Imatges de pàgina

whose philanthropy is of a doubtful nature, who, under the pretence of benefiting others, think but of their own interest. Political economists, too, come in for a few coups de pattes well applied, and are loudly accused of wishing to consider a part of the human species in a mere mechanical point of view, esteeming them, not according to the qualities with which they may be endowed, but for the profits which may be extracted from them. The volume, or volumes, for I have only seen some quotations, is by no means strewed with roses, but with thorns; yet, I believe, it will be read with pleasure in England, particularly by those whose enlarged egotism (if I may use the expression) makes them desire an alleviation to general sufferings, as the surest means to secure their own enjoy.


a single reference to any unpublished monu- of the lamp, in not being liable to explode the ment throughout the whole of that work. surrounding fire damp, arises from the gauze Egyptian antiquities occupy at present but a wire repelling the internal flame, and forming, very small share of the public attention in this about it, a cool atmosphere, through which igcountry; it may not, therefore, be amiss briefly nition cannot take place; while Mr. Dillon to apprise your readers of the nature of the contends, that the non-ignition is the result system of hieroglyphics upon which this disco- of the radiation of heat from the gauze wire, very is founded, in order that they may be able which rarefies the external air, and precludes to judge of its importance. that access of oxygen necessary to the propa 1. This system was discovered by a very gation of flame. Several experiments (which learned and most amiable young man, of the we have not seen tried) appear to countenance name of Spohn; and, as the professor informs this new theory. It is stated to us, that a us, not as the result of his researches in a subject lamp just lighted, and of course quite cold, which he had very lately taken up, but afflatu if plunged into a jar of carburetted hydrogen quasi divino,' or, in plain English, by one of gas, communicates the flame immediately, and those sallies of the imagination which the Ger- causes an explosion; but if suffered to remain mans are too apt to mistake for rational deduc-burning till the gauze wire is sufficiently tions. heated, that it may be plunged into the same 2. Spohn tried the system he had thus dis- gas with perfect safety. This hypothesis may, covered upon the Enchorial papyrus generally therefore, be readily submitted to the test, called the Casali MS., a Greek translation of and chemists be enabled at once to determine which was afterwards found in another papyrus whether it is fanciful, or one of the most by Dr. Young. According to Spohn, it con- important discoveries that has recently been tains an address to the sun; according to the made for the benefit of mankind. We confess Greek translation, it is a record of the pur- we are inclined to think well of it, not merely Ultra romantism is now the mode, in imi-chase of certain lands in the neighbourhood of from its obvious simplicity and reasonableness, tation of the English and German writers; Thebes!! but from having heard that miners in the coaland expression is sacrificed to idea. La Bapits are in the habit of covering their Davy's taille de Navarin, a poem lately published, is lamps when they feel a current of cold air an example of the revolution in style; for rushing towards them,-a sort of practical act, amidst fine strophes, there are sometimes the suggested by experience, as if they felt that most extraordinary thoughts: but this people such a current might produce an accident, conare ever in extremes once take them out of a trary to the hypothesis hitherto supported, and pendulum movement, they must go at doubleconsistently with that of Mr. Dillon. The quick time. Still, it is well to rebel against latter introduces a talc shield, either half way those laws of poetry, which tended so much to round, to front the cold blast when it occurs cramp genius, and reduce similes and meor quite round the lamp, to augment the heat, taphors to a very narrow compass; and, above for the same reason which has led the miner all, injured translations. to protect the Davy light.

I have heard a work much praised latterly, Les Révolutions de la Terre, by M. Dejean. His hypothesis is, that each revolution of the earth, whose centre is supposed to be fusion, has produced a new creation, and that man was the last.

The works of Pierre Ronsard, who was styled Prince des Poètes Françaises three hundred years ago, with Commentaries by Monsieur de St. Beuve, is a work highly esteemed here, and much talked of in the belles lettres world, in which, to say the truth, there is a general disette.

3. This system is grounded in certain fancied resemblances between the Enchorial characters and the few Phoenician letters which have been recovered from coins and inscriptions.

4. Upon this crumbling foundation is built the gigantic hieroglyphic system of Professor Seyffarth, who assumes that hieroglyphs are merely Phoenician or Enchorial characters flourished out into the forms of physical objects; or, in other words, hieroglyphs are the symbols, not of sounds, but of letters or parts of letters. 5. From this principle he infers conclusions whence it necessarily follows, that any hieroglyphic character may be the representation of any letter of the alphabet, or of all of them in succession, or of any part of any letter.



ARRIVED at my hut about three o'clock, and was received by the chief and his party with a 6. As if this were not latitude enough, the hearty welcome. Several bottles of tope were ingenuity of the professor has contrived a still immediately brought me by different indivifurther extension of the vagueness of his sys-duals, from whom, both before and afterwards, A new singer, who is to surpass all the tem; for, according to this great authority, the I received similar acts of kindness. Scarcely ci-devants queens of song, is shortly expected parts of any character may he separated and had I been seated five minutes, when, to my in this capital. Her name is not proclaimed, become parts of different letters. For instance, great surprise, Cut-throat entered the hut with as managers have not come to a sticking the bee, which is inscribed in a disjointed and a quarter of mutton, roasted; Incledon followpoint in regard of pounds, shillings, and slovenly manner on many of the later monu-ed with another, boiled; others with a boiled pence arrangements. Already, prudent mo-ments, he completely takes to pieces, assigning and roasted fowl-the head and lights of the thers and jealous wives are alarmed; for re- the head to one letter, the wings to another, sheep stewed in (what I judged to be) palm port gives to the fair cantatrice charms of no the thorax to a third, and the abdomen to a wine the liver also stewed with spice in palm small degree of perfection; so that, sighing, fourth. oil-boiled and roasted yams, &c. Here was a dying, suiciding, may be anticipated for the With the assistance of such a system, that dinner as multifariously cooked as one would ensuing season-better that love should di- man must be dull indeed who cannot discover think a half-sheep, weighing ten pounds, could minish population than hunger! About ten Manetho's History of Egypt, or Hume's His-be. What added not a little to my astonishment days ago, Master Cupid is said to have caused tory of England, or any other work he may on seeing these dishes before me, was the casting, a cold-bath and some coups de poignard; but choose to search for, in any collection of pa- by chance, my eyes to the spot where my half such events seldom take place, the belle pyri in Europe. passion being exterminated for the riche passion, a much more solid one; gold keeping le petit dieu from flying off, much better than all the fine eyes, fine teeth, rosy lips, and luxuriant hair, in the world.

I have thus stated Seyffarth's hieroglyphic
system exactly as it presented itself to my mind
after three careful perusals of the Rudimenta
Hieroglyphices: I beg, however, to give it
under correction; for I acknowledge myself to
be one of those who find very great difficulty in
comprehending the professor's meaning.
Leeds, July 23, 1828.


J. X.

EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHICS. To the Editor of the Literary Gazette. SIR,-In offering a few remarks upon Professor Seyffarth's account of the discovery of an Egyptian History, published in the Literary Gazette of the 19th, I beg leave to premise MR. DILLON, a mercantile gentleman of Belthat, "being totally ignorant of, or most im- fast, has produced a safety lamp similar to Sir perfectly acquainted with, the Egyptian mu- Humphry Davy's, but somewhat modified, in seums and libraries on the Continent," I am consequence of the new principle on which the only in the situation of the Professor himself inventor maintains that its security depends. when he published his Rudimenta Hierogly- His theory is directly opposed to that of Sir phices; for, with one exception, I do not find H. Davy; the latter holding, that the property

of the sheep had been hung, and to observe it still there. The mutton which had been brought me, it appeared, was the two quarters I had in the morning sent to the Coco-la-co. With the exception of the stews, which were in earthen pans, the other articles were given me from the hands of the carriers. Feeling thank. ful for these anticipations of my wishes, I re ceived every thing with the best grace; carefully refraining from letting them imagine that any part was to my distaste. I sent for the chief to partake of my dinner with me. He came and sat beside me, but would neither eat nor drink any thing. My Krooman and I then set to, and, uninviting as the viands were to English eyes and palates, I doubt much my ever eating heartier, or enjoying a dinner more in my life although surrounded with a hundred or two of both sexes, whose eyes were constantly riyetted on me not to say a word


of the exudations of their odoriferous bodies. five large calabashes, I proposed quitting; for two quarters of mutton, which were still hangWhatever may be thought of it, the liver what with the topé and the fire, I was in a ing over my bed-place, and presented it to cooked in the palm oil was delicious. My perfect state of dissolution. This, however, them. No sooner was my gift received, than Krooman, as he predicted, did ample justice to could not be allowed; the chief and the a man was despatched from the hut, who preone quarter of the mutton, and also assisted in Krooman by this time having become the best sently returned with six calabashes of topé. removing the other from sight. The remainder of friends; a bottle was therefore sent for for In a few minutes the mutton was cooked to was soon despatched by Cut-throat and attend- him. This having been merrily discussed, I their taste, cut up, and distributed equally, ants. After I had finished, two bottles of topé again got up for the purpose of leaving, but to including my own proportion, and no more. were given me by the chief. In the course of no effect, being again obliged to resume my Although barely warmed through, I ate as much the afternoon, having watched him out of the seat. Another calabash was then brought, and as I could, for the sake of good fellowship. hamlet, I determined upon gaining admittance given to me by the chief with the same un- The topé now began to fly about in abundance, to his hut. Fortune favoured the attempt. pleasant ceremonies as the first, to my no little which brought forward many volunteers of While in dalliance with one of his thirteen wives annoyance; but having disposed of it, principally their vocal abilities. The ladies sang by themthat were seated outside my dwelling, she got among the ladies, who crowded about me with selves, in a far from disagreeable key. Their up (maiden like) and ran into her hut, I, of their little calabashes to fill, I determined on songs did not appear to consist of more than a course, following. I found it to contain four leaving. The separation was with difficulty dozen words, which, as solo and chorus, were compartments or divisions. The first on en- accomplished, the old chief catching me about continued for a quarter of an hour at a time. tering was the kitchen or place they live in by the neck, and entreating me to stop and take Krooman and I were obliged to sing in our day, having a large fire burning in the centre, another calabash, and as much as saying, turns. Having discussed fifteen or sixteen of with various cooking utensils, made of clay, "and then we won't part." He then in- the calabashes of topé, and perceiving some of lying about. The second division was a sit-formed me he intended to take a couple of sheep the party becoming uproarious, I retreated to ting room, remarkably neat and clean, with a down with me to Clarence in the morning; my bed-place, where, wrapping myself in my fire-place in the centre. Round the sides were and we parted, he and his followers accompa- blanket, I lay down. Many of the party now ten or twelve logs of wood, used as seats, with nying me to the entrance of the court of Yapa. left the hut. Cut-throat and Incledon, having a larger and neater one at the end for the So very inquisitive were the ladies to ascertain finished the remainder of the topé, betook chiefs. The third appeared to be the children's if all parts of my body were of the same colour, themselves to rest with their wives, alongside apartment or sleeping-room, it being entirely that they nearly tore my clothes off my back. my bed-place: others at short distances from full of them. The fourth was a store-room, in I was obliged to take my jacket and waistcoat them. I secured for the Krooman a place close which were numberless rude articles, whose off and carry them in my hand. The cock is by the fire, which was now made up, so as to utility, from the casual glance I had of them, I the present which appears to me to be the burn the night out. A more social evening I could not make out. The ensemble was unique peace-offering, or mode of greeting friends, could not well have spent, every thing being and imposing-at least to me it appeared so. having repeatedly had them given me by chiefs done by all present to make me comfortable The chief returning a short time after my on their visits to our market establishment. and cheerful. leaving the hut, I led him towards the spot On my return to my domicile, I found my where his wives were seated. In the course of young friend who had always furnished me with our conversation (if it could so be termed) he topé, waiting for me with a renewed supply. informed me he had twenty-one wives, and Scarce an hour passed, when there, without THE vacation of this institution commenced twice as many children. This may appear in-his bringing me a fresh calabash. I now visited this week; but during the holiday there is an credible; but when I state that fifteen of the a few of the dwellings round my own, but immense deal to be done in arranging the former and near thirty of the latter were about with difficulty; some four or five ladies invari- library, and other important matters. His me at the time, it will readily be believed. ably stopping up the entrance on my approach. Majesty's and Sir Joseph Banks's collections About an hour before sun-set I paid a visit to My mode of succeeding was by commencing a have nobly augmented this branch of the esta the chief of one of the neighbouring towns, game of romping with them, which soon put blishment; and when duplicates shall have who last evening visited the chief with whom them to flight. I found these huts in much been exchanged for the few works that are I was stopping, who appears to be the supreme the same state as the chief's, with the excep- wanted, it will be one of the most complete head of all that part of the country. He paid me tion of their wanting the culinary utensils and libraries in the world, and in some respects great attention, and took me into the travelling stores I observed in the former. Soon after unequalled. or audience-hut of his town, similar to the one dark, I returned to my dwelling, where I was in which I was lodged. He treated me kindly joined by Cut-throat, Incledon, and nine or and hospitably. His establishment consisted of ten of their friends. A large fire was then from one to sixty dwellings, whereas that of made, round which they assembled the greater Yapa had not more than twenty, having no part with their wives, or rather a wife. Yams one about him but his immediate officers. I were then placed on the fire, and ten or twelve was placed on his right, close to a fire. Around calabashes of topé brought in. The chief came him sat his officers, and behind them, in dif- to the entrance of the hut and presented me ferent parts of the hut, were at least a hun- with a bottle of topé. I went back with him THESE Views, which are twenty-five in numdred of both sexes stowed, with twice as many to his hut, and requested permission to go in ber (besides a general plan of the city) give an outside, and filling up every avenue to it. and drink it with him. This was instantly excellent idea of this remarkable relic of anti Immediately on taking my seat, he called to refused, with an intimation to go to my dwell-quity, buried for so many centuries under some one in the rear of the hut, which was ing. This I thought it proper to do immedi- volcanic ashes. The Views which are without answered by a female voice. A shifting-board ately, first cordially shaking him by the hand. figures are the most satisfactory; not merely was then removed from behind him, when My companions I found seated round the fire, because the sentiment of solitude is thereby from a kind of balcony outside entered ten busily engaged cooking their yams. I was left unimpaired, but because the incongruity of women (these were his wives), the first carry-requested to take a seat among them, which I modern habits in such scenes is striking. The ing a cock, many of the others calabashes of did;-the tope was then handed about, and introduction of an English carriage into the palm wine. They took their seats imme- singing commenced, each singing in his turn. View of the Villa of Diomedes has a singularly diately behind the chief. The cock was then The yams being ready, they commenced their bad effect. With this trifling exception, how in form presented to me, with the usual cere- supper. While they were so employed, I went ever, the execution of the plates does both mony of stroking down, and adorning my out and visited several huts, where I found the Colonel Light and Mr. Harding great credit. person with twigs; though, from being placed the same pastimes going forward. Each party Every plate is accompanied by a brief letternear the fire, conjoined with the want of a asked me to sit down with them and partake of press description. While we were turning over circulation of air, in consequence of the their cheer. In the six huts into which I went, and admiring the volume, a letter reached us crowds outside, I was in a far worse pre-I found a good fire burning, and from fifteen from an intelligent English friend now at dicament than yesterday. This affair over, to twenty persons in each the women appear. Naples, from which we extract the following I was again seated in my place alongside the ing to be by far the most numerous. Every passage, as happily expressive of the feelings fire, and all attempts to leave it were ren- thing betokened mirth and domestic happiness. which a visit to this extraordinary scene is caldered abortive by the well-meant, though ill-On my return to my hut, singing immediately culated to excite :timed, officiousness of the chiefs. We then recommenced, and with that its usual concocommenced drinking topé, every bottle being mitant, drinking. Perceiving them inclined to given to me to serve out. After emptying make a merry evening of it, I took down the


Views of Pompeii. Drawn on stone by J. D.
Harding; after Drawings by William Light,
Esq. late on the Staff of the Army under the
Duke of Wellington in the Peninsula. Car
penter and Son.

"Ten days ago we went to Pompeii. It was all marvel and beauty;-the city a wonder, and its site fairy-land. You do not des

scend, you rise to Pompeii. Its first aspect is fertile vale, as Wells; crowning the craggy,
that of a mound of earth; and, when you romantic rock, as Durham; or partly in a
enter, above lofty columns and walls you see dell, and on the deep shelving hill, as Bath,
large trees growing. The ashes that over- with the noble and venerable cathedral over-
whelmed the city, and the soil thrown out in topping and dignifying the crowded dwellings
making the excavations, have produced this of its citizens; it commands attention in the
mound-like exterior. But what shall I say of distance, and still more on closer inspection."
the interior? Perfect streets, rows of shops, We have seen specimens both of the plates and
theatres, palaces, temples,-standing in ma- of the wood-cuts with which this work is to be
jestic and silent desolation: our aged guide decorated: they are eminently beautiful.
and ourselves the only human beings visible,
amidst edifices, and in places, once thronged
and noisy with multitudes, intent on business,
or pleasure, or piety!"

Portraits of Madame Vestris, Miss P. Glover,
Mr. Williams, and Mr. Liston; in the Co-
medy of Paul Pry. Painted by G. Clint,
A.R.A. Engraved by T. Lupton. Moon,
Boys, and Graves.

I went to fair cities, and in the crowd
I mingled awhile with the gay and the proud;
I strove to be happy, I strove to smile,
But the days pass'd heavily on the while;
And though every hour with mirth was fraught,
It bore not within it the peace I sought.
I fled away into solitude,

I hoped to find quiet by mountain and wood;
But, alas! when the spirit would use its wings,
And mingle with grand and glorious things,
'Tis fetter'd by clay to its mortal sphere:
-Rest there was none for my bosom here.

REPORT says that Mr. Nash is to be in-
trusted with the erection of a National Gal-I sat me down 'neath the midnight sky,
lery and Royal Academy, on the site of the The bright stars sparkled like gems on high;
King's Mews. We wish we could see one Before me lay the mighty deep,
public building worthy of a great country,
Still murmuring on in its peaceless sleep
and of a period in which the splendid art of And I thought, as I looked on its heaving
architecture was felt and understood!



[ocr errors]

"There is indeed no place of rest!"
But there came a still small voice through the

Thing of the dust! return thee home:
Is it thine to repine at the will of Him
Before whom yon glorious stars are dim?
Pray that sins may be forgiven;
Hope for a resting-place in heaven."



AN excellent theatrical group. With the exception of that of Madame Vestris, which, al- WE have just seen, at the Egyptian Hall, six though all the features are there, we cannot specimens of enamels on a large scale, by say we think a striking likeness, the resem- Madame Jaquotot, painter on porcelain to the blances are admirable. We believe that the King of France, which have been sent for sale portrait of Mr. Liston is the only one for to this country. They are fine examples of which he ever sat in character. It is perfect. female talent,three being copies from RaThe print is very finely engraved. phaels, one from Holbein, one from Girardot, and one an original head of Buonaparte-much flattered in every respect. The head from Holbein is, in our judgment, the most successful production; the countenance is beau- In order to augment the attractions and retiful, and the ornaments rich. Were these spectability of this fashionable spot, a THIS Curious composition is from a pen-and-works upon copper, instead of porcelain, they scheme was advertised for last night, and, we ink drawing of the same size by an Italian would be still more valuable; but even as they gentleman resident in Manchester. It repre- are, they merit the notice and admiration of the sents his Majesty on a war-horse, and nearly lovers of art. the whole is formed of the flourishes of penmanship; so that whatever may be said of the manufacturers of Manchester just now, it cannot be denied that it has produced a most flourishing king.

Sua Maesta Georgia IV. Re d'Inghilterra.
By P. A. Tealdi. Engraved by I. Fother-
gill. London; Moon, Boys, and Graves:
Manchester, Agnew and Zanetti.



I AM weary of life, I am tired of the earth,
Of its dark sorrows and boisterous mirth.
Of its changeful scenes, its uncertain joys,
The Market Gardeners. Painted by Wither-Its wo that frowns, and its pleasure that cloys,
ington; engraved by C. G. Lewis. Moon,
Boys, and Graves.

REPLETE with rustic beauty and truth, this refreshing and natural scene makes a pleasing and animated print. The distance on the left is sweetly pencilled, and contrasts well with the luxuriancy of the foliage over the latticed shed on the right. The figures are all well introduced; and the little group, with the child offering a green leaf to an ass, peculiarly well imagined. Only 250 copies are taken.


Of its dreams that delude the youthful breast:
-Would I could find me a place of rest!
sought in a land far beyond the sea,
Where the flowers came forth in radiancy,
Where shone the clearest and sunniest sky;
But, alas! I found that the flowers would die,
That clouds would o'ershadow the heaven's

blue breast;

And I left it, for me 'twas no place of rest! I returned again to the spot of my birth; But change had come on its cheerful hearth: Picturesque Antiquities of the English Cities. Some were now wanderers o'er the far wave, The publication of a very interesting work, Some were at peace in the lonely grave: under the above title, illustrated by a series There were still some hearts that were not of prints, representing the ancient gateways, estranged; [changed! castles, mansions, street-scenery, &c.; with his- But, except their affections, all things were torical and descriptive accounts of each sub- There were voices beloved, but the tremulous ject, and of the popular characteristic of every city-is about to be commenced by John Brit- Told of the years that had over them gone; ton, F.S.A., M.R.S.L., &c. It is to consist There were brows that, scarce touched by of six numbers; and each number to include at least ten engravings and four wood-cuts. Looked like the lingering flowers of spring; Time's darkening wing,



presume, carried into execution. It seems to be an improvement upon a practice once introduced at Sadler's Wells, but subsequently relinquished, either in consequence of being too genteel, or not being genteel enough for that favourite place of resort. While it lasted, every person who paid for their admittance to the boxes or pit, had a check-ticket given them, which entitled each to a pint of genuine port wine, alias blackstrap of the Right sort, specially im-Ported by the managers for this generous purpose. As was to be expected, the wine was of the first quality (so called, we believe, from having the least imaginable portion of the juice of grape in its composition), noisy, and indecorous, on the strong and heady and the audience got regularly half-drunk, beverage. Every thing went off with spirit,

even benches and chandeliers; and the union of Bacchus with Melpomene, and Silenus with Thalia, was nightly productive of the utmost pleasure and gratification to elegant and crowded houses. With the memory of such effects green on their minds (almost the only green left for Vauxhall Gardens), it is not surprising that the spirited proprietors, and be-knighted inspectors of these menus plaisirs, idea, and making the orgies of Bacchiada should have thought of extending this happy

familiar to the classic scene of their liberal exertions. According to this plan, it seems, a lottery and a lot of wine are to be drawn, in the proportion of five thousand gifts to

"Every city," as Mr. Britton justly observes There were smiles- but they only shone on every ten thousand visitors; for, it will be

in his prospectus," offers its distinctive architectural and natural features; and each in


Like the fading light on the dying day.

volves historical and local characteristics which
are not merely interesting to the provincial
antiquary, but to most readers of laudable cu-
riosity. The CITY, both in the olden and in Was mingled the early snow of care;

There were heads with whose sunny clustering

observed, that every thing done here is upon a grand scale! Thus, last night, supposing 10,000 persons to be at Vauxhall; "the presents which the proprietors intended to have the pleasure of offering" were to consist of 60 dozens of fine old port," in 16 lots, of

modern times, is unquestionably a place of There were eyes,-but where was their once 6, 4, 3, and 2 dozens (four lots of each); and varied and commanding importance. Either

bright hue?

environed with fortified walls and bastion tow- A mist of tears had come over their blue:
ers, as York and Chester; seated on a navi-Oh! I brook'd not to look on such altered
gable river, as London; or tranquil stream, things,

as Salisbury; crouching in the peaceful and And I stayed not there my wanderings.

10 dozen of champagne, and 10 dozen of claret, in twenty chances, of a dozen each. But this is not all-there are 180 prizes, cards of ad missions for Monday next, which entitle the fortunate holders, individually, to supper, and


two bottles of wine per man or woman, viz. | population of the metropolis opportunities for caprice. Under Louis, Munich became a new one of champagne and one of sherry. Two passing the weary hours in innocent, sober, Athens. A distinguished university was eshundred double admissions, and 4704 single moral, and intellectual recreations. tablished. An academy of arts was formed, tickets, complete the attractions of this adwhich has been incessantly employed in colmirable invention. Friendly as we are to lecting objects of art, and in instructing purefinements in popular amusements, we can- BAVARIA [as we have had frequent occa- pils, whose talents will soon surprise Europe. not but pronounce the warmest eulogy upon sion to observe in our reviews of travels, Schools of art are about to be established this super-excellent project. In the first &c. which mentioned that country] offers at Nuremberg, Augsburg, Wursburg, Ratisplace, the influx of the better order of visitors, at the present moment a spectacle of ra- bon, and Bamberg. Nearly eight thousand from the free distribution of some five thou- pidly increasing civilisation, of encourage- valuable pictures, which have been assembled sand free orders, must tend greatly to increase ment to the arts, of the establishment of at Munich, will ornament those towns, which the influx of those polished and well-conducted public institutions, of enlightened protection were the cradle of the arts in the fifteenth and classes of society, who have of late taken afforded by its monarch to every thing con- sixteenth centuries. Two museums, the one Vauxhall so completely under their patronage ducive to the national prosperity, which it is ancient, the other modern, have been created and protection. Thus, we shall have the satis-highly gratifying to contemplate, and which at a great expense; and orders have been faction of seeing the same elegance of man- may well be held up for the imitation of given for the formation of a national library. ners, the same propriety and order, the nations of prouder pretensions. At the time All these, and other important objects, the same courteousness and good breeding, pre- of the death of Charles-Theodore (the last king has secured without any augmentation of vail throughout, band to hear the same deli- elector of the Palatine House), Bavaria groaned taxes; or rather, while making good an old cate language and the same beauties of expres-under a greater load of abuses than any other deficiency, constructing an immense fortress, sion (accompanied by the same appropriate- country in the world. Its feeble population, improving the military system, and paving the ness of look, gesture, and action) to which of seven or eight hundred thousand, was in- way for a reduction of duties. Thus the gowe have already become partially accustomed; adequate to the cultivation of the soil; in- vernment has become at the same time stronger only they will proceed from thousands instead of dustry languished; immense districts were and more popular. Its moderation has passed hundreds of sans souci, sans six sous revellers. wholly unproductive; religious censorship, po- into all hearts. The king has sworn to mainThen again all the complaints of dulness and litical censorship, court intrigues, office in- tain the charter, and the existing rights of the ennui at these henceforward Elysian gardens trigues, monopolies, reversed judgments, tor- people; and the people, on the other hand, must vanish. Only think of the joyous spirit tures, servitude, intolerance, an ignorant are imbued with deep respect for the just prethat will be infused into the general crowd by theocracy, an ill-concealed despotism; in one rogatives of the throne. The commencement the lucky hundred and eighty 2-bottle ladies word, every vicious element of the old govern- of a Medicean age exhibits itself every where. and gentlemen! The example of their perfect ments, there exercised their fatal influence. Prosperity pervades the capital and the prohappiness will act as yeast upon the mighty And in fourteen years all has been changed! vinces; and they combine in honouring their batch, and cause a glorious fermentation of the The deserts have become fruitful; manufac- young monarch, as a benefactor to humanity.— whole unleavened mass. What the still more tures are improving; commerce rapidly in- Condensed from the Revue Encyclopédique. fortunate holders of the 6, 4, 3, 2, and one- creases; the arts and sciences flourish; and dozen prizes are to do, we know not; only we four millions of Bavarians are at the head of trust, for the sake of the ensemble, that every German civilisation! The commencement of drop will be consumed in these festive sports. this happy metamorphosis was by MaximilianThe wines, as may surely be anticipated, Joseph, the first sovereign of the existing Tutte was produced in an English form at this ON Tuesday Mozart's admired opera Così Fan being of the best and purest kinds, will no dynasty. What he began, Louis, the present theatre, under the odd title of Tit for Tat. doubt be a great temptation to the higher and monarch, has completed, with a wisdom, a It was what the play-bills would call most more respectable orders of citizens, their wives perseverance, and a self-devotion, worthy of and families, to hurry in numbers to Vauxhall: the highest praise. Accustomed from his triumphantly successful, and has been repeated but as we would also humanely like to do earliest youth to serious studies; formed in every night to crowded houses. The music, something for the gratification of the less ele- the school of the most remarkable men of his under the direction of Mr. Hawes, is, indeed, vated and refined classes, we beg to suggest the age; for a long time suffering under adversity; a supreme treat; and his presiding at the expediency of a "little go" of gin, and gin and this august prince became wise before he be piano-forte produces an excellent effect throughbitters, for the benefit of parties to whom these came a king, and became great before he out, both on the stage and in the orchestra. potations may be more agreeable. Five hun- became powerful. The early acts of his reign Dorabella, Miss Betts and Miss Cawse; DeThe parts are cast as follows:-Fiordiligi and dred free tickets, with supper and a quart of evinced a plan which had been nobly pre-spina, Mad. Feron; Ferrando and Guglielmo, Deady's Entire of the first quality, with half meditated. He cheered up the drooping spirits Mr. Wood and Mr. Thorne; and Alfonso, a pint of "fine old" bitters, would greatly of his subjects. Literary works ceased to be Mr. Phillips. In spite of the absurdity of the improve the design, and add much to the hila- submitted to the veto of the censor; the peority and politeness of the festival. It is true ple resumed their ancient habits; the charter plot, and the awkwardness of having every that gin cannot be bought or made at so cheap of Joseph, completed by the requisite laws, and thing done by couples, (the two ladies, the two a rate as wine, especially the claret and cham- joined to a government wisely monarchical, parately, go off with sufficient effect; but the lovers, and the two plotters,) the incidents, sepagne sorts, and therefore even the extravagant and reviving the national glory, threw a new charm of all lies in the delicious and varied managers of Vauxhall might object to this ex-lustre on the Bavarian throne. Religious dis


pense; but we are sure, if they will only in-sensions had manifested themselves in various harmony with which the piece is teeming. The dulge the public taste, and amend the popular parts of the kingdom, and the different parties performers exerted themselves much, and dismorals, by acting on this hint, they will be appeared ready to engage in open conflict. An played even more talent than we anticipated. cheerfully allowed to save the cost in another illustrious example was set them by their Phillips's rich tones are quite beautiful in the concerted compositions; and Mad. Feron looks mode. They may discontinue the hydro-pyric prince, who, eminently pious himself, granted fire-works, and all other sights whatever; for to every sect impartial protection, and cherished as fat and round as a barrel-organ, pouring out the company will be so wrapt in their own in- a profound religious peace. Public instruction tion the other vocalists with much applause, her pleasing notes. We ought also to menternal enjoyments, that they will care for no- had not hitherto been associated with morals. for their exertions well merit it, and must thing else. The juvenile nights, too, may be The king united them: he endeavoured to more frequently and profitably repeated with procure for his people the benefits of modern ensure Tit for Tat a prosperous run during the season. the same entertainments; and all rational knowledge, without withholding from them parents will take their children, with similar the indispensable consolations of religion and MR. LAPORTE has, we hear, agreed to take views to those of the ancient Spartans on the morality. "Enlighten and amend my sub. the King's Theatre again next season, giving a days when they exhibited the Helotes in all jects," said he one day to his ministers; "for rent of £13,000 instead of £8000. their glory. Upon the whole, we are convinced Christian piety is not the daughter of igthat this scheme will amazingly promote the norance.' interests of these well-managed gardens, and - Literature, painting, and sculpture, had THE French critics speak in terms of the that they will acquire such influence with the scarcely assumed in Germany a decided cha- highest admiration of Macready's William Tell. community at large as never more to fear any racter." From the sixteenth century, the taste" Happy are the London authors," remarks magisterial questioning about licenses: at all of the great, when they had any, exhausted one of them," who possess a poet-actor, caevents, they can take license enough, and itself in objects of mere curiosity, or in col-pable of imparting substance and soul to their without encouraging licentiousness, afford the lections formed on the suggestions of individual sketches. It is impossible to approach more


Neque enim pietas ignorantiæ filia.


nearly than Macready does to the ideal of Wil- Sir Walter Scott. The "Tales of a Grand- that fewer than 24,000 of these communes have iam Tell. His gesture, his walk, his attitudes, father" have been translated into French. schools for boys; that the schools in those all his manners, are those of a mountaineer." The first merit with which one is struck," communes, to the number of 27,000, receive With what ease he handles the iron-pointed says a French critic, " in reading this history, 1,070,000 children; that the number of girls pole which is to support him on the ice! In composed by Sir Walter Scott for his grandson, educated at schools does not exceed 430,000; the commencement of the scene of the oath of is the ingenious and amiable art with which and, consequently, that 4,000,000 of children Rutly, how his voice, summoning his com- the illustrious author accommodates himself to are still in need of instruction. Great hopes rades, resounds among the rocks, and appears so young a mind. His work is, nevertheless, are, however, entertained that this desirable to prolong its echo in the mountains! When, well deserving the attention of readers of ma- object may be accomplished; and it is said on his return home, he amuses himself by giv- turer age and more extensive information." that, in the next session, a law on the subject ing his son a lesson on the bow, all his move- By way, I believe, of raising the wind, Mr. will be proposed for the consideration of the ments are simple, beautiful, true. But see,Cartigny, of the Théâtre Français, who is con- French chambers. a poor old man, whom the cruel Gesler has just sidered a distinguished actor, has commenced M. Chloris. This young Russian (the son, deprived of sight, appears! Behold, how all giving lessons of declamation in the Rue Chan- however, of German parents), who was an Tell's faculties are suspended! His whole soul tereine; where the curious, who wish to see artist of considerable talents, and who at twenty is concentered in the look with which he re- the rise and progress of theatrical talent, may, years of age accompanied Kotzebue in his voygards the miserable sufferer. At length, his on condition of argent comptant, witness the per-age round the world, has lately, we are con passion bursts forth in imprecations; it is so formance of young beginners.-Paris Letter. cerned to say, been assassinated at Mexico. terrible and vehement, that it suffocates him; America. The following is said to be (as An English gentleman, of the name of Henhe calls for water, which he is unable to drink. far as it goes) a correct statistical view of Ame-derson, who was travelling with him, was se, But he will punish the crime !-that thought rica, at the close of the year 1826 :— verely wounded, but escaped. consoles him. To these follow a succession of scenes, which must be witnessed by those who wish to know how far the force of action can go, and what a crowd of profound, tender, and vehement feelings Macready is gifted with the power of expressing. Never did we observe a whole audience experience a more overwhelming or a more prolonged emotion."


French Press. During the last year, the number of successful prosecutions against the periodical press in Paris was six; that of successful prosecutions against the periodical press in the departments, three. The number of successful prosecutions against the other branches of the press was in Paris four; in the departments, three.

Balloons. Balloon ascents have long ceased to have any philosophical or useful purpose attached to them; and have become mere pup. pet-shows, the more or less attractive as the fools who go up with them run the more or less risk. Of this we have had two specimens this week; one near Manchester, where a person of the name of Green mounted with a bal. loon so torn that the gas escaped at several holes, and he could only be whirled aloft, clinging to a hoop, for six or eight minutes, by the crazy engine and another near London, also by an individual called Green, who rose on the back of a pony. We do not know that the police have a right to interfere with the actions of any ass, if confined to himself; but, surely, on the Martin-et Act against cruelty to animals, a horse may be protected from such ridicule and danger. Luckily, on the present occasion, the modern Pegasus had merely a capriole in the air; and the badauds of London were hugely delighted with the sight of a horse and another beast of a not very different species flying in the clouds together.

The French child, mentioned in our Paris letters, with the name of Buonaparte on its eye, has come to London for a show; and it is said that Mr. Hamlet has offered £10,000 for it, to attract folks to his Bazar !!


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[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][merged small]

5,000,000 30,000

5,779 25

250,000? 5,000

[ocr errors]



[blocks in formation]

3,500 ..
7,500,000 22,750 1
2,800,000 32,366




[blocks in formation]

35,400 67,000 1,930,000?

[blocks in formation]




[blocks in formation]

The United States of North America....
The United States of Mexico............
The United States of Central America...
Empire of the Brazils
The Republic of Columbia ...
The United States of the Rio de la Plata
The Republic of Higher Peru
The Republic of Lower Peru
The Republic of Chili..........

The Republic of Hayti ...
The Directorate of Paraguay.

English America........
Spanish America
French America ·
Danish America



Dutch America




Russian America

powder-magazine at Bay

Ultramarine.Artificial ultramarine, said to be of a better quality than the finest specimens of natural ultramarine hitherto exhibited in the shops, is now selling in Paris at twenty-five francs (about a guinea) an ounce; being a third of the price of the best natural ultramarine.


A small volume, to be entitled Hints to Counsel, Coroners, and Juries, on the Examination of Medical Witnesses, by Dr. Gordon Smith, will shortly appear.

Mr. B. R. Green is preparing for publication a Numismatic Chart, comprising a series of 350 Grecian coins of kings, arranged in chronological order, from their earliest period to the beginning of the fourth century, executed on stone: the gold and bronze coins to be coloured. The object of the undertaking will be the elucidation of Grecian History through the medium of coins. The selection will chiefly comprise the series of the Macedonian and Sicilian kings, the various kingdoms of Asia Minor, those of Egypt and Numidia, of Syria, Parthia, and Armenia. The work will be accompanied with descriptive letter-press, and dedicated, by permission, to the Earl of Aberdeen.

A sixth edition of Montgomery's Omnipresence of the Deity is about to appear.

In the Press-Conversations on Geology, in a duodecimo volume, with Engravings.


A Spinster's Tour in France and Italy, 12mo. 108. 6d. bds.-Stafford on Strictures of the Urethra, 8vo. 68. bds. -Duppa's Travels in Sicily, post 8vo. 8. bds.-Captain Beauclerk's Journey to Marocco, 8vo. 14. 18. bds.-Mitchell on the Ergot of Rye, 8vo. 6s. bds.-Pinnock's Grammar of Modern Geography, 18mo. 58. sheep.-Burrows on Insanity, 8vo. 18s. bds. Stewart's Compendium of Modern Geography, 18mo.3s. 6d. sheep.-Anderson's Sketches of the Ancient Native Irish, 12mo. 5s. 6d. bds.-Leslie's Rudiments of Plane Geometry, 8vo. 78. 6d. bds.

[blocks in formation]

onne was lately struck with lightning, although METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL, 1828.
furnished with a paratonnère constructed on
principles hitherto supposed to be completely
efficacious. The subject has been submitted to
the consideration of the Académie des Sciences,
in order that, if possible, the cause of the acci-
dent may be detected, and the means provided
of preventing its recurrence.

Saturday 19
Sunday 20
.... 21
Tuesday 22
Wednesday 23

Wind prevailing S.W.



29.66 Stat. 29.58 to 29.55



29.48 - 29.49

[blocks in formation]

Generally cloudy, with almost incessant rain.
Rain fallen, 1∙175 of an inch.
From 68. to 64.
56. - 68.
53. - 66.
49. - 66.
54. - 66.

Electricity. By various experiments recently
made to ascertain the electrical effects which
result from the friction of metals with one an-Thursday.. 24
other, it appears, that in the following order,
viz.-bismuth, nickel, cobalt, palladium, pla-
tina, lead, tin, gold, silver, copper, zinc, iron,
cadmium, antimony, each metal is positive
with reference to the metals which precede it,
and negative with reference to the metals

Denmark. The number of periodicals of all
kinds in Denmark amounts in the present
year to eighty. M. Gräter, of Ulm, who
stands so high for his knowledge of northern which follow it.
literature, has given, in No. XCIII. and Education in France.-At a recent meeting
XCIX. of the Ausland, an excellent account of of the Society in Paris for the promotion of
all the periodical works now extant in Den-elementary instruction, one of the secretaries
mark, as communicated to him by a learned read a paper, from which it appears, that the
friend and native of the country. The first number of children in France to whom it is
Danish newspaper, it appears, was published
in 1644, in the reign of Christian IV., under
the title of Der ordinare Courant,

[merged small][ocr errors]


[blocks in formation]

29.61 to 29.58
29.68 -






[blocks in formation]

.... 25
Saturday .. 26
Sunday.... 27
Monday .. 28
Wednesday 30
Prevailing wind N.W. and S.W.

Except the 29th and 30th, generally cloudy, with frequent heavy showers.

Rain fallen, 925 of an inch.

Latitude...... 51° 37' 32" N.
Longitude.... 0 3 51 W. of Greenwich.


The foolish, not to say impertinent, letter of thanks for our notice of some Music on the 12th of July, must proceed either from female or foreign ignorance of the character of the Literary Gazette. As it is anonymous, we can only, as usual, benchit a charity

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