Imatges de pàgina

his lordship was "expelled ignominiously" in the House of Lords. Were we not satis- him, not only as a writer of immense power from Portugal. It appears, on the con-factorily assured that this ungrateful course and elocution, but as a most sagacious observer, trary, that his going was the result of his had no existence but in mistaken Reports, we and acute and profound reasoner. But before own judgment; and he had the first frigate should have been the last to say one word on offering any remarks on his "Thoughts," in the Portuguese navy offered for his con- behalf of the individual so fiercely accused. we must pay our respects to the Boston Anveyance, if he chose to accept it. It is But we remember Lord Strangford's honour-nual, which may in many respects be placed more than insinuated that he had not an able and spirited defence of Mr. Canning when by the side of our publications of the same official interview with the prince regent be- it was insinuated that certain funds had been description. The Token for 1828 is a very fore he sailed, and did not accompany him lavishly expended; and we are the more ready pleasing miscellany of verse and prose; the over the bar. It appears he had a "long and to believe that no man could have so stultified former certainly not very striking, though confidential interview" with his royal high- himself as to have run into the very opposite occasionally characteristic; but the latter pos ness, and did not only accompany him over extreme, in order to depreciate the glorious sessed of peculiar attractions, as furnishing the bar, but was "embarked with him in the reputation of his departed friend. It is too not only several interesting sketches and same ship," till the junction of the British true that there have been insults offered to the tales, but having more of transatlantic fresh. and Portuguese squadrons; when he left the dead, and to the dearest whom he left behind ness about them than is usually found in prince, only to bring back with him Sir Sidney, him, and in the senate too, which are enough American works, which too frequently imitate and introduce him. Such insinuations are to disgust us with human nature; but we are the models of other countries, rather than worth nothing, even when they are true; but persuaded that Lord Strangford is not one of draw the various scenes and inhabitants that less than nothing when they are not true. those who have acted so revolting a part to distinguish America. Not so with the Token, crouch and fawn to living power, and spit which gives us American descriptions and their odious venom on the grave of the man American embellishments: the latter, it is of genius, the illustrious statesman, and the true, are not so highly engraved as on this more illustrious patriot. side of the water; but the editor candidly says, that they were got up in haste, and “the coming fall" he hopes to produce, as we doubt The Token; a Christmas and New Year's better work." Among the tales, we have been not experience will enable him to do,“ a much Thoughts on the Power and Greatness, &c. of "The Lone Indian," and "A Bridal in the Present. Boston, S. G. Goodrich. most pleased with A Canadian Legend," Napoleon Buonaparte. By W. E. Chan- early Settlements." The first is too long for ning, LL.D. 8vo. pp. 25. Boston, U.S. Reprinted in London. E. Rainford, R. Hun-tremely pathetic, is not altogether so great a us; and the second, though shorter, and ex.

Nor will we dwell on several inaccuracies of less consequence, which appear in the brief statement of Colonel Napier. It is stated that the emigration was to take place when either of two events should occur; it is evident that both were to happen. It is said that a fleet was kept off the Tagus; it is clear that it was sent there. These and similar inad

vertencies might appear the result of mere carelessness, if strong charges had not been founded upon them. The first implies that the case had actually occurred, in which Lord Strangford had affirmed the emigration would take place; yet it did not. The second infers that Sir Sidney was all the time off the Tagus, and therefore a partner in the whole negotiation.

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S. G. Goodrich.

favourite with us as the last, which we shall therefore beg to abridge, as a specimen of the


Dover, New Hampshire, is beloved by, and
Mary Grant, a sweet orphan, residing at
returns the love of, Robert Wilson, a young
and manly settler at Salem, whence he re
and his betrothed Mary.
moved, however, to fix on a farm near Dover

ter, J. Miller. Sketches. By N. P. Willis. 8vo. pp. 96. Poems. By the Author of Moral Pieces in Boston, S. G. Goodrich. Prose and Verse. 12mo. pp. 228. Boston, Colonel N. proposes that the red riband should be shared among Lord Strangford, Sir Sidney, and the Moniteur. We are sure By Four of Us. pp. 204. that whatever claims Sir Sidney may have. We have been favoured with copies from Boston, Goodrich : London, Newman. the Moniteur has none. The colonel, perhaps, is not aware that there is not in the Boston of such of these works as have not "The appearance of his farm might not Moniteur of the 2d of November, nor of any been republished in London; and their no- have been exactly to the taste of the young other date, the words which he has quoted, velty and general merits induce us to devote gentlemen of the present day. It lay in all that "the House of Braganza had ceased to a few of our columns to introduce them to the the wildness of nature, the tall trees tossing reign." readers of the old world. This we are the their heads proudly in the wind, as if bidding Finally, 66 opinions of Portuguese gentle more inclined to do, because the noise and defiance to puny man, who was wishing to men," rumours and reports of the day," hammering of the great American Cooper has usurp the dominion they had held undisturb and "surprise expressed by every one at begot a sort of prejudice against the country, edly for thousands of ages. And in the reRio," are stated as evidence, that the emi. which unreflecting people fancy to be filled cesses of those dark old woods often lurked gration was not owing to Lord Strangford. with literary Parolles resembling this exceed- the insidious savage, more terrific and blood. In opposition to this hearsay testimony are ingly rabid Yankee. Now this is far from thirsty than the prowling lion of the crouchset the declarations of Sir Francis Hill, Lord being the case, as the volumes before us mani- ing tiger. However, Robert Wilson surveyed Strangford's predecessor at Rio, who was in festly prove. Instead of a fury of bloated the trees, and thought of the Indians without constant communication with the prince re- egotism and vanity, we have here eloquence, shrinking. He had a light heart, a strong gent. The prince must be supposed to know taste, good sense, and good as well as poetical arm, a sharp axe, and a sure gun; and the about as much of his own affairs as any subor. feelings. The authors, in their various ways, labours and dangers besetting his path of life dinate or anonymous gentleman at Rio or else are rational and able men; and there are gave him no more concern than would the where. Yet he, in his frequent conversations other writers in America, though hardly obstruction of thistle-down in his road to with Sir Francis, on the subject of the emigra- known in England, whose works reflect church. tion, and the statement given in the printed honour on themselves and their native land. "In one year, from the time of his striking despatch, never expressed surprise, or appeared We are not prepared to say that the United the first blow in the forest, his land began to to entertain an opinion at all unfavourable to States have as yet produced the proportion of wear the appearance of a cultivated farm. the accuracy of the statement. Indeed he talent and genius which might have been ex-The trees had all disappeared from an area of the strongest proof of his high esteem for pected from them far less that they have out- twenty acres, and its surface was covered, and Lord Strangford, and his conviction of his stripped the hopes that might fairly have been stumps nearly all concealed, by a luxuriant services in the transaction, by requesting that formed;-but while the names of West, Leslie, harvest. There was the golden wheat, the he might be sent out to him as the British Newton, Turnbull, Alston, adorn the annals of bearded rye,' and corn as tall and straight resident at the Brazils. their arts, and those of Irving, Barlow, Everett, as a company of grenadiers; with pumpkins Though not so strictly literary as we could Walsh, Sparkes, Miss Sedgwick, Paulding, and squashes reposing on the ground and desire, we have thought it right to give this Brown, and Cooper himself (as a novelist), grace quietly ripening in the heats of August. On controversy so much of our consideration for their literature, they need not be ashamed of the a gentle swell in the middle of this plantation several reasons: 1. because the subject excites race they have recently run among civilised na- stood a small dwelling. I wish I could with much interest; 2. because Lord Strangford is tions. Dr. Channing himself is a host; and propriety call it a cottage, because to many a literary man; and, 3. because we think he those slight pamphlets of his which we have young ladies it would give such a romantic has been injuriously misrepresented, not only seen, impress us with a very high opinion of interest to my story but truth compels me on this point, but on another more nearly ♦ The name of a clerical American author has escaped to confess that, although doubtless prettier and touching his character-we allude to a belief more comfortable than many real cottages, it entertained of his having assailed the memory was not at all like a cottage of the imagination. of Mr. Canning, in a speech which he delivered It was a building, twenty feet by twenty-four,


our recollection, (we believe it is Dwight); but of his
sermons, &c. we have been assured by one of our best
English authorities, that they are every worthy way of
the golden age of the British divines,



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formed of neatly hewed logs, the roof covered smiles and benedictions of those who could not steps after the departure of the wedding party, with boards, the inside divided into two apart- join for lack of horses. Their progress was and kept the narrow path till it joined the ments, with one closet, and the whole lighted joyous and rapid, till they entered the winding more open one; and then they struck off by three small glass windows. On either side path of the forest, where a more sober pace through the wilderness. After following about of this dwelling rose a large locust-tree, and became necessary; but Robert's horse, being three miles, their encampment was discovered. several small ones were in front, purposely left accustomed to the way, still pressed on at a Mendowit examined it attentively, as also the standing for ornament; and wild rose-bushes, rate that soon made him several rods in ad-direction the savages had taken. How many and other flowering shrubs, had been spared, vance of the party. The path, just before are there ?' asked Robert. Two, besides the or transplanted by Robert, to give additional entering the clearing, approached very near captive,' replied Mendowit. Robert's cheek beauty to his rural seat. Thick, dark forests the river; this curve was made to avoid a became paler, as he stooped to pluck from a formed the boundary of vision on every side; large rock, that stood like a wall on the north bush a fragment of lace and gauze, which he but, in front of the house, the clearing had side of the road, confining its width to a space knew had belonged to Mary's bridal dress. extended to the Cochecho, whose bright waters barely sufficient for a passage. Just as Robert Placing the fragment in his bosom, he inwere seen dancing in the sunbeams, and af- was turning this rock, Mary, uttering a shriek, quired where Mendowit thought the hostile forded a delightful relief to the eye, after it was either torn, or fell from her seat, the horse Indians were retreating. They are Mohad dwelt on the gloom of the surrounding springing forward at the same instant; and, while hawks,' returned the other; I know by the wilderness. To one always accustomed to the Robert, calling on his wife, was attemping to track of their moccasins; and they will go to retreats of ease and opulence, the wild place rein his steed, a gun was discharged by an their tribe on the great river or the lakes.' would doubtless have looked dreary as a pri- Indian from behind the rock. The ball struck They shall not!' exclaimed Robert, stamping son; but to Robert, who could almost call it the horse, as he reared high from the effect on the ground in fury. I will pursue them; the creation of his own hands, it was a little of the rein, on the breast, and he fell back. I will rescue Mary, or die with her. Menparadise; and, when his bird of beauty should wards upon his rider. The report of the dowit, you know the paths of the woods-will be placed within his bower, he would not have gun was followed by a loud shout from the you go with me?' and here he enumerated exchanged it for those stately halls his mother wedding party,-not that they suspected the several articles he would give him,—a gun, had told him he was once destined to inhabit. cause of the firing, or its fatal consequences, powder, &c. They will go through the hid The wedding-day at length arrived. It had they supposed Robert had reached his own den paths of the Agiocochook,' remarked the always been anticipated by Robert as one that house, and fired his gun as the signal. Their Indian, thoughtfully. We can overtake them would bring unalloyed joy; but Mary had shouts intimidated the savages, who precipi- before they reach the White Mountains!' said often felt a sadness, something like a fore- tately fled with their prisoner, without even Robert, eagerly. You shall have the best boding of misfortune, come over her mind stopping to scalp her unfortunate husband. gun I can purchase in Boston, Mendowit, and whenever her marriage was alluded to. She The party rode joyously up; but who can de- my horn full of powder, and a new knife.' could not tell her own heart the cause of this scribe their consternation and horror, on find-These were powerful temptations to the Inmelancholy; it was not that she was averse to ing Robert stretched, apparently lifeless, on dian; but a more powerful one was the ancient the union, for she loved Robert more than all the ground, covered with the blood of his and inveterate hatred he bore the Mohawks. the world besides; nor that she feared to dwell dying steed, which they mistook for his own; Revenge is an inextinguishable passion in a red in the wilderness there had not, for a long while Mary was no where to be found! Cala- man's breast. Mendowit was a Christian as time, been an alarm from the Indians. Why mities never fall with such an overwhelming far as he could be, without ceasing to be an is it that, at times, a shadow will fall on the force as when they surprise us in the midst of Indian; but his new principles could never spirit, which no efforts of the mind, no argu- security and happiness. From that company, eradicate his early prejudices, nor subdue his ments of reason can dispel? There were great lately so gay, was now heard nothing but ruling passion. Now, the Mohawks had inpreparations for the wedding. lamentations for the sufferers, or execrations jured a Christian friend, and the indulgence Three o'clock was the hour of ceremony; then upon the enemy. The men were all unarmed; of his hatred towards them seemed a Christian followed a feast; and, lastly, all the company they could not, therefore, pursue the Indians virtue. But there was an obstacle to his acwho had horses, were to ride and escort the and endeavour to rescue Mary; but having companying Robert. Mendowit concluded young couple to their dwelling. Of the wed-ascertained Robert was still living, they bore these Indians would retreat through what is ding-dresses, I shall only say, that they were him back to the dwelling of Captain Waldron, now called the Notch of the White Mountains; quite fashionable then, and would be very whence he had so lately gone in all the pride and of that pass he had a superstitious dread. monstrous now; and a minute description of of youth and joy. There was no sleep that But Robert urged him with so many perantiquated attire ought not to occupy much night in Dover. The inhabitants seemed suasions, suggesting also the certainty of overof a story so limited as this. The reverend panic-struck. They crowded to the fortified taking the Mohawks long before they reached John Reyner officiated at the ceremony; and houses,-mothers pressing their children closer Agiocochook, that Mendowit finally consented. then the whole party sat down to a long table to their bosoms, as they listened in breathless The sun was just setting when this arrangecrowned with an enormous Indian pudding, terror, often fancying they heard the stealthy ment was concluded. To follow the Indian not made of Indians, as an Englishman might tread of the savages, and trembling in agony, trail during the night was impracticable; and suppose, but of Indian meal, and served up as they thought of their horrible yells. But Robert, now there seemed a possibility of rein a huge pewter platter. The plates were of the night passed away without alarm, and a covering Mary, became reasonable enough to the same metal, all shining like silver, from a bright morning sun soon dissipated their ima- listen to the advice of his friends, and consent recent scrubbing; and then they had roast beef, ginary terrors. Robert had nearly recovered to stay till the ensuing morning. The night and lamb, and venison, and many other good from the effects of his fall; and though his was mostly spent in preparations for his ad. things, which they relished better for seldom cheek was pale, there was a sternness in his venture, or in listening to the advice of those indulging in them. But they had no wine, dark eye that told his spirit was unquelled. who thought themselves fully competent to nor strong drink, in those days; and, what It was his determination to seek his wife; and judge of the best method of proceeding in the would be remarkable now, the host felt no several young men, after they found his re-attack of Indians. Some tried to dissuade the mortification from not having them to offer, solution could not be altered, volunteered to young husband from the attempt to recover nor his guests disappointment in not having accompany him. They went first to the fatal his wife by force, as the Indians, they averred, them to partake. Robert's house stood about rock; from thence they followed the Indians always murdered their prisoners when ata mile and a half from that of Captain Wal- nearly a mile into the woods; but for a long tacked. They said it would be best to send a dron's, and eighty rods from any human ha- time no farther traces could be found. After messenger to the Mohawks, who would doubt. bitation. The distance was not great, but it searching many hours, they were joined by a less disclaim all knowledge of the violence was all wilderness; and the road was only cut praying Indian, as he was called. Mendowit which had, probably, been perpetrated by some and freed from the obstruction of trees. No learned the English language, and became con- stragglers from their tribe, and negotiate for carriage could have rolled over the rugged way; but that was no subject of regret, as not a wheel-vehicle, excepting great lumber-carts, had ever been seen in Dover. So the gentle men mounted their goodly steeds, and, each gallantly taking a lady behind him, they set off, with the bridegroom and bride at the head of the cavalcade, in great style, followed by the Mary's foster-father.

verted to Christianity soon after the colonists
settled in Salem. He had received many
favours from the elder Mr. Wilson, and had
loved Robert from his infancy. He had lately
wandered to Dover, and spent his time in
hunting and fishing around Robert's clearing.
Mendowit soon discovered the trail of the
Indians. They had returned on their own
Robert's father,

the release or ransom of the captive. Robert's blood chilled at the suggestion that his rashness might accelerate the death of his wife; but the negotiation for her ransom was uncer. tain, and the period of her release might be distant. He thought she could not long survive in captivity; and he hoped to surprise her captors unawares, to free her, clasp her to his bosom, and hear her sweet voice pronounce

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his name as that of her deliverer. As the his gun with a convulsive grasp, as, at each the cavern, throw himself down on the damp picture brightened beneath his fancy, he started step, his eye searched around in every pene- rock, close his eyes, and endeavour to banish from his seat and rushed out, to see if the trable direction, dreading to meet a confirma- all thought from his mind. Thus passed the morning light might not be discovered. It tion of his fears; yet the sight of her mangled hours till after midnight; when, during a soon dawned; and, completely equipped, the corse would scarcely have added to his heart's pause of the wind, a strange noise was heard. Indian with his gun and tomahawk, Robert agony. The weather, which, ever since they It was not like a shriek, or ery from any huwith a double-barrelled rifle, sword, and am- left Dover, and, indeed for some time before, man voice, or the yell of a wild beast; but a munition, and each carrying a pack containing had been extremely dry and warm, now sud- deep, dismal sound, thrilling the listener like their provisions and restoratives for Mary, denly changed; and they seemed transported a warning call from some unearthly being. they set off on an expedition fraught, doubtless, to another region. Thick, black masses of Robert started on his feet. A bright flash of with more real perils than the adventures of clouds enveloped the mountains, and soon lightning shewed him Mendowit rising from many proud knights whose deeds are recorded covered the whole horizon, and the darkness his recumbent posture his hands were falling in historic legends, and emblazoned on the of night came down at once; and then the powerless by his side, and his face expressed scutcheons of their descendants. Fame is cer- wind rose, and, at intervals, swept onward an internal agitation and terror which a red tainly more dependent on fortunate circum- with the force of a tornado. It required no man rarely exhibits. It is the voice of the stances than great achievements. Had Robert effort of the imagination to fancy the old woods Abamocho,' said the Indian, in a low tone, Wilson lived in the days of chivalry, his were groaning with apprehensions of some that evidently trembled. I have heard it courage and constancy would have been the terrible calamity. The trunks of the largest once before. He calls for a victim.'.' Where theme of poets and song of minstrels; now, trees quivered, and their lofty heads bent is he?' demanded Robert, unsheathing his the only record of his name, or even his exist- almost to the ground, as the mountain winds sword. He is the spirit of the dark land!' ence, will be this unpretending story. They went sounding by from a chasm far more said Mendowit, shrinking down, as if to hide entered the deep forest, and, guided by the awful than the Roncesvalles strait.' "We himself from some dreaded object. He rules traces of the retreating Indians, pressed for- must return,' said Mendowit, pausing: we over these mountains; he comes in the storm, ward, at first, with all the speed they could cannot overtake them. The secret path of and none whom he marks for destruction can urge. But Mendowit soon checked his rapid Agiocochook, Mendowit must not tread.' 'You escape him.? Robert's whole soul/had been so pace, and represented to Robert that the two Mo- must,' returned Robert, sternly, mistaking engrossed with the idea of Mary, and how to hawks were perhaps scouts from a large party, the cause of his guide's reluctance; but you rescue her, that scarcely a thought or care for and that caution must be used, or they might need not fight. Only shew me the Mohawks, any other human being had entered his mind unawares be caught in an ambush. Robert's and, be there two hundred, I will rescue since leaving Dover. The appalling noise he impatience would never have submitted to this Mary.' He was interrupted by a flash of had just heard, and Mendowit's singular mancurb, could he by any means have avoided it; lightning so vivid, that, for a moment, the ner, now aroused his curiosity to inquire what but as he could not quicken the pace of mountains and their recesses seemed all re- so moved the Indian, when alluding to the Mendowit, he was compelled to conform to vealed; their high heads, that reached up- Agiocochook. Mendowit, after heaving a it. Cautiously, therefore, they journeyed on wards to the heavens their yawning chasms deep sigh, replied,t These mountains belong through the old woods, where a civilised being and deep gullies the huge rocks, some fixed to Abamocho, the evil spirit. This spirit had never before voluntarily ventured. All as earth's foundations, and others apparently always favours the Mohawks; and it was to was silence, save when, at long intervals, the suspended in air, ready to topple on the heads make them a path, when they were fleeing cry of some solitary bird broke on the ear of those beneath the dark trees, with their before the arrows of Tookenchosen; the great with startling shrillness; or perhaps a rust- roots and fibres twisted amid the precipices sachem of the Massachusetts, that he rent ling among the dry branches made the travel- over which they were bending, and clinging, the mountain asunder. The evil spirit sat on lers pause in breathless silence, till a deer, bound- as it were, for safety. A tremendous peal a huge rock, on the highest peak of the ing across their path, would plunge into the of thunder followed; its echoes reverberated mountain, and he beckoned for the Mohawks opposite thicket; while they did not dare to through the trembling mountains with a deaf- to pass by, laying his hand on his breast. send a bullet after him, lest the report of their ening roar, and then the rain burst in tor- They obeyed, and went in safety; but when guns should alarm the enemy, who might, rents. It was in vain to attempt moving Tookenchosen would have followed them, the even then, be lurking close beside them. There forward while the wind and rain beat so spirit spread his arms abroad, and great stones was during the journey a fearful apprehension, furiously; and Robert asked the Indian where and trees were hurled down upon the warriors, an undefinable horror on the heart and mind they could shelter. Mendowit replied by a till all perished except their chief. This was of Robert, far more terrible than he would motion towards the west side of the mountain many, many moons before the white men have endured had he known Mary had ceased near which they stood, and began hastily to came but none of our warriors dared venture to exist. The tortures she might be forced to ascend. Robert followed. The path was to Agiocochook, to bring away the bones of undergo haunted his imagination, till every perilous, and required much caution but the the slain. At last my father was sachem of sound seemed to warn him to hasten to her Indian appeared well acquainted with the dif- Massachusetts. He was a great chief. His relief; and the delays and obstructions that ficulties, and easily surmounted them, till he tribe was more numerous than the leaves of were continually arising made his blood boil reached a kind of cavern in the side of a preci- the summer forest. A thousand warriors folwith a fury he could scarcely control. His pice, which they both entered in safety. They lowed his steps; and he said he would bring impatience greatly surprised Mendowit, who, were now sheltered from the peltings of the back the bones of his fathers. He called his with all the philosophic calmness of a sage, storm, but not from its uproar. It seemed as young men and took me, that I might learn would take his own time to examine the traces if air, fire, and water, were loosened to work the paths of the woods. I was a child then; of their fleeing foes, and calculate the distance their pleasure on the shrinking and quaking I could not bend a warrior's bow-but they they had gained, and the probable time when earth. The lightning that shone in one con- went not to the fight.' He paused; and Rothey should overtake them. This would have tinued glare the awful rolling of the thunder bert knew, by the tones of his voice, that the been soon, had the Mohawks proceeded straight that shook these everlasting hills the rain, recollections of other years pressed sadly on forwards. But, as if anticipating pursuit, that did not fall in drops, but poured in large his mind. After a few moments of breathless they were continually practising to elude it. streams from the black clouds the howling of silence, he resumed: We came to AgiodoThey would often trace back their own foot- the wind, as it raved through the hollow passes chook. The storm was loud as you now hear; steps, like the doublings of a fox; and, when the frequent and loud crash of falling rocks and in this very cave my father and I passed following the course of a river, travel in the and trees, all united to give to the scene an the night. We heard the voice of Abamocho. water, and cross and recross at places which awful sublimity, which the soul could feel, but In the morning we saw him seated on his none but the sagacity of a red man could have the pen can never describe. Amid this wreck rock. He waved his arm for us to be gone. discovered. These subtle movements satisfied of matter, as it were, Robert heeded not his I saw it, and trembled; but my father would Mendowit that there was no large body of own danger; he thought only of his wife. At not depart. He sought all the secret places; Indians at hand; and on the morning of the every fresh burst of the tempest, Oh, where but the bones of our fathers had perished. fourth day he announced that they should is Mary now?' came over his heart, till his We returned to our tribe; but the evil spirit soon see Mary. They were approaching the knees smote together, and large drops of sweat sent a curse upon us. Sickness destroyed bur mountains, and Mendowit seemed eager to started on his pale forehead. Then he would young men ; the Mohawks scalped our old men overtake the Indians before entering the defile rush to the narrow entrance of the cell, with and children; my father fell by their arrows. that led to the Notch. By the foot-prints clenched hands, and look abroad to see if there I avenged his death; but I could not prevent they ascertained Mary did not walk, probably was any abatement of the storm; and then, in the destruction of my nation. could not; and Robert shuddered, and clenched despair, he would seek the furthest gloom of journeyed to the Agiocochook, with the

Three times

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powows, to appease Abamocho. We prayed for an arm, stretched forward to a vast dis-velocity no human barrier could oppose, no to the Ketan when at home. It availed tance; and then a shapeless mass, that the created power resist. One glance told Robert not. Again he paused; and Robert, who Indian might call a robe, fell down and that Mary must perish; that he could not save had listened with intense interest to the story, covered the surrounding precipice. Your her. But I will die with her!' he exclaimed ; inquired where the remnant of his tribe dwelt evil genius,' said Robert, half laughing, as he and shaking off the grasp of Mendowit as he now. Young man,' said Mendowit, rising looked alternately at his guide and the cloud, would a feather, Mary, oh Mary!' he conwith a melancholy but majestic air, while the has, to my thinking, a most monstrous and tinued, rushing towards her. She uncovered lightning shewed his tall form, and the gray evil-looking nose. Hugh said Mendowit, her head, made an effort to rise, and articulocks that waved in thick masses over his interrupting him. That part which formed lated Robert!' as he caught and clasped her venerable forehead; young man, I once led the arm of the spirit began slowly to move to his bosom. 'Oh, Mary, must we die?' he a host more numerous than the trees of yonder towards the body of the cloud, incorporating exclaimed. 'We must, we must,' she cried, forest. I was chief of a mighty nation-now with it in such a manner, that the Indian as she gazed on the rolling mountain in ago Mendowit dwells alone. I am the last of my might well be pardoned for thinking Aba-nising horror; why, why did you come?" tribe.' As he ended, he sank down, and mocho had folded his hand on his breast. He replied not; but, leaning against the rock, covered his face with his hands. Robert's Mendowit had held his breath suspended dur-pressed her closer to his heart; while she, life had been a laborious but a very happy ing the movement of the cloud, and his deep clinging around his neck, burst into a passion one. He was naturally of a cheerful tempera- aspiration, as he emphatically said, 'Abamocho of tears, and, laying her head on his bosom, ment, and seldom had his imagination dwelt is pleased; we may now go in safety,' sounded sobbed like an infant. He bowed his face upon - on the dark shades of human life. He had like the breathing of a drowning man when her cold wet cheek, and breathed one cry for felt, as youth and health are prone to feel, he rises to the surface of the water. After mercy; yet even then there was in the hearts as if earth were made purposely for the hap- hastily refreshing themselves, they descended of both lovers a feeling of wild joy in the >piness of man, and existence would never have from their retreat, and began their progress thought that they should not be separated. an end. A few hours had taught him solemn through the defile. The storm had obliterated The mass came down, tearing, and crumbling, lessons of the vanity and change of all created all traces of the Mohawks, but there were no and sweeping all before it! The whole mounthings.Without and around him was the diverging paths; those who once entered the tain trembled, and the ground shook like an destroying tempest, dashing to atoms the pass must proceed onward. It was now that earthquake. The air was darkened by the works of nature; within was Mendowit, an Robert saw the devastations of the storm. shower of water, stones, and branches of trees, image of moral desolation. Robert sat down; Their way was obstructed by fallen trees, crushed and shivered to atoms; while the blast and, while the picture of human vicissitudes fragments of rock, deep gullies, and roaring swept by like a whirlwind, and the crash and was present thus vividly and mournfully to waterfalls, pouring from the sides of the moun- roar of the convulsion were far more appalling his mind, mingled with the thought of his tain, and swelling the Saco, till its turbid than the loudest thunder. It might have been Down heart-sickening disappointment, he wept stream nearly flooded the whole valley. They one minute, or twenty,-for neither of the like an infant. The tears he shed were not proceeded silently and cautiously for more than lovers took note of time,-when, in the hush merely those of selfish regret. He wept the an hour, when Mendowit suddenly paused, as of death-like stillness that succeeded the miseries to which man is exposed, till his and, whispering to Robert, I scent the uproar, Robert looked around and saw the mind was insensibly drawn to ponder on the smoke of fire,' sunk on his hands and knees, consuming storm had passed by. It had passed, transgressions that must have made such pn-and crept forward, as softly as a cat circum-covering the valley, further than the eye could nishments necessary. And never had he venting her prey. A few rods distant lay areach, with ruin. Masses of granite, and shi breathed so contrite a prayer as now came huge tree, uprooted by the late storm; shel-vered trees, and mountain earth, were heaped from his soul, humbled before that Almighty tered behind this, Mendowit half rose, and, high around, filling the bed of the Saco, and Power who alone can say to the mourner, through the interstices of the roots, examined exhibiting an awful picture of the desolating peace!to the tempest, be still! A sweet the prospect before him. He soon signed for track of the avalanche. Only one little spot calm at length fell on Robert's tossed mind, Robert to advance; who, imitating the posture had escaped its wrath, and there, safe, as if the calm of confidence that all would finally of his guide, instantly crept forward, and, at sheltered in the hollow of His hand who nobe found to have been ordered for the best; a little distance before them, beheld-Mary. tices the fall of a sparrow, and, locked in each and he sunk into a profound sleep, from which She, with the two Mohawks, was seated be- other's arms, were Robert and Mary! Beside he did not awake till aroused by Mendowit.neath a shelving rock, whose projection had them stood Mendowit-his gun firmly clenched, It was late in the morning; the storm had been their only shelter from the storm. The and his quick eye rolling around him like a ceased; and they sallied forth to examine the height of the projection did not allow them to maniac. He had followed Robert, though he appearance without. An exhalation like smoke stand upright; but the Indians had kindled a did not intend it; probably impelled by that arose from the dripping woods and wet grounds fire, and were now partaking of their rude meal. feeling which makes us loath to face danger beneath and around them, concealing most of Their backs were towards Robert, and their alone; and thus had escaped. The Mohawks the devastations the storm had wrought. The faces fronted their prisoner, who, wrapped in a were doubtless crushed, as they never appeared clouds moved slowly up the sides of the moun- covering of skins, reclined against a fragment They made a litter for tain, still entirely shrouding its tall peaks; of the rock. Just as Robert looked, one of Mary; and they bore her on it by day, and her but they did not wear the threatening hue of the Mohawks held some food towards Mary. husband sheltered her in his bosom by night, the preceding night. They had discharged She uncovered her head, and, by a gesture, till they reached Dover. Robert and Mary their contents, and their lightened folds were refused the morsel. Her cheek was so pale, lived long and happily in their dwelling on now gradually melting, and ready to disperse and her whole countenance looked so sunken, the banks of the Cochecho. In all the subbefore the morning sun, though its beans had that Robert thought her expiring. His heart sequent attacks of the Indians on Dover they not yet penetrated their dark masses. The and brain seemed on fire, as his eyes flashed were unmolested; and their devoted affection, wind was entirely hushed, and note a sound, around, to see if any advantage might be which continued unabated even to extreme old except the solemn monotonous roar of a dis- taken ere he rushed upon the foe. At that age, was often ascribed to the dangers they tant waterfall, broke on the stillness. While moment, the Mohawks, uttering a horrible had suffered and escaped together. Mendowit Robert was contrasting the almost breathless cry, sprung upon their feet, and ran towards thought himself richly repaid for his share in tranquillity he now gazed upon with the wild him. He raised his gun; but Mendowit, the expedition. He had, besides a new rifle, uproar he had so lately witnessed, Mendowit seizing his shoulder, drew him backwards, at powder, and knife, both the guns of the Motouched his shoulder; and, looking round, he the same time crying, The mountain! the hawks, which he managed to carry to Dover, beheld the features of the Indian distorted, mountain!' Robert looked upward. Awful as trophies of his complete success in tracking while he gazed and pointed upward towards precipices, to the height of more than two their paths. And, moreover, he enjoyed, till La huge mountain, that rose in the furthest thousand feet, rose above him. Near the the day of his death, the friendship and prodistance before them. Above its tall peak re- highest pinnacle, and the very one over which tection of Robert and Mary; and, when he posed a black cloud, and it was the appearance Abamocho had been seated, the earth had slept that deep, cold sleep, which, sooner or of that cloud which so terrified Mendowit. been loosened by the violent rains. Some later, will close the eyes of all who dwell beIt is the Abamocho,' said he, in a suppressed slight cause, perhaps the sudden bursting neath the sun, they saw him laid decently in hollow tone: and certainly, by the aid of a forth of a mountain spring, had given motion the grave, and their tears fell at the remem little, imagination, it might be likened to a to the mass; and it was now moving forward, brance of his virtues and his services." human form of gigantic proportions. The dark gathering fresh strength from its progress, upface, drawn against a cloud of lighter hue, was rooting the old trees, unbedding the ancient seen en profile; a projection, that might pass rocks, and all rolling onwards with a force and


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We are afraid this is rather of the longest of the extract kind: but it reads well, and we shall return to our other Yankee friends (how

well the two words sound together, and how much of good will, and how little of insult, do they convey!) next week. We hope this conclusion will be admired as a darling of a parenthesis !

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us that the attempt has invariably brought ruin a secure basis, or even from the left bank, they on the attempters; and the very lesson of might go on, after due collecting of means, Buonaparte himself, to whose efforts those an- and when occasion serves to the goal of the ticipated by the author on the part of Russia enterprise: occupying about as many days in are compared, is surely too recent and too doing so as would convey the intelligence to terrible to encourage any similar mad scheme Paris or London. The fatuity of the Turk On the Designs of Russia. By Lieut.-Colonel of ambition. And again, we would suggest, will never leave the Czar without a most suffiDe Lacy Evans. 8vo. pp. 251. London, as a consolatory reflection against these pre- cient reason for exhibiting to all the courts in 1828. J. Murray. dicated evils, that we are unacquainted with ostensible amity with him, that the honour and Or this comprehensive political and military any period at which it could be shewn that interests of his throne and people imperatively view of Russia, of its past progress, of its pre- long-matured prospective plans were realised demanded of him the advance of the troops, sent position, and of its (probable) ulterior according to the project of the planners. Cal- and the sacrifice of his much-loved peace. It ascendency and ambitious objects, we do not culations of years to come have been invariably seems a great deal more likely, however, that consider it incumbent upon us to treat at large. overthrown by strange and unforeseen con- he will now proceed at once to the condign Such a work must be read and well weighed by tingencies. Let any man fancy that he had castigation of his misguided opponent. Still, all who are concerned in national affairs; and slept for only the last half century, and waked the slower method would be the more prudent the dabbling of a literary reviewer cannot be at the distance of every ten years in the years all the contributive means and combinations, supposed likely to enlighten them much, or 1780, 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820. -we think it military and diplomatical, could thus be better greatly to inform the general public. Colonel would put him out of conceit for prophesying matured." Evans seems to be deeply impressed with the what should happen and be the actual state of As it is inconsistent with the plan of the opinion that the growing power of the Russian things in 1840, 150, 1860, 1870, and 1880, Literary Gazette to go far into details with empire threatens not only the balance and in- should the comet, happily, spare the earth so any work of this class, however able, we shall dependence of Europe, but, especially, the long! Still, however, we ought not to neglect now consign Colonel Evans's reflections on welfare of Britain, and the safety of her Indian the warning voice of judgment and penetration; foreign affairs and relations to the multitude possessions. Whether his apprehensions are and the work before us is eminently one en- of readers whom they must deeply interest; just or exaggerated, it is not for us to deter- titled to the closest attention of political men. but before we conclude, we add one quotation, mine; but we can truly say, that the data on We shall, therefore, copy a few paragraphs to which comes home especially to ourselves, and which he reasons are at once curious and im-illustrate it, from the many that are most displays the good sense of the author in a proportant, and that his intelligence is drawn from worthy of being well considered. On the sub-minent light. all points and quarters which bear upon the ject of military colonisation in Russia (respect- "In reference to the motives of other question, and the various topics discussed in an ing which it will be remembered, Dr. Lyall first cabinets in hazarding a conflict of opinion or enlarged and statesman-like manner. sounded the alarm) Colonel Evans observes:- of conduct with ours, there is but too much Colonel Evans asserts, that the Grecian re- "The foreign policy of a state whose gran- reason to conclude that a good deal of revolt was prepared from within the Russian deur is founded upon conquest, must charac-liance is placed upon our presumed, or at least frontier; that the augmentation of her armies teristically be that of conquest. It is of course confidently proclaimed, financial embarrassmust be in contemplation of other events than in furtherance of this policy that the great and ments. It is very evident that constant invictories over the Turks; that the consequences novel plan of military colonisation' has been citements to this calculation have been af of these certain victories must lead to European devised. Eventually this, it appears, is to place forded. No sooner are the receipts of any Í wars, when the conquered territories come to at the disposal of government three millions of class in this country (especially if an affluent. be distributed; that Russia, once established on males, trained from the earliest age to military one) likely to suffer the slightest diminution, the Hellespont, will threaten India, British exercises, and to be held constantly in readi- than straight every enginery of influence is : maritime ascendency, and even British con-ness to reinforce the embodied army. Whe- brought into play, and an anticipatory outery..! nexion with Ireland; that France will be re. ther this number is to be the maximum, will raised that is heard in all directions. In no duced in comparison with Russia to an inferior, of course depend upon circumstances. The nation in the world where truth and general or third-rate power; that Austria and Sweden settlements granted to the Roman legions were principles are in any degree understood, is will be paralysed, while Prussia and Holland chiefly for defence, and for services performed. this species of manoeuvre so unbecomingly are secured by family alliances; a Russo-Ger- These appear to concern the future more than exhibited. An approaching general ruin and manic confederation formed, and America court- the past; and are obviously calculated rather bankruptcy are on those occasions invariably ed; and, in fine, that within some fifteen years to assail than protect. The consequence, if announced, and unscrupulously insisted on, hence, Russia will be paramount as Buonaparte not the intention, is plainly the foundation of both at home and abroad; in order to obtain was some fifteen years ago. Upon these argu- an immense military caste, whose confirmed a more ready compliance with some special ments it appears to us, that, while there can be habits and separate interests must no less dis-exemption or legislative enactment favourable no doubt of the rapidly increasing strength of pose and qualify them to rivet the chains of to the party alleging itself aggrieved and Russia, there are securities against any undue their own countrymen, than to impose an thus the moderating impartiality and conuse of her vast force, such as the wild aim at equally galling bondage on every surrounding trolling discretion of the government is but universal empire could inspire. The author, people. What political institution, democratic too often subdued to the purposes of the comindeed, himself suggests, at the present moment, or otherwise, can be so inimical to the safety plainants. The reality of the poor man's disa close union between England and France, as of other states, as the uncalled-for preparation tress is all this time overlooked, or made use sufficient to recall the Emperor Nicholas from of such permanent and overwhelming means of to point some collateral argument, as matter the prosecution of the Turkish war with any of aggression." for some vague harangue: or perhaps is dila. idea of aggrandisement; and, should the Rus- Again, in addition to the enormous and un-ted on with stoical magnanimity, as a salutary sian eagle even wave over the minarets of precedented military establishment of Russia, check to population. It were uneandid to Constantinople, and all the country submit, an ukase has been just promulgated for the con- assert, that these representations are, in all unless a wise and moderate system were imme- scription of a reinforcement of one hundred cases, fallacious: but certainly it is not the diately adopted, in unison with the common thousand men. Are these prodigious prepara-distresses of the most distressed which are interests of nations, surely a timely sense of tions necessary to crush the crazy, feeble, and most loudly trumpeted. But what gives curcommon danger would combine the three worn-out strength of the Seraglio?-Clearly rency to these ominous prophecies of the na mighty powers of Austria, France, and Eng-not. There is but one interpretation of them. tional insolvency is, that there are those who land, against the aggressor; and who can doubt They are meant to overawe the West,-to pre-occasionally indulge in the same strain who the result? But this is presuming (of which vent interruption in the progress and hostility are evidently above all suspicion of an unthere is no proof) that Russia entertains such as the sequel of this operation. Nothing is worthy motive. Thus it is, that but a few«{ boundless prospects of extended rule and domi- more evidently possible than that the auto- evenings back, a noble lord, of unimpeach nation: hitherto she has gone hand in hand cratic government may, for the present, deemable character for integrity, has not hesitated, with other kingdoms, and we believe there is it most politic to restrain itself to gaining, as at this great crisis, to declare, in his place in jealousy enough alive every where to lead to a primary step, the line of the Danube. Thus parliament, that he knows not how the go: precautions and resistance whenever any dis- might the public mind in other countries be vernment can go on, even under ordinary cir position is evinced to overstep the right line of more gradually reconciled to the eventual re- cumstances, so utterly impoverished are the. general policy. Besides, we are among those sult. From the fortresses of the Danube, as national resources, and necessitous the Exche who entertain no very appalling dread of universal empire. The history of the world shews available from this source." "Seventy thousand is the number stated to be now quer; and this goes forth on the authority of a distinguished member of the Finance Com

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