Imatges de pàgina


Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, &c.

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No. 615.


By the


a tiara. Immense rings of wrought gold de- mals of so stupendous a size as those now about REVIEW OF NEW BOOKS. pended from her ears; a large and valuable to be exhibited, might overturn or damage Zillah; a Tale of the Holy City. nose-jewel hung from the middle of her fore- them; so that the vast area, which was coAuthor of Brambletye House." head; every finger sparkled with rings; her vered with yellow sand, allowed an uninter4 vols. London, 1828. Colburn. chains, bracelets, and ornaments, were worthy rupted view in every direction. Around the MANY a morning of patient investigation of the magnificence of her Roman dress; small base were the vaulted entrances to the numemany an evening lengthened into midnight-bells of silver decorated her scarlet sandals; rous dens wherein the wild beasts were conmany an old record of former times many a and in her hand she carried a costly tablet, fined, having between them a range of grated ponderous volume dwelt upon "till the spirit filled with perfumes." crypts, into which the rabble were allowed to was subdued to what it worked in"-many an Antony and Cytheris, as Hercules and Om- crowd, and obtain a peep at the arena, just hour's hard reading, as only antiquaries can phale." An open car, drawn by two enor-level with their heads. The lower ranges of read, must these volumes have cost their inde- mous lions, and preceded by laurelled lictors, seats, in which the foreign ambassadors, the fatigable writer. The dresses and dishes--the was seen slowly advancing from one of the dignitaries, and most distinguished personages, Temple and the market-place-the thousand woody avenues towards the high-road. A man were placed, were defended by a broad trench, little observances of social life, its fashions and was seated within it, whose graceful length of filled with water, and surmounted by an iron follies, paintings and perfumes, are described beard, large forehead, aquiline nose, and noble railing, as well as by nets, spikes, and gilt with the minuteness of an eye-witness a curi- dignity of countenance, imparted to him a com- palisades, affixed to rotatory staves, to prevent ous, hearing, listening, seeing eye-witness. We manding aspect, that might almost justify the the grappling and climbing of the wild beasts. can scarcely speak of Zillah as a novel-though presumption of his vestments, which were in In these first rows, which were considered the its love-affairs, its hairbreadth scapes, &c. are obvious imitation of the garb of Hercules. Be- most honourable, sat, in a separate tribuna!, enough to attract its young lady-readers but side him sat a beautiful, but wanton and vo- the whole sisterhood of the vestals, in their as an animated picture-gallery, whose colouring luptuous-looking female, sparkling with jewels, white robes of state; and in a parallel line is from one of the most gorgeous periods of and flaunting in splendid habiliments, her su. with them, sweeping round the vast circle, antiquity; and we must say Mr. Smith has perb golden ringlets enwreathed with flowers, were seen the chief priests, the flamens and collected a mass of matériel which an historian and her naked, round, alabaster arm, hanging augurs, the consuls, prætors, and ædiles, the might be proud to set forth. But let our read-over the side of the car, though she forgot not senators, and all the magistrates of rank, their ers judge for themselves. to shade it with a little canopy of peacocks' seats being of Parian or African marble, coA Jewish Court-Dress." She accordingly feathers, that answered the purpose of a pa- vered with rich cushions; though some, to wore the particoloured robe, which she had her- rasol. Both parties were laughing loudly and whom the honour of the bisellium, or the self embroidered with flowers and gold thread, heartily. Another vehicle followed, drawn by curule-chair, had been decreed by the people, and of which the sleeves were of the richest mules; and several horsemen accompanied them, had decorated them with ivory and silver. gauze, decorated with ribands and facings cu- whose animals, having probably been trained Above these were the circles for the knights; riously sewed together. These were blue, to endure the society of the lions, betrayed not and then came the great mass of the spectawhich, being a celestial colour, was in high the smallest terror at their presence." tors, divided, for their more commodious arfavour, and much used for cuffs and trim- Before we leave the fashionables of the ca- rangement, into masses of a wedge-like shape, mings; though it was not deemed decorous to pitol, we shall quote two customs, and one and lining the walls with innumerable heads have the whole apparel of this hue, since none mode, the very echo of last winter. up to the dizzy top of the building. Perfumes more was used about the curtains and veils of "Look at the female wigs in that hair- were diffused through the theatre by means the Tabernacle. Her under-garment of fine dresser's shop-positively they get higher and of pipes, which scattered odoriferous showers linen, reaching to the ankles, and bordered also higher every day. She started back in various directions; in addition to which, with blue, had been decorated by her own skil-on beholding a live snake writhing itself about most of the better class, and many of the ful needle with clouded colours, which bore the in the bosom of one of the party, until in-plebeians, had provided themselves with flowname of feather-work. Across her bosom was formed by Maia that it was a harmless little ers and nosegays." a pectoral of byssus, a sort of silk of a golden tame serpent, which many ladies thus carried, Zillah's escape from Antony is too striking a yellow, formed from the tuft that grows on a on account of the refreshing coolness it im-scene for omission. large shellfish of the muscle species, found on parted to the skin. The female in question "Zillah, gazing beneath her, beheld a vast the coasts of the Mediterranean,-for the great took out the twisting reptile, called it her pet, and lofty hall, near the ceiling of which she ones of the earth had not then begun to rob her grig, her dear little anguilla, kissed it ten- found herself standing. It was spacious as the the silkworm of its covering. Her sandals were derly, and returned it to its nest. interior of a temple, decorated with ponderous of badger-skin leather, secured with golden Octavia standing beside a lofty candelabrum, columns, a large statue of the veiled Isis, and clasps. Her head-dress was of simple, and, on which her arm was leaning, and occasion- other grim, gigantic, and hideous deities of the according to modern notions, of not very be- ally passing from one hand to the other a ball Egyptian mythology, which being only indiscoming form; for her black and luxuriant locks, of amber, which it was the fashion of the day tinctly revealed in the dim twilight, imparted being drawn behind the head, were divided to carry, because its refrigerating qualities kept an additionally stupendous and terrific characinto several tresses, their beauty consisting in the palm always cool. Her long stole, bor-ter to the gloomy vastness of the enclosure their length and thickness, and the extremity dered with gold and purple tissue, and sup- wherein they stood. A wrought stone cornice, of each being adorned with pearls and jewels, ported by female slaves, was left open in front projecting about two feet from the wall, exor ornaments of silver and gold, of which latter to display the stomacher, resplendent with tended from the spot where they stood to the metal she also wore narrow plain circlets around jewels; while a mantle of light fabric falling opposite extremity of the building. Have in graceful folds from the clasp of her shoulder, you the courage to risk your life by walking One in Roman Costume." Her face was was gathered up at its other extremity, and along this dizzy ledge?' inquired Cleopatra, painted, her eyebrows pencilled and extended thrown across her wrist." pointing to it. It is your only means of so as to join one another, one among the The Theatre. "The large statue of the vic-escape, and I have myself just traversed it for many Roman fashions which were then in torious Venus, as well as the sacred columns, the purpose of visiting you?"" vogue. Her hair, gathered up in tresses under obelisks, and altars, which usually stood ranged her veil, and received into a gold caul behind, along the centre of the arena, had been all rewas confined by a jewelled and embroidered moved, not only to afford a better view to the bandelette, which in front assumed the form of spectators, but in the apprehension that ani

her wrists and ankles."

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Night comes, and Zillah puts on her disguise: "It was a garment which Cleopatra herself had worn when it pleased her to personate the goddess Isis, the robe being decorated with the

symbols of that deity, and the head-dress being

The whole work is a series of, as it were,


The Keepsake for 1829. Edited by F. M. Rey-
nolds. Pp. 360. London, Hurst, Chance,
and Co.; and R. Jennings.

And mingle colours that could breed Such rapture, nor want power to feed? a lofty garland of leaves, corn, and artificial richly coloured sketches, translated by words of For, had thy charge been idle flowers, peaches, interwoven together." Thus attired the most minute accuracy; and no one can Fair damsel, o'er my captive mind, she enters the hall. "Massive golden chande- close these volumes without greatly adding to To truth and sober reason blind, 'Mid that soft air, those long-lost bowers, liers suspended from the ceiling, and numerous his knowledge of costume, manners, customs, The sweet illusion might have hung for hours! lofty candelabra and lamps of alabaster ar- &c. of those high places of history-Jerusalem -Thanks to this tell-take sheaf of corn, ranged along the side of the hall, irradiated the Holy, and Rome the Eternal, City—and That touchingly bespeaks thee born, Life's daily tasks with them to share, the whole spacious enclosure with the blaze of marvel, as he reads, how so much power and Who, whether from their lowly bed day; the tables, encumbered with gorgeous glory can have departed, leaving the magnifi- They rise, or rest the weary head, Do weigh the blessing they entreat plate, lofty Grecian vases sculptured with ex- cent desolate, and the mighty fallen. From Heaven, and feel what they repeat, quisite figures, and ponderous oriental censers, We have not entered on the story, because While they give utterance to the prayer That asks for daily bread." the sparkling of whose gold was quenched in we will not deprive our readers of the attracthe radiance of the jewelry with which they tive thread of all fictitious writings; nor have Premising that all the prose pieces in the were embossed, displayed that wasteful and we quoted as much as we otherwise should have Keepsake deserve commendation more or less, insane profusion which constituted Mark An- done, except for the belief that Zillah will soon from superlative to comparative, we pass over, tony's sole notion of magnificence; the nobility be a very common book, not only for immediate in our review, the Half-Brothers, by the and the priesthood in their robes of ceremony, perusal, but for future reference and gratifica- Authors of the O'Hara Tales, the length of and the ladies of the court in their gala-dresses, which seals it from us. Lord Morpeth next resplendent with diamond blazonry, were ranged contributes some elegant Scraps of Italy; and along the various tables: at the head of which he is followed by a magnificent poem, the sat the Triumvir, magnificently attired as the Triad, by Wordsworth. The Sisters of Algod Bacchus, having on his right hand Cleobano by Mrs. Shelley, and other papers, which, patra, the enchantress of all eyes and hearts, Or the splendid engravings for this work we though not undistinguished, we cannot distin. not less voluptuous and lovely than the Queen guish, including Apropos of Bread, a very of Love, whose garb and attributes she had gave our opinion last week, and we have now clever sketch by Lord Nugent, some lines assumed for the night. Cupids and beautiful to speak of the literary contents, which receive signed T. Moore (we believe the poet's, but illustration from those beautiful specimens of given by a friend to the work), and other lines damsels representing the Nymphs and Graces, were in attendance upon the royal and divine art, and at the same time reflect a lustre back by L. E. L. on the portrait of the Duchess of pair; as if to complete their living apotheosis, upon them. This is the second year of the Bedford, lead us to the Tapestried Chamber, and to offer by their light, lovely, and radiant first of the largest class of Annuals, and the that exquisite engraving, with a narrative nei. preface states that the prodigious sum of eleven ther worthy of it nor of the writer—no less a forms, a strange contrast to the opposite extremity of the hall, where sat enthroned the thousand guineas has been expended upon it: personage than the Author of Waverley. In great veiled figure of Isis, within an enclosure, be no doubt of the success of the Keepsake. for by its vigorous contributor, as having been thus, if liberality deserve success, there can fact, it is a portfolio sweeping, and apologised guarded at each angle by the gigantic black But taste and judgment are as requisite, or heard by him some twenty years ago from Miss granite statue of an Egyptian deity, stern, solemn, terrific, and rendered still more hide- more so, than even lavish expenditure; and it Seward! There is much smartness, perhaps affords us pleasure to state that both have been rather too much of fashion, in an Attempt at ous by the red glare thrown from the flaming altar in front of the shrine. At eminently bestowed upon this striking produc a Tour, by the Author of the Roué; and Lucy length, silence being proclaimed by a crier, the tion. It is, we believe, the editor's primal and her Bird, by Southey, is as pretty as the priest of Isis, standing beside the altar, pro- essay, and it does him much honour in every subject allowed. The Lady and her Lovers, nounced in a loud voice, The health of the particular-in what he has obtained, in what by the Author of Gilbert Earle, has only to be god Antony! and may the sacrifices and liba- he has selected, and in what he has contributed. mentioned as a fair portion of this mosaic, but tions which he now offers to his sister Isis be But his best eulogy will be in our analysis of not the most brilliant of his performances. propitiously accepted!' At the same time he his book, however cursorily done, and in our We are as yet only half way through the poured perfumed oil upon the flame, and the extracts, however unequal to the effect of dis-volume, and are met by a couplet by Lord band, as it had been previously concerted, playing the merits of so various a miscellany. The volume opens with My Aunt Margaret's Death of the Laird's Jock, by Sir Walter Scott, Holland, and some lines by Mr. Luttrell. struck up Antony's march. This was the sig nal for Zillah. Commending herself to Hea Mirror, a tale by the Author of Waverley, and is simply an anecdote, upon the telling of which ven in a short prayer, she stepped upon the though slight (as any thing for a collection of no pains have been expended. Mr. Ralph Ber. narrow cornice with a throbbing heart, and the Author of the Bride of Lammermuir and of Ferdinando Eboli appears an interesting story, this kind must be), bearing evident marks of nal gives a few stanzas of solemn song, and keeping her eyes fixed upon the wall, while she waved her hand rejectingly towards the the Chronicles of the Canongate. It is indeed by the Author of Frankenstein. We have some assemblage below, she proceeded with a slow an interesting and mysterious tale; but, alas vague recollection of meeting before with an and steady pace along her perilous path. Cleo- for us! and well for the readers of the Keep-account of the extraordinary coincidence on patra was the first to startle the echoing hall sake, it is forty-four honest pages (i. e. eighty- which it is built; but it is altogether an affectwith a fearful shriek, as she pointed at the eight common type and margin), and we can- ing narrative. An Incident, the only paper of not quote any intelligible portion of it. Some apparition, screaming out, The goddess! the Stanzas by Lord F. L. Gower follow, and then any length furnished by the Editor, displays goddess! she rejects the offerings !—and see, much naïveté and talent; and we should ob. see! the fire of the altar has gone out!' and prose notice on Love, by the late Mr. Shelley, serve, in addition to this, that wherever a nook she fell back in her chair, apparently overcome reader of the Keepsake, she will, we venture to sedulously and appropriately done his duty by which, if it explain what love is to any lady- or half page wanted filling up, he has most with dread. Owing to the great height of the cornice, none of the guests below could per- of that name. affirm, never care for the common love-token supplying the waste with neat epigrams or ceive its projection, and they might therefore And next we come to some- slight poetical flowers. The Boy and the Butbe well excused for imagining that the offend. thing more natural, and quote the poetry of a terfly, by Crofton Croker, is a fanciful and ed goddess was actually treading the air, and picture written by Wordsworth to the engrav- pretty little piece; and Mrs. Hemans and about to visit them, perhaps, with some tering of the Gleaner. rible infliction. . Antony and Cleopatra themselves, in spite of their assumed divinity, and the royal diadem they wore, offered to their guests the humiliating spectacle of a disorderly retreat; and in a few minutes the silent, lonely hall, with its lamps still blazing, the gorgeous vases and goblets flickering in their own golden light, their gems twinkling like stars, the censers breathing up their rich perfumes, and the costly feast outspread upon the tables, were all abandoned to the veiled goddess, and to the granite giants, who seemed to be left as the grim guardians of the deserted banquet."

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"The Country Girl.
That happy gleam of vernal eyes,

Those locks from Summer's golden skies,
That o'er thy brow are shed;
That cheek-a kindling of the morn,
That lip-a rose-bud from the thorn,
I saw; and Fancy sped

To scenes Arcadian, whispering, through soft air,
Of bliss that grows without a care;
Of happiness that never flies-
How can it where love never dies?
Of promise whispering, where no blight
Can reach the innocent delight;
Where Pity to the mind convey'd
In pleasure is the darkest shade,
That Time, unwrinkled grandsire, flings
From his smoothly gliding wings.

What mortal form, what earthly face,
Inspired the pencil, lines to trace,


L. E. L. grace the latter pages of the book with
some sweet poetry. We however select as a
specimen Lines to a Pearl, by Lord Porchester.

"I have not seen thee shine in crowded hall
On gala night, 'mid gorgeous festival,
But thou wert to the southern stranger given
By the lone stream beneath a stormy heaven.
And, lady, when I took it from thy hand,

I deem'd there breathed no fairer in the land:
And thought when last I heard thee speak, no mind
More pure was e'er in mortal mould enshrined.
At times athwart thy calm and passive brow,
A rich expression came, a sunny glow,
That well might seem engender'd by the sky
That canopies the maids of Italy.

It told that young Romance, a lingering guest,
Was still the inmate of thy chasten'd breast;
That fond illusive mood, which makes us still
Forget, in promised pleasure, present ill;

Cherish the mem'ry of that distant day,
And prize this relic of our friendship, far
Beyond the fabled gems of Istakhar."
Burnham Beeches, by Mr. Luttrell, is cu-
rious in itself, and also from the declaration of
the writer that he has " exhausted every rhyme
to his subject that the language affords ;" which,
as critics, we beg to deny. Ex. gr.

Bard of the Trees, thy whim is vain,
They cure at Dr. Veitch's
Retreats, such patients deemed insane,
As out-rhyme Burnham Beeches.
Beneath whose shade would I could eat
Bread butter-ed and sweet cheese;
So would my oily mouth repeat

The praise of Burnham Beeches.
In summer, though this plan might fit,
Without one's coat or breeches,
"Twould be no joke just now to sit
Under the Burnham Beeches.

That makes me now, though years have roll'd. away,cretly agitating every country, which probably | praiseworthiness; and, if he continued to be arose by slow degrees in Mr. Canning's mind, a lover of fame, he also passionately loved the as circumstances became auspicious, and as glory of his country. Even He who almost his own power was more consolidated, began alone was entitled to look down on fame as to be carried into execution by three mea- that last infirmity of noble mind,' had not sures, of which the spirit, object, and example, forgotten that it was were yet more important than the immediate The spur that the clear spirit doth raise, effects; namely, the recognition of the Spanish To scorn delights, and live laborious days.' republic in America, the aid to Portugal, with The natural bent of character is, perhaps, betthe countenance thereby afforded to limited ter ascertained from the undisturbed and un. monarchy in that country, and the treaty conscious play of the mind in the common inconcluded with Russia and France for the tercourse of society, than from its movements rescue and preservation of Greece. The last under the power of strong interest or warm of these transactions will now be considered as passions in public life. In social intercourse the most memorable, and as that which best Mr. Canning was delightful. Happily for the illustrates the comprehensive policy towards true charm of his conversation, he was too busy which he at length approached. It was a otherwise not to treat society as more fitted for measure eminently pacific, which aimed at relaxation than display. It is but little to say, Mr. Luttrell's is nevertheless a very pleasant the lasting establishment of amity between that he was neither disputatious, declamatory, jeu d'esprit, and contrasts well with the Gar-states, and peace between parties, and which, nor sententious; neither a dictator nor a jester. den of Boccacio, by Coleridge; and a capital if executed with spirit, was likely to avoid His manner was simple and unobtrusive, his old English story in verse, the King and the the inconvenience even of a slight and short language always quite familiar. If a higher Minstrel of Ely, by Lockhart. A legend of rupture with the Ottoman Porte itself. It thought stole from his mind, it came in its Killarney, by Mr. Haynes Bayly, is a pleasant engaged royalists and liberals in an enterprise conversational undress. From this plain ground variety; but we have yet to mention three of on which the majority of both concurred; it his pleasantry sprung with the happiest effect, the most striking productions in the Keepsake, tended to knit more closely the ties of friend- and it was nearly exempt from that alloy of viz. the Sketch of a Fragment of the History ship between the most powerful governments, taunt and banter, which he sometimes mixed of the 19th Century (sixteen pages), by J. M. and to fasten more firmly the bands between with more precious materials in public contest. (Sir James Mackintosh); the Old Gentleman, rulers and nations, by uniting the former for He may be added to the list of those eminent a tale (twenty-three pages), by Theodore an object generally acceptable to the latter. persons who pleased most in their friendly Hook; and Clorinda, or the Necklace of Pearl, It combined the lustre of a generous enter. circle. He had the agreeable quality of being a tale (thirty-eight pages), by Lord Normanby. prise with the greatest probability of prevent- more easily pleased in society than might have When, at some future day, selections may be ing the unsafe aggrandisement of any state. been expected from the keenness of his discernmade from all the Annuals, to form enter- In the midst of these high designs, and before ment and the sensibility of his temper. He was taining volumes, without the common admix- that pacific alliance, of which the liberation of liable to be discomposed, or even silenced, by the ture of stuff, these, and my Aunt Margaret's Greece was to be the cement, had acquired presence of any one whom he did not like. His Mirror, are likely to be among the chosen. consistence, Mr. Canning was cut off. We are sorry that we have not room to do left his system, and much of his fame, at the tions or anxieties which preyed on his mind, He manner in society betrayed the political vexajustice to them. The Historical Fragment is mercy of his successors. Without invidious nor could he conceal that sensitiveness to public most admirable; and does equal honour to comparison, it may be safely said that from attacks which their frequent recurrence wears the head and heart of the writer-one who has the circumstances in which he died, his death out in most English politicians. These last had the best opportunities of seeing and feeling was more generally interesting among civilised foibles may be thought interesting as the rethe base selfishness and servile ingratitude nations, than that of any other English states-mains of natural character, not destroyed by with which the recent memory of as bright man had ever been. It was an event in the refined society and political affairs. He was a genius, and as patriotic a soul, as ever internal history of every country. From Lima assailed by some adversaries so ignoble as to adorned the British annals, has been insulted to Athens, every nation struggling for inde- wound him through his filial affection, which by those who only a few months before pendence or existence, was filled by it with preserved its respectful character through the crouched beneath his energies, or truckled to sorrow and dismay. The Miguelites of Por-whole course of his advancement. The ardent his master-mind. Sir James Mack intosh has tugal, the Apostolicals of Spain, the Jesuitical zeal for his memory, which appeared imme. drawn a noble and an accurate character of faction in France, and the Divan of Constan- diately after his death, attests the warmth Mr. Canning: sorry are we that we can only tinople, raised a shout of joy at the fall of their of those domestic affections which seldom prequote a few insulated parts of it. dreaded enemy. "When Mr. Canning, in 1822, assumed the who, heated by no personal or party resent-ing epitaph on his son parental love has given He was regretted by all vail where they are not mutual. To his touchconduct of foreign affairs and of the House of ment, felt for genius struck down in the act a charm which is wanting in his other verses. Commons, he adopted measures and disclosed of attempting to heal the revolutionary dis. It was said of him at one time, that no man views which had no parallel aniong con temper, and to render future improvements had so little popularity and such affectionate temporary ministers. The wish, indeed, that pacific:-on the principle since successfully friends; and the truth was certainly more England should retire into a more neutral adopted by more fortunate, though not more sacrificed to point in the former than in the station, and assume a more mediatorial attitude deserving, ministers; that of a deep and latter member of the contrast. Some of his than perhaps her share in the alliance against thorough compromise between the interests friendships continued in spite of political difFrance could before have easily allowed, had and the opinions, the prejudices and the de- ferences, which, by rendering intercourse less then become so prevalent, that even his pre-mands of the supporters of establishment, and unconstrained, often undermine friendship; decessor, though entangled in another policy, the followers of reformation. shewed no doubtful marks of a desire to and others were remarkable for a warmth, "From his boyhood he was the foremost constancy, and disinterestedness, which, though change his course. Perhaps little could have among very distinguished contemporaries, and chiefly honourable to those who were capable been done to give it effect until all reasonable continued to be regarded as the best specimen, of so pure a kindness, yet redound to the credit royalists were taught by experience that the and the most brilliant representative, of that of him who was the object of it. No man is so passion for reformation was too deeply rooted eminently national education. His youthful beloved who is not himself formed for friendto be torn up by force, and till the eagerness eye sparkled with quickness and arch plea- ship. Notwithstanding his disregard for moof inexperienced nations for sudden and vio- santry, and his countenance early betrayed that ney, he was not tempted in youth, by the lent changes had been chastised by defeat. jealousy of his own dignity, and sensibility to example or the kindness of affluent friends, In the five years which followed, the plan suspected disregard, which were afterwards much to overstep his little patrimony. He for re-establishing the tranquillity of Europe, softened, but never quite subdued. Neither never afterwards sacrificed to parade or perby balancing the force and reconciling the the habits of a great school, nor those of a sonal indulgence; pretensions of the parties then openly or se. popular assembly, were calculated to weaken scarcely allowed him to think enough of his though his occupations his love of praise and passion for distinction. private affairs. Even from his moderate forBut, as he advanced in years, his fine coun- tune, his bounty was often liberal to suitors tenance was ennobled by the expression of to whom official relief could not be granted. thought and feeling; he more pursued that By a sort of generosity still harder for him lasting praise which is not to be earned without to practise, he endeavoured, in cases where

Mr. L.'s rhymes are--beseeches, bleaches, breaches, Creech's, each is, impeaches, leeches, peaches, preaches, reaches (twice), specches, screeches, teaches,in all thir


We do not insist on a proper name, but Veitch is as good as Creech.



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very point of easing his mind, and retaining my faithful servant by a disclosure of my power; but it was yet too new to be parted with; so I affected an anger I did not feel, and told him he might go where he pleased. I had, however, ascertained that the old gentleman had not deceived me in his promises; and, elated with the possession of my extraordinary faculty, I hurried the operation of dressing, and before I had concluded it, my ardent friend Sheringham was announced: he vras waiting in the breakfast-room. At the same moment, a note from the lovely Fanny Hayward was delivered to me from the divine girl who, in the midst all my scientific abstraction, could chain my worldly feelings for a moinent.' Sheringham, my dear fellow,' said I, as I advanced to welcome him, what makes you so early a visiter this morning?' 'An anxiety,' replied Sheringham, to tell you that my uncle, whose interest I endeavoured to procure for you, in regard to the appointment for which you expressed a desire, has been compelled to recommend a relation of the marquess; this gives me real pain, but I thought it would be best to put you out of suspense as soon as possible.'

the suffering was great, though the suit could | mised to place his name in the first class of much surprised as the man. 'Sir,' said Barnot be granted, to satisfy the feelings of the rulers, among the founders of lasting peace, ton, who had served me for seven years withsuitor, by full explanation in writing of the and the guardians of human improvement." out having once been found fault with, I see causes which rendered compliance impracti- The novelty of a paper of this kind in an you think me unworthy your confidence: you cable. Wherever he took an interest, he Annual would excuse our selection of it for ex- could not have known this, if you had not shewed it as much by delicacy to the feelings tract, even were it not recommended by the watched, and followed, and overheard me and of those whom he served or relieved, as by great interest of the subject, and the great my sweetheart: my character will get me substantial consideration for their claims; a talents of the author. through the world without being looked after. rare and most praiseworthy merit among men The Old Gentleman, by T. Hook, is a very I can stay with you no longer: you will please, in power. original idea, and is very cleverly treated. The sir, to provide yourself with another servant.' Mr. Canning possessed in a high degree relater has been empowered by a strange per- But Barton,' said I, I did not follow or the outward advantages of an orator. His ex-sonage, dressed in green, with white hair, watch you; I-' 'I beg your pardon, sir,' pressive countenance varied with the changes of whose portrait will be immediately recognised he replied: it is not for me to contradict; his eloquence; his voice, flexible and articulate, at the west end of the town, "to know the but, you'll forgive me, sir, I would rather go had as much compass as his mode of speaking thoughts and foresee events," under conditions, I must go.' At this moment I was on the required. In the calm part of his speeches, that, however well he knows what is to haphis attitude and gesture might have been se- pen to others, he is to remain ignorant about lected by a painter to represent grace rising himself, except when connected with them; towards dignity. No English speaker used the and that he is never to reveal his supernatural keen and brilliant weapon of wit so long, so faculty, under pain of losing it. often, or so effectively, as Mr. Canning. He To-morrow morning,' (the story contigained more triumphs and incurred more en-nues) said my friend, when you awake, the mity by it than any other. Those whose im- power will be your own; and so, sir, I wish portance depends much on birth and fortune, are you a very good night.' 'But, sir,' said I, impatient of seeing their own artificial dignity, anxious to be better assured of the speedy or that of their order, broken down by derision; fulfilment of the wish of my heart, (for such and perhaps few men heartily forgive a success- indeed it was,) may I have the honour of ful jest against themselves, but those who are knowing your name and address?' Ha, ha, conscious of being unhurt by it. Mr. Canning ha!' said the old gentleman; my name and often used this talent imprudently. As address-ha, ha, ha!—my name is pretty fahis oratorical faults were those of youthful genius, miliar to you, young gentleman; and as for the progress of age seemed to purify his elo- my address, I dare say you will find your way quence, and every year appeared to remove some to me some day or another, and so, once more, speck which hid, or at least dimmed, a beauty. good night.' Saying which, he descended the He daily rose to larger views, and made, per- stairs and quitted the house, leaving me to haps, as near approaches to philosophical prin- surmise who my extraordinary visiter could be. ciples as the great difference between the ob- I never knew; but I recollect, that after he jects of the philosopher and those of the orator was gone, I heard one of the old ladies scolding will commonly allow. When the Memorials a servant-girl for wasting so many matches in of his own time, the composition of which he lighting the candles, and making such a teris said never to have interrupted in his busiest rible smell of brimstone in the house. I was moments, are made known to the public, his now all anxiety to get to bed, not because I was abilities as a writer may be better estimated. sleepy, but because it seemed to me as if going Mr. Canning's power of writing to bed would bring me nearer to the time of verse may rather be classed with his accom- getting up, when I should be master of the plishments, than numbered among his high miraculous power which had been promised and noble faculties. It would have been a me. I rang the bell; my servant was still distinction for an inferior man. 邊 In some of the amusements or tasks of his boyhood there are passages which, without much help from fancy, might appear to contain allusions to his greatest measures of policy, as well as to the tenor of his life, and to the melancholy splendour which surrounded his death. In the concluding line of the first English verses written by him at Eton, he expressed a wish, which has been singularly realised, that he might


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Major Sheringham,' said I, drawing myself up coldly, if this matter concern you so deeply as you seem to imply that it does, might I ask why you so readily agreed to your uncle's proposition, or chimed in with his suggestion, to bestow the appointment on this relation of the marquess, in order that you might, in return for it, obtain the promotion for which you are so anxious?' My dear fellow,' said Sheringham, evidently confused,

out; it was unusual for him to be absent at so late an hour. I waited until the clock struck eleven, but he came not; and resolving to reprimand him in the morning, I retired to rest. Contrary to my expectation, and, as it seemed I-I-never chimed in; my uncle certainly to me, to the ordinary course of nature, consi- pointed out the possibility to which you dering the excitement under which I was la- allude, but that was merely contingent upon bouring, I had scarcely laid my head on my what he could not refuse to do.' Sheringpillow before I dropped into a profound slum- ham,' said I, ‘ your uncle has already secured ber, from which I was only aroused by my for you the promotion, and you will be gazetted servant's entrance to my room. The instant I for the lieutenant-colonelcy of your regiment Live in a blaze, and in a blaze expire.' awoke I sat up in bed, and began to reflect on on Tuesday. I am not to be told that you It is at least a striking coincidence, that the what had passed, and for a moment to doubt called at the Horse-guards, in your way to your statesman, whose dying measure was to mature whether it had not been all a dream. How-uncle's yesterday, to ascertain the correctness an alliance for the deliverance of Greece, should, ever, it was daylight; the period had arrived of the report of the vacancy which you had when a boy, have written English verses on the when the proof of my newly acquired power received from your friend Macgregor; or that slavery of that country; and that in his prize might be made. Barton,' said I to my man, you, elated by the prospect before you, were poem at Oxford, on the Pilgrimage to Mecca, why were you not at home last night?' I the person, in fact, to suggest the arrangement a composition as much applauded as a modern had to wait, sir, nearly three hours,' he re- which has been made, and promise your uncle Latin poem can aspire to be, he should have as plied, for an answer to the letter which you to smooth me over' for the present.' 'Sir,' bitterly deplored the lot of other renowned sent to Major Sheringham.' That is not said Sheringham, where you picked up this countries, now groaning under the same bar- true,' said I; and, to my infinite surprise, I intelligence I know not; but I must say, that barous yoke. appeared to recollect a series of occurrences, of such mistrust, after years of undivided intiwhich I never had previously heard, and could macy, is, not becoming, or consistent with the have known nothing: you went to see your character which I hitherto supposed you to sweetheart, Betsy Collyer, at Camberwell, and possess. When by sinister means the man we took her to a tea-garden, and gave her cakes look upon as a friend descends to be a spy upon and cider, and saw her home again: you mean our actions, confidence is at an end, and the to do exactly the same thing on Sunday, and sooner our intercourse ceases, the better. Withto-morrow you mean to ask me for your quar-out some such conduct, how could you become ter's wages, although not due till Monday, in possessed of the details upon which you have order to buy her a new shawl.' The man grounded your opinion of my conduct?' 'I' stood aghast: it was all true. I was quite as and here again was a temptation to confess and

Nunc Satrapæ imperio et sævo subdita Turcæ. To conclude: - he was a man of fine and brilliant genius, of warm affections, of high and generous spirit; a statesman, who, at home, converted most of his opponents into warm supporters; who, abroad, was the sole hope and trust of all who sought an orderly and legal liberty; and who was cut off in the midst of vigorous and splendid measures, which, if executed by himself, or with his own spirit, pro

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fall; but I had not the courage to do it.


fice it, Major Sheringham, to say, I know it; and, moreover, I know, that when you leave me, your present irritation will prompt you to go to your uncle and check the disposition he feels at this moment to serve me.' This is too much, sir,' said Sheringham; this. must be our last interview, unless indeed your unguarded conduct towards me, and your intemperate language concerning me, may render one more meeting necessary; and so, sir, he re ends our acquaintance.' Saying which, Sheringham, whose friendship even to my enlightened eye was nearly as sincere as any other man's, quitted my room, fully convinced of my meanness and unworthiness: my heart sank within me when I heard the door close upon him for the last time. I now possessed the pow er I had so long desired, and in less than an hour had lost a valued friend and a faithful servant. Nevertheless, Barton had told me a falsehood, and She

ringham was gazetted on the Tuesday night." A lady's case next occurs, but frorn this we

must abstain, and only copy a little of the less

particular results.

"Love's Calendar.

That courtship gay is Lady Day,
My pretty maid, you teach your lover;
But marry not, or you'll discover,
That Lady Day, most strange to say,
Will then become no Quarter day."

"To a Critic who quoted an isolated passage, and then
declared it unintelligible.

Most candid critic! what if I,
By way of joke, pluck out your eye,
And holding up the fragment cry,

Ha, ha! that men such fools should be!
Behold this shapeless mass !--and he
Who own'd it dreamt that it could see!'
The joke were mighty analytic-
But should you like it, candid critic?"

"Swans sing before they die-'twere no bad thing
Did certain persons die before they sing."

read all the poetry in all the Annuals, this
If Coleridge had, like us, been obliged to
couplet must have been turned still more pun-

Transrhenane Memoirs. By J. R. Best, Esq.

8vo. pp. 218. Longman and Co.

sort of connexion, that we may not lose our right of appeal en cas de besoin."

We will not amplify these examples, nor give a whining address to a lock (or supposed lock) of Buonaparte's hair, about which the author is wonderfully enthusiastic; but we will extract his idea of the young Duke of Reichstadt.

"I have met with extracts from a work in which the character of this young man is depicted in those strong colours which universal continental report ascribes to him. That character does, in fact, already excite the hopes of his well-wishers-but these are few-and the fears of his enemies-who are many. ' Il n'a que trop d'esprit-he is but too clever,' is French royalists; while others profess to anan opinion which I have heard announced by ticipate as certain his future exaltation to the throne of France."

has not seen the pride of Munich-its literary Risum teneatis about this trop d'esprit ? Our traveller admits, and regrets, that he WE had occasion in two several Literary Ga- its palaces for the fine arts; but he says that institutions, to which he might well have added zettes for December 1826, to speak in terms of being seized with a fit of insurmountable commendation of a former work of the present uncomfortableness, I thus answered a professor abroad, and a relation of the gentleman whose writer, an English Catholic, long resident in one of the colleges, who had the goodness to works on France and Italy we reviewed not press me to defer my departure. But,' said has now sustained the reputation which his lery? The floor is now encumbered by long since. We can hardly say that our author he, you have not seen the royal picture gal


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workmen, and admittance has been denied me:

"I went into the Water-colour Exhibition at Charing-cross; there I heard two artists complimenting each other, while their hearts were bursting with mutual envy. The re, too, I found a mild, modest-looking lady, listening to the bewitching nothings of her husband's particular friend; and I knew, as I saw her frown and abruptly turn away from him with every work is in a half-gossiping, half-sentimental preceding Memoirs acquired for him. appearance of real indignation, that she had at with him the following night. In Harding's We pointed out in our notice of his relation's that very moment mentally resolved to elope style, with a tendency to be lachrymose about Buonaparte, and waspish about Protestantism. shop I found authors congregated to laugh the sultry hours away,' each watching to catch performance, who became a convert from the Rehis neighbour's weak point, and inake it sub- tinual snarling in which he indulged himself formed to the Roman Catholic worship, the conject matter of mirth in his evening's conver-when an opportunity offered (or, indeed, when sation. I saw a viscount help his father out it did not offer), at the established religion of of his carriage with every mark of duty and his native country; and we have something of veneration, and knew that he was actually the same kind to observe of Mr. J. R. Best. pede the cultivation of the vegetables that

Ex. gr.

besides, the paintings of Munich, however fine modern statues ? I have studied all Canova's they may be, are less anxiously thought of by Italy. You have not seen Canova's fine one who is acquainted with every gallery of

lection of ancient marbles? I have often most beautiful models in his own Roman workshop.' You have not seen the extensive coladorned the imperial halls, and that now imstumbled over the precious marbles that formerly

spring up amongst the tottering ruins of the once-more herbosa Palatia.' The professor smiled, and I left Munich."

languishing for the earldom and estates of the venerable parent of whose health he was apparently taking so much care. At Howell and "The façade of the Protestant cathedral is James's I saw more than I could tell, if I had of a fine Gothic architecture. I wished to see ten times the space afforded me that I have; and the interior of the church, and walked round We will not, however, part with our friend I concluded my tour by dropping in at the to all its doors: I found them all shut. The pleasant style; tells his stories in a light, flipon ill terms: he writes with great ease, in a National Gallery, where the ladies and gentle-be excused if the exclamation, D-n these We do not find depth of research or acute obrain was falling in torrents, and I hope I may pant way; and amuses, if he instructs not. men seemed to prefer nature to art, and were Protestants!' did chance to escape from my servation; but he skims the surface of his actively employed in looking at the pictures, disappointed lips. But I do assure the Pro- tour on a light and buoyant wing, and the and thinking of themselves. Oh! it was a strange time then, when every man's heart testant reader that it was uttered without any mere flapping of his pinions has something joyous was open to me, and I could sit, and see, and feeling of ill-will; that it broke forth in a mo- about it. We give another extract or two at hear, all that was going or, and know the ment of unthinking peevishness; for reflection workings of the inmost feelings of my assowould have told me that my curses were superciates: however, I must not detain the reader fluous." with reflections."

He refuses a challenge, because he foresees he will kill his antagonist, and is disgraced as a coward; he kicks his tailor for imposing on him, and is punished at the police office; in short, his misadventures prove that

Where ignorance is bliss,
'Tis folly to be wise;


"Reader,-excuse the familiarity of my adTo which is added, in a subsequent pagedress, in favour of the good intentions which "And let me tell the Protestant church-prompt it, have you ever known the inconback, that the power of entering a church at and cover the edges of the mattresses? Unless shutter, whom I so kindly damned a few pages to be tucked under, or, at least, to fall down veniences of having bed-clothing too narrow all times is a great consolation to the really you can resign yourselves to such beds, beware religious person. On seeing an open door, of visiting Germany. Oh, ye good housewives even the thoughtless worldling may sometimes be tempted to enter, and a saddening, solacing behold these bedsteads, three feet and a half of England! what would ye say, were ye to and the tale ends as it should do; but as we balm may be unexpectedly cast over his petty, broad, on the mattresses of which lies one sheet shall not anticipate for those readers who seek his piteously petty pursuits. This, I well of the usual breadth, while the only covering it entire in its own location. Of Lord Nor- know, is not according to the language of the manby's delightful story we have not left our age. That age, whether Protestant or Catho-prepared for the astonished traveller consists in selves room to say any thing, and therefore lic, is too enlightened for every-day prayers! with wool, enclosed in a movable bag, like a what the French call a piqué,-a quilt lined hasten to conclude our notice of this extremely Why should we call upon the Divinity to wit-pillow-case, and which, being scarcely ever as rich Annual with two or three of its minutest ness our smooth, egotistically-complacent caleaflets-epigrams. reer? Is religion made for the children of tom for the feet to protrude beyond,-this the long as the bed, leaves an opening at the botprosperity? In adversity we will wildly cry Germans think conducive to health: moreover, and rave, and fancy that we are praying; but its breadth being exactly the same as that of so long as fortune smiles upon us, we surely do the upper mattress, it is unavoidably shaken sufficient, when we pay our unmeaning weekly off by him who has not practised in his bed the devoirs to the Divinity, in order to keep up a stillness that awaits him in the grave! Such Transalpine Memoirs, is the covering used in Germany during sum

"Hoarse Mævius reads his hobbling verse To all, and at all times;

And finds them both divnely smooth,

His voice as well as rhymes.

But folks say Mævius is no ass;

But Mævius makes it lear

That he's a monster of an ass~~

An ass without an ear

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