Imatges de pàgina


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At the request of our good friend M. Sedlatzek, who plays

the German flute better than he writes the English language, we insert the following interesting announce




"Yet, yet,

ance, generally speaking, is horrifying and hu- | quite exploded by us Copernicans) at the sea miliating to those possessed of the same nature. of gaping, up-turned mouths which I saw Infirmity, filth of apparel, and distorted coun- below. I, by way of fun, discharged a little tenances, often render these wretched crea- of my ballast into a few of them; and, DEAR SIR,-I am very sorry not having the tures the objects of disgust rather than of pity: being thus lightened, rose rapidly. In about Plesure to fond you at home, ai was com to in fact, some of them appear scarcely human; five minutes I distinctly saw the Haymarket thank you for your kind report of my Conzert; for, owing to over-work, and carrying weights directly under my feet; and heard the voices and in the seime Time to tell you that my weif above their strength when young, many are com- of the men remaining with the last loads is delivering with a Girl, and the Prinzesses pletely doubled in two, and unable to stand disputing about the price. When at the ..upright. height of about seventeen miles, as nearly find convenient to mention in your next weks Esterhazy will be the Good Mutters, shuld you The theatre named l'Ambigu Comique, he as I could guess, (for we never carry instru-rrival of La Gaieté, which was burnt down some ments now,) we had a delightful view of time ago, is rebuilt, and ready to receive the Charles' Wain, and Pegasus and Aquileus, public. The edifice is far from being superb; and also of Bootes, the latter being quite but three ranges of columns, rising one above different from any terrestrial object that I another, and forming three different por- had ever seen in our stable, or at any inn ticoes, give a very fine effect, and attract the where I had travelled before. We soon after With every coming night the terrible star Expanded: men had now no thought but that ; (eye: the first range of columns is of the descended and passed through a cloudy Rack, All occupations were laid by; the earth Doric order, the second Ionic, and the third the worst I ever met with in my experience, Was left untill'd; the voyagers on the deeps [Corinthian; thus, consisting of a mixture of and rendered the more disagreeable from my Forsook their ships, and got upon the land, To wait the dread event." b.different orders, it is criticised by connoisseurs having just caught a glimpse of Præsepe, or COMET OF 1832, 3, or 4.-To shew our ; in architecture. I think half the theatres the Manger, in the midst of Cancer, so that friends who may have been infected with the will soon be converted into chapels; for the I was literally between Rack and Manger. terrors excited in the Parisians by the" inflamlatter have increased and multiplied out of all Owing to the reflection of the direct rays of mable forebodings" of those astronomers who, proportion. Since the year 1808 they have the sun from above and the oblique rays according to our correspondent at the French added fifteen to their number; so that now from the clouds beneath, the hail-stones looked capital (see No. 601), predict the destruction of -ntwenty-three are in existence, which overstock exactly like Poland oats; and I was exceedtrains the royal theatres, as the receipts by no ingly disappointed at finding they were only friends the grounds of this, not absolutely viour world by a comet, in 1832,-to shew our means rise in an equal ratio-scarcely ever a pelting shower, preparing for the wide-sionary alarm, we have been induced to give a exceeding six millions. mouthed friends I had left behind me on slight sketch of the history of that baleful star, ba Curiosity tempted me for once to attend l'Ecole earth. Having now been taking an airing for which is now winging its way earthward, till, ide Declamation of M. Cartigny: such an ex- about half an hour, I began to think it high in the year 1832, 3, or 4, it is expected to bxhibition one might expect to witness at Cha- time to come to the ground; but as it is not arrive, and, according to some philosophers, to renton; for the hurlements of the young tra- reckoned handsome in a pony to come down, breathe desolation on the human race, to gedians were rather the yells of madmen; I was much annoyed at the idea of the ap- hurry this earth nearer to the sun, or rush and if M. Cartigny succeeds in extracting an proaching circumstance, and almost wished with it, through the realms of ether, to the utounce of good sense or talent from those that I could remain a-loft for ever. A beau- most confines of the solar system,- or at once, juvenile performers, the miracle ought to gain tiful clover-field, near Beckenham, however, bhim at least a place amongst magicians. How- overcame my reluctance, and I halted there by its shock, to reduce this beautiful frame to its original chaos. never, as, where there is a deficiency of genius, sound in wind and limb. As Caval-ho, in there is generally much self-possession, these 1782, was the originator of air-ballooning, it is served in the year 1305, about the season of This "great and fearful star" was first obistrapping-looking young actors, and heavy, rather odd that after forty-six years I should Easter: it returned again in the summer of Vulgar actresses, were enchanted with them- be the first of the Caval-ry family to follow 1456, when all Europe beheld it with fear and beselves, and stared the audience into applause. his example; and yet so little progress has been made in aerostation, that I should cer- a successful war, in which they destroyed the amazement; the Turks were then engaged in tainly prefer the old mode of inflation by chop-Greek empire; Christians in general supposing ped straw to the ridiculous method now em- their destruction portended by its appearance. SIR,It was to be expected, from your name ployed; for it seems to me that carbonated Its next visit to these lower heavens was in the of Litter-Airy Gaze-at, that you would take oxygen is only fit to raise a bullock to the skies. some notice of my ass-ent last week. and II ought to mention, as a curious occurrence, that, tinuing visible from the 26th of September to years 1531 and 1607, in this latter year conam much obliged to you for the interest you at our utmost elevation, in the midst of the the 5th of November following: its course was express on my behalf. It is, indeed, a cruel hurricane, we met with a flight of birds on through Ursa Major, Boötes, Serpentis, and thing that I should be obliged to leave the the wing. Green, who is excessively ignorant Ophiuchus; the diameter of the head two Litter for the Airy station; but what can a of natural history, said they were Swallows; minutes, and that of the nucleus eleven or poor Pony do, far from home, and without a but I knew they were Martins, for the wind twelve seconds, of an unequal roundness, exfriend? I struggled as much and as long as I blew a perfect Martin-gale. I do not like to hibiting phases like the moon or inferior could; I rejected both the beans and the contradict his opinions, but among philoso-planets; its light pale and watery; the tail Greens that were to go up with me; but when phical inquirers I trust that my neigh will go like a flaming lance or sword," seven degrees my fetlocks were locked in, I found all farther as far as his yea, upon a disputed point, where in length, of considerable breadth, projected, resistance vain, and was forced at the same any thing like intelligence is requisite. You with some deviation, towards that part of the moment not only to be mounted, but also to may depend upon it that he will put his foot heavens opposite to the sun. This is a brief mount! In this unpleasant situation, having in the matter, and therefore it be-hoves me to outline of the observations of that period been originally, when in Shetland, of shy- be more correct. Some water which we ob-(1607), annexed to which is a specification of entific habits, my love of shy-hence recurred; served below us, for instance, he, off hand, the direful effects that followed the appearand I hope you will not consider it an un- declared to be the Thames, though I clearly ance of this splendid enigma." "The Duke grateful return for your kindness that I saw it was the main of the New River Water- of Lorrain died. A great war between the transmit you a short account of my observa- Works, but thereby hangs a tale; so no more Swedes and Danes!" tions, which you will find to be quite as at present from your great-fool servant, valuable, and as productive of useful results, ROSE THE PONY." as any that have been made during the last P.S.-I think my transit across the sun ten years of ballooning. In the first place, ought to entitle me to more glory than was it is a fib to say that I trembled (see Green's story in the newspapers) at the moment when the last rope was cut; it was Master Green's own shaking that made him fancy I was alarmed. The fact is, that I never was more cool in my life than I was throughout the whole of this senseless piece of business; and that at first setting off I indulged in a horse laugh (the system of Tie-o Bray being

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To the Editor, &c.

acquired by the famous Eclipse his tail, in
spite of his speed, never whisked by a comet's!!

• We hope the genuineness of this able letter will not
M. de Boussanelle, captain of cavalry in the regiment of
be doubted: horses are certainly very superior animals.-
Beauvilliers, relates, in his Military Observations, an
anecdote of an old charger that had served in several
campaigns, and had its teeth so entirely worn out that
the poor veteran was no longer able to chew his hay or
oats." In this helpless condition he was fed for two

In the year 1682 the wanderer again visited this hemisphere, and was observed by Dr. Halley, who predicted its return in 1757 or 1758, the precise time being uncertain, from the attractive influence of Saturn and Jupiter,

months, and would have continued to be so, had he been left in the stable, by the two horses that stood next him the rack a quantity of hay, which they masticated, and on the right and left. These two drew every day from then gave it to their old companion; and also prepared some oats for him in the same manner, by which means he continued to retain all his former strength and spirit. The fact, adds the officer, was witnessed by the entire company, both officers and soldiers.

the former lengthening the period of the comet which, deserting its bed, would rush towards round our earth, as a moon, and would possibly one hundred days, and the latter, from his su- the new equator.

From 1531 to 1607

be hailed as a valuable auxiliary, instead of perior quantity of matter, not less than five hun- It is scarcely possible for us, at this period, being dreaded as the messenger of destruction dred and ten days: it re-appeared accordingly to conceive of the terror and dismay which per- to this terrestrial orb and its teeming inhabitabout the end of December 1758, deviating vaded all ranks throughout the world during ants, which may be more speedily brought about only nineteen days from the calculated time. the transit of the comet of 1680; some idea than by a concussion with these celestial agents. On this occasion it did not exhibit any re- might be formed of its tremendous appearance, A single principle of motion annihilated, evapomarkable appearance, by reason of the unfa- if we could fancy the nucleus, or more brilliant ration suspended, or a component part of the atvourable situation of the earth in its orbit, the part of it, in the zenith of any place, and the mosphere abstracted, and "final ruin would comet being nearly in conjunction with the sun. tail extending thence to the horizon: this was drive her ploughshare o'er creation,”—universal From a comparison of these dates, it is evident somewhat of its appearance, as observed at conflagration would instantly ensue, from the that the period of this comet is about 75 or 76 Paris, but more especially so at Constantinople, separation of the oxygen from the nitrogen of years, there being the following variations: while coruscations were continually rushing the atmosphere the former exerting its native 76 years 62 days. through the whole length of its projecting lu- energies without control wherever it extends, minosity, so as to give the awful phenomenon-solid rocks, ponderous marble, metals, and not the appearance of a tranquil body passing even water itself, would burst into an intensity on in its harmless course but a wrathful of flame, and change the aspect of all sublunary messenger, charged with vengeance and de- objects. But all these vast bodies of the unistruction. On Nov. 12th, 1 hr. 6 min. it verse are doubtless" kept in their prescribed was only the semi-diameter of the sun from limits, as with so many reins and bridles ;" and the northern part of the earth's orbit, and ap- when this earth has completed its destined proached within a sixty-sixth part of the earth's circles, and fulfilled the purposes for which it distance from the sun. It is at this time urging was called out of nothing, it will need but the on its rapid course, and will not attain its command of the glorious Creator, who at first greatest distance from the sun till the year spoke this beautiful frame into being, bliss, and 1967, and again visit the fountain of light in light, to return it to its primeval gloom, or the year 2255. bid it shine forth with new resplendent beauty and lustre. J. T. B.

1607 to 1682. 74 323

allowing for the attraction of the larger planets, its period may be stated as 76 years, 192 days, in which time it describes an orbit, the remotest point of which is 3420 millions of miles from the sun, and its nearest not more than 47 millions. This comet may not return so early as 1832, but there is scarcely any doubt of its re-appearance during the year 1833 or 1834. As to its being the agent in the destruction of our globe, it is certain that this is not the opinion of astronomers generally.

The following are its principal elements :

H. M. S.

Passed its perihelion, 1758, June 11th 3 17 39
Distance of perihelion, that of the
earth being
1 0,21535

[blocks in formation]

It must be confessed, that the chances against the meeting of a comet with this earth are so numerous, that we may consider our earth as tolerably safe from such an occurrence; the probability is some millions to one against such a contact: even the tail of a comet cannot come near our atmosphere, unless the comet be at its inferior conjunction very nearly at the time it is in a node. The nature of the improbability of such an event may be more easily understood from an instance in the planet Venus, which moves in a plane not much inclined to that of the earth's orbit (3 deg. 23 min. 25 sec.), and yet the earth and Venus are in the same plane with the sun at the time of inferior conjunction only thirty-five times in 2100 years, though this planet passes between the earth and sun, during this long period, upwards of 3360 times.


[When mentioning this comet, in No. 597, we made a blunder in alluding to the well-known distance of the moon from our sphere.]


Hall's Atlas. Part IX. Longman and Co. ANOTHER Part of this well-executed design only calls for another tribute of commendation. Central Germany, Brazil and Paraguay, and Persia, which compose this Part, are severally examples of careful science and excellent art. At the middle fasciculus of the whole undertaking (for there are to be Seventeen Parts) we may with propriety congratulate all concerned in it, and the public, on having passed the key-stone of the arch with such



Monkeyana, or, Men in Miniature. Designed and etched by Thomas Landseer. Part V. Moon, Boys, and Graves.

Many causes may operate to affect these elements, as well as alter the period assigned, or even to prevent the return of the comet altogether. In its vast excursions into space, 1620 millions of miles beyond the orbit of Uranus, it may encounter the attractions of other bodies, so as to carry it off from our system, or, coming in contact with another comet, its matter may be entirely dissipated, and its atoms scattered through space, till, falling within the attractive influence of other bodies, may constitute aeroliths or meteors. This supposition The safety of the planetary bodies from the conis grounded on the non-appearance of the comet cussion of these wandering stars, is principally of 1770, which ought, by calculation, to have owing to the nature of their respective orbits. returned ten times; but which, since that The orbits of the planets are nearly circular; date, has never been seen. But we can assure those of comets are very elliptical: planets move those whose terrors have been excited by an-nearly in the same plane; comets descend into Or the four prints of which the present Numticipating such an awful visitant, upon so dire the solar system, making every possible angle ber of this entertaining work consists, the last an errand, even though the event be contem-with the ecliptic: planets move all the same two are pre-eminently happy. It is impossible plated through the somewhat long perspective way; comets move in every direction, both to look at the bon-vivant, surrounded by the of five or six years, that there is more apparent contrary to, and in the order of, the signs. luxuries of a dessert, and grinning in vocause of alarm from another comet, whose pe- Now, if these bodies moved in the same plane luptuous ecstasy at the brilliant bumper of riod is much shorter, and whose path is nearer with the planets, the probability would be in- Latitte to which he has just helped himself, the orbit of the earth, than the one to which creased in an astonishing proportion. But without exclaiming, in the words of the plate, we have been principally referring;-we mean there is another circumstance which is calcu-" Ha! ha! very good!"-" Fashion, as it is," the comet of 1819; its period is only three lated to diminish apprehension ;-there is every is also admirable. It is scarcely a caricature. years and 107 days, and it never ranges beyond reason for supposing comets to have very little Who has not frequently had the misfortune to the orbit of Jupiter; it approaches nearer density, and to be mere collections of vapours behold such an animal in human shape, dancing Mercury than any other of the planets, and condensed about the centres of each; so that a minuet along the pavé of St. James's Street, crosses the earth's orbit more than sixty times their power to produce any deviation in the or Pall Mall, with a countenance of mingled in the course of a century; and certainly it is planetary bodies must be very inconsiderable. superciliousness and inanity, affectedly adjustwithin the limits of chance, that some collision One that passed very near to Jupiter had no ing its cravat with one paw-we beg pardon, may occur between this comet and the earth. sensible effect on that planet or his satellites, we mean hand-and twirling its quizzing-glass The consequence of such event would, accord- which would have been the case had the comet with the other; while a poor little urchin of a ing to some, more than realise the terrors contained matter in proportion to its bulk. crossing-sweeper has been running by its side, which superstition has conceived of it: the The solid part of the nucleus of some comets in vain endeavouring, by every species of earth's period of revolution, in all probability, has been proved to be not much larger than humble entreaty, to extract sixpence from its would be changed, either by carrying it nearer many mountains on our earth's surface, such ostentation? The Monkey-Cupid (the face of to, or farther from, the sun; a different in-as Dhawala-giri, the highest mountain of the which, by the by, very much resembles that of clination of the axis might be given, and there Himmalayan chain, to the north of Hindostan. some of Sir Joshua's children) is not quite so would be a consequent change of the seasons; Should a comet approach so near the earth much to our taste; and we confess that we are the diurnal motion might be either accelerated as to be more attracted by it than by the sun, dull enough not to feel either the humour of or retarded, by which the length of the days the course of its revolution would be altered; the second plate, or the applicability to it of would be affected; the vast continents of the and, instead of revolving about the sun as the title," the Spoiled Child, or, not satisfied globe would again be covered with the ocean, an independent body, it would describe an orbit with 2s. 6d." It is, perhaps, a satire on Don

Miguel; but offences such as his are too se- at the Government House, Sierra Leone, in | gratifying opportunities of amusement; and as rious for ridicule. June last, after a very short illness.* the duration of the sail is limited to about two All past experience of the fatal effects of hours, it cannot be irksome, even if it chance to Picturesque Views on the River Clyde. En-climate in this colony should certainly have be unproductive of pleasure. There is a slight graved by J. Swan, from Drawings by J. taught us to receive without surprise the degree of rivalry between the sailors of these two Fleming with Historical and Descriptive intelligence of such an event; but having, on boats, yet apparently not more than to create Illustrations by J. M. Leighton. Part III. the other hand, the knowledge of the singular a good-humoured excitement and pride, which Moon, Boys, and Graves. success with which Colonel Denham had en-insensibly elevates the spirits of their respective COREHOUSE, the seat of the Hon. Lord Core-countered all the rigours of a life in Africa, passengers. "The British Fair" and "the house; Lee House, the seat of Sir Charles when on his travels to and from the city of Atalanta" belong to the same owner, and M'Donald Lockhart, Bart.; and Craignethan Bornou, in the interior, during a period of more there is, perhaps, a stronger feeling of patronCastle, in which the unhappy Mary, Queen of than three years; considering the experience age to their several steersmen than towards Scots, found a brief asylum after her flight and confidence in himself which he had thereby the vessels themselves. Whoever has sailed from Lochleven, are the subjects of the third attained; and, above all, that, during a re- with the well-known and respectable Roper, Part of this pleasing publication. They are all sidence of eighteen months at Sierra Leone, of the British Fair, must have been struck executed with great ability and taste. in the exercise of very arduous duties, he had by the alacrity, skill, and attention, he directs felt scarcely any ill effects; -we had in- to every part of his freight; they must have dulged a sanguine hope that he would have admired the honest frankness of his manners, been spared to fulfil the wishes of the govern- his hearty laugh and capability of entering ment and the country for the improvement of into the passing wit of the moment; and if this ill-fated place an object which he had they are females, they will have experienced deeply at heart, and which, for the reasons we his kind solicitude for their accommodation, have stated, there was room to believe he was and a feeling of protection promised them in destined to accomplish. the perfect propriety of his manner.

The Village Coquette. Designed and drawn on stone by C. Childs. Engelmann and Co. THE first glance at this fascinating little figure, which is tastefully designed, and exquisitely lithographed, reminded us of the burden of a song that poor Dignum used to sing, some twenty years ago, at Vauxhall :

"Such charms all hearts must sure enthrall;
"Tis lovely woman governs all!"
Daniel O'Connell, Esq., M.P. for the County
of Clare. Engelmann and Co.
Ir Mr. O'Connell were as ready to take the
oaths required of him by the House of Com-
mons, as we are ready to take ours that this
profile portrait is a most inveterate likeness of
him, his seat would be secure.

Views of Netley Abbey. By William Westall,
A.R.A. Engelmann and Co.

ELEVEN beautiful views of this elegant and
venerable ruin, drawn on stone with Mr.
William Westall's usual skill and feeling.
The foliage of the surrounding woods is
sweetly executed, and the aerial perspective
perfectly preserved.

[blocks in formation]

Those fairy forms, those shapes of love,
That draw the poet's sigh-

Soft sprites that leave their bowers above
To charm a human eye;
All, all are gone! the lights are fled
From yon deserted room,
Dark as a chamber of the dead,
And voiceless as the tomb !
And now I am alone again,
With feelings undefined,-

A pilgrim in a world of pain-
An unpartaken mind.

O Pleasure! brief as bright thou art,
A momentary ray-

A dream rolled o'er a vacant heart,

To please and die away!




A MORE painful duty has seldom fallen to our
lot as journalists than that which we have now
to perform in announcing the death of the
above distinguished officer, which took place

His appointment to the government had Being an invalid, I was ordered to the seagiven great satisfaction to all ranks of persons, side, and fortunately fixed upon the improving and the highest hopes were entertained that a neighbourhood of Hastings for my abode. My new era was about to commence in the colony; greatest pleasure was that of sailing in the -for, although so very short a period had British Fair, inhaling the pure sea-breezes, elapsed since his entering upon his duties as and gleaning amusement with information governor, he had, among other sound and from my ally Roper, who devotes himself to judicious regulations, taken measures for in-steering the boat, and sometimes the course of viting the native chiefs of the surrounding conversation. In these excursions there was kingdoms to come down to the seat of govern- frequently a mixture of Cockneys, countryment to trade-to promote the interchange of folks, and a few of the better-informed, glorying good offices between them and the people-in a smattering of nautical phrases they had and for the establishment of savings-banks picked up, and looking with contempt on the amongst the inhabitants of Free Town. "ignorant creatures" around them, who unconsciously betrayed themselves by talking of strings, poles, and sticks, by which they meant to designate the marine tackle.

We shall be anxious to return to this interesting yet most painful subject, and trust we shall be enabled to lay before our readers the fullest and most authentic particulars re- One fine morning a cargo of this kind were specting this much and justly lamented officer. skimming along the coast with a light breeze, Colonel Denham was a native of London, asking, as usual, divers questions of the goodand only in his forty-third year; and if to pro- tempered Roper, who seems never tired of mote the cultivation of the human understand-telling which are fishing-boats and which ing-to extend the benefits of civilisation-to" West Indimen;" a distinction to which many rescue our fellow-creatures from the depths of of his hearers appeared inaccessible, even when human suffering, and restore the slave to free-pointed out. "Pray what are those objects dom,-be more glorious than the mere strife of I see yonder ?" inquired one sickly-looking conquest, and the acquisition or overthrow of gentleman of another, who, indolently turning human power, then will his death shed a his eyes, replied, "Vessels, of some kind or brighter lustre on his name than if he had fallen on the plains of Waterloo!

BETWEEN Portsmouth and Dover is situated

other." But the first speaker, having more curiosity at least, if not gifted with much penetration, attacked our steersman, with "Mr. Roper, what vessels are those, of which I see five along the coast, at short intervals ?" "Vessels, sir!" said Roper; "why dey be what was once a small fishing-town, but which the 'Tello Towers, Martello Towers dey calls is now, by the beauty of its situation, the salu- 'em, built all along de cooast, time agoo, when dere was a talk of 'vasion-when Bonnypart brity of its air, and the increasing sea-bathing was a' commin over." propensity of the English, becoming rapidly called Martello Towers ?" pursued the gentle"Why were they a place of better accommodation, and of conman. "Oo, sir, I doant know rightly, sir: siderable resort. The coast is advantageous if dey'd a asked me, I'd a christened 'em Money both for the purposes of fishing and of sailing Towers, for dey a' cost our go'ment a mint o' parties of pleasure. The civility of its inhabitants is not yet destroyed by too great an in- money." "I suppose they are built below lowflux of wealthy visitors, nor has it yet to boast water mark," observed another of the voy. "Noo, sir; what should dey do de-er? assembly-rooms or raffles; but there are don-agers. keys, horses, and carriages, for hire; and a va- dey was'nt meant to frighten the fish! though riety of boats, two of which make a practice of going out several times a day, with public parties of from ten to thirty.

To those who are fond of studying character, these little trips, in mixed company, afford some

His letters of the 27th and 29th of May are replete with good spirits, and full of high promise respecting his plans for the prosperity of the colony, and the advancement of the benevolent as well as beneficial objects he had in view.-Ed. L. G.

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mayhap dey mought as well a' bin de-er for
any good dey've a don : de French was never
afeard on 'em." "Were they armed in times
lated Roper, rather at a loss for the Cockney's
of war?" inquired a voice. "Sir!" ejacu-
meaning. "Were they armed? had they
guns, those towers ?" "Oo, de towers! yes,
sir-yes, dey carr'd a gon; but nothin' to do
"There is very little smuggling
no hurt like.'
now in Hastings, I believe," said one. "Noo,

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sir-noo; it aint worth while, ye see; for ye bin seen time agoo on de cooast of France, inscribed the words Napoleon Empereur, and be obliged to money de men o' wars men' to which being agin de indentures, information Empereur Napoleon; and certainly it is (not land de goods." "Oh, then, you do not dis- was laid, and dese here chaps of blockaders to pun) a very extraordinary sight. This child approve of the practice, Mr. Roper, eh?" dey watches de opportunity when dere was a is a pretty and lively girl, of about three years "Why, sir, as to 'proving, a man must 'prove goodish bit o' nets and tackle aboord, and of age, with a rather capacious forehead, and of what he gets his livin by. I sarved my seizes her its a dirty trick, but den what light, or we should say not very dark, blue time to de free tryde (what is called smuggling); can you expect from de likes o' dem? Dere's eyes. Radiating about the pupil of each in I 'a given it up now; but many's the tob I'a Lefftenant Green-I wonders nobody doant the iris, removed a small distance from the landed onder dese very towers; but dese here make a hole through im—but dere's no smug-pupil, and almost touching the outward circle, blockade men dey've knocked up de trade glers now, as used to be; poor chicken-hearted appear the characters alluded to. They are, entirely; for when a man's bin to sea, may-cretures, 'forming one agin t'other. I should as near as possible, of the size of the letters in hap for an hour or so, how as soon's he coms be ashee-amed to be called a smuggler now-a- the top lines of our Advertisements - perhaps ashore, dey booard and overhaul him; so, 'tis no days. Ah! I may say it myself, it was'nt soo somewhat larger and run entirely round the use. Not as I'm again a man doing his duty, in my time. I know dis cooast, every inch on eye. In the left eye the word Napoleon is mind ye; but, Lord bless you! go'ment do'nt it, an' many a scuffle I've had, an' a deal I've uppermost; in the right, the word Empereur. know one half what dese men do; go'ment seen; but I never hurt none on 'em. I've The colour of the letters is almost white, but never intended dey should carry things so fur; a gone straight up to dese blockaders and shot through, like what is called shot silk, by the but, you see, dese petty officers-dat's where it taken de arms out of dere hands-take 'em blue of the crystalline humour. This, and the is. A man can't move or stir in de place now by surprise, you see no 'casion to touch 'em. motion of the eye, renders the whole inscription but dese chaps are sarchin' and calling of him Oh! I've seen a power of ops an downs, I can a little indistinct; but such parts as NAP and to account for dis, dat, and tother. Why, I tell 'ee. I was taken prisoner by de French other separate letters are tolerably obvious, had a bit o' lead put in my thigh for only and laid up snog and dry in Donkirk-but I without the slightest aid from the imagination smoking a pipe up yander on th' east hill." got away-I got out-I stooal a booat-I was of the beholder. That the imagination of the "What! shot?" exclaimed a Cockney, in ac- on my prowl, you see dat's what dey call mother has produced this remarkable appearcents of horror, "for smoking a pipe ?" "Yes, word of honor-not to ron away.' .” “So, then, ance, seems to be satisfactorily accounted for, sir; I'll tellee how it war. There was me, you stole off?" Oo, to be sure, sir-what by her mind having been deeply moved on and two or three more, one Sonday a'ternoon were de use o' stayin dere? I was knockin some occasion during her pregnancy by a piece upon th' hill was a got a smoking of our pipes about though in an open booat two days and tree of twenty sous, on which the inscription is and 'njoying ourselves; and a yong woman nights afoore I dared land here, and not a bit seen. It was visible at the birth of the infant, with us was a singing of a song, when op or sop to eat or drink-for you see I'd forfetted and has become stronger as it grew up. We coms one of these lefftenants of the blockade, my indentures, mind ye. Well! at last, when are of opinion that no art could have produced and, says he, Hollo!' says he, what's I did come a-shoore, dere had bin a French this curious phenomenon; and, as a freak of goin' an here? what's this light for?' privateer de night afoore about — ay jost Dame Nature, it is assuredly well worth the Why,' says I, we've a got 'joying our- about where we may be now, had took one of attention of the public; though it undoubtedly selves a smoking a pipe and drinking a our sloops. Come, thinks I, its noo use to be requires an exercise of the fancy to read the glass of grog,' says I; 'will you take a feeant hearted, soo I goos up to de lefftenant legend, even after being told what it is. drop with us?' What's that light a burn- (he was stood upon de beach); and says he, ing for?' says he. To light our pipes at,' Ah, Roper,' says he, what be you a got a says I. Roper,' says he, I knows you; wye ? Yes, sir,' says I, 'I've; and I wants a put out that light.' Says I, I wunt.' job,' says 1, as would bring me into luck agin; You wunt?' says he. No,' says I, I an' if you're agreeable, sir,' says I, I thinks wunt;' just soo. Come, Roper,' he says, dere's one jost cut out for me.' What's dat, you knows what you're about; put that Roper ?' says he. Why, sir,' says I, if so be light out when I bids ee.' Says I, I tellee as I had my indentures promised me, and arms again, I wunt.' So with that, we had a bit of allowed to follow dat privateer, I'd be bound to a scuffle, ye see; and I being the stronger of bring dat sloop into Hastings agin afoore dis time the two got him down; soo he fired his pop- to-morrow."You'd?' says he. 'Iud, sir,' says gon at me, and hands me off in-land. Well, I. Wid dat he orders me arms. I jost shewed I stood my trial. I was thirteen weeks in myself upon de beach, and held op my hand Horsham jail." "And how did it end ?" in- I'd five-and-twenty stout fellows at my beck at quired the Cockney. "T'was gived again de first call, to go wid me, and sure enoff we me, sir; but the judge (Best) knowed well had de sloop safe in de rooads widin de time, enough which way justice ly, for he sent me and I got my indentures made out, ready to five-and-thirty pound towards my expenses." start for a fresh cruise, all smooth. My wife "D-n him!" exclaimed the Cockney, "for used to try to keep me off o' de smuggling; belying his conscience." "Oo, sir, I were a but, says I, 'my dear, we be ant to be a starved' poor man, ye see; if I'd a bin a lord, why for she wur but sixteen, and I wur nineit'ad a bin another thing. Not as I'm again' teen, when we married, and sot down in a a man doing what he's paid for; seam time, corner wid half a crown between us. Ah, she THE title is not a very happy one,-not so go❜ment don't know one half how these petty were a nice little woman a tidy little hous-good as Songs for Winter Nights, for it is officers exceed orders; but, thank God, they hold cat as ever wore a pair of shoes! Notable not usual to sing much to musical accompani did'nt hurt me much. I was laid up seventeen and saving; and sometimes I made a hit o' ments on Spring Mornings; but Mr. Bayly weeks with my leg; but I never feels nothen on money, an' other times I lost it agin; but we has, nevertheless, managed to write some very it now-only again rine a bit of a twinge or soo." always agreed, mind you, 'till she died, poor pretty lyrics, which are well adapted by Mr. No words could describe the expression of soul! and I put up a stooan at her head. But Bishop, principally to old and beautiful airs. Roper's countenance, when, on one occasion, a man can't live wid de dead, so I married Of these, we prefer the Portuguese selections having several friends on board, and seeking to again; an I've nothing to complain on now- (Nos. 4. and 7.), and would recommend it to show him off, I asked, "Roper! did you ever thank God, we make ourselves as happy as we our caterers in this popular branch of music to see a live smuggler ?" He looked at me for a can. We've no children of our own, but one look farther into the captivating native memoment in silence, then rubbed his broad as is the same thing, a little girl I took hooam lodies of Spain and Portugal. There is much hand across his face, and, with a smile worthy from a buryin about twenty year agoo; poor to be obtained from these sources to enrich the remembrance, answered, “Noo, sir, noo; not thing wur left widout friend in de world, soo variety_of our drawing-room delights. The I. I've heard great talk of them things down I took her and brought her op, and a good girl Storm Rondo, set as a song, is a novel thought, in Hastings, but I doant understand 'em my-she've turned out-I say it myself and as fond and comes out strikingly: and the remaining self." "Was there not a fishing-boat seized o' me she is as ef I'd bin her own father." five pieces, French, German (two), Burmese, last night, Roper ?" "Yes, sir; yes, dere and one original, are all pleasing. Of the wur, dere wur; moore sheam to dem as took poetry we offer the following examples :hur." "Was any thing found a-board of her?" "Noo, sir, nor nothen expected; you WE have just seen, at the Royal Bazar, the see de way it wur wur as dis-de booat had little Josephine, from Paris, on whose eyes are

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A NOVELTY of this kind is handed privately about at present, and will, we think, soon obtain much notoriety. It is a very small engine (not larger than this paragraph), and consists of a brass frame, with eight perpendicular bars of silver. It is pressed against the lips, and breathed through by the performer; and the consequent vibrations yield sounds resembling those of the Eolian harp, which are wonderfully powerful, considering the minuteness of the instrument. It goes to the extent of an octave, and its modifications of piano and forte are altogether surprising.



Songs for Spring Mornings. The Poetry by
T. H. Bayly, Esq.; Symphonies and Accom
paniments by H. R. Bishop. Goulding and

"Oh! 'tis sad to see the splendour
Of the Summer pass away,
When the night is always stealing
Precious moments from the day:

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But in Spring each lengthened evening
Tempts us farther off from home;
And if summer has more beauty,
All that beauty is to come.
It is thus in manhood's summer,
That the heart too often grieves
Over friends lost prematurely,

Like the fall of blighted leaves;
But life's spring-time is far sweeter,
When each green bud that appears,
May expand into a blossom
To enliven future years."

Spring flowers are no longer

What spring flowers used to be;
Their fragrance and their beauty
Cannot give delight to me:
The cowslip and the primrose
And the violet are here-
Ah! why am I dejected

In the spring time of the year?

All seasons are delightful

In life's gay unclouded spring,

We sport among the flowers

Like wild birds upon the wing:

But when life's bloom is over,
And no friendly smile is near,
Oh! dreary as December

Is the spring time of the year!"

These are the sweetest verses we can find: for, altogether, these Spring Mornings are not equal in style and sentiment to the best of the author's songs.

Melerville. And the hue and cry of-stop | account, by being struck with a flash of light-
thief! is of course set up by the unmerciful ning in passing over Waterloo Bridge.
sticklers for original writing. Now the original Keep within Compass!-The pseudo Princess
authors have evidently founded their vaude- Olive of Cumberland says, that she has in-
villes on our old English farce of the Liar, by vented a mariner's compass which cannot vacil-
Samuel Foote; whose original farce was almost late. By means of this improved article, she
entirely borrowed from Sir Richard Steele's thinks she shall be able, not only to make out
Lying Lover, a comedy, which the said Sir the north-west passage, but to discover the
Richard, in his "Apology for himself and his longitude!


writings," and in his preface to the comedy Napoleon, Francis I., and Wellington.-It itself, unblushingly talks of having "written" has ever been the fashion to perpetuate in -originally, of course and drops not a word bronze the memory of victory; and if we were of its being stolen from "Le Menteur" of to estimate the relative importance of those P. Corneille; whose equally original comedy gained by Napoleon, Francis I., and Wellingis little more than a translation from the Spa- ton, by the manner in which each is commenish of Lope de Vega! It is really highly morated, the comparison would give birth to amusing to hear the critics of the present day curious conjectures. Napoleon, of the cannon setting up those terrible rogues, the old writers, taken in the campaign of 1806, terminated by as literary scare-crows to their unfortunate de- the battle of Austerlitz, formed the grand scendants; and a better farce than ever was Column of the Place Vendôme. Francis I., of written, to compare their lamentations with the cannon taken in the campaigns of 1813those of the critics of the last century, which, 14, made medals for the troops. And the canomitting the date, might be printed in the next non taken in the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Morning Post, without discovery. Mr. Baker Orthes, and Toulouse, were all melted (we are (not the actor at the English Opera House), told by the inscription) into the Achilles of the speaking of Garrick's farce of The Lying Valet, London ladies, which stands in Hyde Parke. "Some of the nibblers in criticism have The March of Intellect.-Every day proNo. 1. The Goatherd's Boy; No. 2. The Swiss charged this piece as being borrowed from duces new proofs of the march of intellect; Drover Boy (and a No. 3. we have not seen): some French comedy: but as I have never yet but we have seen no more remarkable inSwiss Souvenir Airs. Sung by Madame heard the title of the supposed original men- stance of its giant steps, than is afforded by Stockhausen. The Words by W. Ball; tioned, I cannot avoid, as far as to the extent the recent elegant and forcible address deliAccompaniments, for Harp or Piano-Forte, of my own knowledge, acquitting the author vered to our Lord High Admiral, on his visit by F. Stockhausen. Mori and Lavenu. from this accusation,-a charge, however, to Brixton. Only contrast this fine compoTHE Geis-Reihen and the Schwyzer-Bue are which, wherever laid, I am ever apt to suspect sition with the address which the mayor of two of those charming melodies with which as rather the effect of envy than of a love of that place concocted after several meetings of Madame Stockhausen has enchanted the town justice or the public; as it has ever been the the corporation, and pronounced to Admiral during the last season. To equal her in the practice of the very best writers, in all ages Hawke, then in the zenith of his glory, upon sweetness, spirit, and characteristic style of and nations, to make use of valuable hints in the occasion of a similar visit. It is recorded their execution, is not, indeed, to be expected; the works of their neighbours, for the use and in the annals of Brixham as follows; and is but we can truly say, that, even with inferior advantage of those of their countrymen to reported to have been most expressively provoices, and powers less skilfully directed, they whom those works may not be so familiar as nounced by his worship: are still delightful ornaments of the social to themselves. No man in his senses would, "Welcome, great Hawke, thou monster of the sea! circle, and extremely gratifying to the lovers I think, quarrel with a fine nosegay, because Welcome, thrice welcome to Brixham key, To eat buckhorn, and drink bohea tea." of music. some of the most beautiful flowers in it hapWilson. Towards the close of Wilson's life, pened to have been gathered in a neighbouring annoyed and oppressed by the neglect which he country: nor is the world much less obliged to the person who favours it with a good trans- experienced, it is well known that he unforlation of a good author, than to that author tunately had recourse to those means of temhimself, or one of equal excellence at home."porary oblivion of the world, to which disWhat a relief is this little bit of plain sense to appointed genius but too frequently resorts. The natural consequence was, that the works effect very rare on the Italian stage; and she the eternal twaddle of such coxcombical non-which he then produced were much inferior to



On Saturday, Pasta, in Medea, concluded the performances of the season, to a full house. Her powerful acting, as usual, produced an

THERE has been little new since our last at


was greatly applauded. At the end, the silly those of his former days; a fact of which, of custom of dragging the principal character forOn Wednesday, She would and She would not course, he was not himself conscious. One ward to be huzzaed, was repeated, to the annoy- was performed at the Haymarket with great morning, the late Mr. Christie, to whom had ance of every person of taste who had felt the spirit. Of Farren in the old Don, we have been intrusted the sale by auction of a fine illusion of Medea's extraordinary efforts. The only to say that he acted too well: his con- collection of pictures belonging to a nobleman, absurdity of wreaths and crownings by the par- trasted pictures of senile joy and sorrow, to- having arrived at a chef-d'œuvre of Wilson's, tisans of performers, ought to be hissed out of wards the conclusion, were almost painfully was expatiating with his usual eloquence on England. forcible, and made us feel for a character which its merits, quite unaware that Wilson himself the author gives up to unrelenting persecution, had just before entered the room. "This, as a punishment of his selfishness and avarice. gentlemen, is one of Mr. Wilson's Italian either of the two principal theatres now open. Miss F. H. Kelly also played the swaggering pictures; he cannot paint any thing like it The Bottle Imp has not yet run out, and the female hero with admirable vivacity and effect. now." "That's a lie!" exclaimed the irritated Two Friends have still a firm hold upon the Her transitions from fear to blustering, and, artist, to Mr. Christie's no small discompublic. The new opera of Tit for Tat has been indeed, her points throughout, were marked posure, and to the great amusement of the curtailed considerably, and improved accord- with much dramatic skill and vivacity. Mrs. company; "he can paint infinitely better !" ingly. The little interlude of He Lies like T. Hill made a worthy second cavalier; while Pyrophorus. A new kind of pyrophorus has Truth goes off glibly and pleasantly enough; Cooper and Vining acted the real Dons don-been invented, formed by the calcination of but its history is an admirable satire upon the nishly. Trapanti could not have a fitter re- sulphate of potash with charcoal. This compodragons of the press, who inveigh so bitterly presentative than that merry fellow Power, sition is said to be much more inflammable than against the poor pilfering authors of the pre-who has now reached the happy estate in a any pyrophorus hitherto known. sent day, and lament, in well-turned periods, performer's career, of having the audience althe decline of our national drama; while they ways ready to go laughing along with him. seem to have passed an act of grace in favour of our ancestors, who stole, right and left, with as little compunction, and much less modesty. Ex. gr. The present merry trifle is candidly New Mode of Couching.-Mr. Yardly, of acknowledged by the translator, Mr. Kimpton, the Surrey Theatre, who had been blind of an to be rendered, with a few trifling alterations, eye for several years, was happily restored to from "Le Menteur Véridique," by Scribe and sight last week, according to the newspaper



The Christmas Box for 1829.-We find a report is in circulation in certain quarters that this popular Juvenile Annual has been discontinued. On the contrary, we are assured that it is in active progress,-that it is more than half printed, and will appear with increased strength, as the idea which we are enabled to furnish of its probable contents will prove. In the first place, the little volume • A sort of dried fish for which Torbay is celebrated.

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