Imatges de pàgina

Of the Infanta of Presburg we cannot speak as being above the ordinary level of such narrations: but looking at these three volumes en masse, we can very safely recommend them as well worthy of the attention of our readers. They possess much of novelty, and belong to an order which is likely to be continued and improved, either by their author or by other literary talent. As a beginning, the present work does great credit to a female pen, and is well calculated to entertain a numerous body of readers in these holyday times.


The Last Supper, &c. By the Author of
the "Morning and Evening Sacrifice," and
the "Farewell to Time." 12mo. pp. 453.
Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd; London,

"Suzsi, the heiress of the blue-hedgehog, various quarters; and as we are neither con- fine collections of works of art of every kind. was one of the fairest, gentlest, and most po-troversialists nor polemics, we trust it will be The city of Munich appears to have been in a pular damsels in the county of Gran. The deemed sufficient if, in all such cases, we give few years totally transformed. Every where trimness of her well-turned figure derived a concise characters of the publications on the rise new buildings, whole streets, in general coquettish airiness from the dark Hungarian grounds of their own choosing, without enter-arranged in a grand style, and with a vajacket, jingling with silver buttons, which was ing into objections which different principles | riety which vies with the fine Italian cities, closely fitted to her slender waist; and her and beliefs must suggest. such as Florence, Bologna, &c. The inglossy hair was braided with a nicety and creasing population causes the erection of a elegance which accounted for the absence of great many private dwellings, the exterior of the knotted kerchief that ought to have comwhich, at least, is to be executed under the dipleted her costume." rection of Klenze. The finest street will be the Ludwigs-Strasse, in which the palaces of his highness the Prince Maximilian and of the miTHE writer of this volume is a very popular nistry of war are to be erected. Three great author, and held in great esteem by a large architectural works of a public character, to be class of religious readers. His Farewell to built by Klenze, are begun, and will be finished Time has rapidly run through several editions; in a few years-the King's Palace, the new Picand the present work, on the most powerfully ture Gallery, and the Glyptotheca, or museum interesting of the Christian sacraments, being of antique statues. The latter, being the first in the same elevated tone, will, we have no work commenced by our king (fourteen years doubt, be equally successful. ago, while prince royal), is the farthest advanced; the exterior, of the Ionic order, is Sir Matthew Hale on the Knowledge of Christ not free from faults, but the interior, divided Crucified, and other Divine Contemplations: into a series of vaulted halls, is ornamented with an Introductory Essay, by the Rev. D. with great taste and magnificence. The paveThe Young Gentleman's Library of Useful and Young, Perth. 12mo. pp. 464. Glasgow, ments of stained marble, the sides of the walls Entertaining Knowledge; intended as a Holy1828, W. Collins; Edinburgh, W. Whyte of green or yellow stucco-lustro, and the fine and and Co., and W. Oliphant; London, Whit- richly-gilt stuccos of the ceilings, form a gorday or Birth-day Present. By W. Pinnock. taker, and Hamilton, Adams, and Co. 18mo. pp. 354. London, 1829. Longman geous receptacle for the statues, which are better A REPRINT of Chief Justice Hale, with a arranged than in any other collection in Europe, and Co. Ir a great variety of interesting topics, col-portrait of the author, for which also we are the rooms being built expressly for them. They lected from contemporary literature, and put is an able paper, justly praising the efforts each hall receives light from a single lofty indebted to the piety of the North. The Essay are placed upon pedestals of red marble, and together in a new and attractive form, will make a good work, a work that deserves the now making to advance the general diffusion semi-circular window, except the four cupolas, of knowledge; and at the same time furnishing which have sky-lights. The part of this muname of the Young Gentleman's Library, and is calculated to amuse and improve the a volume like this as a fit spring for slaking seum which is now arranged in four halls, rising generation, such a production is the that thirst which is thus created. It is, in- contains many of the master-pieces of ancient volume before us. Mr. Pinnock enjoys well-deed, wise, great, and glorious, to inspire every art which were formerly in renowned collecmerited celebrity as an instructor of youth; class with the wish to learn; but it is wiser, tions, and some that are new discoveries; and this new design, we think, bids fair to be greater, and more glorious, to meet and supply for instance, the colossal Muse and the Faun as popular as his widely-circulated Catechisms. that wish with what is truly calculated to pro- of the Barberini Palace; the colossal bust of Yet, pleased as we are with this commence-mote the happiness of the neophytes, and the Minerva, and the fine Leucothoe of the Alment, we shall look for even better volumes good of mankind.” bani Palace; the Medusa Rondanini and two Sons of Niobe one of which, kneeling (and not amongst the Florentine group), is undoubtedly one of the most highly finished Too much diversity may distract youthful A TRANSLATION of the Catechismus Heidel. works of Grecian art extant. As new discominds; and there ought always to be a con-bergensis (of 1563), with accompanying Scrip. Veries, there are the highly interesting Egina necting thread in books intended for their use, ture proofs, as published by the University of marbles, found at Egina by Baron Haller, which, independently of other circumstances, Oxford. serves as a sort of memoria technica, and helps gard. Its doctrines were early recognised by art what your Elgin marbles are in respect This little volume well deserves re-which are to the history of the earliest Grecian Messrs. Cockerell, Linkh, and Forster, and the recollection. But these remarks are rather the Belgian churches, and by the Synod of applicable to the general subject than to this Dort in 1618; and it has been the subject of to its flourishing period. Works of Egyptian and adorned with a number of clever wood- should have so long been consigned to compara- finished in 1830. particular work, which is one of sterling value, much controversy. We are surprised that it and Etruscan art, and Roman sculptures, will be placed in other halls, which are to be cuts by Sears. tive oblivion. Many works of ancient known to the public; for instance, the collecart, in his majesty's possession, are not yet tion of Madame Murat, bought some years ago; many marbles, bronzes, and vases, the produce ler; a large mosaic painting found in Italy, of excavations in Greece made by Baron Hal&c. &c. Three other halls, one of which is already finished, derive their principal ornament from the fresco paintings of Cornelius, director of our Academy of Arts, and undoubt edly the most poetical painter now living. The first contains the Deities of Grecian mythology, viz. Olympus, the empire of Neptune, and Tartarus, in three large paintings; and on the ceiling the Seasons and Hours, in many mythological groups and arabesques. The pictures of the other room, which are nearly finished, contain the principal scenes of the war of Troy, in more colossal figures than those in the first. In the third hall will be painted the most ancient Grecian mythology after Hesiod. By these pictures our king has resuscitated historical, and particularly fresco painting, which for a long time had been lost in Germany; and

as the author proceeds,--volumes, we mean, A Catechism of the Christian Religion. By a arranged and classed with more distinctness.

perhaps less heterogeneous, and, at all events, Graduate of Oxford, &c. 12mo. pp. 122.

Oxford, Vincent.

Hints to promote a profitable Attendance on an
Evangelical Ministry. By the Rev. W.
Davis. 18mo. pp. 123. London, Hatchard
and Son.

Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned, and
Remarkable Personages, conspicuous in Eng-
lish History, from the Reign of Richard the
Second to that of Charles the Second. En-
graved under the direction of Charles John By "profitable" in this title-page is not meant
Smith. Accompanied by concise Biogra-worldly profit, though we fear too many attend
phical Memoirs, and interesting Extracts
from the original Documents. Part VII.
By John Gough Nichols. London, 1828

J. B. Nichols and Son. WE recently noticed two Parts of this publication. The present is equally curious and entertaining. The various autographs (fortyfour in number) are engraved with singular distinctness and precision, and we have no doubt are perfect fac-similes of the originals. In the biographical illustrations much informa tion is condensed into a small compass.


WE desire to relieve our minds, and to clear our table, of a considerable number of religious works, which have recently reached us from

evangelical as well as other places of divine
worship with that view. It is a serious re-
commendation to listen to, and meditate on,
what is delivered from the pulpit.



[We are favoured with the following account of the im-
provements of Munich by a correspondent of distin-
guished abilities both in literature and the fine arts: his
statement is a monument of everlasting honour to his
royal master, the unwearied and liberal encourager of
every useful and refining project.]
THE patronage which the Fine Arts enjoy
from our king, who is not only a passionate
amateur, but also a profound connoisseur, has
made a rapid revolution, particularly in archi-
tecture and painting, and procured us very

Cornelius, who has acquired high reputation | testants, who had been hitherto confined to ARTS AND SCIENCES. from their composition, formed, in executing a small chapel, originally intended only for the POISONED WOUNDS, ANIMAL VIRUS, &c. these works, a numerous school of young paint-service of the queen, has met with much greater SOME very important experiments have reers, who are now occupied in other extensive approbation. The new building is executed by cently been made in Paris, with the chlorurets performances. Pertsch, who was the architect of the prison, of lime and soda, in cases of poisoned wounds The second great building, the Picture Gal-erected a few years ago a large edifice, of and the inoculation of animal virus. The dislery, contains a series of eight large vaulted good proportions, and of appropriate character. infecting qualities of the chlorurets were already halls, lighted by sky-lights, for the large pic- Another and very necessary building, finished well known; and it was supposed from anatures of every school: besides these, there are this year, is the new stone bridge over the Iser, logy that they might be used with effect in many rooms of less dimensions for the smaller built by Probst, at the expense of the city. neutralising the component parts of animal paintings, lighted by windows; and on the The late king, Maximilian I., was a great poisons. The disinfectant property of the southern side, for the entrance to the hall, is amateur of cabinet paintings and landscapes, and chlorurets depending upon their affinity for a long loggia, in the style of Bramante. This formed a very fine collection, which has been hydrogen, and hydrogen being one of the ele building seems to be the capo d'opera of the sold since his death. There was a very fine ments of virus and venom, the others being architect, as well in the interior distribution picture by your Wilkie," Reading of the Will," oxygen, carbon, and, in animal matters, azote, as in the composition of the exterior. It is now in the possession of his present majesty, it was imagined that by abstracting, even par intended to contain from thirteen to fifteen and placed in the public gallery; and a large tially, one of the elements of the poison, the hundred oil paintings, composed of a selection historical picture by Henry Hess," the Par- character would be so changed, as to enable of the best works in the galleries of Munich nassus," one of the finest oil paintings by any nature, without further aid, to get rid of the and Schleisheim; the old German paintings of master of the modern schools. Under the infection. Dr. Coster, a Paris physician, prothe celebrated Boisserée collection, bought by protection of the late king, a number of ceeding upon this reasoning, has recently perhis majesty a few years ago; and many Ita-good painters formed themselves at Munich. formed some extraordinary cures in cases of lian paintings, collected likewise by our king Amongst these are Peter Hess and Colonel syphilitic and other ulcers, with a solution of for completing the Italian school. Here will Heidegger, now in Greece, for battle-pieces; the chloruret of soda; and upon animals of be placed a famous Madonna by Raphael, known Quaglio, for architectural subjects; Rottman, different kinds, which had been inoculated with at Florence as the Madonna del Palazzo Tempi, Dorner, Wagenbauer, for landscapes. The the virus of diseases common to their species, which has just arrived. In the rooms of the portrait painter of the royal family is Stieler, his experiments were equally successful. In ground floor will be arranged the numerous distinguished by the striking likenesses of all his several cases of bites from vipers, he found and exquisite collections of prints and drawings, portraits. Besides these artists, there are many chlorurated lotions and injections perfectly effiwhich are now separate, and a collection of younger painters; and that they are on the in- cacious; and he relates a successful experiment ancient vases and mosaics, as specimens of crease, you may see from the fact, that we have made upon a dog which had been bitten by ancient painting. This building will likewise about two hundred and fifty students in our another suffering under positively defined hy afford another opportunity for fresco-painting. Academy of Arts, most of whom are in the drophobia. Two dogs were bitten in various The loggia is to be decorated with fresco paint- departments of drawing and painting. All parts by the rabid animal one of them was ings in the arabesque style, containing the lives the smaller oil-paintings are exhibited in the of the painters, after the designs of Cornelius, building of the Society of Arts (Kunstverein), executed by Professor Zimmerman and the pu- which is a private institution of artists and pils of Cornelius. amateurs, where new works of art can be exhibited and sold to amateurs and to the Society itself, which distributes its acquisitions every year, by lot, among its members.

tied up, and remained without any means being adopted to prevent the absorption of the virus beyond the application of ligatures above the surfaces of the wounds, and the injection of pure water in the places bitten. The other had also ligatures applied, and the wounds were washed with a strong solution of the chloruret of soda. Thirty-seven days after the animals had been bitten, that to which the chloruret had not been applied became furiously mad, and died in great agony. The other, whose wounds had cicatrised rapidly, was in perfect health, and has remained so from that time. Dr. Coster states, that this was the only experiment which he has been able to make on the virus of rabid animals; but the success which attended it was sufficient to hold out a hope that the use of the chlorurets may be found equally valuable in other cases.


The third great building I mentioned is the royal palace, erected at the side, and as a new part, of the old residence. This magnificent work is in the Florentine style, and will have Though we have some distinguished names much the appearance of the Pitti palace, though in sculpture, there is none so highly renowned not so gloomy. In the lofty rooms of the for public monuments as Rauch, at Berlin,ground floor, his majesty has ordered to be by whom his majesty wished the monument painted the principal scenes of our old German for the late king to be executed. It is to be poem, the Nibelungen Lied; and Julius Schnorr, erected, at the cost of the city, in the Maximiprofessor of historical painting in our academy, lian-Joseph-platz, before the new royal palace, has already made a great many of the designs, and the magnificent theatre, and cast in bronze which are to be executed by him and his pupils. after the models of Rauch, by Stiegelmayer, at On the other side of the old palace, a chapel Munich. The latter artist is to cast in bronze for the king is to be erected, and decorated a magnificent obelisk which will be placed with fresco paintings (the subjects taken from in the Ludwigs-Strasse, as a monument for the the Holy Scriptures) by Professor Henry Hess, Bavarians killed in the Russian war. A moson of the engraver Charles Hess, who en- nument to Albert Durer, which his majesty joyed much renown in England, and who died caused to be erected by the city of Nuremberg, SOME curious facts have been communicated some months ago. As I have spoken so much and on account of which a great festival was held to the Académie des Sciences, by M. Girou de of fresco-painting, I cannot omit to mention the on the 6th of April last, the day of Durer's death, Buzareingues, with respect to the inequalities arcades between the residence and the Bazar, (1528), is likewise to be executed by Rauch, which occur in different departments of France or merchant-house, which form a long covered and cast in bronze at Nuremberg. A monu- in the proportion of male and female births. walk by the side of the garden of the residence. ment to the late Duke of Leuchtenberg, to be M. Girou has made numerous experiments on Sixteen of them have been decorated (almost all placed in the church of St. Michael, at Mu-sheep, horses, and birds; the result of which in a few years) with large fresco paintings, re- nich, is to be executed by Thorwaldsen, at has shewn him, that when the male is too presenting the principal events in the history Rome. Only the statues for the exterior of young, and the female in full vigour, the proof our king's ancestors, or the house of Wit- the Glyptotheca are to be executed here by portion of female births exceeds that of males, telshach. These paintings, which will be young artists, after the models of the late and vice versa. M. Girou asserts, that by finished next year, are executing under the Haller. attending to this fact, we may, at pleasure, direction of Cornelius, by his pupils, and shew This is a short account of our principal per- cause the greater production of males or of the great progress of these young men (none of formances in the fine arts, which are, as you females, in our flocks, studs, and poultrywhom has been in Italy), and the improvement see, rapidly advancing. There is, also, a great yards. In pursuing his inquiries on the same of historical painting in general; for, twenty deal of literary and scientific exertion here; subject with reference to human beings, M. or thirty years ago, not a single historical pic. but the public, in general, has more taste and Girou divided individuals into different classes; ture, of so large a size, such good composition, inclination for art than for science; and there--the first, those whose employments tended to and such spirited execution, was to be found fore our University, though it boasts many in all Germany. Besides the architectural celebrated professors, and about 1500 students, works already mentioned, a large Odéon, or finds more difficulties than the pursuit of the building for the celebration of public festivals, fine arts. But time and liberal disbursements has been erected, but it is not executed to the will undoubtedly realise the great expectations entire satisfaction of connoisseurs. The order which fix the eyes of Europe upon us. of his majesty to erect a church for the Pro

develop their bodily powers; the second, those whose employments tended to enervate their bodily powers; and the third, those whose employments were of a mixed character: and he found that, in the first class the number of male births exceeded the average proportion of male to female births throughout France; that

in the second class the number of female births exceeded the average proportion of female to male births throughout France; and that in the third class the proportion of male to female births was nearly the same as the average proportion throughout France. His conclusion is, that the pursuits of agriculture tend to the increase of a male, and the pursuits of commerce and manufactures to the increase of a female population.


were conferred:

has as many roots as it has dimensions.-A communication sented to the Lords of the Treasury, against
was likewise read by Dr. Thackeray respecting a young the erection of the King's College on the site
woman in the neighbourhood of Cambridge, who was
stated to have lived without food or the least reduction appointed for it in that quarter of the metro-
in the weight of the body since the beginning of October. polis. Of course we can have no right to dis-
The reading of Mr. Challis's paper was also concluded,
on the extension to the satellites of Bode's law of the pute the tastes of those so immediately inter-
distances of the primary planets." The existence of the ested in the question; but we must consider
law in this case having been proved, it was inferred that their judgment to be founded on at least im.
the distances may be approximately expressed in the fol-
lowing manner:
perfect information. They have already the
For the planets
4, 4+ 3, 4+3 +2, &c. animals of the Zoological Society in their
neighbourhood; and are not perhaps aware,
that whether the King's College is built in
the ring or not, that ground will be built
upon by some public establishment. Now a
college may not be quite agreeable to many
persons; but an hospital, or a lunatic asylum,
would, we think, be worse and to some such
complexion they are likely to come at last.

For Jupiter's satellites... 7,7 +4, 7+ 4 + 21, &c. For Saturn's satellites ...... 4, 4+1, 4+1 +2, &c. For Uranus's satellites..... 3, 3+1, 3+1+1}, &c. It was likewise concluded from this law, that there can be no planet nearer the sun than Mercury, and no satellite nearer the several primaries than the nearest of those in each system which have been discovered. The deviations from the law were also examined, and it was stated to be probably established that these depend on the masses and Masters of Arts. Rev. J. Buckingham, St. Mary Hall, mutual actions of the revolving bodies. After the meetRev. T. Hornby, Brasennose College, Grand Compounding, the Rev. L. Jenyns gave an account, illustrated by ers; Rev. J. Barton, St. Mary Hall; E. L. Badeley, drawings, of the comparative anatomy of birds and mamBrasennose College; Rev. C. V. Shuckburgh, Trinity malia, and of several remarkable particulars respecting College.

OXFORD, Dec. 13.-Thursday last the following degrees
Bachelor and Doctor in Divinity, by accumulation.—Rev.
C. Madeley, Brasennose College.

Bachelors of Arts.-H. Griffin, Queen's College; G. Cox, Magdalen Hall; J. Meredith, P. de Malpas Egerton, lege.

CAMBRIDGE, Dec. 12.-Prize Subjects.

THE vice-chancellor has issued the following notice:
1. His royal highness the chancellor being pleased to
give annually a third gold medal for the encouragement
of English poetry to such resident undergraduate as shall
compose the best ode or the best poem in heroic verse,-
the vice-chancellor gives notice that the subject for the

present year is Timbuctoo.

N.B. These exercises are to be sent in to the vice

chancellor on or before March 31, 1829, and are not to exceed 200 lines in length.

the former class of animals.




Christ Church; W. J. Crichton, Postmaster, Merton Col- THURSDAY, Dec. 18. Mr. Amyot in the WE have been allowed the great gratification chair. The conclusion of Mr. Byrne's paper the King, from the picture of his Majesty of inspecting William Finden's engraving of (not Mr. Bird's, as the name was erroneously printed last week by us) on Gothic Archi-seated on a sofa, by Sir Thomas Lawrence,-a tecture was read. Mr. Ellis communicated to proof impression of which was laid before his the Society a copy of an ordinance made in Majesty, by the President, on Saturday last. the 31 Henry VIII., regulating the conduct It is a splendid performance; if not superior, miral's forts. The meeting of the Society was this country. Further we shall abstain from of the officers and men in the lord high ad- certainly not inferior to the highest effort of line engraving on a portrait ever produced in adjourned to January 8. remark till this noble print is published (in a few weeks), when we shall make it the subthe meantime it may be well to inform our ject of a more detailed examination; but in readers of the completion of a work of some four or five years' labour, and one which bears undoubted traces of the pains bestowed upon it. We rejoice to see the royal patron of our fine arts thus in some degree rewarded by their excellence on an imperishable memorial of himself, furnished by the united exertions of the easel and the burin.

II. The representatives in parliament for this university being pleased to give annually

(1.) Two prizes of fifteen guineas each, for the en

couragement of Latin prose composition, to be open to

all Bachelors of Arts, without distinction of years, who

are not of sufficient standing to take the degree of Master

of Arts; and

(2.) Two other prizes of fifteen guineas each, to be open to all undergraduates who shall have resided not less than seven terms at the time when the exercises are to be sent in. The subjects for the present year are: (1.) For the bachelors

An putandum sit posthac fore ut gentes meridionales

sub septentrionalium viribus iterum succumbant? (2.) For the undergraduates

Utrùm apud Græcos poetæ an familiaris sermonis

scriptores plus effecerint ad virtutem promovendam et mores emolliendos?

N.B. These exercises are to be sent in on or before

April 30, 1829.


AT the meeting on Wednesday afternoon, an
able and interesting paper, was begun on a
subject of ancient and classical mythology, of
which we shall hereafter give an outline.


THE special general meeting of the 6th, of
which we gave an account, is to be continued,
by adjournment, on the 3d of January, to take
into consideration the terms of a proposed union
between the Royal Asiatic Society and the Li-
terary Society of Bombay, for the purpose of
considering the following additions to, and al-

III. Sir W. Browne having bequeathed three gold me
dals, value five guineas each, to such resident under-terations in, the Society's regulations, viz.
graduate as shall compose

(1.) The best Greek ode in imitation of Sappho;
(2.) The best Latin ode in imitation of Horace;
(3.) The best Greek epigram after the model of the
Anthologia; and
(4) The best Latin epigram after the model of Martial.
The subjects for the present year are:

(1.) For the Greek ode,

νήσων, Αιγαίη ὅσαι εἶν ἁλὶ ναιετάουσι (2.) For the Latin ode,

Cæsar, consecutus cohortes ad Rubiconem flumen, qui provinciæ ejus finis crat, pe tulùm constitit. (3.) For the Greek epigram,

σκότον δεδορκώς.

Splenide mendar.

[blocks in formation]

On the 10th instant, being the 60th anniver. sary of the foundation of the Royal Academy of Arts, a general assembly of the Academicians was held: when the following distribuMillington, for the best copy made in the tion of premiums took place; viz. to Mr. J. H. Painting School; Mr. H. L. Smith, for the next best copy made in the Painting School; Mr. H. F. Goblet, for the best drawing from life; Mr. J. Loft, for the best model from the life; Mr. S. Burchell, for the best architectural drawing of the New Post-Office; Mr. R. A. Clack, for the best drawing from the antique; Mr. R. C. Lucas, for the best model from the

(4.) For the Latin epigram,
N.B. These exercises are to be sent in on or before
April 30, 1829. The Greek ode is not to exceed twenty-bay, shall be admitted resident members without ballot,
five, and the Latin ode thirty stanzes.

4. The members of the Royal Asiatic Society, while
residing in Europe, shall be non-résident members of the
Bombay Branch; and when within the presidency of Bom-antique-each silver medals.

IV. The Porson prize is the interest of 400. stock, to be annually employed in the purc hase of one or more Greek books, to be given to such resident undergraduate as shall make the best translation of a proposed passage in Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Missinger, or Beaumont and Fletcher, into Greek verse. The subject for the present year is Henry VIII. Act iv. Scene 2-beginning, "This cardinal," &c. and ending, "Peace be with him." N.B. The metre to be tragi um iambicum trimetrum nentalecticum. These exercises are to be accentuated, and accompanied by a literal Latin prose version, and are to be sent in on or before April 30, 1829.

The last meeting of the Prosophical Society for the present term was held on Mor day evening, the Rev. Professor Farish, vice-president, bring in the chair. A communication was read to the Society by the Rev. John Warren, of Jesus College, stating the coincidence of the views respecting the algebraic quantities commonly called impossible roots, or imaginary quantities, contained in his Treatise on the Geo metrical Representation of the Square Roots of Negative Quantities, with those independently arrived at by M. Mourey, in his work entitled La Vraie Théorie des Quantités Negatives et des Quantités prétendues Imaginaires, published at Paris during the present year, and giving from these views a proof, extracted from the work of M. Mourey, that every equation

on payment of the annual contribution.

Addition proposed to be made to the VIIth Article.
"excepting the members of the Branch Society at Bom-

Addition proposed to be made to the IXth Article.
"but the members of the Branch Society at Bombay are
to be admitted without recommendation or ballot."
Proposed Alteration of the LVIIIth Article.

[ocr errors]

The assembly afterwards proceeded to appoint the following officers for the ensuing year: President re-elected.-Sir Thomas Lawrence. New Council.-W. Etty, R. Smirke, sen., A. Cooper, and W. Collins, Esqrs.

Old Council.-J. M. W. Turner, J. Soane, C. Rossi, and
W. Hilton, Esqrs.

Visiters in the Life Academy-New List.-E. H. Baily,
W. Etty, C. Rossi, M. A. Shee, and G. Jones, Esqrs.
Old List.-R. Cook, H. Howard, T. Stothard, and A.
Cooper, Esqrs.

Visiters in the Painting School-New List.-W. Etty,
D. Wilkie, W. Hilton, and W. Mulready, Esqrs.
Old List.-R. Cook, J. Jackson, T. Phillips, and R.
Smirke, Esqrs.
Auditors re-dected.-W. Mulready, J. M. W. Turner,
and R. Westmacott, Esqrs.

Every original communication presented to the Society becomes its property; but the author or contributor may re-publish it twelve months after its publication by the Society. The Council may publish any original communication in any way, and at any time judged proper; but, if printed in the Society's Transactions, twenty-five copies of it shall be presented to the author or contributor when the volume or part in which it is inserted is published. Such as the Council may not see fit to publish on behalf of the Society, may, with its permission, be returned to the author, upon the condition, that if it is printed, a printed copy of it shall be presented to the So-THE very valuable collection of prints conciety." tained in the British Museum has recently been removed to a room expressly prepared for



WE are informed that a very numerously, we its reception, upon the upper floor of the new may say generally, signed petition, by the in-east wing of that Institution, where it is now habitants of the Regent's Park, has been pre-in the progress of arrangement, and where, we

are informed, an extended accommodation will be given to the persons who frequent it for the purposes of study.


The London Lithographic Album for 1829.
Engelmann and Co.

only to speak in the highest terms; his exe-
cution is clear, simple, and unobtrusive, but,
where necessary, judiciously brilliant.

sary for such an excursion, and decidedly bad road to be encountered.

Having thus carefully and separately exa No. 6. The Manor Shore, York, drawn from mined the contents of the Lithographic Album, Nature and on Stone by F. Nash.-Moonlight, we can safely recommend it, as containing, with what Peter Pindar calls "a sixpenny perhaps, three or four of the best lithographic moon," in the centre of the print. A little drawings hitherto published, with others cerWE noticed particularly, with reference to the silvery edging to the clouds would, we fancy, tainly of unequal merit, but still in every plate progress of lithography in this country, the be truer to nature, and advantageously relieve something may be found deserving of praise. Album (as it was absurdly called) published by the sombre monotony of the scene. But as On the whole, it is an interesting and beautiMessrs. Engelmann, Graf, Coindet, and Co. the eye of any person who suddenly enters a ful work, which reflects the highest credit on for 1828. We have since occasionally spoken dark room from the light acquires gradually Messrs. Engelmann and Co.'s establishment in of the publications of this house, which are of the power of distinguishing objects, so the eye, this country. too numerous and too miscellaneous a nature dwelling upon this print, will discover much The Gun Hill, Southwold. to enable us to give, or to require from a work which at first was not seen, and, therefore, like the Literary Gazette, particular notices. could not be appreciated. But as the present collection contains specimens by the principal English lithographic draftsmen, and illustrates the annual advance of a young and important art, it requires something more from us than a general commendation, and we therefore proceed to a short critical examination of the contents-fifteen plates.

No. 7. Preparing for a Masquerade, drawn by G. Childs after Green. Pleasing enough, and, in execution, creditable to the lithographic draftsman.

Engraved by P. Heath, from a drawing by H. Davy. GrifA VERY pleasing and well-engraved view of fith. this fine and delightfully situated battery, of six eighteen-pounders; originally constructed wold is celebrated for two great naval battles by order of the late Duke of Cumberland, who landed at Southwold in October 1745. Southfought in its bay, better known by the name of Solebay. The first was in 1666, between

Lynch after T. Warrington. We do not think No. 8. Miss Bartolozzi, drawn by J. H. the design of the original picture in good taste. Mr. Lynch's execution, although clever, wants No. 1. A Calm, drawn by P. Gauci after clearness and decision. Wichelo, is beautifully executed. The smoke No. 9. An Egyptian Girl, drawn by Richard the English fleet of 114 men of war and frifrom the evening sun-the sun just going J. Lane, A.R.A., after Edward Lane.-Beau- gates, and the Dutch fleet of 103 men of war, down-the contracted glitter upon the rippling tiful-most beautiful-graceful, simple, and in which the latter were defeated, with the loss water, and the small sails that catch the last elegant-yet, in our opinion, it would have of seventy ships: the second was in 1672, berays, are magically expressed, without in the been still more so if the two arches which tween the combined fleets of England and least interfering with the broad and tranquil appear in the background had not been intro- France, and the Dutch fleet, the issue of which effect which pervades the whole scene. was rather uncertain. duced, or if they had been kept more subdued. No. 2. La Leçon, drawn by Thomas Fair- The mastery which Mr. Lane possesses over land after Stephanoff. Stephanoff's composi- the lithographic art is complete: this print tions are generally founded upon sentiment-may stand without disparagement by the finest they are consequently refined. In La Leçon works of the graver. there is more of humble life than is usually represented by this artist. The execution is less minute than that of Mr. Fairland's most extraordinary drawing of last year" the Drowsy Messenger;" but the want of minutia is compensated for by freedom and variety of



The colonists

YESTERDAY we had a private view of an admirable panorama of Sydney, New South Wales, No. 10. Lavinia and her Mother, painted It is, altogether, one of the most interesting painted by Mr. R, Burford, in Leicester Square. and drawn by J. W. Giles.-Mercy on us! was exhibitions of the kind we have ever seen. The ever any thing half so dreadful? There is some harbour of Port Jackson and the surrounding reason for the positive black and white of a country are peculiarly suited for panoramic efchess-board, but here is black and white in the fect; and the natives in various pursuits, throwmost unreasonable manner. It is impossible to ing spears, performing dances, &c. &c., give No. 3. Interior of the Abbey of St. Ouen, from the ultra light and shade; although the to its picturesque appearance. look at this print with any degree of pleasure, great spirit to the scene, and contribute much Rouen, drawn by F. Mackenzie.As a speci- execution of the details is faultless, and in some too, military, civil, and culprit, are well dismen of lithography in the hands of a patient places would claim our particular praise, yet posed in many a group; and all the novel feaand clever draftsman, this plate has certainly the overwhelming general effect makes us turntures of this strange quarter of the world help never been surpassed. Every architectural away with the exclamation, "Mercy on us! to render the picture, as we have said, one of detail is given with the most scrupulous accu- was ever any thing half so dreadful?" racy and even the embroidery upon the robes of the various figures proceeding in religious procession, though these figures are not more than half an inch in height. Yet the general effect has been as carefully studied and preserved; the eye, therefore, which is attracted by the first glance, becomes more and more charmed by closer examination.

No. 4. Dover from the London Road, drawn from Nature and on Stone by W. Westall, A. R. A. This is, unquestionably, a clever print, but the distance is too woolly to please us; and the great labour which has been bestowed upon the foreground, particularly on the foliage, is painfully obvious.

No. 11. Robin Hood's Bay, on the Coast of Yorkshire, drawn from Nature and on Stone by F. Nicholson. Here is the very opposite effect to Mr. Giles's black and white-gray and misty, with a glorious gleam of sunshine streaming through the broken clouds, and by far more carefully finished than the generality of Mr. Nicholson's lithographic drawings.

been produced.
the most pleasing and curious that could have


To us in ancient stories be marvels many told
Of glorious achievements of the mighty men

of old

Both of feastings and fightings, both of blood and of tears:

No. 12. La Chasseresse, drawn by A. Hoffay after J. Green.-A portrait, no doubt affected I too will tell my story, if you vouchsafe your in idea and in attitude, with both head and arm strangely twisted. Mr. Hoffay's drawing In Burgundy to womanhood a noble maiden is better than such a conceit merits.



Chrimbild was she called, a lovely maiden she,
And for her many noble knights were doom'd

their death to dree.


No. 13. Mont Blanc, drawn by William So fair, that in no country was nought more Gauci after Villeneuve, we almost think an No. 5. The Bride, drawn by C. Childs after improvement on Villeneuve's much-admired fair to view; Stephanoff.-A beautiful group of pretty faces. large lithographic plate, from which it is a Never did bride blush more languishingly in copy. her mirror never did mamma more demurely drawings on stone is very peculiar, and always If many loved the maiden, no marvel that I The granulation of William Gauci's clasp a daughter's bracelet. -never did brides-to be admired for its clearness and harmony. maid expatiate more officially upon the propriety No. 14. A Cottage Girl, drawn by W. P. of becoming looks-never was any article of Sherlock after S. Drummond.-Vulgar-prodress so exquisitely managed as the bonnet of bably so much the truer copy of nature. Mr. the aforesaid bridesmaid, to shed such a deli- Sherlock, no doubt, has faithfully followed the She was surpassing lovely-she was a noble cious twilight over her beautiful countenance picture before him; and, as far as he is con- And good as she was lovely ;-her truth no and never never did any one look more arch, cerned, it is a clever print. more merry, or more enchanting, than that No. 15. Tourists in Ireland, drawn by M. girl over her companion's shoulder. To forget Gauci after W. H. Brooke, A. R. H.A. the artist in his subject is far more compli- cannot say much for the elder Gauci's execumentary to him than any critical praise can be tion in this drawing: it is feeble and undeand of Mr. Childs, as the copyist, we have cided, which ill accords with the nerves neces

For she was gazed on daily by heroes good and

tongue gainsaid.

We There was a boy in Netherland, a boy of
kingly kind;

His father was King Siegesmond, his mother

Within a noble city, far round the nations known,

In Santen by the Rhine, to manhood he was grown.

I tell you of this hero, how beautiful he was,


and the volcano, that should awe and shake us, we look and listen for in vain. Time, however, as we have before said, may do much; and in the mean while, we beg Miss Phillips to believe, that although we cannot conscien

For blaming of his beauty all over was no cause; tent a' ye land-louping hallions, the meikle tiously join in the strain of panegyric poured

Full strong and full stately was the comely

bold young man ;

Ha! what mighty honour unto this world he


Siegfried he was called, this champion so good; He wasted kingdoms many in the virtue of his mood;

He in his strength and glory rode many a realm around ;

Ha! what a furious horseman for Burgundy

was found!

Ere yet this dauntless hero had a beard his cheek upon,

With his own hand I tell ye such wonders he

had done,

That ever more about them we might both sing and say;

But we must pass them over until another day. In Siegfried's fairest season, in the spring-time of his days,

Were many wonders spoken of him and of his


What honour he had conquered, and how lovely was his frame;

And red was many a lady's cheek when men but named his name.

He now was so y-waxen, that he to court did ride,

Where him with admiration fair dames and maidens eyed:

They wished, when they beheld him, to lead the boy astray;

But he was modest-hearted that was his shield and stay.

'Twas on the seventh morning, to Worms upon

the sand,

He came with all his company, riding by his
With gold their armour gleamed, and proudly

sate each one,

And stately stept their horses the level sands


A Genuine Gaelic Proclamation. The crier sounds a flourish on that delightfully sonorous instrument, the bag-pipe; then loquitur, "Tak deil tamn ye, tat are within the bounds. If pine's gruns, he'll be first headit, and syne ony o' ye be foond fishing in ma Lort Preadalhangit, and syne droon't; an' if ta loon's bauld enouch to come back again, his horse and cart will be ta'en frae him; and if ta teil's sae grit wi' him tat he shews his ill-faurd face ta three times, far waur things wull be dune till him. An noo tat ye a' ken ta wull o' ta lairt, I'll een gang hame and sup ma brose."

[ocr errors]

forth by some of our contemporaries, we think sincere pleasure every step she makes (and we her, beyond all comparison, the best tragic actress now on the stage; and shall hail with have strong hopes she will make many,) towards the great goal at which her ambition points.

The new historical drama of Charles XII. is drawing crowded houses, and is, we perceive, announced for every night of Mr. Liston's engagement. Those who are fond of

curious coincidences," may be entertained by learning that Charles XII. was undesignedly produced on the 110th anniversary of that monarch's death, who was killed before Frederickshall, between the hours of nine and ten in the evening of the 11th of December,

[blocks in formation]

A Judicious Title.-On a vacancy in the Scotch bench, a certain advocate of some standing at the bar, but by no means remarkable for the brilliancy of his parts, or the extent of his legal knowledge, was in full expectation of being appointed to the vacant gown. This is done by a court letter, signed with the king's sign manual. In the full flutter of his darling hopes, he one day encountered an old brother lawyer notorious for the acidity of his temper, and the poignancy and acrimony of his remarks. "Weel, freend Robby," said the latter, Mr. C-k, I have every reason to believe so." hear ye're to get the vaacant goon." "Yes, "Have ye gotten doon your letter yet frae London ?" "No; but I expect an express every minute." "Nae doot, nae doot. Have you bethocht yoursel o' what teetle ye're to tak? Lord H-n will never do: ye ken that's perhaps, as perfect in the words of the part as we ever remember him to have been in any the teetle o' ane o' oor grandest dukes. Gude-(a scrupulous adherence to the text having, sake, for a bit session lordy like you to gang unfortunately, never been one of his characby the style and teetle o' ane high and michty teristics); and, as a whole, we have no hesitaprince! my certy, that wad be a bonny boor- tion in saying, he played it quite as well as he lesque on a warldly honours and dignities. would have done in the meridian of his glory. Weel a-weel, let that be a pass over. Noo a But it needed not for us to witness Mr. Kean's teetle ye maun hae, that's as clear as the licht, performance of Virginius to be convinced that [hand; and there's ane come just now into my head it must be inferior in many respects to the that will answer ye to a t: when ye're a lord, powerful, masterly, we may say perfect, porfreend Robby, ye'll be Lord Preserve Us!" trait stamped upon our hearts by Mr. Mac"You are very impertinent, Mr. C-k," reready. That gentleman's personation of Virplied the nettled judge-expectant; I am sure ginius is allowed on all hands to be his chefyou may find a waur (worse)." There never d'œuvre. He has made the character his perhaps was, or will be, comprehended so much own; and we have no hope of seeing an pithy meaning and bitter sarcasm in a single approach to his excellence in it: but when syllable, as that which formed the astounding Mr. Kean's Virginius is called a failure, we response" Whaur (where) ?" think the term a harsh, if not an unjust one. We contend that the admirers of Mr. Kean will find as many beauties, and his nonadmirers as many defects, in his Virginius, as in his Brutus (L. Junius), his Bertram, or any other of his popular characters which are of modern creation. Mr. Kean has not failed in the part-but Mr. Kean cannot act that particular part so well as Mr. Macready. He has, however, afforded us this gratification — the proof that he is still able to study a new part, and execute it in a style worthy of his longestablished, great, and well-deserved reputation. Charles Kemble's Icilius, Miss Foote's Virginia, and Terry's Siccius Dentatus, were as perfect in their way as Mr. Macready's Virginius :—of this splendid constellation but one star remains visible. Mr. C. Kemble's Icilius is as fine as ever; but Miss Jarman can neither act nor look Virginia. We longed to transplant Miss Phillips from Drury Lane. It is a part exactly suited to her years and powers: and why does not Mr. Fawcett play Siccius Dentatus? Judging from his Casca, he would be the very person. It would seem that honest Donald thought the forfeit- By the by, stage-manager, we never saw such ure of the horse and cart a much inore grievous punish- ill-drilled soldiers, or so badly-organised a mob, stance which affords no contemptible proof that Paddy and ment than the heading, hanging, and drowning; a circum-at Covent Garden Theatre. C. D. Donald are" vera brithers."

Their shields they were new; they were broad
and they were bright;
And beautiful their helmets, as beseemeth
noble knight;

Thus Siegfried the bold to King Gunther's

castle came:

I wis a comelier riding was never than that same. "Now, greatly do I marvel," said King Gun

ther, out of hand, "Why you, most noble Siegfried, hast ridden to this land;

Or what you wish to come at in Worms here

on the Rhine."

Then to the host thus spake the guest:-"A simple tale be mine:

"Men many times did tell me, within my father's land,

That round the great King Gunther there rode a peerless band:

No other knights could match them-such men I'd fain be near

No outland knight durst beard them-and therefore am I here.

"For I too am a soldier, and born to wear



Which from right noble fathers, a worthy line,

comes down ;

[line; But none shall say I owe it to nothing but my But that of right of prowess, too, both crown and land are mine."



MISS PHILLIPS has made her appearance in
Juliet, and has only confirmed us in the opi-
nion we from the first entertained, and have
repeatedly expressed, respecting her. It was a
sensible, lady-like performance, true enough to
nature in the level and playful portions of the
character, but more distinctly betraying her
want of power than any of her former efforts.
Her Juliet is a lovely, sensitive girl, a creature
of gentle smiles and quiet tears. Her love is a
flower that the first cold day would kill—the
first rude breeze bend to the earth without a
struggle ;-her "passion scarce deserves the
name;" but the love of Shakespeare's Juliet

" is like the lava flood
That boils in Etna's breast of flame."

Miss Phillips's deepest affliction affects us no
more than would an April shower. The wild
grief, and the wilder fears, of the doating, de-
spairing Italian- the torrent, the whirlwind,

On Wednesday evening, a new drama, in

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