Imatges de pàgina

Then follow nine questions concerning the boundaries, and two or three chief places of Egypt; the answers to which must be derived from the map, and from the same source we suppose the pupil must obtain all other requisite information concerning Egypt! Does Mr. Woodbridge suppose that children can learn geography by instinct or inspiration? The style of the work is often poor and ungrammatical, and it contains a great deal of matter that is truly absurd. What, for instance, can justify the introduction of such a paragraph as the following?

"The natives of these (the East India) islands are chiefly Pagans, and some of them devour their parents when they become old. The parents descend from a tree, and suffer themselves to be killed, saying, The fruit is ripe, and it must be eaten'"!!!

Whoever is the writer or compiler of the absurd parts of this book, whether it be the Rev. W. C. Woodbridge, A.M. of America, or the editor of the work in this country, he evidently shews a great want of judgment, and that he is totally unfit for the task of writing books for the tuition of youth.


Shampooing, &c. By S. D. Mahomed, &c. 8vo. Brighton.

should, at once, have borne a testimony to its | pay her debts, on condition of her renouncing
merits, as concise as this.
a hundred a-year; and that she should reside
The Chameleon Sketches shew the same in- in her province, live on milk, take exercise, and
clination in the author to observe, to feel, and adopt the quickest fattening system during an
to describe. He is evidently young, and it is absence of twelve months. These propositions
a disadvantage to him that we are old; for were partially acceded to; the lady relinquished
though his remarks have quite as much of one hundred a-year of her settlement; but to
mind as will please the less experienced, we return to the country was out of the question;
cannot, though we approve, think of setting besides that, on condition of his absence, she
forth extracts as fit food for our contempora- would esteem herself but too happy in remain-
ries. But as this mode of speech may be con- ing a skeleton for life. So ended the matri-
sidered rather oracular; we will pronounce monial adventures of Paddy, who set out for
Chameleon Sketches to be an agreeable miscel- Switzerland, in search of fresh blunders.
lany, though we would not instruct graybeards
by quoting from its pages.

Present State of Christianity, and of the Mis-
sionary Establishments, &c. &c. Edited by
F. Shoberl. 12mo. pp. 440. London, Hurst,
Chance, and Co.

I went on Wednesday night to see the new pièce d'opéra, Le Comte Ory, and was enchanted with the music; the plot was also interesting enough-absent lords, handsome pages, a beautiful dame left unprotected and exposed to vows, sighs, and tears of suitors, who kindly offer to fill the husband's place,

were the leading features of the intrigue. Count Ory is an old Lovelace, but sang divinely; for the drinking chorus, chanted by him and his companions when disguised as pilgrims, was admirably performed. The author was called for, and announced to be Rossini!

THE good sense and judgment of the editor
have been evinced in so many useful publica-
tions, which we have been called on to notice
in the course of our labours, that we take up
any work bearing his name with the certain
conviction, that it will add to the mass of in-
structive and valuable reading for which the The Académie Française, at its last sitting,
public are already his debtors. The present adjudged a prize of 6,000 francs to Mr. Charles
volume is founded on M. H. Zschokke's Sketch Comte, redacteur of the European Censor, and
in 1819 (which is much more intelligible than author of Traité de Legislation; also 3,000
his name is pronounceable); and Mr. Shoberl francs to the charming authoress of Les Six
has greatly improved his original by additions, Amours, in which, however, there is one error,
collected from the best authorities, missionary that of not having placed maternal love the
reports, &c. within the last eight or ten years.
The historical accounts of the introduction and
early progress of Christianity are very curious;
especially as they are combined with references
to the superstitions which were superseded.

Paris, August 25.

first in rank, purity, and strength;, but in every other respect the fair writer is unexceptionable, and merits the esteem and admiration of the lovers of belles lettres. Many of the prizes in the colleges have been gained by Greeks, Turks, Egyptians,, Mulattoes, Persians, and even a South American negro, which proves the impartiality of this nation in judging merit. I understand that many of the Egyptians here are peculiarly gifted with the talent of calculation.


WE are not sure that we have not noticed this volume of our Esculapius of Brighton before, but a good turn cannot be done too often; and as he has shampooed us more than once, we shall review him (if it should be so) again. It is really quite distressing to persons confined to London at this season, to witness friends and acquaintances, whose absence they had scarcely discovered, walk in upon them ruddy and hilarious-poor, weak, pale dogs only a fortnight ago, but now stout, brown, active, An extraordinary circumstance took place loud-speaking, devil-may-carish fellows; and the other day. An Irishman, who arrived when wonder is expressed at the alteration in here some months ago, made his début in the their appearance, saying with an excessive air, capital by tumbling into love with a fair Pari- Lord Cochrane, it is said, sets out in a few "Why, I have been to Brighton, and taken sian; and, not being able to tumble out again, days for Greece, and, I believe, will have many Mahomed's Shampoo Baths so many times wooed and married the lady, settled two hun- followers, as volunteers, to join him. Several and so you see I am another man." Heartily dred a-year on her, and deemed himself the young men of rank and fortune have given do we wish that Mahomed had pulled them to happiest man alive, in the prospect of possess- large sums to aid the Greek cause. pieces. But with regard to his book, it is a ing la plus belle femme de Paris. Previous, Our king goes in a few days to visit Lunemedley; consisting of statements of cases, scraps however, to his putting la corde au cou, and from many sources in praise of the Indian me- enchaining himself for life, he forgot to inquire The Polytechnical Society has admitted M. dicated bath, and arguments to prove that there whether the lady of his love had other tender Fayatier, a young statuary, sculptor of the beauare few maladies which will not yield to the ties debts; and also whether she owed her fine tiful and famed statue of Spartacus, as one of shampoo. For asthma it is a specific; and we form entirely to nature, instead of having re- its members; and also a Polonais literati as a would recommend to all our readers who are course to artifice to produce the curves, rises, and correspondent, who has shewn his gratitude for contracted in their bodies (or even in their falls, necessary to attain the shape à-la-mode such an honour by the gift of eight hundred minds for nobody can tell how far the opera- (that of an hour-glass); these questions mon Ire-volumes to the society-a large donation for tion may produce internal effects), to try the landois never thought of putting before-hand; the gratification of self-love! system:as for rheumatism and sprains, let so that when he discovered that at least the them look to it for cure. In short, this is not half of his cara sposa was cotton-that she owed the impostor Mahomed, but a clever practi- ten thousand francs of debt-and that her SIR,-Having been advised to make a short tioner, in a way which often yields relief to affections had long been placed on a noble tour this summer for the benefit of my health, diseases and pains of long standing, by a very cuirassier,-he sallied forth to a lawyer, to I visited Paris, and among my letters of insimple process. consult him upon dissolving a marriage where troduction was fortunate enough to obtain two so much deception had been used; and dwelt or three addressed to the principal medical a with peculiar force on the artificial embon-gentlemen who practise animal magnetism in point of madame, to the no small amusement that city. The generality of your readers of M. l'Avoué, who assured him, if marriages being, I believe, but little acquainted with this DORKING is one of the loveliest landscape- could be broken on such a plea, scarcely one interesting science, it may not be unacceptable spots within any half-hundred miles of Lon- would exist; but that, in the present times, no to them to receive a plain statement of a few don; and it has been one of our omissions not man was assez fou to believe appearances; and facts connected with it, which came under my to have spoken well of the book mentioned in that, though in Ireland it might be the custom own immediate observation. My name, if it this title-page as a recommendation of the to appreciate the fair sex by their size and • Several of our Paris letters last year gave accounts author. However, it was a pleasing little weight, as yet they were not trafficked for at of its progress, and of remarkable cases that had occurred. volume that slipt by; and we, at this late hour, Paris by measurement. The Hibernian was-Ed. L. G. do it the justice of saying, that it deserves well inconsolable. To live with the lady was im- the history of animal magnetism, its important curative Those who wish to make themselves acquainted with of all Dorking folks and Dorking visitors. We possible; so it was agreed that he should pro- powers, and its most astonishing, though comparatively had a design of dilating on the sylvan beauties pose a separation until she acquired the di- rare, effect, somnambulism, may be referred to the fol lowing books, which are doubtless to be had at some of it describes, from personal enjoyment, or we mensions he judged reasonable; that he should the French booksellers in London:-Histoire Critique du

Chameleon Sketches. By the Author of " Picturesque Promenade round Dorking." 12mo. pp. 251.


can add any weight to the narrative, may be learned by inquiry at your office.

I carried from London a lock of hair belonging to a sick friend. His disorder was of a bilious nature, resembling jaundice, especially in its having thrown a dark hue, approaching to black, over the whole surface of his body. The bile, as I understood, had taken a wrong course, and mixed, not as it ought to do, with the blood. A physician of the first eminence, who attended him, informed me when leaving London, that his recovery was all but hopeless. Dropsy was supervening on the disorder of the


in the rue Mondovi, a somnambulist of the lightened, it is at its greatest distance, consename of Paul, who has the faculty of reading quently appears under its smallest angle, and with his eyes shut,—an experiment which I is scarcely perceptible amidst the splendour of repeatedly investigated and fully verified, my- the solar rays; on the contrary, when nearest self holding his eyelids firmly closed, while the earth, so small a portion of the orb is in various books were taken and opened at ran- the enlightened hemisphere (though subtenddom before him, out of which he read fluently. ing its greatest angle), that it is with difficulty I forbear giving the details of these experi- seen, both on this account and its proximity to ments, because similar ones, which took place the sun: it follows, then, that the greatest before the committee of investigation appointed brilliancy observed must be between the inby the Royal Academy of Medicine, in Paris, ferior and superior conjunctions of the planet, have been recorded in the Hermes. and this occurs between the places of greatest. Not two months ago, Mr. Editor, I foolishly elongation and inferior conjunction, or about declared, that nothing would ever induce me 40 deg. east or west of the sun, when the Twelve days elapsed between the cutting of to believe the wonders related of animal mag- planet may be seen with the greatest ease the lock of hair and my presenting it to Madame netism; because, forsooth, I had never seen during the day this position Venus will Gillaud, a somnambulist, at the apartments of or heard the like: now-I am free to acknow- attain early in the month, in the constellaDr. Dupotet, in the Rue des Saints Pères, at ledge, that there may be more things in tion Cancer. Paris. The doctor having, by the process of heaven and earth than were dreamt of in my Mars continues a conspicuous object in Samagnetising for a few seconds, produced in this philosophy; or rather, I am more than ever gittarius, and passes the meridian at a very woman the extraordinary kind of walking (or ready to declare with the son of Jesse, that the low altitude, at the following times respecrather, talking) sleep, called somnambulism, works of the Lord are great-worthy to be tively: she received from him the hair, felt it for a studied and had in remembrance-sought out while with attention, then (very differently of all them that have pleasure therein. E. from her usual manner in other consultations which I had witnessed) she dropped her head upon her breast, and fell into a state of com- CELESTIAL PHENOMENA FOR SEPTEMBER. 2 a Libra. There are no visible eclipses of plete torpor, from which her magnetiser had great difficulty in arousing her. At length she recovered, raised her head a little, and said, slowly," Je m'en vais-je vais mourir." She proceeded to tell us, that the patient was drawing towards the close of his career, that


"Oh! it is beautiful to see this world
Poised in the crystal air, with all its seas,
Mountains, and plains, majestically rolling
Around its noiseless axis, day by day,
And year by year, and century after century;
And, as it turns, still wheeling through the immense
Of ether, circling the resplendent sun
In calm and simple grandeur."-Atherstone.

D. H. M.

D. H. M. г. H. M. 1 7 53 13 7 31 25 7 13 The intermediate periods of the transits may be easily obtained by proportion.

18th day, 3 hrs.-Jupiter in conjunction with

the satellites this month.

Saturn rises shortly after midnight, attended by those stars which deck with brilliancy the evening canopy of winter. Cancer, the zodiacal constellation which this planet has re

he had the maladie noire, that his blood was THUS faithfully does the poet describe the cently entered, is not distinguished by any corrupted, that there was no use in ordering rotation and revolution of the earth, which there are seven of the fourth, and seventystar of a greater magnitude than the third; any thing for him, but that he might be al- beneficent arrangement, combined with the in- five stars of inferior magnitudes; it is, howlowed to do what he liked best himself. In clination of its axis, successively adorns this answer to the question, Whether magnetising globe with the flowers of spring, tempers the constellation in which, 2000 years since, the ever, of considerable interest, as being the would be of any service to him, she replied, fervid heat of a tropical sun, dispenses abundthat it might prolong his life a little. I had antly the ripened fruits of autumn, stills the two of the stars in Cancer are called the Asses sun attained his greatest northern declination: carefully abstained from giving any hint, either howling tempest, and loosens the icy fetters Assellus borealis and Assellus australis, beto M. Dupotet, the respectable physician, him- which mark the gloom and desolation of tween which is a cluster of small stars called self, or to his somnambule, which might guide winter. This interchange of the seasons is Præsepe, the Manger. We learn from Plueither of them to a previous knowledge of this forcibly presented to our minds by the arrival tarch, that when the sun entered this sign, case: you may judge, therefore, of my astonish-of our planet at that part of its orbit when the Egyptians, baked cakes, on which an ass ment on discovering the accurate acquaintance the sun shines from pole to pole, and the days was represented bound, that animal being the she had internally acquired of its nature and and nights are every where equal, a cheering emblem of Typhon. speedy termination. A few posts afterwards, event to that part of the human family in high and that of Esné, the symbol of this sign is a In the Hindu zodiac, I learned that my friend had actually paid the south latitudes, who will, on the 22d day, 14 beetle. When Cancer rises, the pointers are debt of nature on the very day preceding this hrs. 20 min. have their vernal equinox, and in the north, below the pole, elevated 184 deg. consultation. bid adieu to the rigours of winter, to anticipate and 234 deg. respectively. the cheering influence of the summer's sun; while to our hemisphere there awaits the sere and yellow leaf of autumn, the fitful blast, and the snowy livery of winter; but bearing also to the Briton's home the anticipation of the cheerful hearth, drawing around it, as with a magic wand, the social and domestic circle. Lunar Phases and Conjunctions.

It may be objected, that if the clear-sightedness of this somnambulist was perfect, she should have known that the person in question was no more, at the moment she was consulted about him. But you will recollect, that the hair had been severed from his head twelve days before, and the magnetic fluid contained in it could only convey to her perception a sensation of the patient's then state, viz. that of a dying man, which she certainly expressed in a very unequivocal manner. Nor let it be alleged that this was but a lucky guess on her part; for I consulted her at the same time on the cases of two other distant friends, through the medium of their hair, and received proofs of her intelligence equally surprising; especially where, from describing the physical state of one of these persons, she made a sudden digression, to paint some traits in his moral character-traits perfectly familiar to his friends which had caught her admiration. During my stay at Paris, I had also frequent opportunities of seeing, at M. Foissac's, Magnetisme Animal, par J. P. F. Deleuze-Instruction Pratique sur le Magnetisme Animal, par le même-Traité du Somnambulisme, par A. Bertrand-Exposé des Cures operées en France par le Magnetisme Animal-L'Hermes, a monthly publication, begun in 1826, Levi, Quai des Augustins-Le Propagateur, published monthly, by M. Dupotet, 26, Rue des Sts. Pères.

New Moon in Leo

5 First Quarter in Sagittarius
O Full Moon in Pisces
(Last Quarter in Gemini

D. H. M.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Dark part.
Apparent diameter


. 8.92716
40 sec.

the zenith; and Fomalhaut, a star of the first Lacerta occupies magnitude, at a small elevation above the south horizon.

1st day-Uranus re-enters Capricornus, and passes the meridian at the following times respectively:

D. H. M.
1 9 21


D. H. M.

1 11 8 44 I

D. H. M. 21 8 7 J. T. B.



[We reprint, verbatim et literatim, the annexed choice
morsel, as a specimen of English printing on the Conti-
nent. It is a pamphlet of fifteen pages.]

Humble Appeal to the Loyalty of the British
Nation. By George Wolffgang Ulric Wedel,
concerning the Machinations against his de-
tected natural System of the Earth, and his
invented Meter of the Longitudes, entirely
answering to the National Demand. Humbly
dedicated to the illustrious Members of the
House of Commons by the Author. Altona,
1828. Printed by C. G. Pinckvoss.
"Recte ominamur etiam in hac scientia siderea, talia
successu temporis detectum iri, quæ nostrum etiamnum

The brilliancy of this planet is not in pro-superant plane intellectum."-Joh. Hevelii Mercurius in portion to the breadth of the disc that is en-Sole visus Gedani 1662 p. 3. lightened, but on the quantity of illuminated" My assiduous and careful studies of the surface: when Venus has the whole disc en-Nature during more than 12 years, being




blessed through the Grace of God by the de- Marquis Clauricarde informed me: that the astronomical matters; wherefore he received tection of the true System of our Earth; the Board of Admiralty were the proper Depart-the Order: to remit them to the Board of knowledge of which enabled me to invent a ment for appreciating my discoveries, to whom Longitudes; who, as Adversaries, and accused Meter of the Longitudes, who defines to of I had to send my papers and requests.' By by me, related to the Board of Admiralty: a degree the Longitude of the place wherein virtue of this gracious advice, I wrote May that my pacquet contained nothing, but Chithe Observation is made and entirely resolves 19 1826. a french letter to the Most Honour-mera's of a Mad, and merited not to be anthe National Demand since any other need,able Board of Admiralty, which by the favour swered.' This true Relation of the facts; than the notion of the time in the place of of Sir Canning, His Majesty's General Consul will, I doubt not, justify this my humble Observation: I am necessitated to implore by here, was sent at London. In these my letter Appeal to the Loyalty of a Nation, whose this publick humble Appeal the Loyalty of the I related my detection of the true system of strong Justice and Magnanimity will never British Nation, against the Machinations of the Earth; my invention of a Meter of Longi- permit; that by the machinations of any one; Men, whose Interest is contrary to my invented tude entirely resolving the National Demand; a stranger of merit should be defrauded of the Instruments, and who by this reason hitherto my invention of an other Instrument, by me reward, stated by a Parlamentary Act to the suppressed the publick notice of their existence.' called Tellurium, by which I could show all Inventor of a Meter, which on a degree The fact is as follows: Wanting the notice Phenomena's concerning the Earth, render determines the Longitude of each place of the on the forms of the British Constitution and reason on their Causes, and on the Causes of instituted Observation. Nay, that by the great Government, I addressed 1822 Febr. 22 a all optical deceptions. That 1822 Febr. 22. I quantity of very learned and opulent Men in latin letter to the Most Honourable House addressed a latin letter to the Most Hon. House England, there will be found many private of the Commons, wherein I notified my de-of the Commons belonging my inventions, on persons, who would favour me by the requested tection belonging the natural System of the which I received an condemnatory Judgment 500 Sovreigns, being the only way for to make Earth, and my invention of a Meter of Longi- from the Board of Longitudes, because he had the personal acquaintance of the Detector of tudes with the description of his construction. but made a superficial Enquiry on the contents the natural System of the Earth; to see the I adjoined 6 designs, and diverse little printed of my papers; that I had composed an answer admirable effects of his invented Instruments; tracts concerning my new doctrine. By a to the Board, for to require a more careful to be instructed of his new doctrine; and to kindly french answer April 6. 1822 Mr. examination of all my assertions and inven- hear the resolutions of all objections or doubts, Young Dr., Secretary of the Board of Longi- tions, which would prove their truth; but that which might be moved, against any one of his tudes, informed me, that my pacquet was traded I had not sent these letter, being advised by assertions. Belonging the quantity of faults, by the late Marquis of Londonderry, with the certain proofs from a friend of mine, that the I committed in this Appeal against the Genious approbation of the Hon. Speaker of the House Board of Longitudes for reasons of his par- of the English Tongue and their Grammar of Commons, to the Board of Longitudes; ticular Interests, never would favour my in- rules, I am persuaded: that one of the culti which, as a competent Judge of my Inventions, vented Instrument, although it determines to vatest Nations, which esteems Realty much in one of his Sessions April 4, had enquired of a Degree the Longitude of the place with more, than all beauties of Words, will gra the contents of my pacquet; but: that no lesser certitude, than the Gnomons by the ciously excuse them to a German, who from they had nothing found therein, for to testify shadow, the time o'clock. Lastly, I humbly his youth endeavoured: more to be, than to their approbation. Entirely persuaded of the supplicated: that after having proved the real seem.' truth of my detection and invention, and that effect of my Meter of Longitudes' an advance" Hambro Febr, 22 1828. it were impossible to judge in but one Session of 500 Sovreigns on the price of 20000 Pounds on the real value of my new doctrine, and on graciously might accorded and paid to me here. the effects of my Meter of the Longitudes at Hambro, which I needs for to transfer me before his construction; I minuted May 12. a at London. To this letter I adjoined the copy second french letter, wherein I requested a of my destined answer to the Board of Longi- UNDER this title, and in the absence of other more exact examination of my papers, as-tudes, and 50 Dogma's of my new doctrine, suring, that the strictest inquiry would vindi- whereof I asserted 1826 Oct. 27 and 28 in the matter connected with painting, we shall occas cate all my assertions. Communicating this Mercury of Altona, and in the Correspondentsionally offer a few remarks on what is going minute to a friend of mine, he told me, that it of Hambro, what none of my numerous ad- forward within our own observation, or on would be useless to send this letter at London, versaries at this day has dared to confute : what may be communicated to us on good because the Board of Longitudes never would that no Astronomer or Mathematician in the authority by others, interested in the cause favour my invented Instrument, being it con- World would be able, to make any real objection and character of the Fine Arts. trary to the Interest of their Body. For against them. In a note of my 37th. Dogma imitative art. Although, in its higher departPainting, it is well known, is essentially an prove of this assertion, he communicated to I remarked, how erroneously hithertho the me the 19the Volume of the universal geo- degrees of Longitude were determined; being its ordinary practice, its efforts are directed to ments, it aims at much nobler objects, yet, in graphical Ephemerids, where pag. 129-153: asserted in the history of the travels to the Mr. Götze on Th. Mudge Chronometer,' has South-Sea, that Otaheite differred from the produce a deception on the sight. In many related the Injustices and secret Practices of Observatory at Greenwich, 148 deg. 50 min. cases, however, this has led to deceptions of the Board of Longitudes, against all the In- by Commodore Byron, 150 deg. 0 min. by Cap-chargeable with actual fraud (which we much another kind, the authors of which, if not ventions, which could resolve the Problem on tain Wallis, and 149 deg. 32 min. by Captain doubt), cannot at any rate assume the title of the Longitudes by an other way, than by the Cook; whilst the difference of time 2 hrs. Innocent Impostors."* use of the tables of the Moon; and that a 14 min. 16 sec. carefully observed 1769 on the member of the Board had declared: that the transit of Venus, undoubtedly had constated, of higher worldly pretensions, often leave in Artists, as well as men of more wealth and perfection of time keepers would be against but a distance of 33 deg. 30 min. 16 sec. their works what may be called "bones of con the Interest of the Science.' Thus, I retained Beyond this fact, in a special german disserta- tention." The originality of a picture is fre my intended answer to the Board of Longi- tion: On the Observations of the Heaven,' quently contested with as much warmth and tudes. 1826 April 14. I wrote to His Excel- I've proved that none of them, nay any zeal as the title to an estate. The love of art lency the Lord Canning a french letter con- Tables of the Moon, are able to determine the leads naturally to the purchase of the produc cerning my forementioned Inventions, wherein true number of the degree of Longitude of tions of art; and purchasers give rise to traders I complained, to be disappointed of the reward any place on the Earth; whereof the great in the commodity sought after. Presently, not for so much pains I applied on the resolution value of my invented Instrument for Mankind, of the long desired Problem, and requested can not be doubted. Although the contents of His Excellency, to favour me against the tra- my letter and the adjoined pieces proved, that verses of my Adversaries; and that, after their Author were a very learned Man; neverhaving proved, that my meter of Longitude theless hitherto after more than a years time, wholly answered to the National Question; an I received not a word on the accept of my advance of 500 Sovreigns graciously might letter, nay any answer. An Inhumanity, doubt associates itself with what is really gepaid to me here to the end, that I could leave which the Right Hon. Chiefs of the Admiralty, nuine; which, if destitute of a name or a Hambro, and travel for London, where I never would have permitted, if my most intewished to prove the great value of all my resting letter and the adjoined 50 Dogma's detections, and to claim the price assured by were come to their notice. Probably, an a Parlamentary Act, to the Inventor of the ennemy of my new doctrine and a Patron of Meter of Longitudes. I was honour'd April 28. the Board of Longitudes, reported to their by a gracious answer, wherein the Right Hon. Lordships: that my papers contained but


only what is excellent, but what is scarce, becomes the object of attraction, both to the to the production of supply; and uniques and originals are multiplied in an extraordinary The consequence of this is, that

amateur and to the dealer. Demand stimulates


pedigree, will be set aside until it can find one. To put the saddle on the right steed, is not

always in the power of those who would willingly do it. So it often fares with pictorial

A work so called by Bernard Picart.

appropriation; and the names and dates of As yothefull Alfrede and Matylda fayre
paintings are frequently asserted or conjectured Stoode sorowynge bie, ennobledd bie despayre:
upon very slight and insufficient data. Doubt-Att tymes theyr lypps the tynts of Autumpe
ful originals (if the term may be allowed) have


dyd bewreene.3


been so frequently the subject of critical ani- Att tymes a palerr hewe thann wynterr bore;
madversion and exposure, that the utility of And faste the rayne of love bedew'dd theyr
any further discussion on the point may be
questioned; but as there are tyro-collectors As thos, in earnefull' strayns, theyr tenes? theie
and amateurs who may wish to be instructed
in matters of this kind, we will mention a case
which has very recently come under our cogni-
zance, attended with circumstances of rather a
peculiar nature, which will shew how little the
judgment even of men eminently skilled in the
knowledge and practice of the art, can in some
instances be depended upon, when they are
required to determine on the style and charac-
ter of different masters and schools of painting.

A gentleman who has long been well known for his extensive and tasteful collection of prints, lately purchased a certain painting. As it had the Corunna mark on the back, it was considered a Spanish picture, and it was ascribed to Velasquez. Some doubts, however, being entertained by the purchaser on this head, the picture was placed in the shop of an eminent printseller and publisher, that it might

be generally seen, and that opinions might be collected respecting it. The result was, that it was universally pronounced to be of Spanish origin; and that a number of good judges declared it to be an unfinished picture by Velas

Ah! iff wee parte, ne moe to meete agayne,
Wythyn thie wydow'dd herte wyll everr brenn
The frostie vygyls of a cloysterr'd nun,
Insteade of feerie love's effulgentt sonne!
Ne moe with myne wyll carolynge beatt hie,
Gyve throbb for throbb, and sygh returne forr

Butt bee bie nyghtt congeal'dd bie lethall


Bie daie consum'dd awaie inn unavaylynge

[blocks in formation]

Our tenes alych, alych our domes shall bee,
Where'err thou wander'stt I wyll followe thee;
And whann ourr sprytes throughe feere are
purg'dd fromm claie,


Robby Bell and his Asses.

SOME years by-gone, the above singular character was wont to travel in several of the southern counties of Scotland, accompanied by an old and faithful long-eared friend, bearing two enormous panniers, containing Robby's merchandise. This consisted of wooden, pewter, and horn spoons, needles and thread, pins, twopenny penknives, superb glittering brass rings and brooches, old ballads,-in short, the most motley and miscellaneous collection of articles ever offered to the vulgar gaze. These, made up into bundles, Robby used to call his pingles. As he and his ass were doucely jogging along, under the genial influence of a fine May morning, the drooping ears of the latter were suddenly and majestically erected at the sound of an astounding braying on the other side of the hedge. In proof that even asses are not devoid of companionable qualities, away brushed the mercantile one through a gap in the hedge, scattering panniers and pingles to the four winds of heaven. Robby, who with bonnet on head,

and hands contemplatively screwed behind his

back, had been trudging in the rear, witnessed the truculent behaviour of the brute, and its

direful consequences, with feelings of mingled rage and despondency. But previous to trying to regather the unfortunate pingles, prudence

quez. The merits of the work were acknow- Inn pees theie shalle repose upponn the mylkie suggested the propriety of catching the delin

ledged by everybody.



The raynbowe hewes that payntt the laughyng


Some time after these various opinions had been given, a person who was well acquainted with the productions of the late Richard Morton Paye, came into the shop, and on inquiring to whom this picture belonged, and what it did The gule-stayn'dd' folyage of the okenn trees, there, was told that it was considered to be an The starrie spangells of the mornynge dewe, unfinished picture by Velasquez. "VelasThe laverock's matyn songes and skies of blewe, quez!" he exclaimed:"alas, poor Paye! how Maie weel the thotes of gentill shepherdds little would you, in the neglected and forlorn,


quent. So unwearied and agile was the plaguy animal in his gambols, that an hour elapsed, and an acre of young wheat was completely trodden under foot, before he was clutched in the grasp of his justly incensed master. Crying with vexation, Robby next proceeded to collect his pingles, lying in heart-breaking confusion over the whole terrene surface; but he had scarcely commenced this agreeable task, when the lord of the manor appeared, and claimed fairly at his wit's end, cries out in a fury, "It sets ye weel tae speak that way o' my cuddie,1

situation in which you were allowed to pine Butt whatt cann seeme to tenefull lovers the ass as a stray, or trespasser. Poor Robby,

Whose hertes ne hopelesse loves or cares alloie;

out your life, have imagined that a mistake would ever be made so flattering to your talents!" He then proceeded to prove the fide- Whose hopes butt darkenns moe the mydnyghtt when it was ye're ain devil o' a cuddie's mense

lity of his recognition of the picture, not merely
by his familiarity with Paye's style, but by
naming the individuals the wife and children To

of the artist-who had sat for the characters
introduced into the composition.

of despayre?

thotelesse swayns itt mate bee blyss in-

To marke the yeare through alle hys ages

less2 thrapple brocht him ower. If your's had keepit his damned cleck' to himsel (Gude forgie me for swearing), naether me or mine wad hae seen you or ye're wheat, but been five mile farrer on oor gate." "Weel, Robby," said Let us not be suspected of any disposition to the laird, "a' this passion o' yours will no pay do injustice to Paye's memory. On the conme for my acre o' wheat; but as I believe ye trary, we are sure that those who recollect his are an honest man, I'll let you gang wi' your "Sulky Boy," his "Child of Sorrow," his breadwinner; (“deil be in his feet!" muttered "St. James's Day," &c. will agree with us poor Robby,) but no before you gie me your that the error was by no means so surprising word to meet me at the Jeddart Court, to as at first sight, and to persons unacquainted answer this trespass, conform to law." There with the powers of that able but unfortunate was no remedy, and the unfortunate vender of artist, it may appear. Our only object has pingles was obliged to promise he would so do. been to shew how difficult it is to judge of such Palerr thann cloudes thatt stayne the azure When the trying hour arrived, he made his matters; and if that difficulty exists in cases in Or starrs thatt shoote beneathe theyr feeble appearance before Lords G-lls and H-d, nyghtt,

Butt everie seasone seemes alych to mee,
Eternall wynterr whann awaie fromm thee!
Fromm howrr to howrr I oftt beweepe ourr love,
Wyth alle the happie sorowe of the dove,
And fancie, as itts sylentt waterrs flowe,
Mie bosome's swotestt joies mustt thos bee
mientts wyth woe.


The lornlielo

which little or no effort has been made to pro-
duce it, how much must it be increased in in-
stances in which the greatest ingenuity has And eke as crymson as the mornyng's rode,"
been practised for the express purpose of decep-
payre inn dumbe dystracyon
stoode ;
tion! In our next paper on the subject we will
adduce a few out of a thousand such instances.

[blocks in formation]

at that time on the Jedburgh circuit. Robby, it seems, had been in trouble before, and given more than one guinea to counsel without effect. He was now resolved to speak for himself. The prosecutor's charge for asinine delinquency wa easily made, when Robby was called upon for his defence. He went on about the two asses in such an unintelligible rigmarole way, that the sapient judges were completely at fault. "My good man," said Lord G-lls, "I am really I do not understand you." "No undermost willing to hear what you have to say, but

stand me!" bellowed like a furnace the incensed Robby; "weel, mon, gin you will ha' it, sup

No. VIII. of these Sketches, Macnab's opinion of the Russians, appeared in No. 574.

1 Ass. 2 Unmannerly. 3 Throat. 4 Noise..

pose ye were ael ass, an' that mon (pointing to Lord H-d) another, an' ye were to braye, and he were to rin after ye, hoo the deil cou'd I help it?" Then writhing himself a little aside in his vexation, he muttered, "A pair o' hairy, lang-legged, land-loupers too, by ma faith!" Robby came off victorious.

Musical Beans.

overture "Not for me," was played on Mon- V. Figgins and J. Bleaden also patronise this day evening—a light, graceful composition, pleasant expedient for augmenting a charitable smacking more of the French than of the Ger- fund: we wish them a prosperous voyage, and man school, as does, indeed, the whole of the hope they will raise the wind. music. Oh the relief of such a performance, Dr. Gall. This celebrated person, who may after our ears have been tortured by the vile be called the founder of the phrenological sect, jangling of the unsociable fiddles at the Hay- died at Paris, on Friday the 22d. market, two of which are never of the same One of the Paris journals expresses regret MR. NICHOLSON, of Carnock, a genuine Scot- mind! We really counsel Mr. Morris to dis- that our admired tragedian, Mr. Young, should tish laird of the old school, like many greater charge the whole of his "ghastly band," and be on a visit to that city at a period when the men, was frequently known to confer a favour substitute an unambitious barrel-organ, which English theatre is closed, thus precluding the from no better or higher feeling than that might be ground by a little boy at a shilling Parisian public from witnessing any display of excited by a witty, humorous, or eccentric per night, to the great saving of his pocket, his high talent. reply. This weak side of his was well known, and the inexpressible comfort of his audiences. Major Laing. At a sitting of the Geograand signally improved upon by sundry wily -But to return to the Strand. The air, by phical Society of Paris on the 4th of July, applicants. Be it understood, that the afore- Miss Kelly, "I'm sure my heart will ne'er M. Jomard communicated a letter from M. said worthy piqued himself on being a capital forget," is an exceedingly pleasing melody; as Muller, dated from St. Louis, in Senegal, player on that melodious instrument the bag- is also that sung by Miss H. Cawse, "True where he is the interpreter for the oriental pipe. One of his tenants, who was much in it is that beauty goes." The trio which im-languages, confirming the death of Major arrears for rent, had a most unseasonable visit mediately follows the latter, "Ah, not for Laing.-Le Globe. from the laird, demanding immediate payment. me, in pity!" is a delicious morceau; but the Dr. Gordon Smith has been elected ProfesCunning Saunders knew well that his landlord most extraordinary composition in the piece sor of Medical Jurisprudence in the University was generally as hard as a millstone, yet he did is an air, admirably sung by Miss Goward- of London. not despair of coming round him. "At'weal, "A Guardian ought to have an eye" (a point, Paris. We are swarming here with English ye're honour," says he, "I canna pay you just by the way, upon which we entirely agree with and Irish physicians, to the great displeasure noo, for I hae na' the siller." "Why, Saun- the author)-the voice-part consisting of only of French doctors, who esteem it their peculiar ders," quo' the laird, "I must alloo that is in one note, with a masterly accompaniment, right to diminish population in their own ordinar accounted a very sufficient reason for played con sordini. This was the hit of the country, therefore look most grave and illane's no paying his just and lawful debts; but opera, and received a hearty encore. On the humoured at others exercising that prerogative. its weel kent through the hail countra-side, whole, we were much pleased with Louis There was an attempt to stop the invasion of that you have had a grand crap this year, and Maurer, and shall be happy to improve our foreign poisoners, for many of those who plenty o' siller you maun hae, that's past ae acquaintance with him. The actors did their style themselves doctors know nothing of their hair o' a doot." "The gude Lord forgie your utmost for the piece, particularly Miss Kelly profession, nor would be allowed to practise it honour," says Saunders, "what ca' ye a and Miss Goward; the latter of whom, in the at home. A few lives have already been gran crap? I'm sure you heard tell of my character of Miss Winifred Virulent, dis- sacrificed to ignorance; but in these hard field o' beans, that I lookit for sae muckle played fresh claims to the approbation of the times, when all are crying out for bread, such siller fra, for nae ither purpose, Gude kens, public. We object, however, decidedly to her misfortunes are regarded as general good: the but to put it into your honour's pouch, an' dress, which, though droll enough in itself, is more who die, the more is left for others: this hoo did they turn oot? Och! sirs, sirs, my terribly out of keeping. The same remark, of is the charitable calculation of the day.--Paris heart's like to break when I think o't!" course, applies to the two old maids, her com"Deil tak ye!" quo' the laird," Taye thocht panions. Some dissent was expressed at the thae very beans were the best pairt o' your fall of the curtain, and on the announcement crap." "The best pairt," most dolefully for repetition; but the applause, though not ejaculated Saunders: "whae, sir, gif ilka enthusiastic, predominated. We had nearly bean-stalk had been a piper, he wadna hae forgotten to mention a very pretty scene, the heard his neist neibour play!" It is almost only one in the piece-a distant View of needless to add, that Saunders got his own York, by Tomkins and Pitt. This is another point in which the English Opera House far surpasses its summer rival. Seriously, and in the most friendly spirit, we recommend to the manager of the latter to make some speedy We have reason to believe that the arrange. improvement in his orchestra and paintingments respecting this theatre, at least for the room. We grant that music and decoration ensuing season, are completed. The negotia-are of secondary consequence at the Haytion with Mr. H. Harris has, it seems, gone off; and Mr. Willett, having purchased the shares of Mr. C. Kemble and Captain Forbes, stands in the situation of proprietor. Mr. Fawcett is to be sole manager.

time to pay.




"Not for me," or the Apple of Discord, a ballad opera, in two acts, the music composed by Louis Maurer, was produced here last Monday evening. The first act of this piece is another version of 'Twas I, a musical farce, translated from the French by Mr. H. Payne, and played with some success at Covent Garden. What the second act is a version of, it would be difficult to say, as the conclusion is, to speak the truth, rather lame and impotent :-we therefore willingly turn to the more pleasing duty of bestowing our unqualified approbation on the music, and the way in which it was executed. Thanks to the judgment, taste, and exertion, of Messrs. Arnold and Hawes, we have at length an orchestra in an English theatre to which it is a gratification to listen. Nothing could be better than the style in which the

1 One.


Intellectual Organization.-M. Tinel, the author of a work on intellectual organization, in which he professes to shew the organic causes of all the instinctive, moral, and intellectual faculties, has written to the French Academy, to invite the members to a conference, in which, he says, he will explain to them the principles of his doctrine. The letter has been deposited with the secretary, in order that the members who may think proper to al tend may give in their names!

Human Life. A variety of curious calcu lations has lately been made in France, with respect to the average duration of human life, market; but is it creditable to so respectable &c., in Paris, during the eighteenth century. and flourishing an establishment to be behind It appears, that the average age of marriage the meanest of the minors in any particular? was, for men, about twenty-nine years and We are sure it will be felt that our notice of three quarters for women, about twenty-four these matters is as kindly meant as it is im-years and three quarters; and that the average peratively called for. Verbum sap.

On Thursday another novelty, called Miss Wright, was produced, but too late for our criticism.


The Teeth.-A volume, by M. Maury, has recently been published in France, containing every thing hitherto known respecting the teeth, their extraction, and the diseases to which they are subject; and describing the best means of fabricating artificial teeth. It is accompanied by plates, and appears to be a very complete work.

age of parents, at the birth of a son, was, for women, about twenty-eight years and a quarter-for men, about thirty-three years and a quarter. It follows, that there were nearly three generations in Paris during the last century. It is a remarkable fact, that this estimate coincides with that of the Greeks in their chronological tables.

The Gambia. A map has lately been drawn, in which the course of the Gambia is traced to the westward of Coussaye, corrected by the last astronomical observations of Captain Owen to Pisania, and by the travelling observations of Beaufort with respect to the eastern part. It Printers' Pension Society.-Instead of going appears that the map in Mungo Park's second a shooting on the 1st of September, to the, and which has been adopted by all minent danger of all tame creatures, the city geographers, represents it too far north by friends of the Printers' Pension Society are to thirty-three and even by fifty-five minutes. have a steam-boat excursion to the Nore and Medway, Alderman Venables at the helm, and Alderman Crowder at the log-book. Messrs.

Africa. At the desire of the King of Benin, a school of mutual instruction is about to be established in the capital of that African king

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