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perverseness of man, in scorning the affection mirog's valuable land were sold, and the money chilling indifference, and listened to him with he ceases to doubt! The little pittance of remitted to Quebec, whither he had the pur- a vacant look, as if she heard him not. love for which poor Tahmiroo's heart yearned pose of conveying his children, on the pre- was only when he spoke to her boy that he so much, was seldom given. Her soul was a tence of a visit, but in reality with the firm could arouse her from this apparent lethargy. perpetual prey to anxiety and excitement; intent of never again beholding his deserted On this subject she was all suspicion. She and the quiet certainty of domestic bliss was wife. A company of Canadian traders hap- had a sort of undefined dread that he too never her allotted portion. There were, how- pened to visit the Falls of St. Anthony just would be carried away from her; and she ever, two beings, on whom she could pour at this juncture, and Florimond de Rancé watched over him like a she-wolf, when her forth her whole flood of tenderness, without took the opportunity to apprise Tahmiroo of young is in danger. Her fears were not unreproof or disappointment. She had given his intention to educate Victoire at one of founded; for Florimond de Rancé did intend, birth to a son and daughter, of uncommon the convents in Quebec. The Sioux pleaded by demonstrations of fondness, and glowing promise. Victoire, the eldest, had her father's with all the earnestness of a mother's elo- descriptions of Quebec, to kindle in the mind beauty, save in the melting dark eye, with its quence; but she pleaded in vain. Victoire of his son a desire to accompany him. Tahmiplaintive expression, and the modest drooping and her father joined the company of traders roo thought the hatred of white men, which of its silken lash. Her cheeks had just enough on their return to Canada. Tahmiroo knelt, she had so carefully instilled, would prove a of the Indian hue to give them a warm, rich and fervently besought that she might accom- sufficient shield; but many weeks had not colouring; and such was her early maturity, pany them. She would stay out of sight, she elapsed, before she saw that Louis was fast that at thirteen years of age her tall figure said; they should not be ashamed of her, yielding himself up to the fascinating power combined the graceful elasticity of youth with among the great white folks at the east; and which had enthralled her own youthful spirit. the staid majesty of womanhood. She had if she could but live where she could see them With this discovery came horrible thoughts of sprung up at her father's feet with the sudden every day, she should die happier. Ashamed vengeance; and, more than once, she had luxuriance of a tropical flower; and her ma- of you! and you the daughter of a Sioux nearly nerved her soul to murder the father tured loveliness aroused all the dormant ten- king!' exclaimed Victoire proudly, and, with of her son; but she could not. Something in derness and energy within him. It was with a natural impulse of tenderness, fell on her his features still reminded her of the devoted mournful interest he saw her leaping along mother's neck and wept. Victoire, 'tis time young Frenchman who had carried her quiver the chase, with her mother's bounding, sylph- to depart!' said her father, sternly. The sob through the woods, and kissed the moccasin Hike joy; and he would sigh deeply when he bing girl tried to release herself; but she could he stooped to lace and she could not kill him. observed her oar rapidly cutting the waters of not. Tahmiroo embraced her with the energy The last cutting blow was soon given to the the Missouri, while her boat flew over the of despair; for, after all her doubts and heart of the Indian wife. Young Louis, full surface of the river like a wild bird in sport-jealousies, Victoire was the darling child of of boyish curiosity, expressed a wish to go with and the gay young creature would wind round her bosom-she was so much the image of his father, though he, at the same time, proamong the eddies, or dart forward, with her Florimond when he first said he loved her. mised a speedy return. He had always been a hair streaming on the wind, and her lips Woman! let her go!' exclaimed De Rancé, stubborn boy; and she felt now as if her wornparted with eagerness. Tahmiroo did not un- exasperated by the length of the parting scene. out spirit would vainly contend against his derstand the nature of his emotions. She Tahmiroo raised her eyes anxiously to his face, wilfulness. With that sort of resigned stupor thought, in the simplicity of her heart, that and she saw that his arm was raised to strike which often indicates approaching insanity, silence and sadness were the natural expres- her. I am a poor daughter of the Sioux; she yielded to his request, exacting, however, a sions of a white man's love; but when he oh! why did you marry me?' exclaimed she, promise that he would sail a few miles down turned his restless gaze from his daughter to in a tone of passionate grief. For your the Mississippi with her the day before his her, she met an expression which troubled her. father's lands,' said the Frenchman, coldly. departure. The day arrived. Florimond de Indifference had changed into contempt; and This was the drop too much. Poor Tahmiroo Rancé was at a distance on business. woman's soul, whether in the drawing-room or with a piercing shriek fell on the earth, and roo decked herself in the garments and jewels the wilderness, is painfully alive to the sting hid her face in the grass. She knew not how she had worn on the day of her marriage, and Sometimes her placid nature was long she remained there. Her highly-wrought selected the gaudiest wampum belts for the disturbed by a strange jealousy of her own feelings had brought on a dizziness of the little Louis. Why do you put these on?' child. I love Victoire only because she is brain, and she was conscious only of a sensa- said the boy. Because Tahmiroo will no the daughter of Florimond,' thought she; tion of sickness, accompanied by the sound of more see her son in the land of the Sioux,' and why, oh! why, does he not love me for receding voices. When she recovered, she said she, mournfully; and when her father being the mother of Victoire?' It was too found herself alone with Louis, her little boy, meets her in the Spirit Land, he will know the evident that De Rancé wished his daughter then about six years old. The child had wan- beads he gave her.' She took the wondering should be estranged from her mother and dered there after the traders had departed, and boy by the hand, and led him to the river side. her mother's people. With all members of having in vain tried to waken his mother, There lay the canoe her father had given her the tribe, out of his own family, he sternly he had laid himself down at her side, and when she left him for the wigwam of the forbade her having any intercourse; and even slept on his bow and arrows. From that stranger.' It was faded and bruised now, and there he kept her constantly employed in hour Tahmiroo was changed. Her quiet, sub- so were all her hopes. She looked back on the taking dancing lessons from himself, and ob- missive air gave place to a stern and lofty hut where she had spent her brief term of taining various branches of learning from an manner; and she, who had always been so wedded happiness, and its peacefulness seemed old Catholic priest, whom he had solicited to gentle, became as bitter and implacable as a mockery of her misery. And was she-the reside with him for that purpose. But this the most blood-thirsty of her tribe. In little lone, the wretched, the desperate, and deserted kind of life was irksome to the Indian girl, Louis all the strong feelings of her soul were one was she the Startled Fawn' of the and she was perpetually escaping the vigilance centered; but even her affection for him was Sioux, for whom contending chiefs had asked of her father, to try her arrow in the woods, characterised by a strange and unwonted fierce- in vain? The remembrance of all her love or guide her pretty canoe over the waters. ness. Her only care seemed to be to make and all her wrongs came up before her me. De Rancé had long thought it impossible to him like his grandfather, and to instil a deadly mory, and death seemed more pleasant to her gratify his ambitious views for his daughter, hatred of white men; and the boy learned his than the gay dance she once loved so well. without removing her from the attractions of lessons well. He was the veriest little savage But then her eye rested on her boy-and, O her savage home, and each day's experience con- that ever let fly an arrow. To his mother God! with what an agony of love! It was vinced him more and more of the truth of this alone he yielded any thing like submission; the last vehement struggle of a soul all formed conclusion. To favour his project he assumed an and the Sioux were proud to hail the haughty for tenderness. We will go to the Spirit affectionate manner towards his wife; for he child as their future chieftain. Such was the Land together,' she exclaimed: he cannot well knew that one look or word of kindness aspect of things on the shores of the Missis- come there to rob me!' She took Louis in would at any time win back all her love. sippi, when Florimond de Rancé came among her arms as if he had been a feather, and When the deep sensibilities of her warm heart them, after an absence of three years. He springing into the boat, she guided it toward were roused, he would ask for leave to sell was induced to make this visit, partly from a the Falls of St. Anthony. Mother, mother! her lands; and she, in her prodigality of ten-lingering curiosity to see his boy, and partly the canoe is going over the rapids!' screamed derness, would have given him any thing, from the hopes of obtaining more land from the frightened child. My father stands on even her own life, for such smiles as he then the yielding Tahmiroo. He affected much the waves and beckons me!' she said. The bestowed. The old chief was dead, and there contrition for his past conduct, and promised boy looked at the horribly fixed expression of was no one to check the unfeeling rapacity of to return with Victoire before the year ex- her face, and shrieked aloud for help. The the Frenchman. Tracts after tracts of Tah-pired. Tahmiroo met him with the most boat went over the cataract. Louis de Rancé

of scorn.

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was seen no more. He sleeps with the Star- met in 1832, for example, have been vividly happened in the east part of London, and since it made tled Fawn of the Sioux, in the waves of the acknowledged in every enlightened country.gave birth to this likeness of the Devil. No person has its appearance, thousands have visited the house which Mississippi! The story is well remembered De Berenger has sung of that portent in France; yet been enabled to examine this object; it has been seen, by the Indians of the present day; and when a and it is supposed got himself thrown into a and a few days since, on a medical gentleman going into the room, the little imp bolted through the window and mist gathers over the Falls, they often say, dungeon in order that he might have a chance fled towards Stratford. The unfortunate woman who is Let us not hunt to-day. A storm will cer- of escaping its collision with our upper earth, supposed to be the mother of this monster, it is stated, had tainly come; for Tahmiroo and her son are Hear what the bard of freedom says: had five boys, and a little time before her confinement she said she would rather have a devil than another boy. going over the Falls of St. Anthony.' This impious declaration justly drew a judgment upon her; and we sincerely hope it will prove a warning to those who are dissatisfied with the decrees of nature. On questioning the nurse, she said that as soon as it was born it flew about the room, flapping its wings, and grinning horridly; they endeavoured to smother it in the bed, but of no avail, his antics being such that he eluded all their power to hurt him. Thus it continued the horror of the. neighbourhood till the appearance of the doctor, when ha disappeared in the manner related. The mother, unable to bear so much disgrace, has absconded from her lodg ings"

We do not think very highly of the poetry: though many of the pieces are pretty, none are striking, and they want originality. But, altogether, we consider the Legendary to be a volume of a very superior class. It is, we see announced, the first of a series, and consists of forty miscellaneous productions; those belonging to the country, and adhering to the original plan (whence some variations have, of necessity, it seems, been made in the hurry of earlier arrangements), are decidedly the most attractive. As a sample of American literary prices, we may notice, that the editor, Mr. Willis, advertises for each page of contributions in prose one dollar, and a higher rate for poetry.

* Dieu contre nous envoie une comète;
A ce grand choc nous n'échapperons pas.
Je sens déjà crouler notre planète,
L'Observatoire y perdra ses compas.
Avec la table, adieu tous les convives!
Pour peu de gens le banquet fut joyeux.
Vite à confesse allez, âmes craintives;
Finissons-en, le monde est assez vieux.

Le monde est assez vieux.
Oui, pauvre globe, égaré dans l'espace,
Embrouille enfin tes nuits avec tes jours;
Et cerf-volant, dont la ficelle casse,
Tourne en tombant, tourne et tombe toujours.
Va, franchissant des routes qu'on ignore,
Contre un soleil te briser dans les cieux.
Tu l'éteindrais, que de soleils encore !
Finissons-en, le monde est assez vieux.
N'est-on pas las d'ambitions vulgaires?
De sots parés, de pompeux sobriquets?
D'abus, d'erreurs, de rapines, de guerres?
De laquais rois, de peuples de laquais?
N'est-on pas las de tous nos dieux de plâtre?
Vers l'avenir, las de tourner les yeux?
Ah! c'en est trop pour si petit theatre:
Finissons-en, le monde est assez vieux.
Les jeunes gens me disent: Tout chemine;
A petit bruit chacun lime ses fers.
La presse éclaire, et le gaz illumine,
Et la vapeur vole aplanir les mers.
Vingt ans au plus, bon homme, attends encore,
L'œuf éclora sous un rayon des cieux.
Trente ans, amis, j'ai cru le voir éclore;
Finissons-en, le monde est assez vieux.
Bien autrement je parlais, quand la vie
Gonflait mon cœur et de joie et d'amour.
Terre, disais-je, ah! jamais ne dévie
Du cercle heureux où Dieu sema le jour.
Mais je vieillis, la beauté me rejette;
Ma voix s'éteint, plus de concerts joyeux.
Arrive donc, implacable comète;
Finissons-en, le monde est assez vieux."

But, as usual, (John Bull loquitur) French
genius yields to British on this, as on every
other, field. In England, the advent of the
Encke comet (that mere bagatelle when com
pared with the superb catastrophiser of 1832),
which hath already passed by unattended by
aught but two or three tempests, and, for the
month of December, odd-looking thunder-claps

To this particular relation of the circumstances, which are so notorious as hardly to admit of scepticism, succeeds a poem that must be confessed to be far superior to De Berenger's, inasmuch as it has a moral in its tail, and never could get the poet who wrote it into a jail.

"Oh! wonders they will never cease, as I have said
We have them now in London by the dozen and the
But none can beat this wonder, or even with it level,
For they say not far from London there has been born a

Chorus. So, wives, I pray mind what I say, and don't
think me uncivil,
[a devil
Oh! you may wish for girl or boy, but pray don't
This young devil it had wings, for the people all
All up and down the room he flew, flapping them to
and fro,

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With little horns upon his head, and little curly tafl, They tried to smother him between two beds, but it had no avail.

Oh! some they were for shooting him, and others would him kill,

But this funny little devil sure he never would be still; He danced and flew about the room, and kicked up such a strife

They wanted for to cut his throat, but he run and hid the knife.

He did not want good nursing, nor would he eat no

Neither would be squatting upon his murse's lap;
But he was off upon the wing, as blythe as any lark,
And always found his way in bed, when evening it grew


Come all you married women, a warning take by me,
And never make rash wishes, or a judgment it may be
Whatever it may be your lot, may you be satisfied,
For whether girl, or whether boy, the Lord he will

A Treatise on Zodiacal Physiognomy: illus trated by Engravings of Heads and Features; and accompanied by Tables of the Time of Rising of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac; and containing also New and Astrological Explanations of some remarkable Portions of Ancient Mythological History. By John Varley. No. I. Large 8vo. pp. 60. To be comprised in four Parts. Longman and Co. "LONDON, 1828!!" and a work on judicial astrology! Let us hear no more of the march of intellect, unless it be that it has been obliqueing; for we are convinced, after all, that our friend Varley is the only man alive who understands the true principles of human nature, which we take to be a proper mixture of credulity, insanity, and unconscious obedience to incomprehensible influences. Else how could we credit those things to be existent which we daily see in every event around us? What is there that man or woman cannot be induced to believe? what is there that man or woman that second-rate comet, we say, has been cannot be induced to do? and what can ac- preluded by the "extra-ordinary (a word well count for this credulity and this insanity, but an suited to the occasion) birth of a young Devil," We thus see the effects of wandering comets, unconscious obedience to incomprehensible in- of which we have the authentic account already and can we doubt the more important effects fluences? Varley is undoubtedly right; and published, price one halfpenny, now lying of the everlasting moon, or other heavenly dig. though a succession of darker centuries have under our perturbed eye. This credible work, nitaries? We cannot; and therefore are we excluded from us, and under the impious pre- though touched in the end with poetical ima- angry with Mr. Varley, who is too good a tence of increased knowledge too, the lights of ginings, is adorned with a characteristic head-painter in water-colours to be excused for not astrology, it is clear that, without a key of this and-tail-piece, we presume we may call it, for shewing a greater intimacy with fiery elements, calibre, it is utterly impossible to account for it is as follows:† the conduct of nations or of individuals. The sun, the moon, the stars, the comets, the signs of the zodiac, have evidently more to do with our concerns than we have, since the introduction of false principles of science, been disposed to allow; and it is full time that they should be restored to their supremacy. But we are angry with our author. Why has he shirked the grand question? Why has he, like a fond lover, disowned his real mistress, Astrologyto blind us with mock amours with zodiacal phizzes? There can be but one true path in the heavens (as to heaven), and we wish he had sincerely stuck to his own broad faith, and not have flirted with vagrant infidelities. The After this comes the narrative of the fact: danger of such inconstancy is obvious: we have "For this fortnight past, the inhabitants of London at this moment on our table the evidences of has been in great conversation respecting the most extrasincere worship; and though the proselytes ordinary birth of an infant in the shape of his highness cannot be considered as being above partial the great Satanic Majesty. This singular phenomenon sectaries, there is a fervour and a sincerity By T. Birt, No. 10, Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven in their devotions which wins the heart, if not Dials, which the French residents always pronounce Seven Devils. to join in their creed, at least to admire their Dissatisfied with this portrait, and always anxious to zeal. The celestial effects of the expected co-encourage the fine arts, we prevailed upon ati artist of our!

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Nevertheless, in a work of the stupendous research and novelty of his treatise (of which only a fourth part has yet appeared), there is so much to stagger and to give us pause,

acquaintance to take a likeness of this remarkable and eminent personage. He seems to have caught it in happy moment; and we only regret that the form of our publication renders it impossible for us to do justice to his fancy in an engraving. We however give an idea of it.

or the early degrees of Capricorn (which latter
is usually a very dark, melancholic sign), were
at first almost positive that they were born at
such a time as would cause Sagittarius to as-
cend: but the line of separation is so dis-
tinetly marked, that while the very last degree,
minute, and second, of Sagittarius rises, the
party then born never has black eyes or hair;
and when the very commencement of the first
degree of Capricorn rises, the person is gene-
rally very dark, though this sign, as well as all
the others, will occasionally give fair persons,
by reflection of Cancer, its opposite sign. It
was probably this almost universally fair com-
plexion of Sagittarius-persons and light ob-
jects, which are signified by Jupiter and this
sign, that caused the ancients to sacrifice to
him white bulls; these and other large ani-
mals, such as horses and stags (especially if
light coloured), being described by Sagittarius,
which sign is Jupiter's diurnal masculine
house, and those born when it is rising are
governed by him."

that we feel confident we can never do it good health, and that the native will be fortujustice by any review. It decides that the nate in small cattle and animals. Jupiter, in various signs of the Zodiac create a great dithe seventh, signifies a good wife or husband, versity in the features and complexions of the and agreeable dealings with mankind, in making human race, and have in fact so much influgood bargains, &c. In the eighth, he gives ence over the destinies of human beings, that property through marriage, or wills and deeds, the system may fairly be styled the phrenology and in ancient works; as, for example, dealing of the skies, and opposed to the vain and inin old pictures, or delineating antiquities; and effectual phrenology of the earth. Thus, being also gives a natural death. The sun, in this born under Cancer or Scorpio, or Gemini or house, disposes of property by means of other Virgo, is far more important than an enlarged persons and by law-suits. In the ninth house, organ of veneration or destructiveness, or amaJupiter confers good in long voyages, religion, tiveness or blockheadedness; and it is proand the fine arts. Jupiter, in the tenth, gives bable that the strongest bumps of all the phreand upholds reputation through life, renders nologists would give way before Capricorn or the native successful in his profession, and Leo, as they must before that tremendous affords to his mother delight. [In this position butt-er Aries, or the thick-skulled Taurus. In was Jupiter at the birth of his Grace the Duke short, we prefer astrology to phrenology as a of Wellington.]" And farther" Notwithscience; for, as Mr. Varley truly observes, standing that the ecclesiastical position of Ju"it has been discovered that each sign confers piter in the ninth house of his late Royal Higha specific style of countenance, features, and ness the Duke of York, gave him, early in life, complexion; by which appearance, alone, the the bishoprick of Osnaburgh, yet the superior sign which was rising in the east at birth dignity of the sun in Leo, his own house and can, often without any other help, be ascer- Our readers may thus be enabled clearly to the tenth of the horoscope, disposing of the tained: but," he adds with great circumspec- see and comprehend how the matter stands planet Mars, which was also in Leo, overruled tion "as every fourth sign, as Aries, Leo, and between them and the zodiac; and how five the bishoprick, and caused him most efficiently Sagittarius, are in friendly trine aspect, or as minutes' difference in the times of their birth to fulfil the high station of commander-init were family league, with each other, (any renders the members of the same family red-chief." three signs so situated forming one trigon,) haired or black-haired, blue-eyed or black-eyed, We lament prodigiously that we cannot go and occasionally lend their characteristics in dark or fair, sordid or generous. We hope our through the zodiacal physiognomy, nor explain personal appearance to each other; and as worthy friend, Mr. Owen, will break up the why children born under Mars have welleach sign appears also occasionally to receive, settlement of New Harmony, in compliment formed chins why those under Aquarius are as if by reflection, the character in part of its to this old and incontrovertible pre-ordination fair and amiable; or why those under Scorpio opposite, it is requisite that the exact time of of Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and are dark, with aquiline noses, and greenish birth should be obtained, instead of deciding the Georgium Sidus. The last named, by the or gray eyes, &c. Suffice it to state, geneby external appearance, which may sometimes by, though we have only found him out lately, rally, that "by far the less numerous portion deceive. Mankind at large are known to be of has governed Aquarius ever since the world of society is born under the fiery and aerial four temperaments, answering to the four tri-began; and this shews how long we may re-signs; the world being, in its disposition and gons, trinities, or triplicities, which confer main ignorant of first causes. But, indeed, habits, governed chiefly by the earthy melanthose different qualities which, when well com- people are, in general, very little aware of the cholic Saturnine, and the watery phlegmatic bined and proportioned, make a near approach true reasons whence success or reverses flow: signs; while the superior princes and nobles to a perfect being. The fiery trigon, consist- Mr. Planché knew not why his Charles XII. of the world, and the sublime and heroic ing of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, contains was (as he thought accidentally) acted on the poetical writers, painters, and compokers, emathe spirited, generous, magnanimous, and anniversary of the hero's death (see last Lite- nate from the fiery and regal trigon and princely natures. The earthy trigon, Taurus, rary Gazette); and Lord Nugent has been left under the humane and courteous aerial signs Virgo, and Capricorn, contains the careful, in the dark about Hampden's remains, owing (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are mostly prosordid, and penurious qualities; the aerial to the same ignorance: such coincidences deduced the professors and instructors of music, trigon, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, contains pend entirely on the ascendant under which a the fine arts, and the ceremonies and embelthe humane, harmonious, and courteous prin- person is born; and "Saturn, at any period lishments of life and civilisation." We are ciples; and the watery trigon, Cancer, Scorpio, of life, passing through this degree by transit, farther informed by our intelligent explicator and Pisces, the cold, prolific, cautious, and which he does every thirty years, causes dulness of the heavenly influences, and it is well worth severe qualities." or melancholy for a few weeks to the native; while for every one to understand this thoand when Jupiter passes over it, the party roughly, if they wish to do well in the world, usually feels cheerful and healthy: and should that "it may be remarked, that persons born a party of antiquaries, hundreds of years after under Aries, with Jupiter in the first house, a person's death, discover his grave, there must are likely to succeed and be appreciated in be some planet, or the sun, in conjunction, or England. If he be posited in Taurus, the some other aspect with his ascendant." Of native is likely to succeed well in Ireland; t "The circumstance most fortunate for prov- the more direct dominion of our planetary ing the distinct and perfect division of one rulers, it may be enough to quote, that "Ju-ceived enough of the reflected Taurus principle to pre"Lord Byron, who was born under Scorpio, resign from another in the countenance and com- piter in the third house generally gives safe vent his nose from being aquiline, and to give to his chaplexion of persons born under two signs, the inland journeys and agreeable neighbours or racter a degree of perverseness or eccentricity."-Varley, one of which immediately precedes the other, kindred. The moon, in this house, will give P.49 The origin of a bull, we dare say; especially as we is the fact of Sagittarius, the house of Jupiter, constant trudging from one place to another; are afterwards told that "Ireland is under the dominion being the only sign (as I have found by my and is often so posited in the nativities of of Taurus." On this point we have some consolatory predictions: "An evil star, called the Ram's following horn, own experience) under which no persons are postmen and travellers. Jupiter in the fourth, (of the constellation Aries) has lately passed the fifth de born having black or dark hair, eyes, and eye- with Venus, gives fixed or landed property, gree of Taurus, and probably cannot much longer afflict brows, with the very rare exception of an oc- and a house ornamented with matters of taste, the time of the unfortunate troubles of Ireland, was still the cusp or commencement of the sign; which, during casional appearance of reflection of the sign or of the fine arts. Jupiter, in the fifth, gives molested by its orb of influence. A benevolent fixed star Gemini, which gives a mild hazel-brown eye a family of good or clever children, and much of the nature of Venus, called Andromeda's Girdle, has and hair, and sometimes a deficiency in the pleasure in life and its amusements. In the also been within orb of the cusp of Taurus, during rather more than 200 years, ameliorating in some degree the evil clearness of the complexion. I have almost sixth, he signifies good servants or assistants, of the former; and now, being in the 28th degree of uniformly found those born under Sagittarius Aries, the significator of England, and being of a feminine quality, manifests its effects in the favourable regard shewn by many English ladies (whom it represents) to the Irish gentleinen, to the benefit of their fortune. As the star advances towards Taurus, the poetical genius of the country, and love for the fine arts, is becoming more and more apparent; and when the great Regulus arrives at a perfect trine with the cusp of Taurus (which will be about the year 2001), Ireland would no doubt experience the extraordinary regard of a great monarch, and probably of a great continental nation, or of a people signi

It must be great consolation for persons born under the disagreeable trigons or signs, to be assured (as in the first part of our quotation) that these sometimes receive the better qualities, by reflection from their more agreeable opposites. But farther we are told

to be very fair, with gray eyes, and in general persecutions at this period, that god being the patron not
The worshippers of Apollo are, for example, liable to
of a lively, forgiving-hearted, and free dis-only of song but of physic. Thus it has happened that
position. And I have frequently detected mis-
takes in the time of birth given to me by the
parties or their parents by the complexion
alone, where the parties being dark, and who
were born under the latter degrees of Scorpio,

De Berenger, in France, has been mulct and imprisoned
for writing verses denounced as profane and disloyal; and
Mr. Wakely, the editor of the Lancet, in England, has
been fined for publishing a libel. It is evident, therefore,
that Sol is not in the ascendant at this winter season; and
we should not wonder if there were cold weather about
the time of Christmas and the new year.

if in Gemini, in London, of which this sign
is the significator; Jupiter in Cancer will
give him success in Scotland or Holland, or
concerns connected with the water, unless
Jupiter should be afflicted by any malevolent
planet, or be in combustion by being too near
the sun."
Hitherto we trust we have gone on intelligibly,
and much to the edification of the public; but
we confess we must leave the annexed extract
to explain itself, only stating that Blake was
the artist who illustrated Blair's Grave, &c.,
and that he was so much of an enthusiast, that
he could call up from the vasty deep any spirits
or corporeal or other forms desired for the


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Mémoires sur l'Impératrice Josephine, ses Con-
temporaines, la Cour de Navarre et de la
Malmaison. Tome II. London, 1828. H.


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state I should prevent her from going on deck, she concealed the circumstance from me. One day I saw her return to the cabin with her feet all bloody. I asked her, in alarm, if she was wounded. No, mamma.' 'But look at the THE second volume of this sprightly and en. blood trickling from your feet.' Oh that tertaining work having just made its appear-is nothing, I assure you.' On examination, ance, we hasten to select, for the amusement I found that her shoes were all in tatters, and of our readers, a few of the piquant anecdotes that she had been sadly torn by a nail. We with which it abounds. It is but justice to were only half way; there was no procuring a the fair author, however, to observe, that they pair of new shoes, and I anticipated with grief are told by her with a vivacity and grace, for the chagrin which I must cause my poor Horthe display of which the French language pos. tense, by compelling her to remain in my misesses peculiar facilities, and which it is diffi- serable little apartment, and the injury which cult to preserve unimpaired in our less conver- her health might suffer from want of exercise. sational tongue. We have also found it neces- In the midst of our distress entered our friend "With respect to the vision of the ghost of sary to condense some of the narratives. the boatswain, who gruffly asked what was the the flea seen by Blake, it agrees in counte. We one day asked the empress to shew us matter. Hortense, sobbing, told him she could nance with one class of people under Gemini, all her diamonds. With the utmost complai- not come any more upon deck, because she had which sign is the significator of the flea, whose sance, she ordered them to be brought and torn her shoes, and I had no others to give brown colour is appropriate to the colour of the arranged on a large table. When the various her. Bah! Is that all? I have a pair of eyes in some full-toned Gemini persons. And boxes were opened, we were dazzled by the old ones in my chest, and I will go and look the neatness, elasticity, and tenseness of the brilliancy of their contents. It must, I fancy, for them. You can cut them, madam, and I flea, are significant of the elegant dancing and have been a collection unique in Europe; for will sew them as well as I can. On board of fencing sign Gemini. The spirit visited his it was composed of all the most precious stones ship, faith, we must accustom ourselves to every imagination in such a figure as he never anti-belonging to the various towns and cities con- thing; we must not stand upon niceties. If cipated in an insect. As I was anxious to make quered by the French armies. Her majesty we can get what is necessary, that is the chief the most correct investigation in my power of was exceedingly amused by our mute admira-matter. Without giving us time to reply, he the truth of these visions, on hearing of this tion. After having allowed us to examine went in quest of his old shoes, which he brought spiritual apparition of a flea, I asked him if he them leisurely, It is to cure you of an exces- us with an air of great triumph, and which could draw for me the resemblance of what he sive fondness for jewels,' said she to us, in a were accepted by Hortense with many demonsaw he instantly said, I see him now before kind tone, that I have shewn you mine.strations of joy. We set to work zealously, me. I therefore gave him paper and a pencil, After having seen such extraordinary ones, and by the end of the day my girl was enabled with which he drew the portrait, of which a you will have no wish for others; especially again to enjoy the pleasure of diverting the fac-simile is given in this number. I felt con- when you recollect, splendid as they are, how crew. I repeat it, never was a present received vinced by his mode of proceeding that he had unhappy I have been, although possessed of with more gratitude. I reproach myself for a real image before him; for he left off and them! In the earlier periods of my astonish- not having ascertained the name of this fine began on another part of the paper, to make ing career I entertained myself with these fellow, who was known on board only by the a separate drawing of the mouth of the flea, baubles; but by degrees I became disgusted title of Jacques. It would have been very which the spirit having opened, he was pre- with them, and I now wear them only when gratifying to me to have done something for vented from proceeding with the first sketch, my new rank compels me to do so. Besides, him, after I became possessed of the means."" till he had closed it. During the time occu- a thousand events may deprive me of these “Josephine related to us the way in which pied in completing the drawing, the flea told superb but useless things. Have I not the the marriage of Mademoiselle Leclerc and him that all fleas were inhabited by the souls brignolettes that belonged to the queen, Marie General Davoust was brought about. The of such men as were by nature blood-thirsty to Antoinette? Is it certain that I shall be details are curious, as shewing how the most excess, and were, therefore, providentially con- able to retain them? Let me advise you, rude and indomitable characters yielded to the fined to the size and form of insects; other-young ladies, not to envy a magnificence which will of Napoleon, even when he was only conwise, were he himself, for instance, the size in no way contributes to happiness. You will sul. At the time of the expedition to Saintof a horse, he would depopulate a great portion be very much surprised when I tell you that I Domingo, Buonaparte was desirous of intrustof the country. He added, that if in attempt- have received more pleasure from the present of ing the command of the troops to his brothering to leap from one island to another, he a pair of old shoes, than I ever did from the gift in-law General Leclerc (who had married should fall into the sea, he could swim, and of any of the diamonds spread before you.' We Pauline Buonaparte). He called him into his should not be lost. This spirit afterwards ap- laughed, fancying that this was a pleasantry closet, and told him of his intentions. I peared to Blake, and afforded him a view of of Josephine's; but she told us with so grave should be happy again to serve France; but, his whole figure, an engraving of which I shall an air that what she had said was true, that general, a sacred duty detains me here.' give in this work." We look for its continu- we earnestly entreated her to favour us with Your love for Paulette? She shall accomance anxiously. the history of this famous pair of old shoes. pany you. The air of Paris is pernicious; it On leaving Martinique, with Hortense,' she is that of coquetry; she has no need of it, and continued, I found myself on board a vessel, shall go with you; so that is settled. Unin which I was treated with an attention that doubtedly I should be inconsolable to be seI shall never forget. Embroiled with my first parated from her; but that would not be sufhusband, I was far from being rich; obliged to ficient to induce me to refuse an honourable visit France on business, the payment of my command. My wife would remain surrounded passage had absorbed the greater part of my by a family which loves her; and I should resources; and it was with difficulty that I have no uneasiness on her account. It is the could purchase the most indispensable requi- state of my good sister which compels me to sites for the voyage. Hortense, graceful and reject what, under other circumstances, would gay, dancing remarkably well the negro dances, be the object of my envy. She is young and and singing their songs with great accuracy, pretty; her education is not entirely completed; was a source of constant amusement to the I cannot give her any portion: ought I to

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Beyond this we are sure we need not proceed; but as we are brought to the etchings, we may observe that they are in reality admirably done. On the whole, this is one of the strangest performances of our day; and if its author does not make his fortune by it, he may as a fortune-teller.

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fied by Virgo. It is curious to observe, that Jupiter, in 1821, left Aries, or England, and entered Taurus, just at the time when his present Majesty visited Ireland; and, as the planet retrograded in a few days, it re-entered Aries on the 1st of September, about the time when his Majesty returned to England. A little previous to this time, the Herschel planet, in the first degree of Capricorn, and Venus in Virgo, sent at the saine time their sailors, with whom she became a high favourite. leave her without protection, during an ab trine aspects to Jupiter, who received and conveyed them As soon as she saw me dozing, she used to mount sence which may be long, which may be to Ireland. As Andromeda's Girdle will enter Taurus a the deck, and there, the object of general ad- eternal? My brothers are not here; I must few years before Regulus enters Virgo, Ireland will then become a place of great attraction for the fine arts, and miration, go through all her little exercises and therefore stay. I appeal to your own heart, Englishmen in return will make choice of many Irish imitations, to the delight of every body. An so devoted to your family; general, can I do auspices of this star, become eminent for the education old boatswain, in particular, was doatingly fond otherwise ? No, certainly; she must be of her. At length, what with running, dan-married forthwith. To-morrow, for instance ; cing, and jumping, my girl's shoes were quite and you can set off instantly.' But, I repeat, worn out. Knowing that she had not any I have no fortune to give her; and 'Well, others, and fearing that if I perceived their do I not know that? Come, my dear friend,

ladies for their wives; and that country may, under the of females."

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it is of less consequence. Besides, we do not
intend that one of our readers shall leave us.

Memoirs of Scipio de Ricci, late Bishop of Pis-
toia and Prato, Reformer of Catholicism in
Tuscany under the Reign of Leopold, &c.
Edited from the original of M. de Potter,
by Thomas Roscoe. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
1829. H. Colburn.


Prayers of Eminent Persons, adapted to the
purposes of Family Worship and Private
Devotion. By the Rev. Henry Clissold, A.M.
Dedicated, by permission, to his Grace the
Archbishop of Canterbury. 8vo. pp. 492.
C. and J. Rivington, &c.

make your preparations; to-morrow your sister shall be married; I do not yet know to whom ; but that is all one.' But I fancy I have expressed myself distinctly; so no remarks.' General Leclerc, accustomed, like all the other generals, to consider as a master the man who so short a time before had been his equal, left the room without adding a word. Some minutes A WORK of private and family prayer, sanc. afterwards, General Davoust called on the first tioned by authority, has long been a deside consul, and told him that he came to communiratum in divinity; and we think the deficiency cate to him his intended marriage. With We have so frequently spoken of M. de Pot- is supplied by the volume before us. It is a Mademoiselle Leclerc? I think it an exceed- ter's work, and its chief topics trench so nearly performance of merit, and we have no doubt ingly suitable match. No, general, with on (our) self-forbidden ground, that we are its general utility and research will procure for Madame With Mademoiselle Leclerc,' in- glad to have an excuse for not entering mi- it a good reception from the public. From the terrupted Napoleon, laying an emphasis on the nutely into a review of these volumes, judici- preface it appears that the design originated name; not only is it a suitable match, but I ously and ably edited by Mr. T. Roscoe. They from a suggestion by Dr. Johnson, who was am determined that it shall take place immedi-treat of corruptions in the Romish church, and once desirous to collect the prayers of eminent ately. I have long loved Madame of the foul offences committed in the unnatural 66 persons, to select those which should appear to she is now free, and nothing shall induce me to state of society to which some of its institutions be the best, to put out some, and insert others.” renounce her. Nothing but my will,' replied lead. The latter result from no religious opi- That suggestion Mr. Clissold has adopted, and the first consul, fixing on Davoust his eagle nions, but are the certain consequences of any the work may now speak for itself. Of the eye you shall go immediately to Saint-Ger- human creatures being placed in similar cir- fathers, St. Augustin, Basil, Chrysostom, and I main with Madame Campan; you shall demand cumstances. The profession of celibacy, as-others, contribute their aid; and several prayers toyour future wife; you shall be presented to her sumed under any disguise, or from any tempo-are introduced, composed, under a variety of v by her brother, General Leclerc, who is now rary feeling, possesses a great tendency to circumstances, by Queen Anne, King Charles I., with my wife, he shall accompany you; the moral evil; and when this tendency is aggra- King William III., Lord Clarendon, Prince 1-bride shall come this evening to Paris; you vated by numerous associations of either sex, Eugene, and Lady Jane Grey. Of the great shall order the nuptial present, which must be or still more by exclusive intimacy (we care divines in the English church, Tillotson, handsome, because I intend myself to give away not what the cause — confession, discipline, Andrews, Wilson, Taylor, Stanhope, Sherrithis young lady; I take upon myself the pay- or rule) between persons of both sexes, it locke, and Hammond, are most conspicuous for - ment of the portion, and the expense of the is sure to induce the most odious hypo- the warmth, beauty, and sublimity of their paraphernalia; and the marriage shall be cele-crisy and the most abominable guilt that can devotional writings; and of these Mr. Clissold brated as soon as the formalities required by the stain humanity. It has always been so in has therefore favoured us with a liberal supply. law can be fulfilled, and I will take care to military bodies, in despotic governments, and Several prayers from the able pen of Bishop abridge them: you have heard me? I must be in all banded associations; and it must have Bloomfield have been inserted by his lordship's obeyed.' On finishing this long sentence, which been still worse in religious communities which permission, and considerably enhance the value was pronounced rapidly, and in that absolute tone assumed principles inconsistent with the dic-of the work. There are two admirable prayers which belonged only to himself, Napoleon rang tates of nature, and shut themselves apart from by Lord Bacon; and many others by persons the bell, and gave orders to let General Leclerc the rest of their fellow-men. In such a soil of considerable attainments in literature-Dr. know that he was wanted. As soon as he saw vice was sure to spring, and to increase and Johnson and Sir William Jones being among the general, Well! was I wrong?' he ex- be transmitted with the progress of time, till the number. Of foreigners, Luther, Melanc claimed, there is your sister's husband. Go no enormity could be imagined beyond its thon, Drelincourt, and Pascal, combine in maktogether to Saint-Germain, and let me not see proneness to commit; and we have no doubt ing this book an interesting and valuable either of you until all is arranged: I hate dis- of the almost infernal facts related by the companion of private and domestic devotion, cussions about business. The two generals, equally astonished, left Napoleon to obey him. Notwithstanding the bluntness of a character by no means amiable, General Davoust humbly submitted. On their arrival at Madame Campan's house, he was presented to Mademoiselle Leclerc: the interview, they say, was rather a serious one; but in a very few days the wedding took place."

Bishop of Pistoia. Still the subject is one
not the best adapted to our page, and we
therefore dismiss the work to the use of those
who are opposed to the church of Rome; and
conclude with two little recollections which
may serve to illustrate such controversies.

When Montesquieu's celebrated work, the Spirit of Laws, was forbidden at Rome and Vienna, through the intrigues of the Jesuits, Such was the man whom the pretended Montesquieu, complaining of the latter, said lovers of freedom in this country extolled; " A work which has gone through twenty-two and whom they continue to extol, although editions in eighteen months, and been transless audaciously. The following farewell speech lated into almost all the languages of Europe, made by General Leclerc to one of his friends, and which contains useful information, does just before he sailed for St. Domingo, in not merit to be proscribed by the governanswer to some compliments paid to him on ment." And when Pierre Doyenart,-who had the probable results of the expedition, still been lackey to the writer's son at college, thore strongly marks the portrait. where he picked up a little Latin, and got “Madame, those results can be no other ordained priest, -came one day to Montesthan disastrous to me. If I succeed, it will quieu, begging him to recommend him to the be said that I did not make a movement not minister, Maurepas, and to present his pepreviously dictated by my brother-in-law; if tition, which began thus:-Pierre Doyenart, I fall, my memory will not be the less exempt priest of the diocese of Bayonne, formerly emfrom reproach. In order to flatter the consul,ployed by the late bishop to discover the plots it will be proclaimed that the plan of the cam- of the Jansenists, those perfidions wretches paign was excellent, and that nothing but my who neither recognise the pope nor the kingincapacity caused the failure of his designs. Montesquieu read no farther; and folding the set off with a sorrowful heart; but in these days, all of us, whatever we may be, have only one duty, that of obedience. We have found a master, where we sought only a protector.” We do not like to break off in the middle of a Review of this interest, especially as a continuation must go into another year's volume; but our space allows us no alternative, and the anecdotes and stories are so unconnected, that

paper, said, in a supplicating tone, "Go, sir, and
present it yourself; it will do you honour, and
have a greater effect. In the mean time go
into my kitchen and breakfast with the ser-


suited to men of every profession and every rank of life. Looking at the general contents, we cannot help observing hat they afford gratifying proofs of the habit of prayer being adopted by very many charcters of real worth and honourable station in church, state, and the varied walks of general literature. The examples of such great men are worthy of more general imitation; and we think Mr. Clissold's publication will promote this useal object.

Counsels for the Sanctuary and for Civil Life, &c. By H. Belfrage, D.), Minister of the Gospel at Falkirk. 12mo pp. 449. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd; London, Whittaker.

AN application of Christian morality to the
"various spheres and perios of life." Dr.
Belfrage belongs to the evanglical school, and
appears to be a very amiable ad well-meaning
man, who, out of familiar mattes, is endeavour-
ing to inculcate the lessons he deems best for
his fellow-creatures.

Discourses on the Important hints of Chris-
tian Doctrine and Duty. By he Rev. Alex-
ander Stewart, Minister of ouglas. 8vo.
pp. 412. Same Publishers.
WE observe that Mr. Douglas,on his title.
page, styles himself simply "Minter of Doug.
las" while Dr. Belfrage, on h title-page,
styles himself" Minister of the Gspel at Fal
kirk:" we therefore are to surmis that in the
Scots, like the English, church, thre are seve-
ral sorts of ministers. But all weave to say
is, that Mr. Douglas's Discourses sen to us to

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