Imatges de pàgina

His Majesty was in earnest, and so the lady became in time Duchess of Cleveland, and mother of Charles, George, and other Fitzroys.


some Passages and Affairs, for the information | know how much a friend I have been to you, | good Catholic Paddy; still I do not like you of the English Soldiers.- Mercurius Politicus if you will oblige me eternally, make this bu-altogether: your ways are not ways of pleagone was first reprinted at Leith, on the 26th of sinesse as easy to me as you can, of what santness; and so evil is the report that is October, 1653. The reprinting of it was trans- opinion you are of, for I am resolved to go forth respecting you, that we do not calculate ferred to Edinburgh, in November, 1654; through with this matter, lett what will come upon finding peace in your paths. And, where it continued to be published till the on it, which againe I solemnly sweare before Paddy, you have withal a significant spark in 11th of April, 1660; and was then reprinted Almighty God; wherefore if you desire to have your eye, that, methinks, a little fuel would under the name of Mercurius Publicus." the continuance of my friendship, meddle no soon kindle into an inextinguishable flame; The interest of this miscellany is enhanced more with this business; excepte it be to and, moreover, you have a servility in your by the publication of some original letters and beate downe all false and scandalous reports, demeanour, a cunning flattery in your address, autographs from the Grimsthorpe Papers: and to facilitate what I am sure my honour is incompatible with uprightness of intention and amongst these is a curious certificate of the so much concerned in; and whomsoever I finde singleness of heart. I have no desire to dwell city of Wesel, concerning Peregrine Lord Wil- to be my Lady Castlemaine's enemy in this with you, in order to try the experiment of loughby's birth there, 12th October, anno matter, do promise upon my word to be his cultivating your regard, lest I should find your 1555. enemy as long as I live. You may shew this affection as encroaching and troublesome as "We, Burgomasters, Aldermen, and Coun- letter to my Lord Lunt; and if you have bothe a your hatred is vindictive and cruel. When I sellors of ye city of Wesel, in y dutchy of minde to oblige me, carry yourselves like friends hear that means are to be employed to promote "CHARLES R." your effectual improvement, I respect the Clere, certify by this present, that in ye Re- to me in the matter. gister-book of this city, in ye year 1555, ye 20th motive, and cordially wish success to an underAt the same time, I of November, is found what followes: In taking so laudable. y year one thousand five hundred fifty-five marvel upon what fibre of the tangled and since Christ our Saviour was born of ye Virgin mystic root of your character these wise and Mary, from ye creation of ye world five thou- Upon the whole, the want of arrangement skilful operators will commence their labour of sand five hundred twenty-three, and thirty-and the want of authority are great defects in love, for the purpose of making the tree good; eight since ye true doctrine of ye Gospel was this volume, though it contains a mass of cu- because we do not expect to gather figs from restored by Mr. Martin Luther, a Saturday rious materials. Mr. Fellowes seems to have thistles:' and I tell you plainly, that we shall being ye twelfth of October, ye most noble exercised no judgment upon it, but to have never place implicit dependance upon your Lady Catherine, Baroness of Willoughby, thrown every thing together that came upper- good faith or good conduct, so long as you the received statements of one writer, Lay the flattering unction to your soul,' Duchess of Suffolk, in ye kingdom of England, most wife to ye most noble Prince Sir Richard and the doubtful and refuted statements of that to dabble in a temporal spring will absolve Bertie, of Eresby, in England, by ye grace of another, as if of the same value, without re- you from your sins, or that they may be God, has been brought to bed of a son in this mark or discrimination. His work will, there-bleached to emulate the snow upon a bush in our city of Wesel, in ye dutchy of Clere; fore, rather be sought as a curiosity, than the form of a rag." which son, on ye Monday immediately after respected as a history. his birth, that is, ye fourteenth of ye same month, was christened in our church, in ye suburb commonly call'd Upter Mathene, by Henry Bomelion, minister of ye same church, and was named Peregrine, because God had granted him to his pious parents in a foreign country, for their comfort in their exile. It was desired that it should be registered in ye annals. In testimony, we have sealled ye present with ye ordinary seal of ye city, and caused to be signed by ye clark in ye place of ye secretary deceased. Done at Wesel ye 19th of January, in ye year 1691. Godfr. Nefen, in ye place of ye secretary deceased."

The following letter will also interest our readers, though decency compels us to omit the first of the bundle of which it forms one, in the Museum, a strange epistle, which ought not to have been printed, however characteristic its temptations.


Notes of a Journey in the North of Ireland
in the Summer of 1827; to which is added, a
brief Account of the Siege of Londonderry,
in 1689. Post 8vo. pp. 185. London, 1828.
Baldwin and Co.

And again :

"England! with all thy faults, I love thee still!


This beautiful apostrophe, which emanated from the pen of our immortalised bard, and which has since been echoed and re-echoed by wits and witlings of every description, in every variety of tone, cadence, and circumWE are now so much accustomed to receive stance, appears to harmonise peculiarly with various and contradictory accounts from Ire- the feelings, when returning from a country land and of every thing Irish, that we should whose habits in some respects differ essentially probably have contented ourselves (particularly from our own. Had the gentle and sensitive as the volume before us is from the pen of a author traversed this picturesque land; had he lady) with stating, that it is formed of some felt the inconvenience of cutting his own bread slight travelling notes, with copious extracts and butter, and peeling his own potatoes; had from Wright's Guide to the Giant's Causeway, he bewailed the delinquency of tardy waiters Hamilton's Letters on the Coast of Antrim, and slippery chamber-maids; had he been an&c.; and that its type, paper, and illustrations noyed with the cloudiness of seldom-cleaned from the clever pencil of George Petrie, are ex- windows, and the dinginess of not too frecellent. But we must say a little more, because, quently brushed door-stones true, these are since the days of the celebrated "Dicky Twiss," trifles, but (whom we observe our fair author has conTrifles make the sum of human things;' sulted, p. 110,) so complete a libel on a fine and then, had the good man returned to his Letter from Charles the Second to Lord but unfortunate country has not appeared. own England, where he knew he should find Clarendon. — In the British Museum. In- As, however, the information, observations, the picture reversed, and countless advantages dorsed in Lord Clarendon's hand-writing, and and style, are all equally ambitious and equally besides, he would have hugged the dear conaddressed For the Chancellor. feeble, we will be gentle, and dismiss the viction to his heart, and have neither heard, "Hamton Court. Thursday morning. volume with an extract or two, merely to prove felt, nor seen, one single fault she has." "I forgot when you weare heare last to our assertions; and we trust that the writer We will give a specimen of style, and then desire you to give Brodericke good councell of these Notes, evidently once an actress, and conclude. not to meddle any more with what concerns now a pious person of extraordinary endurance my Lady Castlemaine, and to lett him have a (feeling unwearied at a sermon of an hour and care how he is the authour of any scandelous twenty minutes, p. 33) may look with more reports; for if I finde him guilty of any such charity towards her neighbours, as well as, thing, I will make him repent it to the last after our leniency, keep her promise to the A sound which makes us linger: yet, farewell! moment of his life. And now I am entered on public, and "endeavour to make amends by Adieu to thee, lovely city-queen of the this matter, I thinke it very necessary to give retiring, like the snail at the grasshopper's north!' to thy ample flood, thy hoary mounyou a little good councell, least you may thinke feast, to her own little chamber,' where, tains, and thy sheltered valleys! We have that by making a farther stirr in the business ensconcing herself beneath the panoply of her gazed upon ye in the freshness of early morn, you may deverte me from my resolution, which native obstinacy, she will manfully resist every in the sobriety of dewy eve, in storm and in all the world shall never do, and I wish I may temptation from friends (well-intentioned sunshine, and ye were ever interesting. We be unhappy in this world and in the world to though they be) to re-appear in the character may never see you more; but your pleasant come, if I faile in the least degree of what I of a tourist, either upon this stage or any impression upon our memories will not be soon resolved, which is of making my Lady Castle- other." Preface, p. v. or easily obliterated." main of my wives bed-chamber; and whosoever I finde endeavouring to hinder this resolution of myne (excepte it be only to myselfe), I will be his enemy to the last moment of my life. You

"I am willing to make excuse for you, my

* Printed at Louth, by J. and J. Jackson, Market

Place; and a highly creditable specimen of typography it
is to the Irish press,

"This morning we bade adieu to London. derry, and to the kind friends who have done so much to make it agreeable.

Farewell! a word that must be,

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The account of the Giant's Causeway.commences at page 76, from which to page 79 is an extract from Wright's Guide Book: from page 79 to page 83 is, in continuation, an

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extract from Hamilton's Antrim; page 83 is
an extract, in further continuation, from Quil
linan's "Dunluce Castle," a favourite poem
with the writer of these Notes; and no wonder,
when it contains such military lines as, no
human hand had laid
That sea-invading esplanade."



"For there in wildest fury frantic
For ever roars the vast Atlantic."

From page 83 to page 85 we have Wright
again, with a long note from Hume's History
of England! And so on; but amidst this
direct and open pillage of ten successive pages,
we find Sir Walter Scott's ballad of "Bonnie
Dundee," (which we first printed by per-
mission in the Literary Gazette), taken with-
lout the slightest mention of the source from
whence it was derived, that pretty Juvenile
Annual the Christmas Box, and given as if it
had been communicated direct by the writer.

from Xauxa to join the liberating army, were | By the time that rather more than half the attacked in the dark by the Indians of Huando, royalist divisions, Monet and Villalobos, had and obliged to retreat with loss. Every cir- reached and formed upon the arena, General cumstance seemed to concur to increase the Sucre ordered the division Cordova and two gloom which overhung the prospects of the regiments of cavalry to advance to the charge. patriots. They could not retreat; they could The gallant Cordova dismounted, and placed not attack the royalists, on account of the himself about fifteen yards in front of his diviabrupt ravine, 200 yards deep, between the sion, formed into four parallel columns with two armies; and want of provisions would the cavalry in the interval. Holding his hat five days longer impossible. All was now omi- Adelante, paso de vencedores (onwards, with have rendered their remaining in that position with his left hand above his head, he exclaimed, nous and fearful; but the spirits and courage the step of conquerors). These words, protion as the affairs became more desperate; and distinctly throughout the columns, which, inof the republicans appeared to rise in propor- nounced with dignified animation, were heard it will soon be seen what brave men, ably led spired by the gallant bearing of their leader, moved to the attack in the finest possible order. on, can effect in the cause of liberty. "The night of the 8th was one of deep and The Spaniards stood firmly and full of apparent The viceroy, Monet, and Villaanxious interest. A battle was inevitable on confidence. the following day, and that battle was to de- lobos, were seen at the head of their divisions, cide the destinies of South America. The superintending the formation of their columns patriots were aware that they had to contend as they reached the plain. The hostile bayonets with twice their own numbers; and that no- crossed, and for three or four minutes the two Memoirs of General Miller, in the Service of thing but a decisive victory could save them parties were seen struggling together, so as to the Republic of Peru, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. and their country from ignominious servitude. leave it doubtful which would give way. At London, 1828. Longman and Co. The patriot soldier might indeed expect to this moment the Colombian cavalry, headed by WE briefly mentioned this work some weeks escape with life, reduced to the condition of a Colonel Silva, charged. This brave officer fell ago (June 21st), and noticed the author's slave; but with the patriot generals and offi- covered with wounds, but the intrepidity of journey across the Andes into Peru, and his cers, it was only a choice between death and the onset was irresistible. The royalists lost gallant services in the Patriot cause, both victory. They knew full well what would be ground, and were driven to the heights of Conwith Lord Cochrane and the native armies. the cruel policy of the Spaniards if they proved dorkanki with great slaughter. The vice-king His personal adventures form a prominent victorious. The viceroy was, it is true, a man was wounded and taken prisoner. As the feature in these various scenes; and his ac- of humane disposition; but the individual who fugitives climbed the sides of Condorkanki, the counts of a multitude of the persons who have counselled Monet to shoot two patriot officers patriots kept up a well-directed fire, and numacted conspicuous parts in the struggle, as well in the pass of San Mateo, and the other man bers of the enemy were seen to drop and roll as of the leading incidents, vicissitudes, in- (if such he may be called) who ran his sword down, till their progress was arrested by the trigues, murders, battles, and massacres, in through the wounded and defenceless Major brush-wood, or some jutting crag. General which they figured, give great animation to the Gumer, on the field at Ica, were, with others, Miller, who had accompanied Cordova's diviMemoirs. As we have frequently, however, of a character equally sanguinary amongst the sion, perceiving its complete success, returned bin the course of our critical career, gone over advisers of Laserna; and it is extremely pro- to the regiment of Usares de Junin, which forthe ground of the old Spanish oppressions in bable that unsparing executions would have tunately, as it subsequently turned out, had South America, the revolts of the natives, and been resorted to in the hope of destroying the been left in reserve. At dawn of day, the the results of their collision, we shall not again very germ of future insurrection. Every one royalist division, Valdez, had commenced a travel through the painful details. General felt that the approaching battle was to have detour of nearly a league. Descending the St. Martin, now a resident at Brussels, where no common result. The morning of the 9th sides of Condorkanki on the north, Valdez he is educating his only daughter, enjoys the dawned particularly fine. At first there was a placed himself on the left of the patriots at "honour of having founded the independence of chilness in the air which seemed to influence musket-shot distance, separated by a ravine. "Peru; but its several revolutions after his re- the minds of the men; but when the sun arose At the important moment of the battle just signation and departure, in 1822, finally ter- above the mountain, the effects of its genial described, he opened a heavy fire from four iminated in the decisive battle of Ayacucho, warmth became manifest in the raised spirits field-pieces and a battalion in extended files. December 1824, of which we shall insert of the soldiers. The men on both sides were By this, he obliged two battalions of the PeruGeneral Miller's description, as a fair spe- observed rubbing their hands, and exhibiting vian division, De la Mar, to fall back. The cimen of his interesting publication. On the every token of content and satisfaction. At Colombian battalion, Bargas, sent to support 3d the patriots had been severely handled. nine A.M. the division Villalobos began to de- the Peruvian division, also began to give way. "General Sucre conducted the retreat with scend. The viceroy on foot placed himself at Two royalist battalions crossed the deep ravine, skill, but his numbers were so alarmingly its head, and the files wound down the craggy already spoken of, on the left, and advanced in reduced, that nothing but some desperate side of Condorkanki, obliquing a little to their double-quick time in pursuit of the retiring effort was likely to save his army from de- left. The division Monet, forming the royalist patriots. At this critical juncture, General struction. The viceroy sent detachments to right, commenced at the same time to defile Miller led the hussars of Junin against the Marca, Mayoc, and other defiles, to render directly into the plain. The cavalry, leading victorious Spaniards, and by a timely charge them impassable, and to destroy the bridges. their horses, made the same movement, though drove them back, and followed them across the The Indians of Guanta, Guancavelica, Chin- with greater difficulty, at intervals, between ravine, being farther supported by the granacheros, Huando, and the adjacent villages, had the infantry of each division. As the files deros à cavallo, and by the division La Mar, been induced to rise against the liberating arrived on the plain, they formed into column. which had rallied. The artillery of Valdez army. They had assassinated upwards of one This was a moment of extraordinary interest. was taken; his cavalry retired; and his inhundred sick with their escorts, together with It appeared as though respiration were sus-fantry dispersed. The royalists had now lost the escorts of some of the baggage. The hills pended by feelings of anxiety, mingled with the battle, and fled to the ridge from which which overlook the village of Quinua were doubts and hope. It was during this opera- they had descended in the morning with so occupied by hostile Indians, who had the bold- tion, which had an imposing effect, that Gene- much confidence. The action lasted an hour. ness to approach within half a mile of the ral Sucre rode along his own line, and, address- Fourteen hundred royalists were killed, and patriot encampment, and succeeded in capturing ing a few emphatic words to each corps, recalled several head of oxen from a party of dragoons. to memory its former achievements. He then During the preceding fortnight, the casualties placed himself in a central point, in front of of the liberating army had not been less than his line, and in an inspiring tone of voice, said, 1200, so that at Quinua it amounted to less That upon the efforts of that day depended "The plan of the royalists was to wait until than 6000 effective men. The cavalry, having the fate of South America;' then pointing to Valdez had outflanked the left of Sucre's poJost their mules at Corpaguayco, were obliged the descending columns, he assured his men, sition, from which, having driven the patriots, 400towalk and lead their horses, many of which that another day of glory was about to crown the viceroy was to advance and complete the became disabled in consequence of having cast their admirable constancy.' This animating victory. The mistake of the viceroy in at-mtheir shoes. A patriot battalion, and some address of the general produced an electric tacking at all, originated in suffering himself ei detachments of convalescents, on their way effect, and was answered by enthusiastic vivas.' to be impelled to it by the eagerness of his

seven hundred wounded; and they lost fifteen pieces of artillery. The loss on the part of the patriots was three hundred and seventy killed, and six hundred and nine wounded.

troops. Their patience had been worn out by full well: we have always considered you as a talent, but of an almost general knowledge and the terrible marches, which appeared to them personal friend, notwithstanding all the mis-appreciation of that branch of the profession, to be endless. At Guamanguilla a system of chief you have done, and the state of alarm in as well as of instrumental compositions and pasquinading had been adopted. The tents of which you have so repeatedly kept us. In mixed performances, whether military band, the viceroy, of Canterac, and others, had spite of my misfortunes, I rejoice to see you.' sacred masses, chorus, opera, or oratorio. Our various lampoons pasted on them; and it may The viceroy afterwards observed, that a sentry author having made a gratifying tour among be fairly said, that they were goaded into a had been placed, as he supposed by some mis- the gratifications thus presented to the musical general action contrary to their own judgment. take, in the same room with him, and that, in amateur, and enjoyed the hospitalities of a The royalists, upon regaining the height of the confusion and hurry of the time, his own kindly people, has transcribed his feelings, and Condorkanki, rallied as many of their de-wound had not been even washed. General related his observations, in a manner peculiarly feated troops as they possibly could. The pa- Miller immediately ordered the guard outside, pleasing; and it is long since we have met triot divisions La Mar and Lara gained the and sent for a surgeon. When the wound was with a volume of less pretence, containing more summit of the heights at about one P.M. dressed, Miller, in tendering his farther ser- to interest the reader. Shortly before sunset General Canterac sued vices, told the viceroy, that the only refresh. His summer musical ramble commences at for terms, and within an hour rode down him- ment he had it in his power to offer was a Antwerp; and he continues to give us, in a self to the tent of Sucre, where a capitulation little tea, which he happened to have with him, playful style, an account of all the memorabilia was agreed upon. Generals Laserna, Can- and which he believed no other person in the connected with music and its professors that terac, Valdez, Carratala, Monet, Villalobos, army could supply. The viceroy, enfeebled by struck him as curious; and occasionally notices Ferraz, Bedoya, Somocursio, Cacho, Atero, loss of blood, appeared to revive at the very of other kinds, which vary and lighten the Landazuri, Garcia-Camba, Pardo, Vigil, and mention of this beverage. He said, 'it is in- scientific details. These we shall open with Tur; 16 colonels, 68 lieutenant-colonels, 484 deed the only thing I could now take. One cup an anecdote, &c. officers, 3200 rank and file, became prisoners of of it would reanimate and keep me from sink- "It may serve as a characteristic anecdote war. The rest had dispersed.The battle of ing.' When the tea was brought, the vener- of the German dilettanti in music, to relate, Ayacucho was the most brilliant ever fought in able viceroy drank it with eagerness, and was that having some business with an ambassador, South America. The troops on both sides perhaps more grateful for this seasonable relief a domestic ushered me into the chamber of were in a state of discipline which would have than for any kindness or favour he had ever audience, where I found the secretary of that been creditable to the best European armies. received. He expressed his acknowledgments accomplished diplomatist, having thrown aside The ablest generals and chiefs of either party in the warmest terms to Miller, who felt pecu- his papers and documents, standing in his were present. And it is difficult to say which liar gratification in having it in his power to shirt over a violin concerto of Mayseder, and army most panted for an appeal to the sword; pay this small attention to the distinguished labouring hard at its passages. It was evident and every man fought with undaunted bravery. prisoner. He had been long before informed he did not expect visitors. Having, therefore, What the patriots wanted in numbers was that the viceroy had repeatedly declared, that apologised for receiving me in that airy dress, made up by enthusiasm, and by a perfect in the event of his (Miller's) being taken which I presume he had selected during the knowledge that, if beaten, retreat was utterly prisoner, that he should be treated as a brother warm weather for a greater freedom of his impracticable. It was not a victory of mere (como hermano), and furnished with ample bow-arm, he laid down his instrument, and chance, but the result of the most determined means to return to his own country, the only retiring into an inner chamber, came forth in bravery, and an irresistible onset conceived condition meant to be imposed upon him. La- a morning gown, and settled my business with and executed at the proper moment." serna commenced his career in the Spanish perfect coolness and composure. A rencontre artillery, and, when lieutenant-colonel, served of this kind is so completely opposed to the under the celebrated Palafox, at Saragossa, in formality and ceremony which is naturally ex1809. Laserna has withdrawn from public pected in official people, that it upsets one's life, and resides in his native town of Xeres de gravity for the instant; but upon maturer "The men of one squadron and all the la Frontera, in Andalusia. After taking leave reflection, it should produce admiration at that officers of a royalist cavalry regiment wore of the viceroy, General Miller called upon Ge- indifference to vulgar prejudices and decorum silver helmets. These became the objects of neral Sucre, where he found General Canterac which does not sacrifice a tasteful employment, the particular attention of the patriot soldiers and some Spanish officers who had accompa- or a buoyant costume, for the risk of being during the pursuit. Some had the presence of nied him to Quinua, to arrange the terms of surprised in a lapse of dignity. The itinerant mind to save themselves by throwing off their the capitulation. They took up their quarters musicians in Germany, who go about the helmets, which, like the golden apples of Hip-in Miller's hut for the remainder of the night. pomenes, did not fail to arrest the progress of their pursuers. These silver baits proved as irresistible to the patriot soldiers as the apples to Atalanta. In a few hours every silver helmet had changed, not exactly heads, but owners; for all were broken up and stowed away in the valises of the captors.

There are some curious anecdotes added to the history of this fight, so memorable in its consequences; but we have only room for the following:

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but it cannot be helped: the harassing war is
now over, and, to tell you the truth, we were
all heartily tired of it.' General Canterac is a

country in small bands, like wandering TrouThey laid themselves down upon the earthen badours, are a class so clever and eminent in floor, where it was difficult to find a dry spot, their way as to deserve notice. For a few as the rain pelted through several parts of the florins these poor fellows will amuse you with roof: notwithstanding which, they all soon fell such an exhibition of tone and skill as would asleep, with the exception of Canterac and set up an English artist of the first water. Miller, who conversed for some time on the They are a set of poor but merry companions, varying events of the last campaign. The with as little discord in their social intercourse "General Miller continued to be occupied former was in a state of great excitement, and as disturbs the harmony of their instruments; on various duties till a very late hour. About repeatedly exclaimed, General Miller-Gene- happy in spite of threadbare coats, and sunmidnight he visited the captive viceroy, General Miller-all this appears to be a dream! burnt, weather-beaten faces, but with a genral La Serna, who had been placed in one of (ésto parece sueno!) how strange is the fortune tility of mind (owing to their acquaintance the best of the miserable habitations of Quinua. of war! Who would have said, twenty-four with music) much superior to other people of When Miller entered, he found the viceroy hours ago, that I should have been your guest? sitting on a bench, and leaning against the mud wall of the hut. A feeble glimmering from the wick of a small earthen lamp threw just enough light around to render visible his features, which were shaded by his white hair, still partially clotted with blood from the wound he had received. His person, tall, and at all times dignified, now appeared most venerable and interesting. The attitude, the situation, and the scene altogether, was precisely that which an historical painter would have chosen to represent the dignity of fallen greatness. Reflecting on the vicissitudes of fortune, it may be imagined with what feelings Miller advanced towards the man, who, but a few hours previously, had exercised a kingly power. The viceroy was the first to speak, and holding out his hand, said, 'You, general, we all know

Here we must end; and have only again to recommend these volumes to the public, as being very illustrative of the war for South American independence. Some good maps, &c. also give them a lasting interest of another kind.

their caste. A friend invited me to an evening concert, in which were performed the overtures and various pieces from the Don Juan and Clemenza di Tito of Mozart, excellently arranged as sestetts for two clarionets, two bassoons, and two horns: there was not power enough for the full pieces, but the airs pleased me exceedingly, being blown with so subdued and mellow a tone as might have been borne in a small room. This harmonie musik, as it is termed, is a species entirely of German cultivation; and I suspect that the A Ramble among the Musicians of Germany; wrath of old Dominico Scarlatti against wind giving some Account of the Operas of Mu-instruments might be appeased, were he to nich, Dresden, Berlin, &c. &c. By a Musical hear how skilfully they are tempered. One Professor. 12mo. pp. 286. London, 1828. of the performers gratified me with a piece of Hunt and Clarke.

MUSIC is widely cultivated in Germany; and
the country can not only boast of much vocal

sentiment which I did not expect from a person of his appearance: after playing a tender air from an opera of Mozart, he said, “I

Another extract.


think the composer means that the lady feels | fine quartett of Mozart in D minor (which was the lady plays, the doors and lobby of the pain here,' placing his hand on his heart." played during the evening) was written by theatre are beset by all the wild youths of the that composer under great mental depression, city, each of whom would consider himself a "In the opinion of the musical people here, his wife being at the time under the actual traitor to the cause of beauty if he did not there is no operatic writer at present living in pangs of her confinement. This history of a contribute all that in him lay to make the Germany whose natural gifts have been more celebrated work is worth preservation." [We entrance as much like a bear-garden as posabused than those of Spontini. They are right rather think it is not; but il fanatico will ac-sible: there is no such thing as attaining to in saying that the French have spoilt what count for any absurdity.] Music, however, a song here but at the expense of mobbing, was originally good in this composer. Every with all its powers, will not explain the next rib-squeezing, and considerable condensation of fresh opera which was intended by Spontini to trait. the person. Those who expect to find in Mamake a sensation among the Parisians, had "The Bavarian women are celebrated for demoiselle Sontag a musical genius, will be more horns or trombones than the last; and their innate kindness and goodness of heart; disappointed: nor do I think her fame would to carry this excitement to a higher pitch and there is a saying with respect to them, which have reached England, had it not been for of the frappant, he in one of his compositions has grown in some parts of the country almost certain circumstances of gossip unconnected introduced the Cyclops at work, each hammer- proverbial-Sie werden nichts abschlagen,'- with her profession. The lady is of middling ing on a gong; a very laughable mode of they will refuse nothing.' Whether such an height, well formed, with fair hair, and a set being original, as, if degrees of noise constitute observation may be borne out in fact, in its of little features which have a kind expression those of excellence in music, what dire ex- widest application, I presume not to say; but in them. To venture upon elaborate praise of plosion will it be that gives the ultimatum of their friendly natures are sufficiently evident. the complexion and shape of an actress, as it the art, and decides what is to be considered as A young opera-singer of Munich, who travelled may involve a eulogium on the perfumer or its perfection? In a composer who, like Spon- with me, having worn himself out by excess of staymaker, which is not intended for those tini, was capable of imitating Gluck, the ex-joking and laughter during the day, became worthies, would be imprudent as well as pretravagance is less pardonable than in a mere sleepy in the evening; and, not occupying a sumptuous. Mademoiselle Sontag has a pleaadventurer. Of these tricks, which lower the corner of the coach, found his head rather in-sant quality of voice, with a small quantity of intellectual quality of music (as if its expres- convenient. A Bavarian lady, who sat next to tone in it, but with plenty of flexibility; an sion could really be heightened by pieces of him, protesting that she could never sleep in a endowment which she displays so frequently, stage effect), one is recorded of Sarti, who coach, surrendered her place to him; and in a that if one could but check the fluttering, actually caused cannon to be fired during cer- few minutes his head was recumbent on her unstaple, whimsical little creature, a long tain pauses of a miserere composed for the Rus-shoulder, his arm round her waist, and he slept breathing clear note would be invaluable. Her sians. Such devices, however they may suc- profoundly. When the coach stopped to change | highest praise is said to be, that she sings ceed at first, will not attain their object a horses, I walked with my musical friend to Rossini's music perfectly, and joins to this second time, and may so cure themselves; but view the ruins of a little Gothic church in the great naïveté in her acting, and that such there must be as much effrontery required to moonlight; and on asking him if he was ac-qualifications for a performer are seldom found exercise them as was possessed by the cele-quainted with the lady on whose shoulder he in company. In a French opera by Auber, brated French preacher, who, having set before had slept so well, he replied, I have never of which the German version is called Der his hearers with great eloquence the terrors of seen her before-but we do these things for one Schnee (The Snow), Mademoiselle Sontag turns the last judgment, described the Omnipotent another in Bavaria.'" the heads of the whole town in this piece the audience is charmed with every flourish, enraptured with every look, movement, or gesture; and as to her playfulness, it is seen with ecstasy. The fact is, that Mademoiselle certed), and the congregation were thrown "Of the Iphigenia of Mademoiselle Scheck- Sontag is not tried at the severe tribunal of into a great panic, naturally concluding that ner I cannot speak with any feeling short of the German opera in Berlin, but sings at a it was the sound of that trump of which they rapture: a better voice, a more chastened theatre where three parts of the people come were so earnestly thinking. The musician style, both in recitative and song, has never to see her alone; and among her admirers are may, however (like Rousseau from his mad been heard on the stage-besides, she has certainly not to be reckoned those whose judgsinfonia, and Dr. Busby from his oratorio for faith in the capability of Gluck. This prima ment in musical matters is of the clearest. three orchestras), escape from the performance donna is about eighteen years of age, and a The dispassionate, unprejudiced listener disof his composition; and if he be inclined to try visitor at Berlin from Munich: she is a beau- covers little more to admire in her roulades fanciful experiments, I think it is the most tiful girl, who gives up all her young en-than he has heard hundreds of times in those sensible plan he can adopt.-Some specimens thusiasm to music, without an atom of that of other singers. Mademoiselle Sontag has a of the English composers are now for the first self-sufficiency which is too frequently taken distinct articulation, and deals in all the mitime appearing here in numbers, and the for science. During the whole of this arduous nutia of refinement; but in a sustained canwork might be, if properly conducted, such as attempt, I did not detect a single false intona-tabile, that sort of movement in which the to raise the character of the English as com- tion-which, by the by, was lucky, for the pit soul of the singer looks out, she is lamentably posers to that degree of esteem in which our and boxes in Berlin are enormously critical, old cathedral masters richly deserve it should and can tell wrong notes from right ones." be held, and to rescue us from the imputation "Mademoiselle Scheckner has, in sustainwe enjoy abroad-of not being able to get ing the first part of a one-act opera, entitled beyond a ditty. This publication, which con- Cordelia, done more for her reputation as a sists exclusively of vocal compositions, con- singer than even by her performance in Gluck's founds all styles and names, ancient and mo-opera. The music of this piece, which is by dern, and it is evidently conducted by one Kreutzer, more resembles one impassioned who does not know where to place his hand scena for a soprano than an opera: it is in upon our most valuable performances in church a very grand style of composition, and very music and madrigals. Morley, M. P. King, and Webbe, are classed together in it, as if those composers could convey any idea of the truly unrivalled skill in vocal canons and other pieces of learned counterpoint with which Purcell and his compeers have immortalised their names. When Dr. Boyce's great collection of our cathedral music is well known in Germany, then, and not till then, will the Germans know what masterly invention, both as to science and feeling, have originated in our country."

surrounded by his angels, and dwelt upon At Berlin we have a high encomium upon heavenly joys and infernal agonies, while they a female singer, which, from the taste and listened with rapt attention, suddenly caused judgment of the writer, we receive as well a trumpet to be blown (which he had precon-deserved.

nearly an hour long. In a girl only eighteen
years old, I have never met with any attempt.
so arduous and so successful; and the last is
owing entirely to her having an intense per-
ception of her author's meaning, and a total
destitution of vanity and affectation."*

Let us contrast this with another.

deficient. It is the leaven of Catalani's bad style which has deteriorated the taste of the present day, and directly opposes it to a simple and natural mode of expression."

We must reserve a few further extracts till our next.


The Present State of the Tenancy of Land in Great Britain; shewing the principal Customs and Practices between Incoming and Outgoing Tenants; and the most usual Method under which Land is now held in the several Counties: from a Survey made in 1827 and 1828, by the Authors, L. Kennedy and T. B. Grainger. 8vo. pp. 384. London, J. Ridgway.

THE title-page almost sufficiently expounds the character of this volume; but we would substitute England for "Great Britain;" as only two Scots counties, Berwickshire and East Lothian, are included in the author's views. An able Introduction dwells on the danger of

"At the König Städtisches Theater (there are three here in constant play) Mademoiselle Sontag is the presiding deity-the goddess of the students, and the Vestris of Berlin: and few there are whose hearts are fenced That we may enjoy the original ideas of with such impenetrable buff as to rebel against some of the German music at least, the follow-her sovereignty, or refuse to adore. When too great a depreciation of agricultural produce; ing may be a key:" I was informed that the

M. Laporte must try to get her over.

and furnishes much valuable original informa

tion on the subjects most interesting to land-siderable praise, but there is at the same time | haps, for that reason, much easier for infant lords and tenants. On the whole, we consider much to condemn. the work to be not only valuable from the intelligence it has collected, but still more so from the excellent hints and suggestions which the authors throw out on many topics of the utmost consequence to every class of agriculturists, and to the country at large.

Farewell to Time: or, Last Views of Life, and
Prospects of Immortality. Including Devo-
tional Exercises to be used by the Sick, or by
those who minister to them. By the Author
of the "Morning and Evening Sacrifice.'
12mo. pp. 499. Edinburgh, Oliver and
Boyd: London, Whittaker.
THIS is a book of pure and beautiful Christian
devotion, rendered the more effectual from
being founded, in all its sentiments, on natural
affections and rational piety. There is hardly
a trouble or trial in this world which its sim-
plicity, pathos, and consolatory suggestions,
may not help to soothe; and we sincerely re-
commend it to every class, but particularly to

the afflicted and bereaved.

Mr. Denman's Inaugural Discourse at the City of London Literary and Scientific Institution. E. Wilson.


minds. By attending more strictly to the simThe Boy's own Book professes to present to ple objects of his undertaking, in its succeedhis notice all the principal amusements and ing parts, Mr. Sankey may, probably, produce recreative occupations which may afford him a trifle of considerable utility to the instructors pleasure in his time of play; and we think, of childhood. that in concocting such a book, due care ought to have been pre-eminently taken to present ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE.^ such things only as could conduce to unexcepParis, August 2 tionable and conscientious pleasure such as EACH time I have the pleasure to address you, would have rendered the book entirely fit to I long for an earthquake shock, or the proput at any time into the hands of any boy. mised comet, which is to put us all in conThis absolute desideratum, we lament to say, fusion-in fact, for any phenomenon, to give the has evidently been forgotten. Leaving it to world a jog, so as to turn things out of the the heads of families in general to decide whe- common routine, and thus afford some variety ther such things as Fencing," "the Pi- to my pen; for to be ever weaving news from the geon, Rabbit, and Bird Fancier," &c. (in same subjects, is as insipid as eating toujours which the directions as regards breeding, &c. perdrix, and must be more indigestible to my are very unfit for youth), are proper or neces- readers. Even in this capital of capitals, where sary to be included in a directory of sports for invention is always on the alert to kill old children, we must give our unqualified vote of Time, and keep ennui at bay, there is a sad condemnation against the introduction of games sameness in what is denominated pleasure; of chance, or feats of legerdemain, in such a nor as yet has any one discovered an effectual work. Are not the unworthy arts of gambling specific against yawning, or a means of pátand jugglery, and with them the vices of art- ting la tristesse to flight, except for the moment. fulness, low cunning, avarice, deceit, and nu- Prayers now seem a passe-temps à-la-mode merous other evils, readily enough to be at least, churches are so crowded at fashionattained by youth, without the aid of instruc- able hours, that it is quite impossible to tion during the years of childhood and tuition? squeeze through the throng, except at the risk A PAMPHLET of sixteen pages, and not re- What must be thought by any person of proper of gigot sleeves being sadly maltreated, wigs markable either for acuteness of observation feeling, of those who unhesitatingly endeavour tumbled off, false tourneurs torn away, and or depth of thought. We might have ex-to instil the art of cruelty into infant minds? all the little hidden vanities of this wicked pected better things from the eminent cha-Yet, in the Boy's own Book we find them (in life brought to light. Contrary to the good racter of the learned Common Sergeant; but the article of angling) instructed to pass the maxim of not judging one another, it is the it often happens, that great abilities, employed hook carefully through live bait, and to sew up first impulse experienced in contemplating the on matters easy to inferior talents, but out of the mouth, taking care, at the same time, numerous congregations convened in those the pale of their usual direction, cannot master not to kill it. Thus, in p. 85, we are told sanctified places; for one involuntarily questhe veriest trifle, though competent to grapple that "a live bait should have a number 3 or tions the motives of each individual's presence with the greatest difficulty. 4 hook passed through its lips, or the flesh there. The assembly appears to me to be divided beneath the back fin, taking care not to wound into three orders; first, old dames, meagre the back-bone, or the bait will soon die"!! as penitents at the end of Lent, who having [In an age when education is so much spoken of; when This is a sample of the instruction intended abandoned the freshness and warmth of their so many and so various plans are continually devised in the Boy's own Book for the rising generation. youth to earthly enjoyments, deem it but for the better instruction of the young, the poor, and Again, to justify the introduction of games fair, just, and right, to dedicate their decayed the hitherto neglected; when almost every place has its system, and almost every hour its publication; we of chance to the attention of children, the and faded beaux restes, or more literally speaktrust we may do a general service to the community editor remarks, "as in the case of chess, bets ing, ugly remains, to Heaven: secondly, ladies by briefly characterising a series of those numerous works which have accumulated on our hands, relating are seldom made upon the game of draughts; whose purses refuse them the gratification to every kind of discipline and tuition. Our purpose it cannot therefore be deemed in any manner of indulging in feasting or luxury, or buyis neither to generalise nor philosophise on new theories conducive to gambling, which we most ear-ing up the sighs of pennyless youths, and who and debatable principles; but simply to consider each production separately upon its own merits, state its nestly entreat our young readers on all possible therefore, faute des mieur, turn furious depretensions, and give a fair and candid opinion upon its occasions to avoid, as they value their present votees, rail at those who are more fortunate, utility or defects. These papers shall be but short, and comfort and future welfare." In this entreaty, and digest their spleen by Aves Marias: will not, therefore, occupy much of our room or much of our reader's time: we hope also, that if they do not as sincere friends to youth, we most heartily thirdly, come the speculators some for wives, furnish amusement, they may at least be profitably join; but we leave it to moralists, to fathers some for places, not in heaven, but on consulted by teachers and parents.] and mothers, to say, whether the best method earth,-for piety paves the way to honours Cursory Thoughts on Education; with a Pre-of preventing a love of gambling in young here below: so you may imagine what ultra face by the Rev. Brian Hill, A.M. 12mo. minds, is to initiate them in the first principles grimacing goes forward, as according to the pp. 38. Hamilton, Adams, and Co. of the destructive attainment, by teaching distortion of the "human face divine," is THIS little essay broaches a very plausible them games and juggling tricks with cards? judged the ardour of religious feelings;-eyes theory of education, evidently formed on the Had the Boy's own Book been confined turned almost inside out, cheeks drawn in, principles of reason, and particularly incul-within the limits of its "minor and athletic mouth dragged down, body bent to the ground, cating the necessity of blending religious im- sports," &c. it would have been an amusing are the imageries best adapted to catch the eye pressions with moral and literary instruction. and unobjectionable present for youth; but, of monsieur le curé, or other spiritual spies, On the latter account it would be peculiarly in its present state, no parent safely can, and who grant their protection in proportion to worthy of consideration by the Council of the no prudent parent will, submit it to the inspec- the hideous zeal displayed by the most adept London University, did its scope include so tion of his children. hypocrites, car il faut trancher le mot. Someadvanced a period of education: at all events, times it may happen that a good sermon is the principles of the writer might be advantapreached; but the constant buzz, blowings of geously studied. The treatise is written in at noses, coughing, &c. prevents either hearing plain and familiar style, and (to use the words or following the discourse; and we may say of of the rev. editor in his preface)" contains the lecturer many striking thoughts, and is calculated to be highly beneficial to those who are concerned in the education of children."


NO. I.

Rhymes on Geography and History.
S. Sankey, A.M. 12mo. pp. 47.


By W.


THE object of this little work is laudable and reasonable, that of blending amusement with "Il parle il se tait-qu'a-t-il-dit? instruction; but we advise the author to bear On l'ignore, et l'on applaudit." instruction more in view, and indulge less in attendant the sortie of the multitude metaphysical disquisition and dissertations on from chapel are a numerous swarm of beggars, the derivation of names. Such things are ri- that speculate on the tender feelings inspired diculous when introduced in a work intended by religion, and therefore hold out their hands solely for children; and for no other class of to the passants, who, indeed, seldom refuse to readers are these Rhymes calculated. The give a slight donation. It is said that some of SOME part of this compilation deserves con-poetry of the work is very insipid, but, per- these mendicants are rich; but their appear

The Boy's own Book; a complete Encyclopædia of all the Diversions, athletic, scientific, and recreative, of Boyhood and Youth. pp. 448. Vizatelly, Branston, and Co.

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