham, 713.
Parliament, growth of, 279; speech
of Queen Elizabeth in, 415;
speech of James I in, 426; con-
flict of, with James I, 451; scene
in, 1629, 460; dispute of Charles
I with, 477; purchase of seats
in, 644.

Parliament Act, 1911, 787.
Parliamentary committee, testi-
mony of factory laborers before,

Parliamentary Debates, 679.
Parliamentary reform completed,

Parliamentary theories, 418.
Paschal, Pope, letter of, to Henry
I, 126.

Past and Present, by Thomas
Carlyle, 201.

Peasants' Rebellion, account of,
by Henry Knighton, 261.
Peel, Sir Robert, letter of Sir J.
Graham to, 714.

Penal laws ineffective, 673.
Pennsylvania, 626.

Pensions, old-age, 769, 777.

People oppressed by barons, 129.
Pepys, Samuel, 508; extracts from
diary of, 508.

Percy, George, extracts from diary
of, 443.

Perjury, punishment for, 81.
Persia, Anglo-Russian treaty con-
cerning, 805.

Peterloo, battle of, 666.

Peter Plymley's Letters, by Sydney
Smith, 675.

Peter's pence, 89.

Petition of Right, extracts from,

Petition of the Seven Bishops, 541.
Pevensey, landing at, 97.
Philip II, unpopularity of, in Eng-
land, 364; marriage of, with
Queen Mary, 366.

Philip IV, defiance of, by Edward,


Philobiblon, extracts from, 193.
Pilgrim Fathers, 445.

Pitt, William, early appearance of,
583; letter to, from General
Wolfe, 596; resignation of, 606;
character sketch of, by Lord
Chesterfield, 607; character
sketch of, in Annual Register,
608; speech of, 623.

Pius IV, letter of, to Queen Eliza-
beth, 373.

Plains of Abraham, battle of, 599.
Plimouth Plantation, History of, by
Bradford, 446.
Pole, Cardinal, 326.
Poll tax, 260.

Pope, stanza on Walpole, 579.
Post-office system, 697.
Potato blight, 713.

Pottery industry, organization of,
as a Whitley Council, 819.
Praemunire, statute of, 251.
Prayer for use on Queen Eliza-
beth's festival day, 409.
Presbyterians, 564.

Prestonpans, Jacobite victory at,

Princes, murder of, 304.
Proclamation of Queen Victoria
to people of India, 1858, 721.
Provisors, preamble of a


against, 250.
Prynne, William, trial of, in Star
Chamber, 463.

Public Advertiser, letter to, from
Junius, 622.

Public schools, free, 741.

Pultney, Daniel, letter of William
Pultney to, 574.

Punch, 733; extract from, 734.
Puritan attack on bishops, 423.
Puritan parliament, 459.
Puritan theories, 418.

Puritans, attitude of James I
towards, 430.

Quakers, 563; sufferings of, 515;
unwillingness of, to swear, 517.
Quartering, method of, 388.
Quarterly Review, 801.
Quebec, 596; capture of, 598.

Radicals, contests of, with Con-
servatives, 663.

Raleigh, Lady, letter of Sir Walter
Raleigh to, from Guiana, 440.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, History of the
Worid, 437; letter of, to Prince
Henry, 439; letter of, to his
wife, 440.

Ralph of Diceto, account of the
penance of Henry II by, 158.
Ramsey abbey, seizure of, 130.
Rebellion, the Great, 467.
Reconstruction, ministry of, 816,

Rectitudines Singularum Persona-
rum, 73.

Reflections on the French Revolu-
tion, by Burke, 647.
Reform Bill, 679, 680, 683, 688,735,

747; dissatisfaction with, 701.
Reform legislation, 669, 690, 739-
Religious organization under
Queen Anne, 561.

Religious tests abolished at uni-
versities, 739.

Resolutions adopted in parliament,
1629, 462.

Responsible Government for the
Colonies, 755-

Restoration, 505.

Reversion tax, 782.
Revolution, the, 539.

Revolution, industrial, 610.

Rice, John Ap, letter of, to Secre-
tary Cromwell, 345.
Richard I, description of, 172;
prepares for Third Crusade,
173; penance of, 174; account
of, in Holy Land, 175.
Richard III, 299, 301.
Richard of Lyons, impeachment
of, 280.

Right, Petition of, extracts from,

Riots of 1819, 666.

Rochester, earl of, epitaph of, on
Charles II, 534.

Roe, letters of Carew to, 441.
Roger of Hoveden, 145.

Roger of Wendover, 179.

Rolle, Colonel Lord, letter of
Colonel Lamy to, 665.
Roman Catholic Church, Macaulay
on, 674.

Roman Catholics in England, un-
der Elizabeth, 385; answers of,
386, 387.

Roman de Rou, by Wace, 95.
Roman inscriptions, 31.

Romans, first invasion of Britain
by, 10; second invasion of
Britain by, 12.

Romilly, Sir Samuel, 643, 644;
letter of Sir Francis Horner to,

Root and Branch Petition, 473.
Roper, Life of More, extracts from,

331, 347.

Rosebery, Lord, speeches of, 774,

Roses, Wars of the, 296.
Rous, John, speech of, 460.
Royal theories, 418.
Rudolph of Arles, 88.
Ruined City, The, 33.
Rules for ordeal of iron, 79.
Runnymede, 181.

Russell, Bertrand, Justice in War-
time, 808.

Russell, Lord John, speech of, on
Reform Bill, 680; description
of, 728.

Russia, emperor of, visit of, to
England, 669.

Russian treaty with England, 1907,

Sadler, Michael, 695.

St. Albans, abbey of, debts, 196;
appeal to king, 196; building of
a shrine, 197; books, 198; rooms,
199; investments, 200; ale, 200,
222, 226.

St. Albans, second battle of, 298.
St. Edmunds, abbey of, 200, 344.
Salisbury oath, III.

Saxons, settlement in Britain, 35,

Schools, free public, 741.

Science of society, aim of Labor
party, 828.

Scotland, early conquest of, 26;
union with, during reign of
Anne, 566.

Senlac, battle of, 94.

Servatius, letter of Erasmus to, 315.

Services of villeins, 215.

Seven bishops, petition of the,

Severus, Emperor, 28.

Sforza, Francisco, letter of Rai-
mondo Soncino to, 311.
Shaftesbury, earl of, character
sketch of, 514.

Shaw, G. B., on socialism, 798.
Ship money, writ of, 465.
Shire moot, meeting of, 77.
Shortest Way with Dissenters, by
Daniel Defoe, 565.

Sidmouth, Lord, letter of duke
of Wellington to, 666; letter
of Secretary of Prince Regent
to, 669.

Sidney, Sir Henry, letter of, to
his son, 412.

Sidney, Philip, letter to, from his
father, 412.

Sidney, Robert, journal of, 498.
Silver Box, The, by John Gals-
worthy, 791.

Simon de Montfort, 221, 224.
Sixtinus, letter of Erasmus to, 315.
Skelton, John, Why come ye not to

Court? 334.

Slave trade, abolition of, 1806, 651.
Sluys, battle before, 238.
Smith, Sydney, 643; letter of
Francis Horner to, 646; Peter
Plymley's Letters, 675.
Smithfield, conference at, 264.
Smyth, William, account of, 269.
Snowden, Philip, speech of, in

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Speaker, The, 766.

Spinning machine, 613.
Sports, Declaration of, 421.
Stamford Bridge, battle of, 93.
Stamp Act, 623.

Star Chamber, 441, 463.
Starkey, Thomas, dialogue by, 326.
Statute of Appeals, 342.
Statute of Laborers, 256.
Statute of Praemunire, 251.
Statute requiring use of English
language in law courts, 272.
Stephen, coronation of, 128; ar-
rests Henry's officers, 128.
Story of Dermot and the Earl, 169.
Strabo, Geography, 16.
Strafford, impeachment of, 467;

bill of attainder against, 470;
efforts of Charles I to save,
471; letter concerning, 472.
Submarine, 814.

Submission of the Clergy, 340.
Suetonius, Roman governor, 24.
Sully, Duc de, extracts from mem-
oirs of, 418.

Summons to the Great Council,

Supremacy, Act of, 343, 367, 369.
Supremacy, oath of, 384.
Swegen, 84.

Swift, Jonathan, A Short View of
the State of Ireland, 567.
Swinburne, A. C., England; an
Ode, 765.

Symeon of Durham, account of
Norman Conquest by, 101.

Tacitus, Cornelius, description of
Britain by, 4; on origin of Brit-
ons, 18; on conquest of Britain,
22; Annales, 23; on revolt in
Mona, 23; Germania, 41.
Tallard, Count, letter of, to Louis
XIV, 555; letter of Louis XIV
to, 558.

Tanks used in the Great War, 814.
Taxes, early control of, by parlia-
ment, 279.

Tewkesbury, battle of, 298.
Third reform bill, 747.
Thomas of Canterbury, character
of, 143; as chancellor, 144; and

Henry, 144; dispute of, with
Henry, 145; before pope, 150;
murder of, 155; canonization of,
159; miracles of, 160.
Thomas of Elmham, 288.
Times, The London, 710.
Times, The New York, 767.
Tobacco, 419.

Toleration Act, adoption of, 1689,

To the Colonies, by William Wat-
son, 764.

Tournament at Windsor, 246.
Towns, list of small, represented
in 1832, 686.

Towns and gilds, 208.

Townshend, Lord, letter of Sir
Robert Walpole to, 575.

Townshend, speech of, in House
of Commons, 626.

Trade, free, resolution in favor of,
1852, 715.

Trade unions, legalized, 742; ex-
tracts from minority report on,

Trades Union Congress, 798.
Trafalgar, 655.

Treatise on the Astrolabe, by Chau-
cer, 274.

Trevisa, John of, on position of
French in England, 273.
Triple Alliance, 805.
Triple Entente, 805.

Troops, action of, in 1819, 669.
Troyes, Treaty of, extracts from,

Turbervill, John, letter of, to John
Willoughby, 477.

Turner, Dr. William, Herbal, 409.

Ulster, problem of, 831.
Unearned increment, 780.
Uniformity, Act of, 371.
Union, Act of, between England
and Scotland, 566; between
Great Britain and Ireland, 651.
United States, sympathy with Eng-
land, 766.

Universities, 188; rules, 188; fees,
189; books studied, 190; as-
sistance to scholars, 190; student
quarrels, 191; coroner's inquest

at Cambridge, 192; privileges
from pope, 194; religious tests
abolished at, 739.
Usk, Adam of, 252.

Utopia, by Sir Thomas More, 317,

Venetian ambassador's reports to
the senate, 355, 361.
Verney, Sir Ralph, diary of, 475.
Victoria, coronation of, 699; letter
of, to Leopold, 700.
Victory, Nelson's vessel, 655.
Villein, services of a, 215.
Virgin Mary at Caversham, 345.
Vitalis, Orderic, account of Norman

landlords in England by, 103.
Voice of Toil, The, by William
Morris, 795.

Wace, Roman de Rou, 95.
Wager of battle, 105.

Wales, letter from, to King Henry
IV, 283.

Wallace, 232.

Walpole, Horace, letters of, to Sir
Horace Mann, 580, 605, 606,
618, 621; letter of, to John
Chute, 589; letters of, to earl
of Hertford, 619.
Walpole, Sir Robert, 574; letter

of, to Lord Townshend, 575;
letter of, to duke of Devonshire,
576; sketch of, by Lord Chester-
field, 578; stanza on, by Pope,
Walsingham, Secretary, 401; letter
of Admiral Howard to, 404;
letter of Captain Drake to,

Walton, Colonel Valentine, letter
of Cromwell to, 481.
War of 1914. See Great War.
Wars of the Roses, 296.
Waterloo, 657.

Watson, William, on Ireland, 751;

To the Colonies, 764.
Watt, James, work of, 614.
Waverley, annals of abbey of,

Weaving, domestic, 611.

Weekly Register, Cobbett's, 663.

Wellington, duke of, speeches in
parliament eulogizing, 657, 658;
letter of, to Lord Sidmouth, 666;
speech of, to House of Lords,

Wesley, John, extracts from diary
of, 584, 589.

Wesleyan movement, 579.
West Saxons, battles of, 62.
Whitby Abbey, 53.

Whitelocke's Memorials, 471, 485.
Whitley Councils, 819; opposition
to, 821.

Why come ye not to Court? by John
Skelton, 334-

Wilkes, John, 617, 618.
William I, edict of, on wager of
battle, 105; coronation oath of,
105; charter of, to London, 105;
charter of, to abbey of Abing-
don, 106; description of, 107;
contest with church, 109; edict
for strengthening courts, 109;
church rules, 110; laws of, 131.
William II, accession of, 115;
character of, 116.

William Fitz-Stephen, 144.
William of Malmesbury, account
of Normans by, 102; anecdote
of William II by, 116.
William de Newburgh, 130, 139.
William of Orange, invasion of
England by, 542.

William of Poitou, account of

battle of Hastings by, 98.
William of Rishanger, 226.
Willoubie, John, letter of Richard
Alford to, 515.

Willoughby, John, letter of John
Turbervill to, 477.
Windsor, tournament at, 246.
Winslow, 445; Hypocrisy Un-

masked, 450.

Wolfe, General, letter of, to
Mr. Pitt, 596; death of, 600.
Wolsey, Cardinal, letter of Richard
Pace to, 333.
Woolen trade, 613.

Wraxall's Memoirs, 641.

Writ to sheriff for representatives,

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